## 0.2.1 [2021.09.16] * The lifting functions have been modified to reduce splice time for constructors with many fields from quadratic to linear. This probably only has a modest impact on total compilation time. * `genericLift`, `genericLiftTyped`, `genericLiftTypedExp`, and `genericLiftTypedCompat` functions now work for GHC 7.4 and above for types that derive `Typeable`. * `genericLiftWithPkgFallback`, `genericLiftTypedWithPkgFallback`, `genericLiftTypedExpWithPkgFallback`, and `genericLiftTypedCompatWithPkgFallback` functions have been added that take advantage of `Typeable` instances for GHC 7.4 and above but also take a user-provided package name for earlier versions. ## 0.2 [2020.09.30] * `genericLiftTyped` and `genericLiftTypedWithPkg` now return a `Code` instead of a `TExp` to reflect the type of `liftTyped` changing in `template-haskell-`. New functions `genericLiftTypedTExp` and `genericLiftTypedTExpWithPkg` have been added for those who wish to return `TExp` specifically. In addition, the functions `genericLiftTypedCompat` and `genericLiftTypedCompatWithPkg` have been introduced which return a `Code` on `template-haskell-` or later, but a `TExp` on older versions of `template-haskell`. These functions are most useful for implementing `liftTyped` in a `Lift` instance in a backwards-compatible way. The `th-compat` library is used to backport the `Code` data type back to versions of `template-haskell` that do not define it. * The functions in `Language.Haskell.TH.Lift.Generics` are now generalized to work over any `Quote` instance instead of hardcoding `Q`. Again, the `th-compat` library is used to backport `Quote` to old versions of `template-haskell` that do not define it. * Make `genericLift` work properly for empty data types. ### 0.1.3 [2019.11.26] * Add `genericLiftTyped` and `genericLiftTypedWithPkg`. ### 0.1.2 * Add a case for `V1` (i.e., empty data types), which diverges in the way you'd expect. ### 0.1.1 * Fix test suite on GHC 8.0 ## 0.1 * Initial commit