{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | Visualize one-dimensional series data as lines.
module Web.Lightning.Plots.ScatterStream
  , Visualization (..)
  , streamingScatterPlot

import           Control.Monad.Reader

import           Data.Aeson
import           Data.Default.Class
import qualified Data.Text                         as T

import qualified Web.Lightning.Routes              as R
import           Web.Lightning.Types.Lightning
import           Web.Lightning.Types.Visualization (Visualization (..))
import           Web.Lightning.Utilities

-- | Scatter plot parameters
data ScatterStreamPlot =
  ScatterStreamPlot { sspX             :: [Double]
                      -- ^ List of x points.
                    , sspY             :: [Double]
                      -- ^ List of y points.
                    , sspValues        :: Maybe [Double]
                      -- ^ Values to set node colors via a linear scale.
                    , sspLabels        :: Maybe [T.Text]
                      -- ^ List of text labels to set tooltips.
                    , sspColor         :: Maybe [Int]
                      -- ^ List of rgb values to set colors.
                    , sspGroup         :: Maybe [Int]
                      -- ^ List to set colors via groups.
                    , sspColorMap      :: Maybe T.Text
                      -- ^ Specification of color map; only colorbrewer types supported.
                    , sspSize          :: Maybe [Int]
                      -- ^ List to set point sizes.
                    , sspXaxis         :: Maybe T.Text
                      -- ^ Label for x-axis.
                    , sspYaxis         :: Maybe T.Text
                      -- ^ Label for y-axis.
                    , sspToolTips      :: Maybe Bool
                      -- ^ Whether or not to display tooltips.
                    , sspZoom          :: Maybe Bool
                      -- ^ Whether or not to allow zooming.
                    , sspBrush         :: Maybe Bool
                      -- ^ Whether or not to support brushing.
                    , sspVisualization :: Maybe Visualization
                      -- ^ The visualization to update. If Nothing, create
  deriving (Show)

instance Default ScatterStreamPlot where
  def = ScatterStreamPlot [] [] Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
          Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just True) (Just True) (Just True) Nothing

instance ToJSON ScatterStreamPlot where
  toJSON (ScatterStreamPlot xs ys vs ls cs gs cm ss xa ya t z b _) =
    omitNulls [ "points"    .= getPoints xs ys
              , "values"    .= vs
              , "labels"    .= ls
              , "color"     .= cs
              , "group"     .= gs
              , "colormap"  .= cm
              , "size"      .= ss
              , "xaxis"     .= xa
              , "yaxis"     .= ya
              , "tooltips"  .= t
              , "zoom"      .= z
              , "brush"     .= b

instance ValidatablePlot ScatterStreamPlot where
  validatePlot (ScatterStreamPlot xs ys v lbl c grp cm s xa ya tt z b viz) = do
    (xs', ys') <- validateCoordinates xs ys
    c' <- validateColor c
    cm' <- validateColorMap cm
    s' <- validateSize s
    return $ ScatterStreamPlot xs' ys' v lbl c' grp cm' s' xa ya tt z b viz

-- | Create a streaming scatter plot of x and y.
-- Plotting once returns a visualization on which 'append' can be called to add new data
-- in a streaming fashion. The opacity of old and new data is automatically set
-- to highlight the most recent data and fade old data away.
-- <http://lightning-viz.org/visualizations/streaming/ Streaming Scatter Visualization>
streamingScatterPlot :: Monad m => ScatterStreamPlot
                                   -- ^ Scatter plot to create / update.
                                -> LightningT m Visualization
                                   -- ^ Transformer stack with created visualization.
streamingScatterPlot slp = do
  url <- ask
  viz' <- streamPlot (sspVisualization slp) "scatter-streaming" slp R.plot
  return $ viz' { vizBaseUrl = Just url }