# lima Sync your `README` with your `Haskell` codebase. ## Supported formats Convert files between: - `Haskell` (`.hs`) - `Literate Haskell` (`.lhs`) - `GitHub Flavored Markdown` (`.md`) - `TeX` (`.tex`) ## Related works - [LiterateMarkdown](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/LiterateMarkdown) - `lima` is a fork of this abandoned project. - [pandoc](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/pandoc) - [supports](https://www.uv.es/wikibase/doc/cas/pandoc_manual_instalado.wiki?60) `Literate Haskell` and a ton of other formats. - [IHaskell](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/ihaskell) - create `Jupyter` notebooks with `Haskell` code cells and `GitHub Flavored Markdown` text cells. - [lhs2tex](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/lhs2tex) - convert `Literate Haskell` to `TeX`. - [agda2lagda](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/agda2lagda) - Generate a literate Agda/Haskell script from an Agda/Haskell script. Produces LaTeX or Markdown literate scripts. - [markdown-unlit](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/markdown-unlit) - `markdown-unlit` is a custom unlit program. It can be used to extract Haskell code from Markdown files. - [unlit](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/unlit) - Tool to convert literate code between styles or to code. - [design-tools](https://github.com/isovector/design-tools) - a Pandoc filter for building a book from Markdown. ## Scope `lima` focuses on converting documents between formats and allows to concatenate documents. Other scenarios, e.g., inlining a document into a document, may require specialized tools. ## Demo ### Markdown [.hs](./testdata/md/test.hs) and [.md](./testdata/md/test.md) ![demo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/deemp/lima/main/README/md-demo-hs-md-preview.png) ### TeX [.hs](./testdata/tex/test.hs) and [.lhs](./testdata/tex/test.lhs) and [.tex](./testdata/tex/test.tex) ![demo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/deemp/lima/main/README/tex-demo-hs-lhs-tex.png) ## Ideas - A document is a text in a supported format. - I introduced tags into supported formats. - E.g., in `.hs` documents, tags are multiline comments written on a single line like '`{- LIMA_ENABLE -}`'. - Tag names are configurable. - A user may set '`on`' instead of '`LIMA_ENABLE`'. - A document can be parsed into a list of tokens. - Tags affect document parsing. - The tokens can be printed back to that document. - Formatting a document is printing a parsed document back to itself. - Formatting is idempotent. In other words, formatting the document again won't change its content. - The `lima` library provides a parser and a printer for each supported format. - A composition of a printer after a parser produces a converter. - Such a converter is usually invertible for a formatted document. - Converting a document `A` to a document `B`, then converting `B` to `A` doesn't change the content of `A`. ## Suggested setup 1. Create a test suite. `README.hs` may be its main file. 1. Add `lima` and `text` to its dependencies. 1. Create a test module. It may have the following content. ```haskell import Lima.Converter (Format (..), convertTo, def) import Data.Text.IO qualified as T main :: IO () main = T.readFile "README.hs" >>= T.writeFile "README.md" . (Hs `convertTo` Md) def ``` This package has three such test suites: - [readme](README.hs) converts `README.hs` to `README.md`. `README.hs` is its main file. - [readme-hs-to-md](test/HsToMd/Main.hs) converts `README.hs` to `README.md`. - [readme-md-to-hs](test/MdToHs/Main.hs) converts `README.md` to `README.hs`. ## Suggested workflow Here's a suggested workflow for `Haskell` and `Markdown`: 1. Edit the code in a `README.hs` using [Haskell Language Server](https://github.com/haskell/haskell-language-server). 1. Convert `README.hs` to a `README.md`. Comments from `README.hs` become text in `README.md`. 1. Edit the text in `README.md` using [markdownlint](https://github.com/DavidAnson/markdownlint). 1. Convert `README.md` back to the `README.hs` to keep files in sync. Text from `README.md` becomes comments in `README.hs`. 1. Repeat. ## Contribute Clone this repo and enter `lima`. ```console git clone https://github.com/deemp/lima cd lima ``` ### cabal Build ```console cabal update cabal build ``` ### nix 1. [Install](https://github.com/deemp/flakes/blob/main/README/InstallNix.md) `Nix`. 1. Run a devshell and build `lima` using the project's `cabal`: ```console nix develop nix-dev/ cabal build ``` 1. Optionally, start `VSCodium`: ```console nix run nix-dev/#writeSettings nix run nix-dev/#codium . ``` 1. Open a `Haskell` file there, hover over a term and wait until `HLS` shows hints. 1. [Troubleshoot](https://github.com/deemp/flakes/blob/main/README/Troubleshooting.md) if necessary.