module Numeric.Limp.Program.Constraint where import Numeric.Limp.Program.Linear import Numeric.Limp.Program.ResultKind import Data.Monoid -- | Different kind of constraints. -- -- These are not all necessary, but I have a hunch that keeping some structure may be helpful in the future. -- -- Constructors: -- -- [@:==@] Equality constraint -- -- [@:<=@] Less than or equal -- -- [@:<@] Strictly less than: this is only allowed for purely integer functions -- -- [@:>=@] Greater than or equal -- -- [@:>@] Strictly greater than: this is only allowed for purely integer functions -- -- [@Between@] @Between a b c@ is equivalent to @a :<= b :&& b :<= c@ -- -- [@:&&@] Conjunction of two constraints -- -- [@:!@] @"name" :! constr@ Annotate a constraint with a name, or other useless information -- -- [@CTrue@] Trivially true constraint -- data Constraint z r c where (:==) :: Linear z r c k1 -> Linear z r c k2 -> Constraint z r c (:<=) :: Linear z r c k1 -> Linear z r c k2 -> Constraint z r c (:<) :: Linear z r c KZ -> Linear z r c KZ -> Constraint z r c (:>=) :: Linear z r c k1 -> Linear z r c k2 -> Constraint z r c (:>) :: Linear z r c KZ -> Linear z r c KZ -> Constraint z r c Between :: Linear z r c k1 -> Linear z r c k2 -> Linear z r c k3 -> Constraint z r c (:&&) :: Constraint z r c -> Constraint z r c -> Constraint z r c (:!) :: String -> Constraint z r c -> Constraint z r c CTrue :: Constraint z r c infix 5 :== infix 5 :<= infix 5 :< infix 5 :>= infix 5 :> infix 4 :! infixr 3 :&& instance Monoid (Constraint z r c) where mempty = CTrue mappend = (:&&)