{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} module Line.Messaging.API.TypesSpecHelper where import Text.RawString.QQ import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL textMessageableResult :: BL.ByteString textMessageableResult = [r| { "type": "text", "text": "Hello, world" } |] imageMessageableResult :: BL.ByteString imageMessageableResult = [r| { "type": "image", "originalContentUrl": "https://example.com/original.jpg", "previewImageUrl": "https://example.com/preview.jpg" } |] videoMessageableResult :: BL.ByteString videoMessageableResult = [r| { "type": "video", "originalContentUrl": "https://example.com/original.mp4", "previewImageUrl": "https://example.com/preview.jpg" } |] audioMessageableResult :: BL.ByteString audioMessageableResult = [r| { "type": "audio", "originalContentUrl": "https://example.com/original.m4a", "duration": 240000 } |] locationMessageableResult :: BL.ByteString locationMessageableResult = [r| { "type": "location", "title": "my location", "address": "some address", "latitude": 35.65910807942215, "longitude": 139.70372892916203 } |] stickerMessageableResult :: BL.ByteString stickerMessageableResult = [r| { "type": "sticker", "packageId": "1", "stickerId": "1" } |] imageMapMessageableResult :: BL.ByteString imageMapMessageableResult = [r| { "type": "imagemap", "baseUrl": "https://example.com/bot/images/rm001", "altText": "this is an imagemap", "baseSize": { "height": 1040, "width": 1040 }, "actions": [ { "type": "uri", "linkUri": "https://example.com/", "area": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 520, "height": 1040 } }, { "type": "message", "text": "hello", "area": { "x": 520, "y": 0, "width": 520, "height": 1040 } } ] } |] buttonsTemplateMessageableResult :: BL.ByteString buttonsTemplateMessageableResult = [r| { "type": "template", "altText": "this is a buttons template", "template": { "type": "buttons", "thumbnailImageUrl": "https://example.com/bot/images/image.jpg", "title": "Menu", "text": "Please select", "actions": [ { "type": "postback", "label": "Buy", "data": "action=buy&itemid=123" }, { "type": "postback", "label": "Add to cart", "data": "action=add&itemid=123" }, { "type": "uri", "label": "View detail", "uri": "http://example.com/page/123" } ] } } |] confirmTemplateMessageableResult :: BL.ByteString confirmTemplateMessageableResult = [r| { "type": "template", "altText": "this is a confirm template", "template": { "type": "confirm", "text": "Are you sure?", "actions": [ { "type": "message", "label": "Yes", "text": "yes" }, { "type": "message", "label": "No", "text": "no" } ] } } |] carouselTemplateMessageableResult :: BL.ByteString carouselTemplateMessageableResult = [r| { "type": "template", "altText": "this is a carousel template", "template": { "type": "carousel", "columns": [ { "thumbnailImageUrl": "https://example.com/bot/images/item1.jpg", "title": "this is menu", "text": "description", "actions": [ { "type": "postback", "label": "Buy", "data": "action=buy&itemid=111" }, { "type": "postback", "label": "Add to cart", "data": "action=add&itemid=111" }, { "type": "uri", "label": "View detail", "uri": "http://example.com/page/111" } ] }, { "thumbnailImageUrl": "https://example.com/bot/images/item2.jpg", "title": "this is menu", "text": "description", "actions": [ { "type": "postback", "label": "Buy", "data": "action=buy&itemid=222" }, { "type": "postback", "label": "Add to cart", "data": "action=add&itemid=222" }, { "type": "uri", "label": "View detail", "uri": "http://example.com/page/222" } ] } ] } } |] fullProfile :: BL.ByteString fullProfile = [r| { "userId": "123", "displayName": "Jun", "pictureUrl": "https://example.com/profile.jpg", "statusMessage": "some status message" } |] noPicProfile :: BL.ByteString noPicProfile = [r| { "userId": "123", "displayName": "Jun", "pictureUrl": null, "statusMessage": "some status message" } |] noDescProfile :: BL.ByteString noDescProfile = [r| { "userId": "123", "displayName": "Jun", "pictureUrl": "https://example.com/profile.jpg", "statusMessage": null } |] simpleProfile :: BL.ByteString simpleProfile = [r| { "userId": "123", "displayName": "Jun", "pictureUrl": null, "statusMessage": null } |] badProfile :: BL.ByteString badProfile = [r| { "userId'": "123", "displayName": "Jun", "pictureUrl": "https://example.com/profile.jpg", "statusMessage": null } |] simpleError :: BL.ByteString simpleError = [r| { "message":"Invalid reply token" } |] complexError :: BL.ByteString complexError = [r| { "message":"The request body has 2 error(s)", "details":[ {"message":"May not be empty","property":"messages[0].text"}, {"message":"Must be one of the following values: [text, image, video, audio, location, sticker, template, imagemap]","property":"messages[1].type"} ] } |] badError :: BL.ByteString badError = [r| { "massage": "no message, yes massage" } |]