# vim: nospell # # Basic template to test with GHC=[7.8, 7.10, 8.0]. Caches the 'stack' build # directory to speed subsequent compilations. # language: generic dist: trusty sudo: false cache: directories: - $HOME/.stack - .stack-work/install before_cache: - rm -rf $(stack path --local-install-root)/bin - rm -rf $(stack path --local-install-root)/doc addons: apt: sources: &apt_sources - hvr-ghc - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test packages: &apt_packages - libgmp-dev - happy-1.19.5 - alex-3.1.7 matrix: include: - env: GHC=7.8.4 CABAL=1.24 compiler: "GHC 7.8" addons: { apt: { sources: [ *apt_sources ], packages: [ *apt_packages, cabal-install-1.24 ] }} - env: GHC=7.10.3 CABAL=1.24 compiler: "GHC 7.10" addons: { apt: { sources: [ *apt_sources ], packages: [ *apt_packages, cabal-install-1.24 ] }} - env: GHC=8.0.2 CABAL=1.24 compiler: "GHC 8.0" addons: { apt: { sources: [ *apt_sources ], packages: [ *apt_packages, cabal-install-1.24 ] }} - env: GHC=8.2.0 CABAL=1.24 compiler: "GHC 8.2" addons: { apt: { sources: [ *apt_sources ], packages: [ *apt_packages, cabal-install-1.24 ] }} # - env: GHC=head CABAL=head # compiler: "GHC HEAD" # addons: { apt: { sources: [ *apt_sources ], packages: [ *apt_packages, ghc-head, cabal-install-head ] }} # allow_failures: # - env: GHC=head CABAL=head fast_finish: true before_install: - export PATH=/opt/cabal/$CABAL/bin:/opt/alex/3.1.7/bin:/opt/happy/1.19.5/bin:$HOME/.cabal/bin:$PATH - source .travis/install-stack.sh install: - echo "$(ghc --version) [$(ghc --print-project-git-commit-id 2> /dev/null || echo '?')]" - cabal --version - stack --version - | if [ ${GHC} == head -o ! -e stack.yaml ]; then travis_retry cabal install --only-dependencies else travis_retry stack build --only-dependencies --no-terminal --no-haddock-deps fi script: - | if [ ${GHC} == head -o ! -e stack.yaml ]; then cabal install cabal haddock else stack test --no-terminal --haddock --no-haddock-deps fi after_success: - source .travis/update-accelerate-buildbot.sh notifications: irc: channels: - "irc.freenode.org#haskell-lens" skip_join: true template: - "\x0313linear-accelerate\x03/\x0306%{branch}\x03 \x0314%{commit}\x03 %{build_url} %{message}"