{-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp -fglasgow-exts #-} {- For Hugs, use the option -F"cpp -P -traditional" -} module LinearScan.Split where import Debug.Trace (trace, traceShow) import qualified Prelude import qualified Data.IntMap import qualified Data.IntSet import qualified Data.List import qualified Data.Ord import qualified Data.Functor.Identity import qualified LinearScan.Utils import qualified LinearScan.Datatypes as Datatypes import qualified LinearScan.Interval as Interval import qualified LinearScan.Lib as Lib import qualified LinearScan.Logic as Logic import qualified LinearScan.Morph as Morph import qualified LinearScan.ScanState as ScanState import qualified LinearScan.Eqtype as Eqtype import qualified LinearScan.Fintype as Fintype import qualified LinearScan.Seq as Seq import qualified LinearScan.Ssrbool as Ssrbool import qualified LinearScan.Ssrnat as Ssrnat --unsafeCoerce :: a -> b #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ import qualified GHC.Base as GHC.Base unsafeCoerce = GHC.Base.unsafeCoerce# #else -- HUGS import qualified LinearScan.IOExts as IOExts unsafeCoerce = IOExts.unsafeCoerce #endif __ :: any __ = Prelude.error "Logical or arity value used" type PhysReg = Prelude.Int data SplitPosition = BeforePos Lib.Coq_oddnum | EndOfLifetimeHole Lib.Coq_oddnum splitPosition :: Interval.IntervalDesc -> SplitPosition -> Lib.Coq_oddnum splitPosition d pos = case pos of { BeforePos n -> n; EndOfLifetimeHole n -> Interval.afterLifetimeHole (Interval.getIntervalDesc d) n} splitUnhandledInterval :: Prelude.Int -> ScanState.ScanStateDesc -> ScanState.IntervalId -> Prelude.Int -> ([] ((,) ScanState.IntervalId Prelude.Int)) -> SplitPosition -> Prelude.Either Morph.SSError (Prelude.Maybe ScanState.ScanStateSig) splitUnhandledInterval maxReg sd uid beg us pos = let { _evar_0_ = \_nextInterval_ ints _fixedIntervals_ unh _active_ _inactive_ _handled_ uid0 us0 -> let {int = LinearScan.Utils.nth _nextInterval_ ints uid0} in let {splitPos = splitPosition ( int) pos} in let { _evar_0_ = \_ -> let { _evar_0_ = \iv ib ie rds -> let { _top_assumption_ = Interval.splitInterval (Interval.Build_IntervalDesc iv ib ie rds) splitPos} in let { _evar_0_ = \i0 i1 -> let { _evar_0_ = let { _evar_0_ = \_ _ -> let { _evar_0_ = \_discharged_uid_ _discharged_us_ -> Logic.coq_False_rect} in let { _evar_0_0 = \x xs uid1 us1 -> (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) __ (\_ -> let { _evar_0_0 = \_ -> (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) __ (let { _evar_0_0 = let { _evar_0_0 = (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) __ (\_ _ -> Prelude.Right (Prelude.Just (ScanState.packScanState maxReg ScanState.InUse (ScanState.Build_ScanStateDesc ((Prelude.succ) _nextInterval_) (LinearScan.Utils.snoc _nextInterval_ (LinearScan.Utils.set_nth _nextInterval_ ints uid1 ( i0)) ( i1)) _fixedIntervals_ (Lib.insert (Lib.lebf Prelude.snd) ((,) ( _nextInterval_) (Interval.ibeg ( i1))) ((:) (Prelude.id ((,) uid1 beg)) (Prelude.map Prelude.id us1))) (Prelude.map Prelude.id _active_) (Prelude.map Prelude.id _inactive_) (Prelude.map Prelude.id _handled_)))))} in _evar_0_0} in _evar_0_0)} in _evar_0_0 __)} in case unh of { [] -> _evar_0_ uid0 us0; (:) x x0 -> _evar_0_0 x x0 uid0 us0}} in _evar_0_ __} in _evar_0_ __} in case _top_assumption_ of { (,) x x0 -> _evar_0_ x x0}} in case int of { Interval.Build_IntervalDesc x x0 x1 x2 -> _evar_0_ x x0 x1 x2}} in let { _evar_0_0 = \_ -> Prelude.Left (Morph.ENoValidSplitPositionUnh ( uid0) splitPos)} in case (Prelude.&&) ((Prelude.<=) ((Prelude.succ) (Interval.ibeg ( int))) splitPos) ((Prelude.<=) splitPos (Interval.iend ( int))) of { Prelude.True -> _evar_0_ __; Prelude.False -> _evar_0_0 __}} in case sd of { ScanState.Build_ScanStateDesc x x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 -> _evar_0_ x x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 uid us} splitCurrentInterval :: Prelude.Int -> ScanState.ScanStateDesc -> SplitPosition -> Morph.SState () () () splitCurrentInterval maxReg pre pos ssi = let { _evar_0_ = \desc -> let {_evar_0_ = \_ _ _ _ _ -> Logic.coq_False_rect} in let { _evar_0_0 = \_top_assumption_ -> let { _evar_0_0 = \uid beg us -> let { _evar_0_0 = \_nextInterval_ intervals0 _fixedIntervals_ unhandled0 _active_ _inactive_ _handled_ uid0 us0 _top_assumption_0 -> let {_evar_0_0 = \err -> Prelude.Left err} in let { _evar_0_1 = \_top_assumption_1 -> let { _evar_0_1 = \_top_assumption_2 -> Prelude.Right ((,) () (Morph.Build_SSInfo _top_assumption_2 __))} in let { _evar_0_2 = Prelude.Left (Morph.ECannotSplitSingleton1 ( uid0))} in case _top_assumption_1 of { Prelude.Just x -> _evar_0_1 x; Prelude.Nothing -> _evar_0_2}} in case _top_assumption_0 of { Prelude.Left x -> _evar_0_0 x; Prelude.Right x -> _evar_0_1 x}} in case desc of { ScanState.Build_ScanStateDesc x x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 -> _evar_0_0 x x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 uid us (splitUnhandledInterval maxReg desc uid beg us pos)}} in (\us _ _ _ _ _ -> case _top_assumption_ of { (,) x x0 -> _evar_0_0 x x0 us})} in case ScanState.unhandled maxReg desc of { [] -> _evar_0_ __ __ __ __; (:) x x0 -> _evar_0_0 x x0 __ __ __ __}} in case ssi of { Morph.Build_SSInfo x x0 -> _evar_0_ x __} splitActiveOrInactiveInterval :: Prelude.Int -> ScanState.ScanStateDesc -> ScanState.IntervalId -> Prelude.Int -> ([] ((,) ScanState.IntervalId Prelude.Int)) -> ScanState.IntervalId -> SplitPosition -> Prelude.Either Morph.SSError (Prelude.Maybe ScanState.ScanStateSig) splitActiveOrInactiveInterval maxReg sd uid beg us xid pos = let { _evar_0_ = \_nextInterval_ ints _fixedIntervals_ unh _active_ _inactive_ _handled_ uid0 us0 xid0 -> let {int = LinearScan.Utils.nth _nextInterval_ ints xid0} in let {splitPos = splitPosition ( int) pos} in let { _evar_0_ = \_ -> let { _evar_0_ = \iv ib ie rds -> let { _top_assumption_ = Interval.splitInterval (Interval.Build_IntervalDesc iv ib ie rds) splitPos} in let { _evar_0_ = \i0 i1 -> let { _evar_0_ = let { _evar_0_ = \_ _ -> let { _evar_0_ = \_top_assumption_0 -> let { _evar_0_ = \_ -> (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) __ (let { _evar_0_ = let { _evar_0_ = \_ _ -> Prelude.Left (Morph.ENoValidSplitPosition ( xid0) _top_assumption_0)} in let { _evar_0_0 = \_ -> let { _evar_0_0 = \_ _ -> Prelude.Right (Prelude.Just (ScanState.packScanState maxReg ScanState.InUse (ScanState.Build_ScanStateDesc ((Prelude.succ) _nextInterval_) (LinearScan.Utils.snoc _nextInterval_ (LinearScan.Utils.set_nth _nextInterval_ ints xid0 ( i0)) ( i1)) _fixedIntervals_ (Lib.insert (Lib.lebf Prelude.snd) ((,) ( _nextInterval_) (Interval.ibeg ( i1))) ((:) (Prelude.id ((,) uid0 beg)) (Prelude.map Prelude.id us0))) (Prelude.map Prelude.id _active_) (Prelude.map Prelude.id _inactive_) (Prelude.map Prelude.id _handled_))))} in _evar_0_0 __} in case (Prelude.<=) (Interval.ibeg ( i1)) beg of { Prelude.True -> _evar_0_ __; Prelude.False -> _evar_0_0 __}} in _evar_0_)} in let { _evar_0_0 = \_ -> (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) __ (\_ -> let { _top_assumption_1 = Interval.splitInterval ( i1) _top_assumption_0} in let { _evar_0_0 = \i1_0 i1_1 -> (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) __ (let { _evar_0_0 = (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) __ (\_ _ -> Prelude.Right (Prelude.Just (ScanState.packScanState maxReg ScanState.InUse (ScanState.Build_ScanStateDesc ((Prelude.succ) ((Prelude.succ) _nextInterval_)) (LinearScan.Utils.snoc ((Prelude.succ) _nextInterval_) (LinearScan.Utils.snoc _nextInterval_ (LinearScan.Utils.set_nth _nextInterval_ ints xid0 ( i0)) ( i1_1)) ( i1_0)) _fixedIntervals_ (Prelude.map Prelude.id (Lib.insert (Lib.lebf Prelude.snd) ((,) ( _nextInterval_) (Interval.ibeg ( i1_1))) ((:) (Prelude.id ((,) uid0 beg)) (Prelude.map Prelude.id us0)))) (Prelude.map Prelude.id (Prelude.map Prelude.id _active_)) (Prelude.map Prelude.id (Prelude.map Prelude.id _inactive_)) ((:) ((,) ( ((Prelude.succ) _nextInterval_)) Prelude.Nothing) (Prelude.map Prelude.id (Prelude.map Prelude.id _handled_)))))))} in _evar_0_0)} in case _top_assumption_1 of { (,) x x0 -> _evar_0_0 x x0})} in case Eqtype.eq_op Ssrnat.nat_eqType (unsafeCoerce (Interval.ibeg ( i1))) (unsafeCoerce _top_assumption_0) of { Prelude.True -> _evar_0_ __; Prelude.False -> _evar_0_0 __}} in let { _evar_0_0 = let { _evar_0_0 = \_ -> Prelude.Right (Prelude.Just (ScanState.packScanState maxReg ScanState.InUse (ScanState.Build_ScanStateDesc ((Prelude.succ) _nextInterval_) (LinearScan.Utils.snoc _nextInterval_ (LinearScan.Utils.set_nth _nextInterval_ ints xid0 ( i0)) ( i1)) _fixedIntervals_ ((:) (Prelude.id ((,) uid0 beg)) (Prelude.map Prelude.id us0)) (Prelude.map Prelude.id _active_) (Prelude.map Prelude.id _inactive_) ((:) ((,) ( _nextInterval_) Prelude.Nothing) (Prelude.map Prelude.id _handled_)))))} in _evar_0_0 __} in case Interval.firstUseReqReg ( i1) of { Prelude.Just x -> _evar_0_ x; Prelude.Nothing -> _evar_0_0}} in _evar_0_ __} in _evar_0_ __} in case _top_assumption_ of { (,) x x0 -> _evar_0_ x x0}} in case int of { Interval.Build_IntervalDesc x x0 x1 x2 -> _evar_0_ x x0 x1 x2}} in let { _evar_0_0 = \_ -> Prelude.Left (Morph.ENoValidSplitPosition ( xid0) splitPos)} in case (Prelude.&&) ((Prelude.<=) ((Prelude.succ) (Interval.ibeg ( int))) splitPos) ((Prelude.<=) splitPos (Interval.iend ( int))) of { Prelude.True -> _evar_0_ __; Prelude.False -> _evar_0_0 __}} in case sd of { ScanState.Build_ScanStateDesc x x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 -> _evar_0_ x x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 uid us xid} splitAssignedIntervalForReg :: Prelude.Int -> ScanState.ScanStateDesc -> PhysReg -> SplitPosition -> Prelude.Bool -> Morph.SState () () () splitAssignedIntervalForReg maxReg pre reg pos trueForActives ssi = let { _evar_0_ = \desc -> let { intlist = case trueForActives of { Prelude.True -> ScanState.active maxReg desc; Prelude.False -> ScanState.inactive maxReg desc}} in (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) __ (\_ -> let { intids = Prelude.map (\i -> Prelude.fst i) (Prelude.filter (\i -> Eqtype.eq_op (Fintype.ordinal_eqType maxReg) (Prelude.snd (unsafeCoerce i)) (unsafeCoerce reg)) intlist)} in (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) __ (\_ -> let {_evar_0_ = \intlist0 intids0 -> Logic.coq_False_rect} in let { _evar_0_0 = \_top_assumption_ -> let { _evar_0_0 = \uid beg us -> let { _evar_0_0 = \_nextInterval_ intervals0 _fixedIntervals_ _unhandled_ active0 inactive0 _handled_ uid0 us0 intlist0 intids0 -> let { _evar_0_0 = \_ -> Prelude.Right ((,) () (Morph.Build_SSInfo (ScanState.Build_ScanStateDesc _nextInterval_ intervals0 _fixedIntervals_ _unhandled_ active0 inactive0 _handled_) __))} in let { _evar_0_1 = \aid aids iHaids -> let { _evar_0_1 = \_ -> let { _top_assumption_0 = \x x0 x1 x2 x3 -> splitActiveOrInactiveInterval maxReg (ScanState.Build_ScanStateDesc _nextInterval_ intervals0 _fixedIntervals_ _unhandled_ active0 inactive0 _handled_) x x0 x1 x2 x3} in let { _top_assumption_1 = _top_assumption_0 uid0 beg us0 aid pos} in let {_evar_0_1 = \err -> Prelude.Left err} in let { _evar_0_2 = \_top_assumption_2 -> let { _evar_0_2 = \_top_assumption_3 -> Prelude.Right ((,) () (let { _evar_0_2 = \_ -> (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) __ (let { act_to_inact = ScanState.Build_ScanStateDesc (ScanState.nextInterval maxReg _top_assumption_3) (ScanState.intervals maxReg _top_assumption_3) (ScanState.fixedIntervals maxReg _top_assumption_3) (ScanState.unhandled maxReg _top_assumption_3) (unsafeCoerce (Seq.rem (Eqtype.prod_eqType (Fintype.ordinal_eqType (ScanState.nextInterval maxReg _top_assumption_3)) (Fintype.ordinal_eqType maxReg)) (unsafeCoerce ((,) ( aid) reg)) (unsafeCoerce (ScanState.active maxReg _top_assumption_3)))) ((:) ((,) ( aid) reg) (ScanState.inactive maxReg _top_assumption_3)) (ScanState.handled maxReg _top_assumption_3)} in \_ -> let { _evar_0_2 = \_ -> Morph.Build_SSInfo act_to_inact __} in _evar_0_2 __)} in let { _evar_0_3 = \_ -> let { _evar_0_3 = \_ -> Morph.Build_SSInfo _top_assumption_3 __} in _evar_0_3 __} in case Ssrbool.in_mem (unsafeCoerce ((,) ( aid) reg)) (Ssrbool.mem (Seq.seq_predType (Eqtype.prod_eqType (Fintype.ordinal_eqType (ScanState.nextInterval maxReg _top_assumption_3)) (Fintype.ordinal_eqType maxReg))) (unsafeCoerce (ScanState.active maxReg _top_assumption_3))) of { Prelude.True -> _evar_0_2 __; Prelude.False -> _evar_0_3 __}))} in let { _evar_0_3 = Prelude.Left (Morph.ECannotSplitSingleton3 ( aid))} in case _top_assumption_2 of { Prelude.Just x -> _evar_0_2 x; Prelude.Nothing -> _evar_0_3}} in case _top_assumption_1 of { Prelude.Left x -> _evar_0_1 x; Prelude.Right x -> _evar_0_2 x}} in let { _evar_0_2 = \_ -> Prelude.Left (Morph.ECannotSplitSingleton2 ( aid))} in case (Prelude.<=) beg ( (splitPosition ( (LinearScan.Utils.nth (ScanState.nextInterval maxReg (ScanState.Build_ScanStateDesc _nextInterval_ intervals0 _fixedIntervals_ _unhandled_ active0 inactive0 _handled_)) (ScanState.intervals maxReg (ScanState.Build_ScanStateDesc _nextInterval_ intervals0 _fixedIntervals_ _unhandled_ active0 inactive0 _handled_)) aid)) pos)) of { Prelude.True -> _evar_0_1 __; Prelude.False -> _evar_0_2 __}} in Datatypes.list_rect _evar_0_0 (\aid aids iHaids _ -> _evar_0_1 aid aids iHaids) intids0 __} in (\intlist0 _ intids0 _ _ _ _ _ -> case desc of { ScanState.Build_ScanStateDesc x x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 -> _evar_0_0 x x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 uid us intlist0 intids0})} in (\us _ -> case _top_assumption_ of { (,) x x0 -> _evar_0_0 x x0 us})} in case ScanState.unhandled maxReg desc of { [] -> (\_ _ _ _ -> _evar_0_ intlist intids); (:) x x0 -> _evar_0_0 x x0 __ intlist __ intids __})) __ __ __} in case ssi of { Morph.Build_SSInfo x x0 -> _evar_0_ x __} splitActiveIntervalForReg :: Prelude.Int -> ScanState.ScanStateDesc -> PhysReg -> Lib.Coq_oddnum -> Morph.SState () () () splitActiveIntervalForReg maxReg pre reg pos = splitAssignedIntervalForReg maxReg pre reg (BeforePos pos) Prelude.True splitAnyInactiveIntervalForReg :: Prelude.Int -> ScanState.ScanStateDesc -> PhysReg -> Lib.Coq_oddnum -> Morph.SState () () () splitAnyInactiveIntervalForReg maxReg pre reg pos ss = (Prelude.flip (Prelude.$)) (\s -> splitAssignedIntervalForReg maxReg s reg (EndOfLifetimeHole pos) Prelude.False) (\_top_assumption_ -> let {_top_assumption_0 = _top_assumption_ pre ss} in let {_evar_0_ = \err -> Prelude.Right ((,) () ss)} in let { _evar_0_0 = \_top_assumption_1 -> let {_evar_0_0 = \_the_1st_wildcard_ ss' -> Prelude.Right ((,) () ss')} in case _top_assumption_1 of { (,) x x0 -> _evar_0_0 x x0}} in case _top_assumption_0 of { Prelude.Left x -> _evar_0_ x; Prelude.Right x -> _evar_0_0 x})