## Who let you in here? Relax! I'm here to make your life easier. Has your company ever switched to using [Slack](https://slack.com), and then you wanted to write silly Slack bots in Haskell as a way to learn Haskell? Really?WowThat was a pretty specific question. Uh, do you want to be friends? Well let's talk about it later, because right now I have an example for you. But you'll have to grab me first: * `cabal sandbox init` * `cabal install linklater` If you don't have Haskell, it's quite easy: [Windows](http://www.haskell.org/platform/), [Mac](http://ghcformacosx.github.io/), and [Linux](https://gist.githubusercontent.com/hlian/b5a975252997cb3e0020/raw/e4ecab3042225d321a88ee74e804c38ead38ed52/gistfile1.txt). ## Show me an example! * [jpgtobot](https://github.com/hlian/jpgtobot/blob/master/Main.hs) is a slackbot that pastes the image at `foo.jpg.to` into chat. It even supports jpgto's flags: so `-- r+gif` will give you a GIF, randomly selected from all known images named `foo`. Thanks to the magic of -screen scraping-. ![jpgtobot in action](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hlian/linklater/38536bebf00c60fb1214b2c3a741ce00485e87af/corgi.jpg) * [hi5bot](https://github.com/hlian/hi5bot/blob/master/Main.hs) lets you high-five people. There are other amazing things it can do too. ## Features * Uses `Text` for state-of-the-art Unicode support; * Lovely documentation with no misspelllllings to be found; * Supports [Slack's formatting syntax](https://api.slack.com/docs/formatting Slack's formatting syntax) * Comes with a fast mode (`slashSimple`) and a power mode (`slash`) * A warm, receptive maintainer with beautiful brown eyes; * Fully Haddock'd methods and module; * Open source (BSD3). ## Contributors * [Hao Lian](https://hao.codes), author; * [Ulysses Popple](http://upopple.com/); and * [Ian Henry](https://ianthehenry.com/), who showed me the `flip (+) foo` -> `(+ foo)` trick; * *Shields* (the Grizzly Bear album), which I listened all the way through for the first time while I was writing this ★★★★. ## See also * [tightrope](https://github.com/ianthehenry/tightrope), a library Ian should really document