-- | 
-- Module      : System.Linux.Process.CGroup.VFS
-- Copyright   : Christopher Lord 2014
-- License     : MIT (See LICENSE)
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- This module interfaces with the linux cgroup virtual filesystem to fetch various basic data.
-- /Note that this is an experimental iteration of the API, and subject to change./
module System.Linux.Process.CGroup.VFS(
         -- * Types
         -- * CGroups
         -- * Tasks (Processes)
         addTask) where

   import Control.Monad(guard)
   import System.IO (Handle, IOMode(..), hGetContents, openFile, withFile, hPutStr)
   import System.FilePath.Posix
   import Data.Monoid (mempty, Monoid(..))
   import Data.Maybe(catMaybes)
   import System.Posix.Types(ProcessID)

   -- | Contains a reference to the system cgroup. Typically this will be a system path in '/sys/fs/cgroups'
   data CGroup = CheckedCGroup FilePath -- checked for existance by `checked` (came from user)
               | SystemCGroup  FilePath -- not checked since we trust ourselves
         deriving (Eq, Show)
   type CGroupType = String

   -- | basic helper to fetch the path out of the CGroup type.
   filePathForCGroup :: CGroup -> FilePath
   filePathForCGroup (CheckedCGroup g) = g
   filePathForCGroup (SystemCGroup  g) = g

   -- | Writes a string to a file, and appends a newline. 
   writeLine :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
   writeLine name line = withFile name WriteMode (\h -> hPutStr h line >> hPutStr h "\n")

   -- | Produces a list of cgroups active on the system. Assumes '/proc/mounts' contains mounts on system. 
   allCGroups :: IO [CGroup]
   allCGroups = fmap (map SystemCGroup . catMaybes . map decodeLine . lines) (readFile "/proc/mounts")
       where decodeLine l = case words l of
                              ("cgroup":b:_) -> Just b
                              _              -> Nothing

   -- | Given a CGroup and two monads, will determine whether or not the cgroup exists IFF the cgroup originates from user code, and resolve to one of the two monads.
   checked :: Monoid a => CGroup -> (FilePath -> IO a) -> IO a
   checked   (SystemCGroup  p) m = (m p) -- Trusted
   checked g@(CheckedCGroup p) m = do allG <- allCGroups -- double-check no funny-business
                                      if g `elem` allG then (m p) else (return mempty)

   -- | List all PIDs associated with a cgroup. If the cgroup does not exist, an empty list is produced.
   listTasks :: CGroup -> IO [ProcessID]
   listTasks g = checked g (\p -> fmap (map read . lines) (readFile (p </> "tasks")))

   -- | Adds a PID to a cgroup. If the PID or cgroup does not exist, no action is taken.
   addTask :: CGroup -> ProcessID -> IO ()
   addTask g p = checked g (\z -> writeLine (z </> "tasks") (show p))