{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
{- |

This module re-exports "Data.Time" wrapped in 'LIO'.

WARNING: The time functions can be used to carry out
/external-timing attacks/ with less effort than using threads and
synchronization. It is therefore advised that computations that
operate on sensitive data take the same amount of time regardless of
the input.

module LIO.Data.Time (
    module Data.Time
  , getCurrentTime
  , getZonedTime
  , utcToLocalZonedTime
  ) where

import qualified Data.Time as T
import           Data.Time hiding ( getCurrentTime
                                  , getZonedTime
                                  , utcToLocalZonedTime)
import           LIO
import           LIO.TCB

-- | Get the current UTC time from the system clock.
getCurrentTime :: MonadLIO l m => m UTCTime
getCurrentTime = liftLIO $ rethrowIoTCB T.getCurrentTime

-- | Get the local time together with a TimeZone.
getZonedTime :: MonadLIO l m => m ZonedTime
getZonedTime = liftLIO $ rethrowIoTCB T.getZonedTime

-- | Convert UTC time to local time with TimeZone.
utcToLocalZonedTime :: MonadLIO l m => UTCTime -> m ZonedTime
utcToLocalZonedTime = liftLIO . rethrowIoTCB . T.utcToLocalZonedTime