{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances,
             FlexibleInstances #-}

  This module implements a ``nano``, very simple, embedded domain
  specific language to create 'Component's and privilage descriptions
  from conjunctions of principal disjunctions.
  A 'Component' or 'DCPrivDesc' is created using the ('\/') and ('/\')
  operators.  The disjunction operator ('\/') is used to create a
  'Clause' from 'Principal's, ByteStrings, or a disjunctive
  sub-expression. For example:

     p1 = 'principal' \"p1\"
     p2 = 'principal' \"p2\"
     p3 = 'principal' \"p3\"
     e1 = p1 '\/' p2
     e2 = e1 '\/' \"p4\"

  Similarly, the conjunction operator ('/\') is used to create category-sets
  from 'Principal's, ByteStrings, and conjunctive or disjunctive sub-expressions.
  For example:

     e3 = p1 '\/' p2
     e4 = e1 '/\' \"p4\" '/\' p3

  /Note/ that because a clause consists of a disjunction of principals, and a
  component is composed of the conjunction of categories, ('\/') binds
  more tightly than ('/\').

  Given two 'Component's, one for secrecy and one for integrity, you
  can create a 'DCLabel' with 'dcLabel'.  Given a 'DCPriv' and
  'DCPrivDesc' you can create a new minted privilege with
  Consider the following, example:

     l1 = \"Alice\" '\/' \"Bob\" '/\' \"Carla\"
     l2 = \"Alice\" '/\' \"Carla\"
     dc1 = 'dcLabel' l1 l2
     dc2 = 'dcLabel' ('toComponent' \"Djon\") ('toComponent' \"Alice\")
     pr = 'dcPrivTCB' . 'dcPrivDesc' $ \"Alice\" '/\' \"Carla\"


  * @ dc1 = \<{[\"Alice\" &#8897; \"Bob\"] &#8896; [\"Carla\"]} , {[\"Alice\"] &#8896; [\"Carla\"]}\>@
  * @ dc2 = \<{[\"Djon\"]} , {[\"Alice\"]}\>@

  * @ 'canFlowTo' dc1 dc2 = False @

  * @ 'canFlowToP' pr dc1 dc2 = True@


module LIO.DCLabel.DSL (
  -- * Operators
    (\/), (/\), ToComponent(..)
  , fromList, toList
  -- * Aliases
  , everybody, anybody
  ) where

import           LIO.DCLabel.Privs
import           LIO.DCLabel.Core
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8

type S8 = S8.ByteString

-- | Convert a type (e.g., 'Clause', 'Principal') to a label component.
class ToComponent a where
  -- | Convert to 'Component'
  toComponent :: a -> Component
  -- | Trivial synonym for 'toComponent'. Convert to a 'DCPrivDesc'.
  dcPrivDesc :: a -> DCPrivDesc
  dcPrivDesc = toComponent

-- | Identity of 'Component'.
instance ToComponent Component where
  toComponent = id
-- | Convert singleton 'Clause' to 'Component'.
instance ToComponent Clause    where
  toComponent c = DCFormula $! Set.singleton c
-- | Convert singleton 'Principal' to 'Component'.
instance ToComponent Principal where
  toComponent p = toComponent . Clause $! Set.singleton p
-- | Convert singleton 'Principal' (in the form of a @ByteString@)to 'Component'.
instance ToComponent S8 where
  toComponent = toComponent . principal
-- | Convert singleton 'Principal' (in the form of a 'String')to 'Component'.
instance ToComponent String where
  toComponent = toComponent . S8.pack

infixl 7 \/
infixl 6 /\

-- | Conjunction of two 'Principal'-based elements.
-- @
-- infixl 6 /&#92;
-- @
(/\) :: (ToComponent a, ToComponent b) => a -> b -> Component
a /\ b = dcReduce $! toComponent a `dcAnd` toComponent b

-- | Disjunction of two 'Principal'-based elements.
-- @
-- infixl 7 \\/
-- @
(\/) :: (ToComponent a, ToComponent b) => a -> b -> Component
a \/ b = dcReduce $! toComponent a `dcOr` toComponent b

-- Aliases

-- | Logical falsehood can be thought of as the component containing
-- every possible principal:
-- > everybody = dcFalse
everybody :: Component
everybody = dcFalse

-- | Logical truth can be thought of as the component containing
-- no specific principal:
-- > anybody = dcTrue
anybody :: Component
anybody = dcTrue

-- | Convert a 'Component' to a list of list of 'Principal's if the
-- 'Component' does not have the value 'DCFalse'. In the latter case
-- the function returns 'Nothing'.
toList :: Component -> [[Principal]]
toList DCFalse        = error "toList: Invalid use, expected DCFormula"
toList (DCFormula cs) = map (Set.toList . unClause) $! Set.toList cs

-- | Convert a list of list of 'Principal's to a 'Component'. Each
-- inner list is considered to correspond to a 'Clause'.
fromList :: [[Principal]] -> Component
fromList ps = DCFormula . Set.fromList $! map (Clause . Set.fromList) ps