%{ module A = Ast module So = A.Sort module Sy = A.Symbol module E = A.Expression module P = A.Predicate module H = A.Horn module Su = A.Subst module C = FixConstraint module Co = Constants open FixMisc.Ops (* * %token Tycon | (capital)letdig* { Tycon (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) } | Tycon { So.t_app (So.tycon $1) [] } | Tycon tyconargsne { So.t_app (So.tycon $1) $2 } *) (* | Id { So.t_ptr (So.Loc $1) } (* pExprs: LPAREN RPAREN { [] } | LPAREN expr RPAREN { [$2] } | LPAREN exprsCommaNe RPAREN { $2 } ; exprsCommaNe: expr { [$1] } | expr COMMA exprsCommaNe { $1 :: $3 } ; *) *) let parse_error msg = Errorline.error (symbol_start ()) msg let create_qual name vv = Qualifier.create (Sy.of_string name) (Sy.of_string vv) let set_ibind, get_ibind = let bindt = Hashtbl.create 37 in ( (fun (i, x, t) -> Hashtbl.replace bindt i (x, t)) , (fun i -> try Hashtbl.find bindt i with Not_found -> assertf "Unknown binding: %d\n" i) ) let env_of_ibindings is = is |> FixMisc.sort_and_compact |> FixMisc.map get_ibind |> C.env_of_ordered_bindings %} %token Id %token Num %token Real %token StringLit %token TVAR %token TAG ID %token BEXP %token TRUE FALSE %token UNDERSCORE %token LPAREN RPAREN LB RB LC RC %token EQ NE GT GE LT LE UEQ UNE %token AND OR NOT NOTWORD IMPL IFF IFFWORD FORALL SEMI COMMA COLON MID %token EOF %token MOD %token PLUS %token MINUS %token TIMES %token DIV %token DOL QM DOT ASGN %token OBJ REAL INT NUM PTR LFUN BOOL UNINT FUNC LIT FRAC %token SRT AXM CON CST WF SOL QUL KUT BIND ADP DDP %token ENV GRD LHS RHS REF %token IFWORD THENWORD ELSEWORD %right IFF IFFWORD %right IMPL %left PLUS %left MINUS %left DIV %left TIMES %left DOT %right NOT %start defs %start sols %start reft %type defs %type def %type sols %type sorts, sortsne %type sort %type <(Sy.t * So.t) list> binds, bindsne %type preds, predsne %type pred %type exprs, exprsne %type expr %type cstr %type env %type reft %type refas, refasne %type refa %type subs %% defs: { [] } | def defs { $1 :: $2 } ; qual: Id LPAREN Id COLON sort RPAREN COLON pred { create_qual $1 $3 $5 [] $8 } | Id LPAREN Id RPAREN COLON pred { create_qual $1 $3 So.t_int [] $6 } | Id LPAREN Id COLON sort qbindsne RPAREN COLON pred { create_qual $1 $3 $5 $6 $9 } ; qbindsne: COMMA bind { [$2] } | COMMA bind qbindsne { $2 :: $3 } ; def: SRT COLON sort { FixConfig.Srt $3 } | AXM COLON pred { FixConfig.Axm $3 } | CST COLON cstr { FixConfig.Cst $3 } | CON Id COLON sort { FixConfig.Con (Sy.of_string $2, $4) } | WF COLON wf { FixConfig.Wfc $3 } | sol { FixConfig.Sol $1 } | QUL qual { FixConfig.Qul $2 } | KUT kvid { FixConfig.Kut $2 } | dep { FixConfig.Dep $1 } | BIND Num Id COLON reft { let (i, x, r) = ($2, Sy.of_string $3, $5) >> set_ibind in FixConfig.IBind (i,x,r) } ; sorts: LB RB { [] } | LB sortsne RB { $2 } ; sortsne: sort { [$1] } | sort SEMI sortsne { $1 :: $3 } ; tyconargsne: | bsort { [$1] } | bsort tyconargsne { $1 :: $2 } ; sort: | bsort { $1 } | Id tyconargsne { So.t_app (So.tycon $1) $2 } | LB sort RB { So.t_app (So.tycon "List") [$2] } ; bsort: | INT { So.t_int } | REAL { So.t_real } | BOOL { So.t_bool } | PTR { So.t_ptr (So.Lvar 0) } | PTR LPAREN LFUN RPAREN { So.t_ptr (So.LFun) } | PTR LPAREN Num RPAREN { So.t_ptr (So.Lvar $3) } | PTR LPAREN Id RPAREN { So.t_ptr (So.Loc $3) } | OBJ { So.t_obj } | NUM { So.t_num } | FRAC { So.t_frac } | TVAR LPAREN Num RPAREN { So.t_generic $3 } | FUNC LPAREN sorts RPAREN { So.t_func 0 $3 } | FUNC LPAREN Num COMMA sorts RPAREN { So.t_func $3 $5 } | Id { let s = $1 in if !Co.gen_qual_sorts || FixMisc.stringIsLower s then So.t_ptr (So.Loc s) (* tyvar *) else So.t_app (So.tycon s) [] (* tycon *) } | LPAREN sort RPAREN { $2 } | LB RB { So.t_app (So.tycon "List") [] } ; binds: LB RB { [] } | LB bindsne RB { $2 } ; bindsne: bind { [$1] } | bind SEMI bindsne { $1::$3 } ; bind: Id COLON sort { ((Sy.of_string $1), $3) } ; rels: LB RB { [] } | LB relsne RB { $2 } ; relsne: rel { [$1]} | rel SEMI relsne { $1 :: $3} ; rel: EQ { A.Eq } | NE { A.Ne } | UEQ { A.Ueq } | UNE { A.Une } | GT { A.Gt } | GE { A.Ge } | LT { A.Lt } | LE { A.Le } ; preds: LB RB { [] } | LB predsne RB { $2 } ; predsne: pred { [$1] } | pred SEMI predsne { $1 :: $3 } ; pred: TRUE { A.pTrue } | FALSE { A.pFalse } | BEXP expr { A.pBexp $2 } | QM expr { A.pBexp $2 } | Id LPAREN argsne RPAREN { A.pBexp (A.eApp ((Sy.of_string $1), $3)) } | AND preds { A.pAnd ($2) } | OR preds { A.pOr ($2) } | NOT pred { A.pNot ($2) } | NOTWORD pred { A.pNot ($2) } | LPAREN pred AND pred RPAREN { A.pAnd [$2; $4] } | LPAREN pred OR pred RPAREN { A.pOr [$2; $4] } | expr rel expr { A.pAtom ($1, $2, $3) } | expr rels expr { A.pMAtom ($1, $2, $3) } | FORALL binds DOT pred { A.pForall ($2, $4) } | pred IMPL pred { A.pImp ($1, $3) } | pred IFF pred { A.pIff ($1, $3) } | pred IFFWORD pred { A.pIff ($1, $3) } | LPAREN pred RPAREN { $2 } ; argsne: expr { [$1] } | expr COMMA argsne { $1::$3 } ; exprs: LB RB { [] } | LB exprsne RB { $2 } ; exprsne: expr { [$1] } | expr SEMI exprsne { $1 :: $3 } ; expr: Id { A.eVar (Sy.of_string $1) } | con { A.eCon $1 } | exprs { A.eMExp $1 } | LPAREN expr MOD expr RPAREN { A.eMod ($2, $4) } | MINUS expr { A.eBin (A.zero, A.Minus, $2) } | expr op expr { A.eBin ($1, $2, $3) } | expr ops expr { A.eMBin ($1, $2, $3) } | Id LPAREN exprs RPAREN { A.eApp ((Sy.of_string $1), $3) } | Id Id { A.eApp ((Sy.of_string $1), [A.eVar (Sy.of_string $2)]) } | LPAREN pred QM expr COLON expr RPAREN { A.eIte ($2,$4,$6) } | IFWORD pred THENWORD expr ELSEWORD expr { A.eIte ($2,$4,$6) } | expr DOT Id { A.eFld ((Sy.of_string $3), $1) } | LPAREN expr COLON sort RPAREN { A.eCst ($2, $4) } | LPAREN expr RPAREN { $2 } ; op: | PLUS { A.Plus } | MINUS { A.Minus } | TIMES { A.Times } | DIV { A.Div } ; ops: LB RB { [] } | LB opsne RB { $2 } ; opsne: op { [$1] } | op SEMI opsne { $1 :: $3 } ; con: | Real { (A.Constant.Real $1) } | Num { (A.Constant.Int $1) } | MINUS Num { (A.Constant.Int (-1 * $2)) } | MINUS Real { (A.Constant.Real (-. $2)) } | LIT StringLit sort { (A.Constant.Lit ($2, $3)) } ; cons: LB RB { [] } | LB consne RB { $2 } ; consne: con { [$1] } | con SEMI consne { $1 :: $3 } ; wf: ENV env REF reft { C.make_wf $2 $4 None } | ENV env REF reft ID Num { C.make_wf $2 $4 (Some $6) } ; tagsne: Num { [$1] } | Num SEMI tagsne { $1 :: $3 } ; tag: | LB tagsne RB { ($2, "") } ; dep: | ADP COLON tag IMPL tag {C.make_dep true (Some $3) (Some $5) } | DDP COLON tag IMPL tag {C.make_dep false (Some $3) (Some $5) } | DDP COLON TIMES IMPL tag {C.make_dep false None (Some $5) } | DDP COLON tag IMPL TIMES {C.make_dep false (Some $3) None } ; info: ID Num { ((Some $2), ([],"")) } | TAG tag { (None , $2)} | ID Num TAG tag { ((Some $2), $4) } ; cstr: | ENV env GRD pred LHS reft RHS reft { C.make_t $2 $4 $6 $8 None ([],"") } | ENV env GRD pred LHS reft RHS reft info { C.make_t $2 $4 $6 $8 (fst $9) (snd $9)} ; env: LB RB { C.env_of_bindings [] } | LB envne RB { C.env_of_bindings $2 } | LB ienvne RB { env_of_ibindings $2 } ; ienvne: Num { [$1] } | Num SEMI ienvne { $1 :: $3 } ; envne: rbind { [$1] } | rbind SEMI envne { $1 :: $3 } ; rbind: Id COLON reft { (Sy.of_string $1, $3) } ; ibind: Num Id COLON reft { ($1, Sy.of_string $2, $4) } ; reft: LC Id COLON sort MID refas RC { ((Sy.of_string $2), $4, $6) } ; refas: LB RB { [] } | LB refasne RB { $2 } ; refasne: refa { [$1] } | refa SEMI refasne { $1 :: $3 } ; kvid: DOL Id { Sy.of_string $2 } | Id { Sy.of_string $1 } ; refa: | kvid subs { C.Kvar ($2, $1) } | pred { C.Conc $1 } ; subs: { Su.empty } | LB Id ASGN expr RB subs { Su.extend $6 ((Sy.of_string $2), $4) } ; npred: LPAREN pred COMMA Id LPAREN argsne RPAREN RPAREN { ((* $2, *) (Sy.of_string $4, $6)) } ; npreds: LB RB { [] } | LB npredsne RB { $2 } ; npredsne: npred { [$1] } | npred SEMI npredsne { $1 :: $3 } ; sol: SOL COLON Id ASGN npreds { ((Sy.of_string $3), $5) } sols: { [] } | sol sols { $1 :: $2 }