(* * Copyright © 2009 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in * all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY * FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN * IF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY * OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION * TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. *) (*************************************************************) (******************** Solution Management ********************) (*************************************************************) module F = Format module A = Ast module E = A.Expression module P = A.Predicate module Q = Qualifier module QS = Q.QSet module Sy = A.Symbol module Su = A.Subst module SM = Sy.SMap module SS = Sy.SSet module C = FixConstraint module BS = BNstats module Co = Constants module Cg = FixConfig module H = Hashtbl module PH = A.Predicate.Hash module CX = Counterexample module Misc = FixMisc module IM = Misc.IntMap module IS = Misc.IntSet open Misc.Ops let mydebug = false module Q2S = Misc.ESet (struct type t = Sy.t * Sy.t let compare x y = compare x y end) module V : Graph.Sig.COMPARABLE with type t = Sy.t = struct type t = Sy.t let hash = Sy.to_string <+> H.hash let compare = compare let equal = (=) end (* let tag_of_qual2 = Misc.map_pair tag_of_qual module Q2S = Misc.ESet (struct type t = Q.t * Q.t let compare x y = compare (tag_of_qual2 x) (tag_of_qual2 y) end) module V : Graph.Sig.COMPARABLE with type t = Q.t = struct type t = Q.t let hash = tag_of_qual <+> H.hash let compare = fun q1 q2 -> compare (tag_of_qual q1) (tag_of_qual q2) let equal = fun q1 q2 -> tag_of_qual q1 = tag_of_qual q2 end *) module Id : Graph.Sig.ORDERED_TYPE_DFT with type t = unit = struct type t = unit let default = () let compare = compare end module G = Graph.Persistent.Digraph.ConcreteLabeled(V)(Id) module SCC = Graph.Components.Make(G) type bind = Bot | NonBot of Q.t list (* API *) let meet_bind b1 b2 = match (b1, b2) with | (Bot, _) -> b2 | (_, Bot) -> b1 | (NonBot x, NonBot y) -> NonBot (x ++ y) type t = { tpc : ProverArch.prover ; m : bind SM.t ; om : (Q.t list) SM.t ; wm : (Ast.Sort.t SM.t * Ast.Symbol.t * Ast.Sort.t) SM.t ; assm : FixConstraint.soln (* invariant assumption for K, must be a fixpoint wrt constraints *) (* ; qm : Q.t SM.t *) (* map from names to qualifiers *) ; qs : Q.t list (* list of qualifiers *) ; qleqs : Q2S.t (* (q1,q2) \in qleqs implies q1 => q2 *) ; seen : IS.t (* constraint (ids) that have been "refined" once *) (* counterexamples *) ; step : CX.step (* which iteration *) ; ctrace : CX.ctrace ; lifespan : CX.lifespan (* stats *) ; stat_simple_refines : int ref ; stat_tp_refines : int ref ; stat_imp_queries : int ref ; stat_valid_queries : int ref ; stat_matches : int ref ; stat_umatches : int ref ; stat_unsatLHS : int ref ; stat_emptyRHS : int ref } let lookup_bind k m = SM.find_default Bot k m let pprint_ps = Misc.pprint_many false ";" P.print let pprint_dep ppf q = F.fprintf ppf "(%a, %a)" P.print (Q.pred_of_t q) Q.print_args q let pprint_ds = Misc.pprint_many false ";" pprint_dep let pprint_bind ppf = function | Bot -> F.fprintf ppf "(false, BOT())" | NonBot qs -> pprint_ds ppf qs let pprint_qs ppf = F.fprintf ppf "[%a]" (Misc.pprint_many false ";" Q.print) let pprint_qs' ppf = List.map (fst <+> snd <+> snd <+> fst) <+> pprint_qs ppf (*************************************************************) (************* Breadcrumbs for Cex Generation ****************) (*************************************************************) let cx_iter c me = { me with step = me.step + 1 } let cx_ctrace b c me = let _ = if mydebug then F.printf "\nPredAbs.refine iter = %d cid = %d b = %b\n" me.step (C.id_of_t c) b in if b then { me with ctrace = IM.adds (C.id_of_t c) [me.step] me.ctrace } else me let lookup_qualifiers k m = lookup_bind k m |> function | Bot -> [] | NonBot qs -> qs let cx_update ks kqsm' me : t = List.fold_left begin fun me k -> let qs = QS.of_list (lookup_qualifiers k me.m) in let qs' = QS.of_list (SM.finds k kqsm') in let kills = QS.elements (QS.diff qs qs') in if Misc.nonnull kills then {me with lifespan = SM.adds k [(me.step, kills)] me.lifespan} else me end me ks (*************************************************************) (************* Constructing Initial Solution *****************) (*************************************************************) (* let def_of_pred_qual (p, q) = let qp = Q.pred_of_t q in match A.unify_pred qp p with | Some su -> (p, q, su) | None -> assertf "ERROR: unify q=%s p=%s" (P.to_string qp) (P.to_string p) let map_of_bindings bs = List.fold_left begin fun s (k, ds) -> ds |> List.map Misc.single |> Misc.flip (SM.add k) s end SM.empty bs *) let quals_of_bindings bm = bm |> SM.range |> Misc.flatten (* |> Misc.map (snd <+> fst) *) |> Misc.sort_and_compact >> (fun qs -> Co.bprintf mydebug "Quals of Bindings: \n%a" (Misc.pprint_many true "\n" Q.print) qs; flush stdout) (************************************************************************) (*************************** Dumping to Dot *****************************) (************************************************************************) module DotGraph = struct type t = G.t module V = G.V module E = G.E let iter_vertex = G.iter_vertex let iter_edges_e = G.iter_edges_e let graph_attributes = fun _ -> [`Size (11.0, 8.5); `Ratio (`Fill (* Float 1.29*))] let default_vertex_attributes = fun _ -> [`Shape `Box] let vertex_name = Sy.to_string let vertex_attributes = fun q -> [`Label (Sy.to_string q)] let default_edge_attributes = fun _ -> [] let edge_attributes = fun (_,(),_) -> [] let get_subgraph = fun _ -> None end module Dot = Graph.Graphviz.Dot(DotGraph) let dump_graph s g = s |> open_out >> (fun oc -> Dot.output_graph oc g) |> close_out (* INV: qs' \subseteq qs *) let update m k ds' = let n' = List.length ds' in let n = match SM.find_default Bot k m with | Bot -> 1 + n' | NonBot qs -> List.length qs in let _ = asserts (n = 0 || n' <= n) "PredAbs.update: Non-monotone k = %s |ds| = %d |ds'| = %d \n" (Sy.to_string k) n n' in ((n != n'), SM.add k (NonBot ds') m) (* >> begin fun _ -> if n' > n && n > 0 then Co.bprintflush mydebug <| Printf.sprintf "OMFG: update k = %s |ds| = %d |ds'| = %d \n" (Sy.to_string k) n n' end *) (* We must ensure there are NO duplicate k-q pairs in the update list. * If there are duplicate KVars in the ks then the kqs must be grouped: * a "k-q" binding is ONLY preserved IF #bindings = #copies-of-k * If there are NO duplicate KVars there SHOULD BE no duplicate k-q pairs. *) let group_ks_kqs ks kqs = if (Misc.cardinality ks = List.length ks) then kqs (* no duplicate kvars *) else let km = SM.frequency ks in kqs |> Misc.frequency |> Misc.filter (fun ((k, _), n) -> n = SM.find_default 0 k km) |> Misc.map fst let p_update me ks kqs = (* let _ = Co.bprintflush mydebug (Printf.sprintf "p_update A: |kqs| = %d \n" (List.length kqs)) in *) let kqs = group_ks_kqs ks kqs in (* let _ = Co.bprintflush mydebug (Printf.sprintf "p_update B: |kqs| = %d \n" (List.length kqs)) in *) let kqsm = SM.of_alist kqs in let me = me |> (!Co.cex BS.time "cx_update" (cx_update ks) kqsm) in List.fold_left begin fun (b, m) k -> SM.finds k kqsm |> update m k |> Misc.app_fst ((||) b) end (false, me.m) ks |> Misc.app_snd (fun m -> { me with m = m }) (* API *) let top s ks = ks (* |> List.partition (fun k -> SM.mem k s.m) >> (fun (_, badks) -> Co.bprintf mydebug "WARNING: Trueing Unbound KVars = %s \n" (Misc.fsprintf (Misc.pprint_many false "," Sy.print) badks)) |> fst *) |> Misc.flip (p_update s) [] |> snd (***************************************************************) (**************** Query Current Solution ***********************) (***************************************************************) let preds_of_bind = function | Bot -> [A.pFalse] | NonBot qs -> List.rev_map Q.pred_of_t qs let raw_read me k = match SM.maybe_find k me.m with | None -> [] | Some z -> preds_of_bind z (* API *) let read me k = (me.assm k) ++ (raw_read me k) (* API *) let read_bind s k = failwith "PredAbs.read_bind" (***************************************************************) (******************** Qualifier Instantiation ******************) (***************************************************************) (* DEBUG ONLY *) let print_param ppf (x, t) = F.fprintf ppf "%a:%a" Sy.print x Ast.Sort.print t let print_params ppf args = F.fprintf ppf "%a" (Misc.pprint_many false ", " print_param) args let print_valid_binding ppf (x,y) = F.fprintf ppf "[%a := %a]" Sy.print x Sy.print y let print_valid_bindings ppf xys = F.printf "[%a]" (Misc.pprint_many false "" print_valid_binding) xys (* let dupfree_binding xys : bool = let ys = List.map snd xys in let ys' = Misc.sort_and_compact ys in List.length ys = List.length ys' *) let varmatch_ctr = ref 0 let varmatch (x, y) = let _ = varmatch_ctr += 1 in let (x,y) = Misc.map_pair Sy.to_string (x,y) in if x.[0] = '@' then let x' = Misc.suffix_of_string x 1 in Misc.is_prefix x' y else true let sort_compat t1 t2 = A.Sort.unify [t1] [t2] <> None let wellformed_qual f q = Q.pred_of_t q |> A.sortcheck_pred Theories.is_interp f (* >> (F.printf "\nwellformed: id = %d q = @[%a@] result %b\n" (C.id_of_wf wf) Q.print q) *) (* NEVER uncomment out the above. *) (***************************************************************) (**************** Lazy Instantiation: WF-Index *****************) (***************************************************************) let kvars_of_wf wf = let check_trivial su = asserts (Su.is_empty su) "non-trivial substitution in WF constraint!" in wf |> C.reft_of_wf |> C.kvars_of_reft >> List.iter (fst <+> check_trivial) |> List.map snd let meet_wf_index k = function | (Some (env, v, t), (env', (v', t', _))) when (v=v' && t=t') -> env |> SM.filter (fun x _ -> SM.mem x env') |> (fun env' -> (env', v, t)) | (None, (env, (v, t, _))) -> (env, v, t) | _ -> assertf "Conflicting v,t for WF %s" (Sy.to_string k) let upds_wf_index z wm ks = List.fold_left begin fun wm k -> SM.add k (meet_wf_index k (SM.maybe_find k wm, z)) wm end wm ks (* API *) let valid_after_substitution f su y = Su.apply su y |> (function None -> [y] | Some ye -> E.support ye) |> List.for_all f let kvars_of_bind (x, r) = let xv = (C.vv_of_reft r, A.eVar x) in C.kvars_of_reft r |>: (fun (su, k) -> (Su.extend su xv, k)) let kvars_of_c c = (C.kvars_of_reft <| C.rhs_of_t c) ++ (Misc.flap kvars_of_bind <| C.kbindings_of_lhs c) (* MORE DEBUG NOISE -- NEVER DELETE! *) let pp_ikxts i k xts = F.printf "\n refine_wf_index removes at id = %d, k = %a, xs = %a\n" i Sy.print k (Misc.pprint_many false ", " Sy.print) (List.map fst xts) let refine_wf_index wm c = let senv = C.senv_of_t c in let ok z = SM.mem z senv in let ksus = kvars_of_c c in (* [(su, k)] *) List.fold_left begin fun wm (su, k) -> let (xts, v, t) = SM.safeFind k wm "refine_wf_index" in let (xts', dts) = Misc.tr_partition begin fun (x,t) -> A.Sort.is_kind t || valid_after_substitution ok su x end xts in SM.add k (xts', v, t) wm (* let xts' = Misc.filter (fun (x,t) -> A.Sort.is_kind t || valid_after_substitution ok su x) xts in let _ = pp k xts; pp k xts' in let _ = pp_ikxts (C.id_of_t c) k dts in *) end wm ksus let create_wf_index_basic ws = List.fold_left begin fun wm w -> let env = SM.map C.sort_of_reft <| C.env_of_wf w in let r = C.reft_of_wf w in upds_wf_index (env, r) wm (kvars_of_wf w) end SM.empty ws let create_wf_index_refine_sort cs wm = wm |> SM.map (fun (env,v,t) -> ((SM.to_list env), v, t)) |> Misc.flip (List.fold_left refine_wf_index) cs |> SM.map (fun (xts,v,t) -> (SM.of_list xts, v, t)) (* API *) let create_wf_index cs ws = ws |> create_wf_index_basic |> ((!Constants.refine_sort) (create_wf_index_refine_sort cs)) (********************************************************************************) (****** Brute Force (Post-Selection based) Qualifier Instantiation **************) (********************************************************************************) type qual_binding = (Sy.t * Sy.t) list let is_valid_binding (xys : qual_binding) : bool = List.for_all varmatch xys let valid_bindings ys (x,_) = ys |> List.map (fun y -> (x, y)) |> List.filter varmatch let inst_qual env ys evv (q : Q.t) : Q.t list = let vve = (Q.vv_of_t q, evv) in match Q.params_of_t q with | [] -> [(Q.inst q [vve])] | xts -> xts (* >> F.printf "\n\ninst_qual: params q = %a: %a" Q.print q print_params *) |> List.map (valid_bindings ys) (* candidate bindings *) |> Misc.product (* generate combinations *) (* >> (List.iter (F.printf "\ninst_qual: pre-binds = %a\n" print_valid_bindings)) *) |> List.filter is_valid_binding (* remove bogus bindings *) (* >> (List.iter (F.printf "\ninst_qual: post-binds = %a\n" print_valid_bindings)) *) |> List.rev_map (List.map (Misc.app_snd A.eVar)) (* instantiations *) |> List.rev_map (fun xes -> Q.inst q (vve::xes)) (* quals *) (* >> (F.printf "\n\ninst_qual: result q = %a:\n%a DONE\n" Q.print q (Misc.pprint_many true "" Q.print)) *) let inst_binds env = env |> SM.to_list |> Misc.filter (not <.> A.Sort.is_func <.> snd) let inst_ext env vv t qs = let _ = Misc.display_tick () in let ys = inst_binds env |>: fst in let env' = Misc.flip SM.maybe_find (SM.add vv t env) in qs |> List.filter (Q.sort_of_t <+> sort_compat t) |> Misc.flap (inst_qual env ys (A.eVar vv)) |> Misc.filter (wellformed_qual env') (********************************************************************************) (****** Sort Based Qualifier Instantiation **************************************) (********************************************************************************) (* [ (su', (x,y) : xys) | (su, xys) <- wkl , (y, ty) <- yts , varmatch (x, y) , Some su' <- unifyWith su [tx] [ty] ] *) let ext_bindings yts wkl (x, tx) = let yts = List.filter (fun (y,_) -> varmatch (x, y)) yts in Misc.tr_rev_flap (fun (su, xys) -> Misc.map_partial (fun (y, ty) -> match A.Sort.unifyWith su [tx] [ty] with | None -> None | Some su' -> Some (su', (x,y) :: xys) ) yts ) wkl let inst_qual_sorted yts vv t q = let (qvv0, t0) :: xts = Q.all_params_of_t q in match A.Sort.unify [t0] [t] with | Some su0 -> xts |> List.fold_left (ext_bindings yts) [(su0, [(qvv0, vv)])] (* generate subs-bindings *) |> List.rev_map (List.rev <.> snd) (* extract sorted bindings *) |> List.rev_map (List.map (Misc.app_snd A.eVar)) (* instantiations *) |> List.rev_map (Q.inst q) (* quals *) | None -> [] let inst_ext_sorted env vv t qs = let _ = Misc.display_tick () in let yts = inst_binds env in Misc.flap (inst_qual_sorted yts vv t) qs (***************************************************************) (**************** Lazy Instantiation ***************************) (***************************************************************) let inst_ext qs ckEnv env v t : Q.t list = let instf = if !Co.sorted_quals then inst_ext_sorted else inst_ext in let env' = Misc.flip SM.maybe_find (SM.add v t ckEnv) in qs |> instf env v t |> Misc.filter (wellformed_qual env') (* let is_non_trivial_var me lps su = let cxs = SS.of_list <| Misc.flap P.support lps in let ok z = SS.mem z cxs in fun y _ -> valid_after_substitution ok su y *) let is_non_trivial_var me c su = let senv = C.senv_of_t c in let ok z = SM.mem z senv in fun y _ -> valid_after_substitution ok su y (* RJ: DO NOT DELETE EVER! *) let ppBinding k zs = F.printf "ppBind %a := %a \n" Sy.print k (Misc.pprint_many false ", " Q.print) zs (* API *) let lazy_instantiate_with me c lps k su : Q.t list = let (env,v,t) = SM.safeFind k me.wm "lazy_instantiate" in let env' = SM.filter (is_non_trivial_var me c (* lps *) su) env in inst_ext me.qs env env' v t (* >> ppBinding k *) |> ((++) (SM.find_default [] k me.om)) (***************************************************************) (**************** Refinement ***********************************) (***************************************************************) (*** {{{ KEEP AROUND FOR DEBUG PRINTING SIGH. let rhs_cands me = function | C.Kvar (su, k) -> k (* >> (fun k -> Co.bprintflush mydebug ("rhs_cands: k = "^(Sy.to_string k)^"\n")) *) |> p_read me (* >> (fun xs -> Co.bprintflush mydebug ("rhs_cands: size="^(string_of_int (List.length xs))^" BEGIN \n")) *) |>: (Misc.app_snd (Misc.flip A.substs_pred su)) (* >> (fun xs -> Co.bprintflush mydebug ("rhs_cands: size="^(string_of_int (List.length xs))^" DONE\n")) *) | _ -> [] }}} *) let get_lhs me c = BS.time "preds_of_lhs" (C.preds_of_lhs (read me)) c let bind_read me k = SM.find_default Bot k me.m let is_bot_reft me (_,_,ras) = List.exists begin function C.Conc _ -> false | C.Kvar (_,k) -> (bind_read me k = Bot) end ras let is_bot_lhs me c = C.kbindings_of_lhs c |>: snd |> List.exists (is_bot_reft me) let is_bot_rhs me c = is_bot_reft me <| C.rhs_of_t c let make_cand k su q = let qp = Q.pred_of_t q in let qp' = A.substs_pred qp su in ((k, q), qp') let quals_of_bind me c lhs k su = function | NonBot qs -> (qs, me) | Bot -> let qs = lazy_instantiate_with me c lhs k su in let (_, me) = p_update me [k] (qs |>: (fun q -> (k,q))) in (qs, me) (* only called when ALL RHS k are NONBOT *) let rhs_cands_noinst me = function | C.Kvar (su, k) -> begin match bind_read me k with | Bot -> assertf "rhs_cands_noinst" | NonBot qs -> qs |>: make_cand k su end | _ -> [] let rhs_cands_noinst me c = c |> C.rhs_of_t |> thd3 |> BS.time "rhs_cands" (Misc.flap (rhs_cands_noinst me)) (* only called when SOME RHS k is BOT *) let rhs_cands_inst c lhs me = function | C.Conc _ -> (me, []) | C.Kvar (su, k) -> let (qs, me) = SM.safeFind k me.m "rhs_cands" |> quals_of_bind me c lhs k su in (me, qs |>: make_cand k su) let rhs_cands_inst me c lps = let (_, _, ras) = C.rhs_of_t c in let (me, zs) = Misc.mapfold (rhs_cands_inst c lps) me ras in (Misc.flatten zs, me) let lhs_preds me c = let lps = BS.time "preds_of_lhs" (C.preds_of_lhs (read me)) c in (lps, me) let refine_sort_bot_rhs me c = let (lps, me) = lhs_preds me c in let (rcs, me) = rhs_cands_inst me c lps in let senv = C.senv_of_t c in let rcs = Misc.filter (fun (_,p) -> C.wellformed_pred senv p) rcs in (true, me, lps, rcs) let refine_sort_first_time me c = let (lps, me) = lhs_preds me c in let rcs = rhs_cands_noinst me c in let senv = C.senv_of_t c in let rcs' = Misc.filter (fun (_,p) -> C.wellformed_pred senv p) rcs in (List.length rcs != List.length rcs', me, lps, rcs') let refine_sort_default me c = let (lps, me) = lhs_preds me c in let rcs = rhs_cands_noinst me c in (false, me, lps, rcs) let refine_sort me c = if is_bot_rhs me c then refine_sort_bot_rhs me c else if not (IS.mem (C.id_of_t c) (me.seen)) then refine_sort_first_time me c else refine_sort_default me c let is_trivial_rhs me c = let is_trivial_refa me = function | C.Conc _ -> true | C.Kvar (_,k) -> bind_read me k = NonBot [] in C.rhs_of_t c |> C.ras_of_reft |> List.for_all (is_trivial_refa me) let is_trivial_c me c = is_bot_lhs me c || is_trivial_rhs me c let refine_match me lps rcs = let lt = PH.create 17 in let _ = List.iter (fun p -> PH.add lt p ()) lps in let (x1,x2) = List.partition (fun (_,p) -> PH.mem lt p) rcs in let _ = me.stat_matches += (List.length x1) in (List.map fst x1, x2) let check_tp me env vv t lps = function [] -> [] | rcs -> me.tpc#set_filter env vv lps rcs >> (fun _ -> me.stat_tp_refines += 1) >> (fun _ -> me.stat_imp_queries += List.length rcs) >> (fun rv -> me.stat_valid_queries += List.length rv) let refine_tp me c lps x2 = if C.is_simple c then (me.stat_simple_refines += 1) >| [] else let senv = C.senv_of_t c in let vv = C.vv_of_t c in let t = C.sort_of_t c in BS.time "check tp" (check_tp me senv vv t lps) x2 let refine me c = if is_trivial_c me c then (false, me) else let (ch, me, lps, rcs) = refine_sort me c in if BS.time "lhs_contra" (List.exists P.is_contra) lps then let _ = me.stat_unsatLHS += 1 in let _ = me.stat_umatches += List.length rcs in (ch, me) else let rcs = List.filter (fun (_,p) -> not (P.is_contra p)) rcs in let (kqs1, x2) = refine_match me lps rcs in let kqs2 = refine_tp me c lps x2 in let ks = C.rhs_of_t c |> C.kvars_of_reft |>: snd in let (ch', me) = p_update me ks (kqs1 ++ kqs2) in (ch || ch', me) let refine me c = let (ch, me) = refine me c in (ch, {me with seen = IS.add (C.id_of_t c) me.seen}) let refine me c = let me = me |> (!Co.cex cx_iter c) in let (b, me) = refine me c in let me = me |> (!Co.cex cx_ctrace b c) in (b, me) (***************************************************************) (************************* Satisfaction ************************) (***************************************************************) let unsat me c = let s = read me in let (vv,t,_) = C.lhs_of_t c in let lps = C.preds_of_lhs s c in let rhsp = c |> C.rhs_of_t |> C.preds_of_reft s |> A.pAnd in let k = Sy.of_string "k" in let kq = (k, Q.create k k Ast.Sort.t_int [] A.pTrue) in not ((check_tp me (C.senv_of_t c) vv t lps [(kq, rhsp)]) = [kq]) (****************************************************************) (************* Minimization: For Prettier Output ****************) (****************************************************************) (* let canonize_subs = Su.to_list <+> List.sort (fun (x,_) (y,_) -> compare x y) let subst_leq = Misc.map_pair canonize_subs <+> Misc.isPrefix *) let args_leq q1 q2 = let qArgs = List.map snd <.> Q.args_of_t in try List.for_all2 (=) (qArgs q1) (qArgs q2) with _ -> false (* P(v,x,y,z) => Q(v,x) if P => Q held and _intersection_ of args match. *) let def_leq s q1 q2 = Q2S.mem (Q.name_of_t q1, Q.name_of_t q2) s.qleqs && args_leq q1 q2 let pred_of_bind_name q = let name = q |> Q.name_of_t in let args = q |> Q.args_of_t |> List.map snd in A.pBexp (A.eApp (name, args)) let pred_of_bind_raw = Q.pred_of_t let pred_of_bind q = if !Co.shortannots then pred_of_bind_name q else pred_of_bind_raw q let min_binds_bot ds = match Misc.list_find_maybe (P.is_contra <.> pred_of_bind_raw) ds with | None -> ds | Some d -> [d] (* API *) let min_binds s ds = ds |> min_binds_bot |> Misc.rootsBy (def_leq s) let min_read s k = SM.find_default Bot k s.m |> function | Bot -> [A.pFalse] | NonBot qs -> qs |> min_binds s |>: pred_of_bind let min_read s k = if !Co.minquals then min_read s k else read s k let min_read s k = BS.time "min_read" (min_read s) k let close_env qs sm = qs |> Misc.flap (Q.pred_of_t <+> P.support) |> Misc.filter (not <.> Misc.flip SM.mem sm) |> Misc.map (fun x -> (x, Ast.Sort.t_int)) |> SM.of_list |> SM.extend sm let rename_vv q q' = List.combine (Q.all_params_of_t q |>: fst) (Q.all_params_of_t q' |>: fst) |> List.filter (fun (x, y) -> not (x = y)) |> List.map (fun (x, y) -> (y, A.eVar x)) |> Su.of_list |> A.substs_pred (Q.pred_of_t q') |> (fun p' -> (q', p')) let sm_of_qual sm q = q |> Q.all_params_of_t |> SM.of_list |> SM.extend sm (* check_leq tp sm q qs = [q' | q' <- qs, Z3 |- q => q'] *) let check_leq (tp : ProverArch.prover) sm (q : Q.t) (qs : Q.t list) : Q.t list = let vv = Q.vv_of_t q in let lps = [Q.pred_of_t q] in let sm = q |> sm_of_qual sm |> close_env qs in qs |> List.map (rename_vv q) (* (fun q -> (q, Q.pred_of_t q)) *) (* >> (List.map fst <+> F.printf "CHECK_TP: %a IN %a \n" Q.print q pprint_qs) *) |> tp#set_filter sm vv lps (* >> F.printf "CHECK_TP: %a OUT %a \n" Q.print q pprint_qs *) let qimps_of_partition tp sm qs = foreach qs begin fun q -> let qs' = check_leq tp sm q qs in foreach qs' begin fun q' -> (q, q') end end let wellformed_qual sm q = let sm = sm_of_qual sm q in A.sortcheck_pred Theories.is_interp (fun x -> SM.maybe_find x sm) (Q.pred_of_t q) (* >> (fun res ->F.printf "wellformed_qual: q = %a, res = %b\n" Q.print q res) *) let qleqs_of_qs ts sm cs ps qs = let tp = TpNull.create ts sm cs ps in qs |> Misc.filter (wellformed_qual sm) |> Misc.groupby (List.map snd <.> Q.all_params_of_t) (* Q.sort_of_t *) |> Misc.flap (qimps_of_partition tp sm) |> Misc.flatten |> Misc.map (Misc.map_pair Q.name_of_t) |> Q2S.of_list (*************************************************************************) (*************************** Creation ************************************) (*************************************************************************) let create_qleqs ts sm ps consts qs = if !Co.minquals then BS.time "Annots: make qleqs" (qleqs_of_qs ts sm consts ps) qs else Q2S.empty let create obm cs ws ts sm ps consts assm qs bm = { m = bm ; om = SM.map (function Bot -> [] | NonBot qs -> qs) obm ; wm = create_wf_index cs ws ; assm = assm (*; qm = qs |>: Misc.pad_fst Q.name_of_t |> SM.of_list *) ; qs = qs ; qleqs = Misc.with_ref_at Constants.strictsortcheck false (fun () -> create_qleqs ts sm consts ps qs) ; tpc = TpNull.create ts sm ps consts ; seen = IS.empty (* Counterexamples *) ; step = 0 ; ctrace = IM.empty ; lifespan = SM.empty (* Stats *) ; stat_simple_refines = ref 0 ; stat_tp_refines = ref 0; stat_imp_queries = ref 0 ; stat_valid_queries = ref 0; stat_matches = ref 0 ; stat_umatches = ref 0; stat_unsatLHS = ref 0 ; stat_emptyRHS = ref 0 } (***************************************************************) (****************** Sort Check Based Refinement ****************) (***************************************************************) (* LAZYINST let refts_of_c c = [ C.lhs_of_t c ; C.rhs_of_t c] ++ (C.env_of_t c |> C.bindings_of_env |>: snd) let refine_sort_reft env me ((vv, so, ras) as r) = let env' = SM.add vv r env in let ks = r |> C.kvars_of_reft |>: snd in (* let _ = let s = String.concat ", " (List.map Sy.to_string ks) in Co.bprintflush mydebug ("\n refine_sort_reft ks = "^s^"\n") in *) ras |> Misc.flap (rhs_cands me) (* OMFG blowup due to FLAP if kv appears multiple times...*) |> Misc.filter (fun (_, p) -> C.wellformed_pred env' p) |> List.rev_map fst (* |> (fun xs -> Co.bprintflush mydebug (Printf.sprintf "refine_sort_reft map: size = %d\n" (List.length xs)); List.rev_map fst xs) >> (fun _ -> Co.bprintflush mydebug "\n refine_sort_reft TICK 4 \n") *) |> p_update me ks |> snd let refine_sort me c = let env = C.env_of_t c in c (* >> (fun _ -> Co.bprintflush mydebug ("\n refine_sort TICK 0 id = "^(string_of_int (C.id_of_t c))^"\n")) *) |> refts_of_c |> List.fold_left (refine_sort_reft env) me (* >> (fun _ -> Co.bprintflush mydebug "\n refine_sort TICK 2 \n") *) *) (****************************************************************************) (****************** APPLYING FACTS FOR INCREMENTAL SOLVING ******************) (****************************************************************************) (* LAZYINST (* Take in a solution of things that are known to be true, kf. Using this, we can prune qualifiers whose negations are implied by information in kf *) let update_pruned ks me fqm = List.fold_left begin fun m k -> if not (SM.mem k fqm) then m else let false_qs = SM.safeFind k fqm "update_pruned 1" in let qs = SM.safeFind k m "update_pruned 2" |> List.filter (fun q -> (not (List.mem (k, q) false_qs))) in SM.add k qs m end me.m ks let apply_facts_c kf me c = let env = C.senv_of_t c in let (vv, t, lras) = C.lhs_of_t c in let (_,_,ras) as rhs = C.rhs_of_t c in let ks = rhs |> C.kvars_of_reft |> List.map snd in let lps = C.preds_of_lhs kf c in (* Use the known facts here *) let rcs = Misc.flap (rhs_cands me) ras in if rcs = [] then (* Nothing on the right hand side *) me else if check_tp me env vv t lps [(0, A.pFalse)] = [0] then me else let rcs = List.filter (fun (_,p) -> not (P.is_contra p)) rcs |> List.map (fun (x,p) -> (x, A.pNot p)) in (* can we prove anything on lhs implies something on rhs is false? *) let fqs = BS.time "apply_facts tp" (check_tp me env vv t lps) rcs in let fqm = fqs |> Misc.kgroupby fst |> SM.of_list in {me with m = BS.time "update pruned" (update_pruned ks me) fqm} let apply_facts cs kf me = let numqs = me.m |> Ast.Symbol.SMap.to_list |> List.map snd |> List.concat |> List.length in let sol = List.fold_left (apply_facts_c kf) me cs in let numqs' = sol.m |> Ast.Symbol.SMap.to_list |> List.map snd |> List.concat |> List.length in let _ = Printf.printf "Started with %d, proved %d false\n" numqs (numqs-numqs') in sol *) (* LAZYINST: map each KVAR to BOT *) let initial_solution c = c.Cg.ws |> Misc.flap kvars_of_wf |>: (fun k -> (k, Bot)) |> SM.of_list (* API *) let create c = function | None -> initial_solution c |> create c.Cg.bm c.Cg.cs c.Cg.ws c.Cg.ts c.Cg.uops c.Cg.ps c.Cg.cons c.Cg.assm c.Cg.qs (* LAZYINST: this is factored into the canonical env for each K >> (fun _ -> Co.bprintflush mydebug "\nBEGIN: refine_sort\n") |> ((!Constants.refine_sort) Misc.flip (List.fold_left refine_sort) c.Cg.cs) >> (fun _ -> Co.bprintflush mydebug "\nEND: refine_sort\n") *) | _ -> assertf "PredAbs.create: does not support facts" (* API *) let empty () = create Cg.empty None (* API *) let meet me you = {me with m = SM.extendWith (fun _ -> meet_bind) me.m you.m} (****************************************************************) (************* Simplify Solution Using min_read *****************) (****************************************************************) (* let minb s bs = min_binds s bs >> Printf.printf "minBinds: [%a] \n\n" pprint_ds *) let simplify s = { s with m = SM.map begin function | Bot -> Bot | NonBot qs -> NonBot (min_binds s qs) end s.m } (************************************************************************) (****************** Counterexample Generation ***************************) (************************************************************************) let ctr_examples me cs ucs = let cx = CX.create me.tpc (read me) cs me.ctrace me.lifespan in List.map (CX.explain cx) ucs (*******************************************************************************) (******************************** Profile/Stats ********************************) (*******************************************************************************) let print_m ppf s = SM.iter begin fun k -> function | Bot -> F.fprintf ppf "solution: %a := [%a] \n\n" Sy.print k pprint_bind Bot | NonBot ds -> ds |> () (!Co.minquals) (min_binds s) |> F.fprintf ppf "solution: %a := [%a] \n\n" Sy.print k pprint_ds end s.m let print_qs ppf s = s.qs >> (fun _ -> F.fprintf ppf "//QUALIFIERS \n\n") |> F.fprintf ppf "%a" (Misc.pprint_many true "\n" Q.print) (* |> List.iter (F.fprintf ppf "%a" Q.print) *) |> ignore (* API *) let print ppf s = s >> print_m ppf >> print_qs ppf |> ignore let botInt = function | Bot -> 1 | NonBot qs -> if List.exists (Q.pred_of_t <+> P.is_contra) qs then 1 else 0 let bindSize = function | Bot -> 0 | NonBot x -> List.length x (* API *) let print_stats ppf me = let (sum, max, min, bot) = (SM.fold (fun _ b x -> (+) x (bindSize b)) me.m 0, SM.fold (fun _ b x -> max x (bindSize b)) me.m min_int, SM.fold (fun _ b x -> min x (bindSize b)) me.m max_int, SM.fold (fun _ b x -> x + botInt b) me.m 0) in let n = SM.length me.m in let avg = (float_of_int sum) /. (float_of_int n) in F.fprintf ppf "# Vars: (Total=%d, False=%d) Quals: (Total=%d, Avg=%f, Max=%d, Min=%d)\n" n bot sum avg max min; F.fprintf ppf "#Iteration Profile = (si=%d tp=%d unsatLHS=%d emptyRHS=%d) \n" !(me.stat_simple_refines) !(me.stat_tp_refines) !(me.stat_unsatLHS) !(me.stat_emptyRHS); F.fprintf ppf "#Queries: umatch=%d, match=%d, ask=%d, valid=%d\n" !(me.stat_umatches) !(me.stat_matches) !(me.stat_imp_queries) !(me.stat_valid_queries); me.tpc#print_stats ppf (* API *) let save fname s = let oc = open_out fname in let ppf = F.formatter_of_out_channel oc in F.fprintf ppf "@[%a@] \n" print s; close_out oc let key_of_quals qs = qs |> List.map P.to_string |> List.sort compare |> String.concat "," (* API *) let mkbind qs = assertf "PredAbs.mkBind not supported in lazyinst" (* NonBot qs *)(* Misc.flatten <+> Misc.sort_and_compact *) (* API *) let dump s = s.m |> SM.to_list |> List.map (snd <+> preds_of_bind) |> Misc.groupby key_of_quals |> List.map begin function | [] -> assertf "impossible" | (ps::_ as pss) -> Co.bprintf mydebug "SolnCluster: preds %d = size %d \n" (List.length ps) (List.length pss) end |> ignore