(* * Copyright ? 1990-2007 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in * all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY * FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN * IF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY * OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION * TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. * *) (* $Id: misc.ml,v 1.14 2006/09/26 01:47:01 jhala Exp $ * * This file is part of the SIMPLE Project. *) (** * This module provides some miscellaneous useful helper functions. *) module Ops = struct type ('a, 'b) either = Left of 'a | Right of 'b let (>|) _ x = x let (|>) x f = f x let (<|) f x = f x let (>>) x f = f x; x let (|>>) xo f = match xo with None -> None | Some x -> f x let (|>:) xs f = List.map f xs let (=+) x n = let v = !x in (x := v + n; v) let (+=) x n = x := !x + n; !x let (++) = List.rev_append let (+++)= fun (x1s, y1s) (x2s, y2s) -> (x1s ++ x2s, y1s ++ y2s) let id = fun x -> x let un = fun x -> () let const x = fun _ -> x let (<.>) f g = fun x -> x |> g |> f let (<+>) f g = fun x -> x |> f |> g let () b f = fun x -> if b then f x else x let wwhen b f = fun x -> if b then f x let (<*>) f g = fun x -> (f x, g x) let (<**>) f g = fun (x, y) -> (f x, g y) let (<&&>) f g = fun x -> f x && g x let failure fmt = Printf.ksprintf failwith fmt let foreach xs f = List.map f xs let asserts p fmt = Printf.ksprintf (fun x -> if not p then failwith x) fmt let asserti = asserts (* let asserti p fmt = Printf.ksprintf (fun x -> if not p then (print_string (x^"\n"); ignore(0/0)) else ()) fmt *) let assertf fmt = Printf.ksprintf failwith fmt let halt _ = assert false let fst3 (x,_,_) = x let snd3 (_,x,_) = x let thd3 (_,_,x) = x let fst4 (x, _, _, _) = x let snd4 (_, x, _, _) = x let thd4 (_, _, x, _) = x let fth4 (_, _, _, x) = x let withfst3 (_,y,z) x = (x,y,z) let withsnd3 (x,_,z) y = (x,y,z) let withthd3 (x,y,_) z = (x,y,z) let print_now s = print_string s; flush stdout let print_now_error msg = prerr_string msg; flush stderr let output_now c s = output_string c s; flush c let some = fun x -> Some x end open Ops let debugTicker msg = let x = ref 0 in fun () -> print_now ("\nDEBUG TICKER " ^ msg ^ " : " ^ (string_of_int (x += 1))) let maybe_fold f b xs = let fo = fun bo x -> match bo with Some b -> f b x | _ -> None in List.fold_left fo (Some b) xs let maybe_map f = function Some x -> Some (f x) | None -> None let maybe_iter f = function Some x -> f x | None -> () let safe_maybe msg = function Some x -> x | _ -> assertf msg let maybe = function Some x -> x | _ -> assertf "maybe called with None" let maybe_apply f xo v = match xo with Some x -> f x v | None -> v let maybe_default xo y = match xo with Some x -> x | None -> y let maybe_string f = function Some x -> "Some " ^ (f x) | None -> "None" let rec maybe_chain x d = function | f::fs -> (match f x with | Some y -> y | None -> maybe_chain x d fs) | [] -> d let trace s f x = let _ = print_now <| Printf.sprintf "BEGIN: %s \n" s in let r = f x in let _ = print_now <| Printf.sprintf "END: %s \n" s in r (* ORIG let rec pprint_many_box s f ppf = function | [] -> () | x::[] -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a" f x | x::xs' -> (Format.fprintf ppf "%a%s@\n" f x s; pprint_many_box s f ppf xs') *) let rec pprint_many_prefix sep base f ppf = function | x::xs -> Format.fprintf ppf "(%s %a %a)" sep f x (pprint_many_prefix sep base f) xs | [] -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a" f base let rec pprint_many_box brk s f ppf = function | [] -> () | [x] -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a" f x | x::xs' when brk -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a@\n%s" f x s; pprint_many_box brk s f ppf xs' | x::xs' -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a@,%s" f x s; pprint_many_box brk s f ppf xs' let pprint_many_box brk l s r f ppf = function | [] -> Format.fprintf ppf "[]" | xs -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[%s%a%s@]" l (pprint_many_box brk s f) xs r let pprint_many_brackets brk f ppf x = Format.fprintf ppf "%a" (pprint_many_box brk "[ " "; " "]" f) x let rec pprint_many brk s f ppf = function | [] -> () | [x] -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a" f x | x::xs' when brk -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a%s@," f x s; pprint_many brk s f ppf xs' | x::xs' -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a%s" f x s ; pprint_many brk s f ppf xs' let pprint_maybe f ppf = function | Some x -> Format.fprintf ppf "Some %a" f x | None -> Format.fprintf ppf "None" let pprint_int ppf i = Format.fprintf ppf "%d" i let pprint_int_o = pprint_maybe pprint_int (* let pprint_int_o ppf = function | None -> Format.fprintf ppf "None" | Some d -> Format.fprintf ppf "Some(%d)" d *) let pprint_str ppf s = Format.fprintf ppf "%s" s let pprint_ints ppf is = pprint_many_brackets false (fun ppf i -> Format.fprintf ppf "%d" i) ppf is let pprint_pretty_ints ppf is = is |> List.map string_of_int |> String.concat ";" |> Format.fprintf ppf "[%s]" let pprint_tuple pp1 pp2 ppf (x1, x2) = Format.fprintf ppf "(%a, %a)" pp1 x1 pp2 x2 let rec subsets n = function | _ when n <= 0 -> [[]] | xs when n > List.length xs-> [] | x::xs -> (List.map (fun ys -> x :: ys) (subsets (n-1) xs)) ++ (subsets n xs) | _ -> assertf "Misc.subsets" let choose b f g = if b then f else g let liftfst2 (f: 'a -> 'a -> 'b) (x: 'a * 'c) (y: 'a * 'c): 'b = f (fst x) (fst y) let curry = fun f x y -> f (x,y) let uncurry = fun f (x,y) -> f x y let flip = fun f x y -> f y x let maybe_bool = function | Some _ -> true | None -> false module type EMapType = sig include Map.S val extendWith : (key -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t val extend : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t val filter : (key -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t val of_list : (key * 'a) list -> 'a t val to_list : 'a t -> (key * 'a) list val length : 'a t -> int val domain : 'a t -> key list val range : 'a t -> 'a list val join : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t val adds : key -> 'a list -> 'a list t -> 'a list t val of_alist : (key * 'a) list -> 'a list t val finds : key -> 'a list t -> 'a list val safeFind : key -> 'a t -> string -> 'a val safeAdd : key -> 'a -> 'a t -> string -> 'a t val single : key -> 'a -> 'a t val map_partial : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a t -> 'b t val maybe_find : key -> 'a t -> 'a option val find_default : 'a -> key -> 'a t -> 'a val frequency : key list -> int t end module type ESetType = sig include Set.S val of_list : elt list -> t end module ESet (K: Set.OrderedType) = struct include Set.Make(K) let of_list = List.fold_left (flip add) empty end module type EOrderedType = sig include Map.OrderedType val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit end (* module EMap (K: Map.OrderedType) = *) module EMap (K: EOrderedType) = struct include Map.Make(K) let extendWith (f: key -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a) (m1: 'a t) (m2: 'a t) = fold begin fun k v m -> let v' = if mem k m then f k v (find k m) else v in add k v' m end m2 m1 let extend (m1: 'a t) (m2: 'a t) : 'a t = fold add m2 m1 (* in 3.12 *) let filter (f: key -> 'a -> bool) (m: 'a t) : 'a t = fold (fun x y m -> if f x y then add x y m else m) m empty let of_list (kvs : (key * 'a) list) = List.fold_left (fun m (k, v) -> add k v m) empty kvs (* in 3.12 -- bindings *) let to_list (m : 'a t) : (key * 'a) list = fold (fun k v acc -> (k,v)::acc) m [] (* in 3.12 -- cardinality *) let length (m : 'a t) : int = fold (fun _ _ i -> i+1) m 0 (* in 3.12 -- singleton *) let single k v = add k v empty let domain m = fold (fun k _ acc -> k :: acc) m [] let range (m : 'a t) : 'a list = fold (fun _ v acc -> v :: acc) m [] let join (m1 : 'a t) (m2 : 'b t) : ('a * 'b) t = mapi begin fun k v1 -> let _ = asserts (mem k m2) "EMap.join" in (v1, find k m2) end m1 let maybe_find k m = try Some (find k m) with Not_found -> None let find_default d k m = maybe_default (maybe_find k m) d (* let finds k m = try find k m with Not_found -> [] *) let finds k m = find_default [] k m let adds (k: key) (vs: 'a list) (m : ('a list) t) : 'a list t = add k (vs ++ find_default [] k m) m let of_alist (kvs : (key * 'a) list) = List.fold_left (fun m (k, v) -> adds k [v] m) empty kvs let frequency (ks : key list) : int t = List.fold_left (fun m k -> add k (1 + (find_default 0 k m)) m ) empty ks let safeFind k m msg = try find k m with Not_found -> let err = Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "ERROR: safeFind (%s): %a" msg K.print k; Format.flush_str_formatter () in failwith err let safeAdd k v m msg = if mem k m then let err = Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "ERROR: safeAdd (%s): %a" msg K.print k; Format.flush_str_formatter () in failwith err else add k v m let map_partial f m = fold (fun x yo m -> match yo with Some y -> add x y m | _ -> m) (map f m) empty end module type KeyValType = sig type t val compare : t -> t -> int val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit type v val default : v end module MapWithDefault (K: KeyValType) = struct include EMap(K) let find (i: K.t) (m: K.v t): K.v = try find i m with Not_found -> K.default end module IntMap = EMap (struct type t = int let compare i1 i2 = compare i1 i2 let print = pprint_int end) module IntSet = ESet (struct type t = int let compare i1 i2 = compare i1 i2 end) module IntIntMap = EMap (struct type t = int * int let compare i1 i2 = compare i1 i2 let print ppf (i1, i2) = Format.fprintf ppf "(%d, %d)" i1 i2 end) module StringMap = EMap (struct type t = string let compare i1 i2 = compare i1 i2 let print ppf s = Format.fprintf ppf "%s" s end) module StringSet = ESet (struct type t = string let compare i1 i2 = compare i1 i2 end) (* let sm_join sm1 sm2 = StringMap.mapi (fun k v1 -> let v2 = asserts (StringMap.mem k sm2) "sm_join"; StringMap.find k sm2 in (v1, v2) ) sm1 let sm_extend sm1 sm2 = StringMap.fold StringMap.add sm2 sm1 let sm_filter f sm = StringMap.fold begin fun x y sm -> if f x y then StringMap.add x y sm else sm end sm StringMap.empty let sm_of_list kvs = List.fold_left (fun sm (k,v) -> StringMap.add k v sm) StringMap.empty kvs let sm_to_list sm = StringMap.fold (fun k v acc -> (k,v)::acc) sm [] let sm_to_range sm = sm |> sm_to_list |> List.map snd *) let sm_print_keys name sm = sm |> StringMap.to_list |> List.map fst |> String.concat ", " |> Printf.printf "%s : %s \n" name let foldn f n b = let rec foo acc i = if i >= n then acc else foo (f acc i) (i+1) in foo b 0 let rec range i j = if i >= j then [] else i::(range (i+1) j) let dump s = print_string s; flush stdout let mapn f n = foldn (fun acc i -> (f i) :: acc) n [] |> List.rev let chop_last = function | [] -> failure "ERROR: Misc.chop_last" | xs -> xs |> List.rev |> List.tl |> List.rev let list_snoc xs = match List.rev xs with | [] -> assertf "list_snoc with empty list!" | h::t -> h, List.rev t let negfilter f xs = List.fold_left (fun acc x -> if f x then acc else x::acc) [] xs |> List.rev let get_option d = function | Some x -> x | None -> d let list_somes xs = xs |> List.fold_left begin fun acc -> function | Some x -> x :: acc | None -> acc end [] |> List.rev (* let map_partial f = list_somes <.> List.map f *) let map_partial f xs = List.rev (List.fold_left (fun acc x -> match f x with | None -> acc | Some z -> (z::acc)) [] xs) let fold_left_partial f b xs = List.fold_left begin fun b xo -> match xo with | Some x -> f b x | None -> b end b xs let list_reduce msg f = function | [] -> assertf "ERROR: list_reduce with empty list: %s" msg | x::xs -> List.fold_left f x xs let nonnull = function | [] -> false | _ -> true (* let list_is_empty = function | [] -> true | _::_ -> false *) let list_max x xs = List.fold_left max x xs let list_min x xs = List.fold_left min x xs let list_max_with msg f = function | [] -> assertf "ERROR: list_max_with with empty list: %s" msg | x::xs -> List.fold_left (fun acc x -> if f x > f acc then x else acc) x xs let rec take_max n = function | x :: xs when n > 0 -> x :: take_max (n - 1) xs | _ -> [] let rec drop n = function | x :: xs when n > 0 -> drop (n - 1) xs | [] when n > 0 -> assertf "ERROR: dropped too many" | xs -> xs let getf a i fmt = try a.(i) with ex -> assertf fmt let do_catchu f x g = try f x with ex -> (g ex; raise ex) let do_catchf s f x = try f x with ex -> assertf "%s hits exn: %s \n" s (Printexc.to_string ex) let do_catch s f x = try f x with ex -> (Printf.printf "%s hits exn: %s \n" s (Printexc.to_string ex); raise ex) let do_catch_ret s f x y = try f x with ex -> (Printf.printf "%s hits exn: %s \n" s (Printexc.to_string ex); y) let do_memo memo f args key = try Hashtbl.find memo key with Not_found -> let rv = f args in let _ = Hashtbl.replace memo key rv in rv let do_bimemo fmemo rmemo f args key = try Hashtbl.find fmemo key with Not_found -> let rv = f args in let _ = Hashtbl.replace fmemo key rv in let _ = Hashtbl.replace rmemo rv key in rv let rec exists_maybe f = function | [] -> None | x::xs -> (match f x with None -> exists_maybe f xs | z -> z) let map_pair = fun f (x1, x2) -> (f x1, f x2) let map_triple = fun f (x1, x2, x3) -> (f x1, f x2, f x3) let app_fst = fun f (a, b) -> (f a, b) let app_snd = fun f (a, b) -> (a, f b) let app_fst3 = fun f (a, b, c) -> (f a, b, c) let app_snd3 = fun f (a, b, c) -> (a, f b, c) let app_thd3 = fun f (a, b, c) -> (a, b, f c) let pad_snd = fun f x -> (x, f x) let pad_fst = fun f y -> (f y, y) let tmap2 = fun (f, g) x -> (f x, g x) let tmap3 = fun (f, g, h) x -> (f x, g x, h x) let iter_fst = fun f (a, b) -> f a let iter_snd = fun f (a, b) -> f b let split3 lst = List.fold_right (fun (x, y, z) (xs, ys, zs) -> (x :: xs, y :: ys, z :: zs)) lst ([], [], []) let split4 lst = List.fold_right (fun (w, x, y, z) (ws, xs, ys, zs) -> (w :: ws, x :: xs, y :: ys, z :: zs)) lst ([], [], [], []) let twrap s f x = let _ = Printf.printf "calling %s \n" s in let rv = f x in let _ = Printf.printf "returned from %s \n" s in rv let mapfold_rev f b xs = List.fold_left begin fun (acc, ys) x -> let (acc', y) = f acc x in (acc', y::ys) end (b, []) xs let mapfold f b xs = mapfold_rev f b xs |> app_snd List.rev let rootsBy leq xs = let notDomBy x = not <.> (leq x) in let rec loop acc = function | [] -> acc | (x::xs) -> let acc', xs' = map_pair (List.filter (notDomBy x)) (acc, xs) in loop (x::acc') xs' in loop [] xs let cov_filter cov f xs = let rec loop acc = function | [] -> acc | (x::xs) when f x -> let covs, uncovs = List.partition (cov x) xs in loop ((x, covs) :: acc) uncovs | (_::xs) -> loop acc xs in loop [] xs let filter f xs = List.fold_left (fun xs' x -> if f x then x::xs' else xs') [] xs |> List.rev let iter f xs = List.fold_left (fun () x -> f x) () xs let map2 f xs ys = let _ = asserti (List.length xs = List.length ys) "Misc.map2" in List.map2 f xs ys let map f xs = List.rev_map f xs |> List.rev let flatten xss = xss |> List.fold_left (fun acc xs -> xs ++ acc) [] |> List.rev let flatsingles xss = xss |> List.fold_left (fun acc -> function [x] -> x::acc | _ -> assertf "flatsingles") [] |> List.rev let splitflatten xsyss = let xss, yss = List.split xsyss in (flatten xss, flatten yss) let splitflatten3 xsyszss = let xss, yss, zss = split3 xsyszss in (flatten xss, flatten yss, flatten zss) let flap f xs = xs |> List.rev_map f |> flatten |> List.rev let flap_pair f = splitflatten <.> map f let tr_rev_flatten xs = List.fold_left (fun x xs -> x ++ xs) [] xs let tr_rev_flap f xs = List.fold_left (fun xs x -> (f x) ++ xs) [] xs let rec fast_unflat ys = function | x :: xs -> fast_unflat ([x] :: ys) xs | [] -> ys let dup x = (x, x) let rec rev_perms s = function | [] -> s | e :: es -> rev_perms (tr_rev_flap (fun e -> List.rev_map (fun s -> e :: s) s) e) es let product = function | e :: es -> rev_perms (fast_unflat [] e) es | es -> es let pairs xs = let rec pairs_aux ps = function | [] -> ps | x :: xs -> pairs_aux (List.fold_left (fun ps y -> (x, y) :: ps) ps xs) xs in pairs_aux [] xs let cross_product xs ys = map begin fun x -> map begin fun y -> (x,y) end ys end xs |> flatten let rec cross_flatten = function | [] -> [[]] | xs::xss -> map begin fun x -> map begin fun ys -> (x::ys) end (cross_flatten xss) end xs |> flatten let append_pref p s = (p ^ "." ^ s) let fsort f xs = let cmp = fun (k1,_) (k2,_) -> compare k1 k2 in xs |> map (fun x -> ((f x), x)) |> List.sort cmp |> map snd let sort_and_compact ls = let rec _sorted_compact l = match l with h1::h2::tl -> let rest = _sorted_compact (h2::tl) in if h1 = h2 then rest else h1::rest | tl -> tl in _sorted_compact (List.sort compare ls) let sort_and_compact xs = List.sort compare xs |> List.fold_left (fun ys x -> match ys with | y::_ when x=y -> ys | _::_ -> x::ys | [] -> [x]) [] |> List.rev let hashtbl_to_list t = Hashtbl.fold (fun x y l -> (x,y)::l) t [] let hashtbl_keys t = Hashtbl.fold (fun x y l -> x::l) t [] |> sort_and_compact let hashtbl_invert t = let t' = Hashtbl.create 17 in hashtbl_to_list t |> List.iter (fun (x,y) -> Hashtbl.replace t' y x) |> fun _ -> t' let distinct xs = List.length xs = List.length (sort_and_compact xs) (** repeats f: unit - > unit i times *) let rec repeat_fn f i = if i = 0 then () else (f (); repeat_fn f (i-1)) (* chop s chopper returns ([x;y;z...]) if s = x.chopper.y.chopper ...*) let chop s chopper = Str.split (Str.regexp chopper) s (* like chop only the chop is by chop+ *) let chop_star chopper s = Str.split (Str.regexp (Printf.sprintf "[%s+]" chopper)) s let bounded_chop s chopper i = Str.bounded_split (Str.regexp chopper) s i let is_prefix p s = let (ls, lp) = (String.length s, String.length p) in if ls < lp then false else (String.sub s 0 lp) = p let is_substring s subs = let reg = Str.regexp subs in try ignore(Str.search_forward reg s 0); true with Not_found -> false let replace_substring src dst s = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp src) dst s let is_suffix suffix s = let k = String.length suffix and n = String.length s in (n-k >= 0) && Str.string_match (Str.regexp suffix) s (n-k) let iteri f xs = List.fold_left (fun i x -> f i x; i+1) 0 xs |> ignore let numbered_list xs = xs |> List.fold_left (fun (i, acc) x -> (i+1, (i,x)::acc)) (0,[]) |> snd |> List.rev exception FalseException let sm_protected_add fail k v sm = if not (StringMap.mem k sm) then StringMap.add k v sm else if not fail then sm else assertf "protected_add: duplicate binding for %s \n" k let hashtbl_to_list_all t = hashtbl_keys t |> map (Hashtbl.find_all t) let clone x n = let rec f n xs = if n <= 0 then xs else f (n-1) (x::xs) in f n [] let single x = [x] let distinct xs = List.length (sort_and_compact xs) = List.length xs let trunc i j = let (ai,aj) = (abs i, abs j) in if aj <= ai then j else ai*j/aj let map_to_string f xs = String.concat "," (List.map f xs) let suffix_of_string = fun s i -> String.sub s i (String.length s - 1) (* [count_map xs] = fun x -> number of times x appears in xs if non-zero *) let count_map rs = List.fold_left begin fun m r -> let c = try IntMap.find r m with Not_found -> 0 in IntMap.add r (c+1) m end IntMap.empty rs let o2s f = function | Some x -> "Some "^ (f x) | None -> "None" let fixpoint f x = let rec acf b x = let x', b' = f x in if b' then acf true x' else (x', b) in acf false x let fsprintf f p = Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "@[%a@]" f p; Format.flush_str_formatter () let rec same_length l1 l2 = match l1, l2 with | [], [] -> true | _ :: xs, _ :: ys -> same_length xs ys | _ -> false let ex_one s = function | [x] -> x | _ :: _ -> failwith s | _ -> failwith (s ^ ". empty") let only_one s = function x :: [] -> Some x | _ :: _ -> failwith s | [] -> None let maybe_one = function | [x] -> Some x | _ -> None let int_of_bool b = if b then 1 else 0 (*****************************************************************) (******************** Mem Management *****************************) (*****************************************************************) open Gc (* open Format *) let pprint_gc s = (*printf "@[Gc@ Stats:@]@."; printf "@[minor@ words:@ %f@]@." s.minor_words; printf "@[promoted@ words:@ %f@]@." s.promoted_words; printf "@[major@ words:@ %f@]@." s.major_words;*) (*printf "@[total allocated:@ %fMB@]@." (floor ((s.major_words +. s.minor_words -. s.promoted_words) *. (4.0) /. (1024.0 *. 1024.0)));*) Format.printf "@[total allocated:@ %fMB@]@." (floor ((allocated_bytes ()) /. (1024.0 *. 1024.0))); Format.printf "@[minor@ collections:@ %i@]@." s.minor_collections; Format.printf "@[major@ collections:@ %i@]@." s.major_collections; Format.printf "@[heap@ size:@ %iMB@]@." (s.heap_words * 4 / (1024 * 1024)); (*printf "@[heap@ chunks:@ %i@]@." s.heap_chunks; (*printf "@[live@ words:@ %i@]@." s.live_words; printf "@[live@ blocks:@ %i@]@." s.live_blocks; printf "@[free@ words:@ %i@]@." s.free_words; printf "@[free@ blocks:@ %i@]@." s.free_blocks; printf "@[largest@ free:@ %i@]@." s.largest_free; printf "@[fragments:@ %i@]@." s.fragments;*)*) Format.printf "@[compactions:@ %i@]@." s.compactions; (*printf "@[top@ heap@ words:@ %i@]@." s.top_heap_words*) () let dump_gc s = Format.printf "@[%s@]@." s; pprint_gc (Gc.quick_stat ()) let append_to_file f s = let oc = Unix.openfile f [Unix.O_WRONLY; Unix.O_APPEND; Unix.O_CREAT] 420 in ignore (Unix.write oc s 0 ((String.length s)-1) ); Unix.close oc (* let with_out_file file f = let oc = open_out file in f oc; close_out oc *) let display_tick = fun () -> print_now "." let display_tick = let icona = [| "|"; "/" ; "-"; "\\" |] in let n = ref 0 in let pos = ref 0 in fun () -> let k = !pos in let _ = pos := (k + 1) mod 4 in let _ = incr n in let suf = if (!n mod 76) = 0 then "\n" else icona.(k) in let _ = print_now ("\b."^suf) in () let with_out_file file f = file |> open_out >> f |> close_out let write_to_file f s = with_out_file f (fun oc -> output_string oc s) let with_out_formatter file f = with_out_file file (fun oc -> f (Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc)) let get_unique = let cnt = ref 0 in (fun () -> let rv = !cnt in incr cnt; rv) let lines_of_file filename = let lines = ref [] in let chan = open_in filename in try while true; do lines := input_line chan :: !lines done; [] with End_of_file -> close_in chan; List.rev !lines let map_lines_of_file infile outfile f = let ic = open_in infile in let oc = open_out outfile in try while true; do ic |> input_line |> f |> output_string oc done; with End_of_file -> (close_in ic; close_out oc) let maybe_cons m xs = match m with | None -> xs | Some x -> x :: xs let maybe_list xs = List.fold_right maybe_cons xs [] let rec list_first_maybe f = function | x::xs -> begin match f x with | Some y -> Some y | _ -> list_first_maybe f xs end | [] -> None let list_find_maybe f xs = try some <| List.find f xs with Not_found -> None let list_assoc_maybe k kvs = try Some (List.assoc k kvs) with Not_found -> None let list_assoc_default d kvs k = try List.assoc k kvs with Not_found -> d let list_assoc_flip xs = let r (x, y) = (y, x) in List.map r xs let fold_lefti f b xs = List.fold_left (fun (i,b) x -> ((i+1), f i b x)) (0,b) xs let mapi f xs = xs |> fold_lefti (fun i acc x -> (f i x) :: acc) [] |> snd |> List.rev let index_from n xs = let is = range n (n + List.length xs) in List.combine is xs let fold_left_flip f b xs = List.fold_left (flip f) b xs let fold_left_swap f xs b = List.fold_left f b xs let rec map3 f xs ys zs = match (xs, ys, zs) with | ([], [], []) -> [] | (x :: xs, y :: ys, z :: zs) -> f x y z :: map3 f xs ys zs | _ -> assert false let rec fold_right3 f xs ys zs acc = match xs, ys, zs with | x :: xs, y :: ys, z :: zs -> f x y z (fold_right3 f xs ys zs acc) | [], [], [] -> acc | _ -> assert false let rec fold_left3 f acc xs ys zs = match xs, ys, zs with | x :: xs, y :: ys, z :: zs -> fold_left3 f (f acc x y z) xs ys zs | [], [], [] -> acc | _ -> assert false let zip_partition xs bs = let (xbs, xbs') = List.partition snd (List.combine xs bs) in (List.map fst xbs, List.map fst xbs') let rec map4 f ws xs ys zs = match ws, xs, ys, zs with | [], [], [], [] -> [] | w :: ws, x :: xs, y :: ys, z :: zs -> f w x y z :: map4 f ws xs ys zs | _ -> asserti false "map4"; assert false let rec perms es = match es with | s :: [] -> List.map (fun c -> [c]) s | s :: es -> flap (fun c -> List.map (fun d -> c :: d) (perms es)) s | [] -> [] let flap2 f xs ys = List.flatten (List.map2 f xs ys) let flap3 f xs ys zs = List.flatten (map3 f xs ys zs) let combine msg xs ys = let _ = asserts (List.length xs = List.length ys) "%s" msg in List.combine xs ys let combine3 xs ys zs = map3 (fun x y z -> (x, y, z)) xs ys zs let combine4 ws xs ys zs = map4 (fun w x y z -> (w, x, y, z)) ws xs ys zs let tr_partition f xs = List.fold_left begin fun (xs,ys) z -> if f z then (z::xs, ys) else (xs, z::ys) end ([],[]) xs let either_partition f xs = List.fold_left begin fun (xs, ys) z -> match f z with | Left x -> (x::xs, ys) | Right y -> (xs, y::ys) end ([], []) xs (* these do odd things with order for performance * it is possible that fast is a misnomer *) let fast_flatten xs = List.fold_left (++) [] xs let fast_append v v' = let (v, v') = if List.length v > List.length v' then (v', v) else (v, v') in List.rev_append v v' let fast_flap f xs = List.fold_left (fun xs x -> List.rev_append (f x) xs) [] xs let rec fast_unflat ys = function | x :: xs -> fast_unflat ([x] :: ys) xs | [] -> ys let rec rev_perms s = function | [] -> s | e :: es -> rev_perms (fast_flap (fun e -> List.rev_map (fun s -> e :: s) s) e) es let rev_perms = function | e :: es -> rev_perms (fast_unflat [] e) es | es -> es let tflap2 (e1, e2) f = List.fold_left (fun bs b -> List.fold_left (fun aas a -> f a b :: aas) bs e1) [] e2 let tflap3 (e1, e2, e3) f = List.fold_left begin fun cs c -> List.fold_left begin fun bs b -> List.fold_left begin fun aas a -> f a b c :: aas end bs e1 end cs e2 end[] e3 let rec expand f xs ys = match xs with | [] -> ys | x::xs -> let (xs', ys') = f x in expand f (xs' ++ xs) (ys' ++ ys) let rec get_first f = function | x::xs when f x -> Some x | _::xs -> get_first f xs | [] -> None let join f xs ys = let rec fuse acc xs ys = match xs, ys with | [],_ | _, [] -> List.rev acc | ((kx, _)::xs', (ky,_)::_ ) when kx < ky -> fuse acc xs' ys | ((kx, _)::_ , (ky,_)::ys') when kx > ky -> fuse acc xs ys' | ((kx, x)::xs', (ky,y)::ys') (* kx = ky *) -> fuse ((x,y)::acc) xs' ys' in let xs' = List.map (fun x -> (f x, x)) xs |> List.sort compare in let ys' = List.map (fun y -> (f y, y)) ys |> List.sort compare in fuse [] xs' ys' let hashtbl_find_default d t x = try Hashtbl.find t x with Not_found -> d let frequency (xs : 'a list) : ('a * int) list = let t = Hashtbl.create 17 in List.iter begin fun x -> let n = hashtbl_find_default 0 t x in Hashtbl.replace t x (n + 1) end xs; hashtbl_to_list t let kgroupby (f: 'a -> 'b) (xs: 'a list): ('b * 'a list) list = let t = Hashtbl.create 17 in let lookup x = try Hashtbl.find t x with Not_found -> [] in (* build table *) List.iter begin fun x -> Hashtbl.replace t (f x) (x :: lookup (f x)) end xs; (* build cluster *) Hashtbl.fold (fun k xs xxs -> (k, xs) :: xxs) t [] let groupby (f: 'a -> 'b) (xs: 'a list): 'a list list = kgroupby f xs |> List.map (snd <+> List.rev) let full_join f xs ys = (xs, ys) |> map_pair (kgroupby f) |> uncurry (join fst) |> flap (map_pair snd <+> uncurry cross_product) let exists_pair (f: 'a -> 'a -> bool) (xs: 'a list): bool = fst (List.fold_left (fun (b, ys) x -> (b || List.exists (f x) ys, x :: ys)) (false, []) xs) let rec find_pair (f: 'a -> 'a -> bool): 'a list -> 'a * 'a = function | [] -> raise Not_found | x::xs -> try (x, List.find (f x) xs) with Not_found -> find_pair f xs let rec is_unique = function | [] -> true | x :: xs -> if List.mem x xs then false else is_unique xs let map_opt f = function | Some o -> Some (f o) | None -> None let resl_opt f = function | Some o -> f o | None -> [] let resi_opt f = function | Some o -> f o | None -> () let opt_iter f l = List.iter (resi_opt f) l let array_findi p arr = let rec look i = if i < 0 then raise Not_found else if p arr.(i) then i else look i - 1 in look (Array.length arr - 1) let array_to_index_list a = Array.fold_left (fun (i, rv) v -> (i+1,(i,v)::rv)) (0,[]) a |> snd |> List.rev let hashtbl_of_list xys = let t = Hashtbl.create 37 in let _ = List.iter (fun (x,y) -> Hashtbl.add t x y) xys in t let hashtbl_of_list_with kf xs = xs |>: pad_fst kf |> hashtbl_of_list let array_flapi f a = Array.fold_left (fun (i, acc) x -> (i+1, (f i x) :: acc)) (0,[]) a |> snd |> List.rev |> flatten let array_fold_lefti f acc a = Array.fold_left (fun (i, acc) x -> (i + 1, f i acc x)) (0, acc) a |> snd let array_map2 f xa ya = Array.mapi (fun i x -> f x (ya.(i))) xa let array_rev_iteri f a = for i = Array.length a - 1 downto 0 do f i a.(i) done exception NotForall let array_forall f a = try Array.iter (fun e -> if f e then () else raise NotForall) a; true with NotForall -> false let array_combine a1 a2 = asserts (Array.length a1 = Array.length a2) "array_combine"; Array.init (Array.length a1) (fun i -> (a1.(i), a2.(i))) let compose f g a = f (g a) let rec gcd (a: int) (b: int): int = if b = 0 then a else gcd b (a mod b) let lcm (a: int) (b: int): int = if a = 0 then a else (abs (a * b)) / (gcd a b) let mk_int_factory () = let id = ref (-1) in ((fun () -> incr id; !id), (fun () -> id := -1)) let mk_char_factory () = let (fresh_int, reset_fresh_int) = mk_int_factory () in ((fun () -> Char.chr (fresh_int () + Char.code 'a')), reset_fresh_int) let mk_string_factory s = let (fresh_int, reset_fresh_int) = mk_int_factory () in ((fun () -> s^(string_of_int (fresh_int ()))), reset_fresh_int) let swap (x,y) = (y,x) (* ('a * (int * 'b) list) list -> (int * ('a * 'b) list) list *) let transpose x_iys_s = let t = Hashtbl.create 17 in List.iter begin fun (x, iys) -> List.iter begin fun (i, y) -> Hashtbl.add t i (x,y) end iys end x_iys_s; hashtbl_keys t |> List.map (fun i -> (i, Hashtbl.find_all t i)) let basename_no_extension fname = fname |> Filename.basename |> Filename.chop_extension let absolute_name name = if not (Filename.is_relative name) then name else let b = Filename.basename name in let d = Filename.dirname name in let dir = Sys.getcwd () in let _ = Sys.chdir (Filename.concat dir d) in let dir' = Sys.getcwd () in let rv = Filename.concat dir' b in let _ = Sys.chdir dir in rv let cardinality = fun xs -> xs |> sort_and_compact |> List.length let disjoint = fun xs ys -> cardinality xs + cardinality ys = cardinality (xs ++ ys) let bracket (l : unit -> unit) (r : unit -> unit) (f : unit -> 'a) : 'a = try l () |> f >> (fun _ -> r ()) with ex -> assertf "bracket hits exn: %s \n" (Printexc.to_string ex) (* let with_ref_at x v f = let oldv = !x in bracket (fun _ -> x := v) (fun _ -> x := oldv) f *) let with_ref_at x v f = let oldv = !x in let _ = x := v in let res = f () in let _ = x := oldv in res let rec isPrefix = function | ([], _) -> true | (x::xs, y::ys) when x = y -> isPrefix (xs, ys) | _ -> false let find_first_true f lo hi = let rec go lo hi = let mid = lo + ((hi - lo) / 2) in match () with | _ when lo >= hi -> None | _ when lo = hi - 1 -> Some hi | _ when f mid -> go lo mid | _ -> go mid hi in if f lo then Some lo else if not (f hi) then None else go lo hi let safeHead msg = function | [x] -> x | _ -> failwith ("ERROR: safeHead" ^ msg) let safeApply pp f x = match f x with | Some y -> y | None -> failwith ("ERROR: safeApply " ^ (pp x)) let stringIsUpper = function | "" -> false | s -> let c = s.[0] in c = Char.uppercase c let stringIsLower = function | "" -> false | s -> let c = s.[0] in c = Char.lowercase c let rec zipWith f = function | (x::xs, y::ys) -> f x y::zipWith f (xs, ys) | _ -> []