{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Main where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Data.Char import Data.Proxy import Data.Tagged import Data.Typeable import Options.Applicative import System.Directory import System.Exit import System.FilePath import System.IO -- import qualified System.Posix as Posix import System.Process import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Test.Tasty.Ingredients.Rerun import Test.Tasty.Options import Test.Tasty.Runners import Text.Printf main :: IO () main = run =<< tests where run = defaultMainWithIngredients [ rerunningTests [ listingTests, consoleTestReporter ] , includingOptions [ Option (Proxy :: Proxy NumThreads) , Option (Proxy :: Proxy SmtSolver) ] ] tests = group "Tests" [ unitTests, benchTests ] data SmtSolver = Z3 | CVC4 deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable) instance IsOption SmtSolver where defaultValue = Z3 parseValue = safeRead . map toUpper optionName = return "smtsolver" optionHelp = return "Use this SMT solver" optionCLParser = option (fmap (read . map toUpper) str) ( long (untag (optionName :: Tagged SmtSolver String)) <> help (untag (optionHelp :: Tagged SmtSolver String)) ) unitTests = group "Unit" [ testGroup "pos" <$> dirTests "tests/pos" [] ExitSuccess , testGroup "neg" <$> dirTests "tests/neg" [] (ExitFailure 1) , testGroup "crash" <$> dirTests "tests/crash" [] (ExitFailure 2) ] benchTests = group "Benchmarks" [ testGroup "text" <$> dirTests "benchmarks/text-" textIgnored ExitSuccess , testGroup "bytestring" <$> dirTests "benchmarks/bytestring-" [] ExitSuccess , testGroup "esop" <$> dirTests "benchmarks/esop2013-submission" ["Base0.hs"] ExitSuccess , testGroup "vect-algs" <$> dirTests "benchmarks/vector-algorithms-" [] ExitSuccess , testGroup "hscolour" <$> dirTests "benchmarks/hscolour-" [] ExitSuccess ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- dirTests :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> ExitCode -> IO [TestTree] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- dirTests root ignored code = do files <- walkDirectory root let tests = [ rel | f <- files, isTest f, let rel = makeRelative root f, rel `notElem` ignored ] return $ mkTest code root <$> tests -- hs f code | f <- hs] isTest :: FilePath -> Bool isTest f = takeExtension f == ".hs" -- `elem` [".hs", ".lhs"] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- mkTest :: ExitCode -> FilePath -> FilePath -> TestTree --------------------------------------------------------------------------- mkTest code dir file = askOption $ \(smt :: SmtSolver) -> testCase file $ do if test `elem` knownToFail smt then do printf "%s is known to fail with %s: SKIPPING" test (show smt) assertEqual "" True True else do createDirectoryIfMissing True $ takeDirectory log liquid <- canonicalizePath "dist/build/liquid/liquid" withFile log WriteMode $ \h -> do let cmd = testCmd liquid dir file smt (_,_,_,ph) <- createProcess $ (shell cmd) {std_out = UseHandle h, std_err = UseHandle h} c <- waitForProcess ph assertEqual "Wrong exit code" code c where test = dir file log = let (d,f) = splitFileName file in dir d ".liquid" f <.> "log" knownToFail CVC4 = [ "tests/pos/RealProps.hs", "tests/pos/RealProps1.hs", "tests/pos/initarray.hs" ] knownToFail Z3 = [] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- testCmd :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> SmtSolver -> String --------------------------------------------------------------------------- testCmd liquid dir file smt = printf "cd %s && %s --verbose --smtsolver %s %s" dir liquid (show smt) file textIgnored = [ "Data/Text/Axioms.hs" , "Data/Text/Encoding/Error.hs" , "Data/Text/Encoding/Fusion.hs" , "Data/Text/Encoding/Fusion/Common.hs" , "Data/Text/Encoding/Utf16.hs" , "Data/Text/Encoding/Utf32.hs" , "Data/Text/Encoding/Utf8.hs" , "Data/Text/Fusion/CaseMapping.hs" , "Data/Text/Fusion/Common.hs" , "Data/Text/Fusion/Internal.hs" , "Data/Text/IO.hs" , "Data/Text/IO/Internal.hs" , "Data/Text/Lazy/Builder/Functions.hs" , "Data/Text/Lazy/Builder/Int.hs" , "Data/Text/Lazy/Builder/Int/Digits.hs" , "Data/Text/Lazy/Builder/Internal.hs" , "Data/Text/Lazy/Builder/RealFloat.hs" , "Data/Text/Lazy/Builder/RealFloat/Functions.hs" , "Data/Text/Lazy/Encoding/Fusion.hs" , "Data/Text/Lazy/IO.hs" , "Data/Text/Lazy/Read.hs" , "Data/Text/Read.hs" , "Data/Text/Unsafe/Base.hs" , "Data/Text/UnsafeShift.hs" , "Data/Text/Util.hs" ] demosIgnored = [ "Composition.hs" , "Eval.hs" , "Inductive.hs" , "Loop.hs" , "TalkingAboutSets.hs" , "refinements101reax.hs" ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generic Helpers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- group n xs = testGroup n <$> sequence xs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- walkDirectory :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- walkDirectory root = do (ds,fs) <- partitionM doesDirectoryExist . candidates =<< getDirectoryContents root (fs++) <$> concatMapM walkDirectory ds where candidates fs = [root f | f <- fs, not (isExtSeparator (head f))] partitionM :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m ([a],[a]) partitionM f = go [] [] where go ls rs [] = return (ls,rs) go ls rs (x:xs) = do b <- f x if b then go (x:ls) rs xs else go ls (x:rs) xs -- isDirectory :: FilePath -> IO Bool -- isDirectory = fmap Posix.isDirectory . Posix.getFileStatus concatMapM :: Applicative m => (a -> m [b]) -> [a] -> m [b] concatMapM f [] = pure [] concatMapM f (x:xs) = (++) <$> f x <*> concatMapM f xs