module Language.Haskell.Liquid.CoreToLogic (
coreToDef , coreToFun
, mkLit, runToLogic,
) where
import GHC hiding (Located)
import Var
import Type
import qualified CoreSyn as C
import Literal
import IdInfo
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import TysWiredIn
import Control.Applicative
import Language.Fixpoint.Misc
import Language.Fixpoint.Names (dropModuleNames, isPrefixOfSym, propConName)
import Language.Fixpoint.Types hiding (Def, R, simplify)
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Types as F
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.GhcMisc
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.GhcPlay
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types hiding (GhcInfo(..), GhcSpec (..))
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.WiredIn
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.RefType
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import Data.Monoid
logicType :: (Reftable r) => Type -> RRType r
logicType τ = fromRTypeRep $ t{ty_res = res, ty_binds = binds, ty_args = args}
t = toRTypeRep $ ofType τ
res = mkResType $ ty_res t
(binds, args) = unzip $ dropWhile isClassBind $ zip (ty_binds t) (ty_args t)
mkResType t
| isBool t = propType
| otherwise = t
isBool (RApp (RTyCon{rtc_tc = c}) _ _ _) = c == boolTyCon
isBool _ = False
isClassBind = isClassType . snd
strengthenResult :: Var -> SpecType
strengthenResult v
| isBool res
fromRTypeRep $ rep{ty_res = res `strengthen` r, ty_binds = xs}
| otherwise
fromRTypeRep $ rep{ty_res = res `strengthen` r', ty_binds = xs}
where rep = toRTypeRep t
res = ty_res rep
xs = intSymbol (symbol ("x" :: String)) <$> [1..]
r' = U (exprReft (EApp f (mkA <$> vxs))) mempty mempty
r = U (propReft (PBexp $ EApp f (mkA <$> vxs))) mempty mempty
vxs = dropWhile isClassBind $ zip xs (ty_args rep)
f = dummyLoc $ dropModuleNames $ simplesymbol v
t = (ofType $ varType v) :: SpecType
mkA = \(x, t) -> if isBool t then EApp (dummyLoc propConName) [(EVar x)] else EVar x
simplesymbol = symbol . getName
newtype LogicM a = LM {runM :: LState -> Either a Error}
data LState = LState { symbolMap :: LogicMap
, mkError :: String -> Error
instance Monad LogicM where
return = LM . const . Left
(LM m) >>= f
= LM $ \s -> case m s of
(Left x) -> (runM (f x)) s
(Right x) -> Right x
instance Functor LogicM where
fmap f (LM m) = LM $ \s -> case m s of
(Left x) -> Left $ f x
(Right x) -> Right x
instance Applicative LogicM where
pure = LM . const . Left
(LM f) <*> (LM m)
= LM $ \s -> case (f s, m s) of
(Left f , Left x ) -> Left $ f x
(Right f, Left _ ) -> Right f
(Left _ , Right x) -> Right x
(Right _, Right x) -> Right x
throw :: String -> LogicM a
throw str = LM $ \s -> Right $ (mkError s) str
getState :: LogicM LState
getState = LM $ Left
runToLogic lmap ferror (LM m)
= m $ LState {symbolMap = lmap, mkError = ferror}
coreToDef :: LocSymbol -> Var -> C.CoreExpr -> LogicM [Def DataCon]
coreToDef x _ e = go $ inline_preds $ simplify e
go (C.Lam _ e) = go e
go (C.Tick _ e) = go e
go (C.Case _ _ t alts)
| eqType t boolTy = mapM goalt_prop alts
| otherwise = mapM goalt alts
go _ = throw "Measure Functions should have a case at top level"
goalt ((C.DataAlt d), xs, e) = ((Def x d (symbol <$> xs)) . E) <$> coreToLogic e
goalt alt = throw $ "Bad alternative" ++ showPpr alt
goalt_prop ((C.DataAlt d), xs, e) = ((Def x d (symbol <$> xs)) . P) <$> coreToPred e
goalt_prop alt = throw $ "Bad alternative" ++ showPpr alt
inline_preds = inline (eqType boolTy . varType)
coreToFun :: LocSymbol -> Var -> C.CoreExpr -> LogicM ([Symbol], Either Pred Expr)
coreToFun _ v e = go [] $ inline_preds $ simplify e
go acc (C.Lam x e) | isTyVar x = go acc e
go acc (C.Lam x e) | isErasable x = go acc e
go acc (C.Lam x e) = go (symbol x : acc) e
go acc (C.Tick _ e) = go acc e
go acc e | eqType rty boolTy
= (reverse acc,) . Left <$> coreToPred e
| otherwise
= (reverse acc,) . Right <$> coreToLogic e
inline_preds = inline (eqType boolTy . varType)
rty = snd $ splitFunTys $ snd $ splitForAllTys $ varType v
instance Show C.CoreExpr where
show = showPpr
coreToPred :: C.CoreExpr -> LogicM Pred
coreToPred (C.Let b p) = subst1 <$> coreToPred p <*> makesub b
coreToPred (C.Tick _ p) = coreToPred p
coreToPred (C.App (C.Var v) e) | ignoreVar v = coreToPred e
coreToPred (C.Var x)
| x == falseDataConId
= return PFalse
| x == trueDataConId
= return PTrue
coreToPred p@(C.App _ _) = toPredApp p
coreToPred e
= PBexp <$> coreToLogic e
coreToLogic :: C.CoreExpr -> LogicM Expr
coreToLogic (C.Let b e) = subst1 <$> coreToLogic e <*> makesub b
coreToLogic (C.Tick _ e) = coreToLogic e
coreToLogic (C.App (C.Var v) e) | ignoreVar v = coreToLogic e
coreToLogic (C.Lit l)
= case mkLit l of
Nothing -> throw $ "Bad Literal in measure definition" ++ showPpr l
Just i -> return i
coreToLogic (C.Var x) = (symbolMap <$> getState) >>= eVarWithMap x
coreToLogic e@(C.App _ _) = toLogicApp e
coreToLogic (C.Case e b _ alts) | eqType (varType b) boolTy
= checkBoolAlts alts >>= coreToIte e
coreToLogic e = throw ("Cannot transform to Logic:\t" ++ showPpr e)
checkBoolAlts :: [C.CoreAlt] -> LogicM (C.CoreExpr, C.CoreExpr)
checkBoolAlts [(C.DataAlt false, [], efalse), (C.DataAlt true, [], etrue)]
| false == falseDataCon, true == trueDataCon
= return (efalse, etrue)
checkBoolAlts [(C.DataAlt true, [], etrue), (C.DataAlt false, [], efalse)]
| false == falseDataCon, true == trueDataCon
= return (efalse, etrue)
checkBoolAlts alts
= throw ("checkBoolAlts failed on " ++ showPpr alts)
coreToIte e (efalse, etrue)
= do p <- coreToPred e
e1 <- coreToLogic efalse
e2 <- coreToLogic etrue
return $ EIte p e2 e1
toPredApp :: C.CoreExpr -> LogicM Pred
toPredApp p
= do let (f, es) = splitArgs p
f' <- tosymbol f
go f' es
go f [e1, e2]
| Just rel <- M.lookup (val f) brels
= PAtom rel <$> (coreToLogic e1) <*> (coreToLogic e2)
go f [e]
| val f == symbol ("not" :: String)
= PNot <$> coreToPred e
go f [e1, e2]
| val f == symbol ("||" :: String)
= POr <$> mapM coreToPred [e1, e2]
| val f == symbol ("&&" :: String)
= PAnd <$> mapM coreToPred [e1, e2]
go f es
| val f == symbol ("or" :: String)
= POr <$> mapM coreToPred es
| val f == symbol ("and" :: String)
= PAnd <$> mapM coreToPred es
| otherwise
= PBexp <$> toLogicApp p
toLogicApp :: C.CoreExpr -> LogicM Expr
toLogicApp e
= do let (f, es) = splitArgs e
args <- mapM coreToLogic es
lmap <- symbolMap <$> getState
def <- (`EApp` args) <$> tosymbol f
(\x -> makeApp def lmap x args) <$> tosymbol' f
makeApp :: Expr -> LogicMap -> Located Symbol-> [Expr] -> Expr
makeApp _ _ f [e] | val f == symbol ("GHC.Num.negate" :: String)
= ENeg e
makeApp _ _ f [e1, e2] | Just op <- M.lookup (val f) bops
= EBin op e1 e2
makeApp def lmap f es
= eAppWithMap lmap f es def
eVarWithMap :: Id -> LogicMap -> LogicM Expr
eVarWithMap x lmap
= do f' <- tosymbol' (C.Var x :: C.CoreExpr)
return $ eAppWithMap lmap f' [] (EVar $ symbol x)
brels :: M.HashMap Symbol Brel
brels = M.fromList [ (symbol ("==" :: String), Eq)
, (symbol ("/=" :: String), Ne)
, (symbol (">=" :: String), Ge)
, (symbol (">" :: String) , Gt)
, (symbol ("<=" :: String), Le)
, (symbol ("<" :: String) , Lt)
bops :: M.HashMap Symbol Bop
bops = M.fromList [ (numSymbol "+", Plus)
, (numSymbol "-", Minus)
, (numSymbol "*", Times)
, (numSymbol "/", Div)
, (numSymbol "%", Mod)
numSymbol :: String -> Symbol
numSymbol = symbol . (++) "GHC.Num."
splitArgs e = (f, reverse es)
(f, es) = go e
go (C.App (C.Var i) e) | ignoreVar i = go e
go (C.App f (C.Var v)) | isErasable v = go f
go (C.App f e) = (f', e:es) where (f', es) = go f
go f = (f, [])
tosymbol (C.Var x) = return $ dummyLoc $ simpleSymbolVar x
tosymbol e = throw ("Bad Measure Definition:\n" ++ showPpr e ++ "\t cannot be applied")
tosymbol' (C.Var x) = return $ dummyLoc $ simpleSymbolVar' x
tosymbol' e = throw ("Bad Measure Definition:\n" ++ showPpr e ++ "\t cannot be applied")
makesub (C.NonRec x e) = (symbol x,) <$> coreToLogic e
makesub _ = throw "Cannot make Logical Substitution of Recursive Definitions"
mkLit :: Literal -> Maybe Expr
mkLit (MachInt n) = mkI n
mkLit (MachInt64 n) = mkI n
mkLit (MachWord n) = mkI n
mkLit (MachWord64 n) = mkI n
mkLit (MachFloat n) = mkR n
mkLit (MachDouble n) = mkR n
mkLit (LitInteger n _) = mkI n
mkLit (MachStr s) = mkS s
mkLit _ = Nothing
mkI = Just . ECon . I
mkR = Just . ECon . F.R . fromRational
mkS s = Just (ELit (dummyLoc $ symbol s) stringSort)
stringSort = rTypeSort M.empty (ofType stringTy :: RSort)
instance Symbolic B.ByteString where
symbol x = symbol $ init $ tail $ show x
ignoreVar i = simpleSymbolVar i `elem` ["I#"]
simpleSymbolVar = dropModuleNames . symbol . showPpr . getName
simpleSymbolVar' = symbol . showPpr . getName
isErasable v = isPrefixOfSym (symbol ("$" :: String)) (simpleSymbolVar v)
isDead = isDeadOcc . occInfo . idInfo
class Simplify a where
simplify :: a -> a
inline :: (Id -> Bool) -> a -> a
instance Simplify C.CoreExpr where
simplify e@(C.Var _)
= e
simplify e@(C.Lit _)
= e
simplify (C.App e (C.Type _))
= simplify e
simplify (C.App e (C.Var dict)) | isErasable dict
= simplify e
simplify (C.App (C.Lam x e) _) | isDead x
= simplify e
simplify (C.App e1 e2)
= C.App (simplify e1) (simplify e2)
simplify (C.Lam x e) | isTyVar x
= simplify e
simplify (C.Lam x e)
= C.Lam x (simplify e)
simplify (C.Let xes e)
= C.Let (simplify xes) (simplify e)
simplify (C.Case e x t alts)
= C.Case (simplify e) x t (simplify <$> alts)
simplify (C.Cast e _)
= simplify e
simplify (C.Tick _ e)
= simplify e
simplify (C.Coercion c)
= C.Coercion c
simplify (C.Type t)
= C.Type t
inline p (C.Let (C.NonRec x ex) e) | p x
= sub (M.singleton x (inline p ex)) (inline p e)
inline p (C.Let xes e) = C.Let (inline p xes) (inline p e)
inline p (C.App e1 e2) = C.App (inline p e1) (inline p e2)
inline p (C.Lam x e) = C.Lam x (inline p e)
inline p (C.Case e x t alts) = C.Case (inline p e) x t (inline p <$> alts)
inline p (C.Cast e c) = C.Cast (inline p e) c
inline p (C.Tick t e) = C.Tick t (inline p e)
inline _ (C.Var x) = C.Var x
inline _ (C.Lit l) = C.Lit l
inline _ (C.Coercion c) = C.Coercion c
inline _ (C.Type t) = C.Type t
instance Simplify C.CoreBind where
simplify (C.NonRec x e) = C.NonRec x (simplify e)
simplify (C.Rec xes) = C.Rec (mapSnd simplify <$> xes )
inline p (C.NonRec x e) = C.NonRec x (inline p e)
inline p (C.Rec xes) = C.Rec (mapSnd (inline p) <$> xes)
instance Simplify C.CoreAlt where
simplify (c, xs, e) = (c, xs, simplify e)
inline p (c, xs, e) = (c, xs, inline p e)