module Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.SymSort (
  ) where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>))

import qualified Data.List as L

import Language.Fixpoint.Misc (errorstar, safeZip, fst3, snd3)
import Language.Fixpoint.Types (meet)

import Language.Haskell.Liquid.RefType (appRTyCon, strengthen)
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Misc (safeZipWithError, intToString)

-- TODO: Rename, "Sort" isn't a good name for this module

-- EFFECTS: TODO is this the SAME as addTyConInfo? No. `txRefSort`
-- (1) adds the _real_ sorts to RProp,
-- (2) gathers _extra_ RProp at turnst them into refinements,
--     e.g. tests/pos/multi-pred-app-00.hs
txRefSort tyi tce = mapBot (addSymSort tce tyi)

addSymSort tce tyi (RApp rc@(RTyCon _ _ _) ts rs r) 
  = RApp rc ts (zipWith3 (addSymSortRef rc) pvs rargs [1..]) r'
    rc'                = appRTyCon tce tyi rc ts
    pvs                = rTyConPVs rc' 
    (rargs, rrest)     = splitAt (length pvs) rs
    r'                 = L.foldl' go r rrest
    go r (RPropP _ r') = r' `meet` r
    go r (RProp  _ _ ) = r -- is this correct?
    go _ (RHProp _ _ ) = errorstar "TODO:EFFECTS:addSymSort"

addSymSort _ _ t 
  = t

addSymSortRef _  _ (RHProp _ _) _   = errorstar "TODO:EFFECTS:addSymSortRef"
addSymSortRef rc p r i | isPropPV p = addSymSortRef' rc i p r 
                       | otherwise  = errorstar "addSymSortRef: malformed ref application"

addSymSortRef' _ _ p (RProp s (RVar v r)) | isDummy v
  = RProp xs t
      t  = ofRSort (pvType p) `strengthen` r
      xs = spliceArgs "addSymSortRef 1" s p

addSymSortRef' _ _ p (RProp s t) 
  = RProp xs t
      xs = spliceArgs "addSymSortRef 2" s p

addSymSortRef' rc i p (RPropP _ r@(U _ (Pr [up]) _)) 
  = RPropP xts r -- (ofRSort (pvType p) `strengthen` r)
      xts = safeZipWithError msg xs ts
      xs  = snd3 <$> pargs up
      ts  = fst3 <$> pargs p
      msg = intToString i ++ " argument of " ++ show rc ++ " is " ++ show (pname up) 
            ++ " that expects " ++ show (length ts) ++ " arguments, but it has " ++ show (length xs)

addSymSortRef' _ _ _ (RPropP s r)
  = RPropP s r -- (ofRSort (pvType p) `strengthen` r)

addSymSortRef' _ _ _ _
  = errorstar "TODO:EFFECTS:addSymSortRef'"

spliceArgs msg s p = safeZip msg (fst <$> s) (fst3 <$> pargs p)