{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

module Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.PredType (
  , TyConP (..), DataConP (..)
  , dataConTy
  , dataConPSpecType
  , makeTyConInfo
  , replacePreds

  , replacePredsWithRefs
  , pVartoRConc

  -- * Dummy `Type` that represents _all_ abstract-predicates
  , predType

  -- * Compute @RType@ of a given @PVar@
  , pvarRType

  , substParg
  , pApp
  , pappSort, pappArity
  ) where

import           Prelude                         hiding (error)
import           DataCon
import           Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ
import qualified TyCon                           as TC
import           Type
import           TypeRep

import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict             as M
import           Data.List                       (foldl', partition)

import           Language.Fixpoint.Misc

import           Language.Fixpoint.Types         hiding (Expr, Predicate)
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Types         as F
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.GHC.Misc
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Misc
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.RefType hiding (generalize)
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types

import           Data.List                       (nub)

import           Data.Default

makeTyConInfo = hashMapMapWithKey mkRTyCon . M.fromList

mkRTyCon ::  TC.TyCon -> TyConP -> RTyCon
mkRTyCon tc (TyConP αs' ps _ tyvariance predvariance size) = RTyCon tc pvs' (mkTyConInfo tc tyvariance predvariance size)
  where τs   = [rVar α :: RSort |  α <- tyConTyVarsDef tc]
        pvs' = subts (zip αs' τs) <$> ps

dataConPSpecType :: DataCon -> DataConP -> SpecType
dataConPSpecType dc (DataConP _ vs ps ls cs yts rt _) = mkArrow vs ps ls ts' rt'
    (xs, ts) = unzip $ reverse yts
    -- mkDSym   = (`mappend` symbol dc) . (`mappend` "_") . symbol
    mkDSym z = (symbol z) `suffixSymbol` (symbol dc)
    ys       = mkDSym <$> xs
    tx _  []     []     []     = []
    tx su (x:xs) (y:ys) (t:ts) = (y, subst (F.mkSubst su) t, mempty)
                               : tx ((x, F.EVar y):su) xs ys ts
    tx _ _ _ _ = panic Nothing "PredType.dataConPSpecType.tx called on invalid inputs"
    yts'     = tx [] xs ys ts
    ts'      = map ("" , , mempty) cs ++ yts'
    su       = F.mkSubst [(x, F.EVar y) | (x, y) <- zip xs ys]
    rt'      = subst su rt

instance PPrint TyConP where
  pprintTidy k (TyConP vs ps ls _ _ _)
    = (parens $ hsep (punctuate comma (map (pprintTidy k) vs))) <+>
      (parens $ hsep (punctuate comma (map (pprintTidy k) ps))) <+>
      (parens $ hsep (punctuate comma (map (pprintTidy k) ls)))

instance Show TyConP where
 show = showpp -- showSDoc . ppr

instance PPrint DataConP where
  pprintTidy k (DataConP _ vs ps ls cs yts t _)
     = (parens $ hsep (punctuate comma (map (pprintTidy k) vs))) <+>
       (parens $ hsep (punctuate comma (map (pprintTidy k) ps))) <+>
       (parens $ hsep (punctuate comma (map (pprintTidy k) ls))) <+>
       (parens $ hsep (punctuate comma (map (pprintTidy k) cs))) <+>
       (parens $ hsep (punctuate comma (map (pprintTidy k) yts))) <+>
       pprintTidy k t

instance Show DataConP where
  show = showpp

dataConTy m (TyVarTy v)
  = M.lookupDefault (rVar v) (RTV v) m
dataConTy m (FunTy t1 t2)
  = rFun dummySymbol (dataConTy m t1) (dataConTy m t2)
dataConTy m (ForAllTy α t)
  = RAllT (rTyVar α) (dataConTy m t)
dataConTy m (TyConApp c ts)
  = rApp c (dataConTy m <$> ts) [] mempty
dataConTy _ _
  = panic Nothing "ofTypePAppTy"

----- Interface: Replace Predicate With Uninterprented Function Symbol -----

replacePredsWithRefs (p, r) (MkUReft (Reft(v, rs)) (Pr ps) s)
  = MkUReft (Reft (v, rs'')) (Pr ps2) s
    rs''             = mconcat $ rs : rs'
    rs'              = r . (v,) . pargs <$> ps1
    (ps1, ps2)       = partition (== p) ps

pVartoRConc p (v, args) | length args == length (pargs p)
  = pApp (pname p) $ EVar v : (thd3 <$> args)

pVartoRConc p (v, args)
  = pApp (pname p) $ EVar v : args'
    args' = (thd3 <$> args) ++ (drop (length args) (thd3 <$> pargs p))

-- | @pvarRType π@ returns a trivial @RType@ corresponding to the
--   function signature for a @PVar@ @π@. For example, if
--      @π :: T1 -> T2 -> T3 -> Prop@
--   then @pvarRType π@ returns an @RType@ with an @RTycon@ called
--   @predRTyCon@ `RApp predRTyCon [T1, T2, T3]`
pvarRType :: (PPrint r, Reftable r) => PVar RSort -> RRType r
pvarRType (PV _ k {- (PVProp τ) -} _ args) = rpredType k (fst3 <$> args) -- (ty:tys)
  -- where
  --   ty  = uRTypeGen τ
  --   tys = uRTypeGen . fst3 <$> args

-- rpredType    :: (PPrint r, Reftable r) => PVKind (RRType r) -> [RRType r] -> RRType r
rpredType (PVProp t) ts = RApp predRTyCon  (uRTypeGen <$> t : ts) [] mempty
rpredType PVHProp    ts = RApp wpredRTyCon (uRTypeGen <$>     ts) [] mempty

predRTyCon   :: RTyCon
predRTyCon   = symbolRTyCon predName

wpredRTyCon   :: RTyCon
wpredRTyCon   = symbolRTyCon wpredName

symbolRTyCon   :: Symbol -> RTyCon
symbolRTyCon n = RTyCon (stringTyCon 'x' 42 $ symbolString n) [] def

-- | Instantiate `PVar` with `RTProp` -----------------------------------------------
-- | @replacePreds@ is the main function used to substitute an (abstract)
--   predicate with a concrete Ref, that is either an `RProp` or `RHProp`
--   type. The substitution is invoked to obtain the `SpecType` resulting
--   at /predicate application/ sites in 'Language.Haskell.Liquid.Constraint'.
--   The range of the `PVar` substitutions are /fresh/ or /true/ `RefType`.
--   That is, there are no further _quantified_ `PVar` in the target.
replacePreds                 :: String -> SpecType -> [(RPVar, SpecProp)] -> SpecType
replacePreds msg             = foldl' go
     go _ (_, RProp _ (RHole _)) = panic Nothing "replacePreds on RProp _ (RHole _)"
     go z (π, t) = substPred msg   (π, t)     z

-- TODO: replace `replacePreds` with
-- instance SubsTy RPVar (Ref RReft SpecType) SpecType where
--   subt (pv, r) t = replacePreds "replacePred" t (pv, r)

-- replacePreds :: String -> SpecType -> [(RPVar, Ref Reft RefType)] -> SpecType
-- replacePreds msg       = foldl' go
--   where go z (π, RProp t) = substPred msg   (π, t)     z
--         go z (π, RPropP r) = replacePVarReft (π, r) <$> z

substPred :: String -> (RPVar, SpecProp) -> SpecType -> SpecType

substPred _   (π, RProp ss (RVar a1 r1)) t@(RVar a2 r2)
  | isPredInReft && a1 == a2    = RVar a1 $ meetListWithPSubs πs ss r1 r2'
  | isPredInReft                = panic Nothing ("substPred RVar Var Mismatch" ++ show (a1, a2))
  | otherwise                   = t
    (r2', πs)                   = splitRPvar π r2
    isPredInReft                = not $ null πs

substPred msg su@(π, _ ) (RApp c ts rs r)
  | null πs                     = t'
  | otherwise                   = substRCon msg su t' πs r2'
    t'                          = RApp c (substPred msg su <$> ts) (substPredP msg su <$> rs) r
    (r2', πs)                   = splitRPvar π r

substPred msg (p, tp) (RAllP (q@(PV _ _ _ _)) t)
  | p /= q                      = RAllP q $ substPred msg (p, tp) t
  | otherwise                   = RAllP q t

substPred msg su (RAllT a t)    = RAllT a (substPred msg su t)

substPred msg su@(π,_ ) (RFun x t t' r)
  | null πs                     = RFun x (substPred msg su t) (substPred msg su t') r
  | otherwise                   = {-meetListWithPSubs πs πt -}(RFun x t t' r')
  where (r', πs)                = splitRPvar π r

substPred msg su (RRTy e r o t) = RRTy (mapSnd (substPred msg su) <$> e) r o (substPred msg su t)
substPred msg su (RAllE x t t') = RAllE x (substPred msg su t) (substPred msg su t')
substPred msg su (REx x t t')   = REx   x (substPred msg su t) (substPred msg su t')
substPred _   _  t              = t

-- | Requires: @not $ null πs@
-- substRCon :: String -> (RPVar, SpecType) -> SpecType -> SpecType

substRCon msg (_, RProp ss t1@(RApp c1 ts1 rs1 r1)) t2@(RApp c2 ts2 rs2 _) πs r2'
  | rtc_tc c1 == rtc_tc c2 = RApp c1 ts rs $ meetListWithPSubs πs ss r1 r2'
    ts                     = subst su $ safeZipWith (msg ++ ": substRCon")  strSub  ts1  ts2
    rs                     = subst su $ safeZipWith (msg ++ ": substRCon2") strSubR rs1' rs2'
    (rs1', rs2')           = pad "substRCon" top rs1 rs2
    strSub r1 r2           = meetListWithPSubs πs ss r1 r2
    strSubR r1 r2          = meetListWithPSubsRef πs ss r1 r2

    su = mkSubst $ zipWith (\s1 s2 -> (s1, EVar s2)) (rvs t1) (rvs t2)

    rvs      = foldReft (\_ r acc -> rvReft r : acc) []
    rvReft r = let Reft(s,_) = toReft r in s

substRCon msg su t _ _        = panic Nothing $ msg ++ " substRCon " ++ showpp (su, t)

pad _ f [] ys   = (f <$> ys, ys)
pad _ f xs []   = (xs, f <$> xs)
pad msg _ xs ys
  | nxs == nys  = (xs, ys)
  | otherwise   = panic Nothing $ "pad: " ++ msg
    nxs         = length xs
    nys         = length ys

substPredP _ su p@(RProp _ (RHole _))
  = panic Nothing ("PredType.substPredP1 called on invalid inputs: " ++ showpp (su, p))
substPredP msg su@(p, RProp ss _) (RProp s t)
  = RProp ss' $ substPred (msg ++ ": substPredP") su t
   ss' = drop n ss ++  s
   n   = length ss - length (freeArgsPs p t)

splitRPvar pv (MkUReft x (Pr pvs) s) = (MkUReft x (Pr pvs') s, epvs)
    (epvs, pvs')               = partition (uPVar pv ==) pvs

-- TODO: rewrite using foldReft
freeArgsPs p (RVar _ r)
  = freeArgsPsRef p r
freeArgsPs p (RFun _ t1 t2 r)
  = nub $  freeArgsPsRef p r ++ freeArgsPs p t1 ++ freeArgsPs p t2
freeArgsPs p (RAllT _ t)
  = freeArgsPs p t
freeArgsPs p (RAllS _ t)
  = freeArgsPs p t
freeArgsPs p (RAllP p' t)
  | p == p'   = []
  | otherwise = freeArgsPs p t
freeArgsPs p (RApp _ ts _ r)
  = nub $ freeArgsPsRef p r ++ concatMap (freeArgsPs p) ts
freeArgsPs p (RAllE _ t1 t2)
  = nub $ freeArgsPs p t1 ++ freeArgsPs p t2
freeArgsPs p (REx _ t1 t2)
  = nub $ freeArgsPs p t1 ++ freeArgsPs p t2
freeArgsPs p (RAppTy t1 t2 r)
  = nub $ freeArgsPsRef p r ++ freeArgsPs p t1 ++ freeArgsPs p t2
freeArgsPs _ (RExprArg _)
  = []
freeArgsPs p (RHole r)
  = freeArgsPsRef p r
freeArgsPs p (RRTy env r _ t)
  = nub $ concatMap (freeArgsPs p) (snd <$> env) ++ freeArgsPsRef p r ++ freeArgsPs p t

freeArgsPsRef p (MkUReft _ (Pr ps) _) = [x | (_, x, w) <- (concatMap pargs ps'),  (EVar x) == w]
   ps' = f <$> filter (uPVar p ==) ps
   f q = q {pargs = pargs q ++ drop (length (pargs q)) (pargs $ uPVar p)}

meetListWithPSubs πs ss r1 r2    = foldl' (meetListWithPSub ss r1) r2 πs

meetListWithPSubsRef πs ss r1 r2 = foldl' ((meetListWithPSubRef ss) r1) r2 πs

meetListWithPSub ::  (Reftable r, PPrint t) => [(Symbol, RSort)]-> r -> r -> PVar t -> r
meetListWithPSub ss r1 r2 π
  | all (\(_, x, EVar y) -> x == y) (pargs π)
  = r2 `meet` r1
  | all (\(_, x, EVar y) -> x /= y) (pargs π)
  = r2 `meet` (subst su r1)
  | otherwise
  = panic Nothing $ "PredType.meetListWithPSub partial application to " ++ showpp π
    su  = mkSubst [(x, y) | (x, (_, _, y)) <- zip (fst <$> ss) (pargs π)]

meetListWithPSubRef _ (RProp _ (RHole _)) _ _ -- TODO: Is this correct?
  = panic Nothing "PredType.meetListWithPSubRef called with invalid input"
meetListWithPSubRef _ _ (RProp _ (RHole _)) _
  = panic Nothing "PredType.meetListWithPSubRef called with invalid input"
meetListWithPSubRef ss (RProp s1 r1) (RProp s2 r2) π
  | all (\(_, x, EVar y) -> x == y) (pargs π)
  = RProp s1 $ (subst su' r2) `meet` r1
  | all (\(_, x, EVar y) -> x /= y) (pargs π)
  = RProp s2 $ r2 `meet` (subst su r1)
  | otherwise
  = panic Nothing $ "PredType.meetListWithPSubRef partial application to " ++ showpp π
    su  = mkSubst [(x, y) | (x, (_, _, y)) <- zip (fst <$> ss) (pargs π)]
    su' = mkSubst [(x, EVar y) | (x, y) <- zip (fst <$> s2) (fst <$> s1)]

-- | Interface: Modified CoreSyn.exprType due to predApp -------------------
predType   :: Type
predType   = symbolType predName

wpredName, predName   :: Symbol
predName   = "Pred"
wpredName  = "WPred"

symbolType = TyVarTy . symbolTyVar

substParg :: Functor f => (Symbol, F.Expr) -> f Predicate -> f Predicate
substParg (x, y) = fmap fp
    fxy s        = if (s == EVar x) then y else s
    fp           = subvPredicate (\pv -> pv { pargs = mapThd3 fxy <$> pargs pv })

-----------------------------  Predicate Application --------------------------
pappArity :: Int
pappArity  = 7

pappSort :: Int -> Sort
pappSort n = mkFFunc (2 * n) $ [ptycon] ++ args ++ [boolSort]
    ptycon = fAppTC predFTyCon $ FVar <$> [0..n-1]
    args   = FVar <$> [n..(2*n-1)]

predFTyCon = symbolFTycon $ dummyLoc predName