{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

{-@ LIQUID "--diff"     @-}

module Language.Haskell.Liquid.Liquid (
   -- * Executable command

   -- * Single query
  , runLiquid

   -- * Ghci State
  , MbEnv
  ) where

import           Prelude hiding (error)
import           Data.Bifunctor
import           System.Exit
import           Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ
-- import           Var                              (Var)
import           CoreSyn
import           HscTypes                         (SourceError)
import           GHC (HscEnv)
import           System.Console.CmdArgs.Verbosity (whenLoud, whenNormal)
import           Control.Monad (when)
import qualified Control.Exception as Ex
-- import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Types.Config as FC
import qualified Language.Haskell.Liquid.UX.DiffCheck as DC
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Misc
import           Language.Fixpoint.Misc
import           Language.Fixpoint.Solver
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Types as F
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.RefType (applySolution)
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.UX.Errors
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.UX.CmdLine
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.UX.Tidy
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.GHC.Misc (showCBs) -- howPpr)
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.GHC.Interface
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Constraint.Generate
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Constraint.ToFixpoint
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Constraint.Types
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Model
-- import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Transforms.Rec
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.UX.Annotate (mkOutput)

type MbEnv = Maybe HscEnv

liquid :: [String] -> IO b
liquid args = getOpts args >>= runLiquid Nothing >>= exitWith . fst

-- | This fellow does the real work
runLiquid :: MbEnv -> Config -> IO (ExitCode, MbEnv)
runLiquid mE cfg = do
  z <- actOrDie $ second Just <$> getGhcInfos mE cfg (files cfg)
  case z of
    Left e -> do
      exitWithResult cfg (files cfg) $ mempty { o_result = e }
      return (resultExit e, mE)
    Right (gs, mE') -> do
      d <- checkMany cfg mempty gs
      return (ec d, mE')
    ec = resultExit . o_result

checkMany :: Config -> Output Doc -> [GhcInfo] -> IO (Output Doc)
checkMany cfg d (g:gs) = do
  d' <- checkOne cfg g
  checkMany cfg (d `mappend` d') gs

checkMany _   d [] =
  return d

checkOne :: Config -> GhcInfo -> IO (Output Doc)
checkOne cfg g = do
  z <- actOrDie $ liquidOne g
  case z of
    Left  e -> exitWithResult cfg [target g] $ mempty { o_result = e }
    Right r -> return r

actOrDie :: IO a -> IO (Either ErrorResult a)
actOrDie act =
    (Right <$> act)
      `Ex.catch` (\(e :: SourceError) -> handle e)
      `Ex.catch` (\(e :: Error)       -> handle e)
      `Ex.catch` (\(e :: UserError)   -> handle e)
      `Ex.catch` (\(e :: [Error])     -> handle e)

handle :: (Result a) => a -> IO (Either ErrorResult b)
handle = return . Left . result

liquidOne :: GhcInfo -> IO (Output Doc)
liquidOne info = do
  whenNormal $ donePhase Loud "Extracted Core using GHC"
  let cfg   = getConfig info
  let tgt   = target info
  -- whenLoud  $ do putStrLn $ showpp info
                 -- putStrLn "*************** Original CoreBinds ***************************"
                 -- putStrLn $ render $ pprintCBs (cbs info)
  let cbs' = cbs info -- scopeTr (cbs info)
  whenNormal $ donePhase Loud "Transformed Core"
  whenLoud  $ do donePhase Loud "transformRecExpr"
                 putStrLn "*************** Transform Rec Expr CoreBinds *****************"
                 putStrLn $ showCBs (untidyCore cfg) cbs'
                 -- putStrLn $ render $ pprintCBs cbs'
                 -- putStrLn $ showPpr cbs'
  edcs <- newPrune      cfg cbs' tgt info
  out' <- liquidQueries cfg      tgt info edcs
  DC.saveResult       tgt  out'
  exitWithResult cfg [tgt] out'

newPrune :: Config -> [CoreBind] -> FilePath -> GhcInfo -> IO (Either [CoreBind] [DC.DiffCheck])
newPrune cfg cbs tgt info
  | not (null vs) = return . Right $ [DC.thin cbs sp vs]
  | timeBinds cfg = return . Right $ [DC.thin cbs sp [v] | v <- exportedVars info ]
  | diffcheck cfg = maybeEither cbs <$> DC.slice tgt cbs sp
  | otherwise     = return  (Left cbs)
    vs            = gsTgtVars sp
    sp            = spec    info

-- topLevelBinders :: GhcSpec -> [Var]
-- topLevelBinders = map fst . tySigs

maybeEither :: a -> Maybe b -> Either a [b]
maybeEither d Nothing  = Left d
maybeEither _ (Just x) = Right [x]

liquidQueries :: Config -> FilePath -> GhcInfo -> Either [CoreBind] [DC.DiffCheck] -> IO (Output Doc)
liquidQueries cfg tgt info (Left cbs')
  = liquidQuery cfg tgt info (Left cbs')
liquidQueries cfg tgt info (Right dcs)
  = mconcat <$> mapM (liquidQuery cfg tgt info . Right) dcs

liquidQuery   :: Config -> FilePath -> GhcInfo -> Either [CoreBind] DC.DiffCheck -> IO (Output Doc)
liquidQuery cfg tgt info edc = do
  when False (dumpCs cgi)
  -- whenLoud $ mapM_ putStrLn [ "****************** CGInfo ********************"
                            -- , render (pprint cgi)                            ]
  out   <- timedAction names $ solveCs cfg tgt cgi info' names
  return $  mconcat [oldOut, out]
    cgi    = {-# SCC "generateConstraints" #-} generateConstraints $! info' {cbs = cbs''}
    cbs''  = either id              DC.newBinds                        edc
    info'  = either (const info)    (\z -> info {spec = DC.newSpec z}) edc
    names  = either (const Nothing) (Just . map show . DC.checkedVars) edc
    oldOut = either (const mempty)  DC.oldOutput                       edc

dumpCs :: CGInfo -> IO ()
dumpCs cgi = do
  putStrLn "***************************** SubCs *******************************"
  putStrLn $ render $ pprintMany (hsCs cgi)
  putStrLn "***************************** FixCs *******************************"
  putStrLn $ render $ pprintMany (fixCs cgi)
  putStrLn "***************************** WfCs ********************************"
  putStrLn $ render $ pprintMany (hsWfs cgi)

pprintMany :: (PPrint a) => [a] -> Doc
pprintMany xs = vcat [ F.pprint x $+$ text " " | x <- xs ]

instance Show Cinfo where
  show = show . F.toFix

solveCs :: Config -> FilePath -> CGInfo -> GhcInfo -> Maybe [String] -> IO (Output Doc)
solveCs cfg tgt cgi info names = do
  finfo            <- cgInfoFInfo info cgi
  F.Result r sol _ <- solve (fixConfig tgt cfg) finfo
  let resErr        = applySolution sol . cinfoError . snd <$> r
  resModel_        <- fmap (e2u sol) <$> getModels info cfg resErr
  let resModel      = resModel_  `addErrors` (e2u sol <$> logErrors cgi)
  let out0          = mkOutput cfg resModel sol (annotMap cgi)
  return            $ out0 { o_vars    = names    }
                           { o_result  = resModel }

e2u :: F.FixSolution -> Error -> UserError
e2u s = fmap F.pprint . tidyError s

-- writeCGI tgt cgi = {-# SCC "ConsWrite" #-} writeFile (extFileName Cgi tgt) str
--   where
--     str          = {-# SCC "PPcgi" #-} showpp cgi