{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections     #-}

module Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.DataType
  ( -- * Constructors
  , makeConTypes
  , makeTyConEmbeds
  , makeRecordSelectorSigs
  , meetDataConSpec
  , addClassEmbeds

  , DataConMap
  , dataConMap

  -- * Tests
  -- , isPropDecl
  -- , qualifyDataDecl
  ) where

import           TysWiredIn (listTyCon)
import           TysPrim
import           DataCon
import           Name                                   (getSrcSpan)
import           Prelude                                hiding (error)
import           SrcLoc                                 (SrcSpan)
import qualified Type
import           Text.Parsec
import           TyCon                                  hiding (tyConName)
import           Var
import           InstEnv
import           Class
import           Data.Maybe
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.GHC.TypeRep

import           Control.Monad                          (forM_, when) -- , (>=>))
import           Control.Monad.State                    (gets)
import qualified Control.Exception                      as Ex
import qualified Data.List                              as L
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict                    as M
import qualified Data.HashSet                           as S

import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Types.Visitor        as V
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Types                as F
import qualified Language.Haskell.Liquid.GHC.Misc       as GM -- (sourcePosSrcSpan, sourcePos2SrcSpan, symbolTyVar)--
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.PredType (dataConWorkRep, dataConPSpecType)
import qualified Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.RefType  as RT
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.Meet
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Misc                 as Misc
import qualified Language.Haskell.Liquid.Misc           as Misc
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.Variance
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.WiredIn

import qualified Language.Haskell.Liquid.Measure        as Ms

import qualified Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.Misc      as GM
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.Env
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.Lookup
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.OfType
import           Text.Printf                     (printf)
import           Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ       ((<+>))
-- import           Debug.Trace (trace)

-- | makeClassEmbeds: sort-embeddings for numeric, and family-instance tycons
addClassEmbeds :: Maybe [ClsInst] -> [TyCon] -> F.TCEmb TyCon -> F.TCEmb TyCon
addClassEmbeds instenv fiTcs = makeFamInstEmbeds fiTcs . makeNumEmbeds instenv

-- | makeFamInstEmbeds : embed family instance tycons, see [NOTE:FamInstEmbeds]
--     Query.R$58$EntityFieldBlobdog
--   with the actual family instance  types that have numeric instances as int [Check!]
makeFamInstEmbeds :: [TyCon] -> F.TCEmb TyCon -> F.TCEmb TyCon
makeFamInstEmbeds cs0 embs = L.foldl' embed embs famInstSorts
    famInstSorts          = F.notracepp "famInstTcs"
                            [ (c, RT.typeSort embs ty)
                                | c   <- cs
                                , ty  <- maybeToList (famInstTyConType c) ]
    embed embs (c, t)     = M.insert c t embs
    cs                    = F.notracepp "famInstTcs-all" cs0

famInstTyConType :: TyCon -> Maybe Type
famInstTyConType c = case tyConFamInst_maybe c of
  Just (c', ts) -> Just (famInstType (tyConArity c) c' ts)
  Nothing       -> Nothing

famInstType :: Int -> TyCon -> [Type] -> Type
famInstType n c ts = Type.mkTyConApp c (take (length ts - n) ts)

-- famInstSort :: F.TCEmb TyCon -> TyCon -> Maybe F.Sort
-- famInstSort embs c = tcAppSort embs <$> tyConFamInst_maybe c

-- tcAppSort :: F.TCEmb TyCon -> (TyCon, [Type]) -> F.Sort
-- tcAppSort embs (c, ts) = RT.typeSort embs (Type.mkTyConApp c ts)

{- | [NOTE:FamInstEmbeds] For various reasons, GHC represents family instances
     in two ways: (1) As an applied type, (2) As a special tycon.
     For example, consider `tests/pos/ExactGADT4.hs`:

        class PersistEntity record where
          data EntityField record :: * -> *

        data Blob = B { xVal :: Int, yVal :: Int }

        instance PersistEntity Blob where
           data EntityField Blob dog where
             BlobXVal :: EntityField Blob Int
             BlobYVal :: EntityField Blob Int

     here, the type of the constructor `BlobXVal` can be represented as:

     (1) EntityField Blob Int,


     (2) R$58$EntityFieldBlobdog Int

     PROBLEM: For various reasons, GHC will use _both_ representations interchangeably,
     which messes up our sort-checker.

     SOLUTION: To address the above, we create an "embedding"

        R$58$EntityFieldBlobdog :-> EntityField Blob

     So that all occurrences of the (2) are treated as (1) by the sort checker.

-- | makeNumEmbeds: embed types that have numeric instances as int [Check!]
makeNumEmbeds :: Maybe [ClsInst] -> F.TCEmb TyCon -> F.TCEmb TyCon
makeNumEmbeds Nothing x   = x
makeNumEmbeds (Just is) x = L.foldl' makeNumericInfoOne x is

makeNumericInfoOne :: F.TCEmb TyCon -> ClsInst -> F.TCEmb TyCon
makeNumericInfoOne m is
  | isFracCls $ classTyCon $ is_cls is, Just tc <- instanceTyCon is
  = M.insertWith (flip mappendSortFTC) tc (ftc tc True True) m
  | isNumCls  $ classTyCon $ is_cls is, Just tc <- instanceTyCon is
  = M.insertWith (flip mappendSortFTC) tc (ftc tc True False) m
  | otherwise
  = m
    ftc c f1 f2 = F.FTC (F.symbolNumInfoFTyCon (dummyLoc $ RT.tyConName c) f1 f2)

mappendSortFTC :: F.Sort -> F.Sort -> F.Sort
mappendSortFTC (F.FTC x) (F.FTC y) = F.FTC (F.mappendFTC x y)
mappendSortFTC s         (F.FTC _) = s
mappendSortFTC (F.FTC _) s         = s
mappendSortFTC s1        s2        = panic Nothing ("mappendSortFTC: s1 = " ++ showpp s1 ++ " s2 = " ++ showpp s2)

instanceTyCon :: ClsInst -> Maybe TyCon
instanceTyCon = go . is_tys
    go [TyConApp c _] = Just c
    go _              = Nothing

-- | Create Fixpoint DataDecl from LH DataDecls --------------------------------

-- | A 'DataPropDecl' is associated with a (`TyCon` and) `DataDecl`, and defines the
--   sort of relation that is established by terms of the given `TyCon`.
--   A 'DataPropDecl' say, 'pd' is associated with a 'dd' of type 'DataDecl' when
--   'pd' is the `SpecType` version of the `BareType` given by `tycPropTy dd`.

type DataPropDecl = (DataDecl, Maybe SpecType)

makeDataDecls :: Config -> F.TCEmb TyCon -> ModName
              -> [(ModName, TyCon, DataPropDecl)]
              -> [(DataCon, Located DataConP)]
              -> [F.DataDecl]
makeDataDecls cfg tce name tds ds
  | makeDecls = [ makeFDataDecls tce tc dd ctors
                | (tc, (dd, ctors)) <- groupDataCons tds' ds
                , tc /= listTyCon
  | otherwise = []
    makeDecls = exactDC cfg && not (noADT cfg)
    tds'      = resolveTyCons name tds

-- [NOTE:Orphan-TyCons]

{- | 'resolveTyCons' will prune duplicate 'TyCon' definitions, as follows:

      Let the "home" of a 'TyCon' be the module where it is defined.
      There are three kinds of 'DataDecl' definitions:

      1. A  "home"-definition is one that belongs to its home module,
      2. An "orphan"-definition is one that belongs to some non-home module.

      A 'DataUser' definition MUST be a "home" definition
          - otherwise you can avoid importing the definition
            and hence, unsafely pass its invariants!

      So, 'resolveTyConDecls' implements the following protocol:

      (a) If there is a "Home" definition,
          then use it, and IGNORE others.

      (b) If there are ONLY "orphan" definitions,
          then pick the one from module being analyzed.

      We COULD relax to allow for exactly one orphan `DataUser` definition
      which is the one that should be selected, but that seems like a
      slippery slope, as you can avoid importing the definition
      and hence, unsafely pass its invariants! (Feature not bug?)

resolveTyCons :: ModName -> [(ModName, TyCon, DataPropDecl)]
              -> [(TyCon, (ModName, DataPropDecl))]
resolveTyCons m mtds = [(tc, (m, d)) | (tc, mds) <- M.toList tcDecls
                                     , (m, d)    <- maybeToList $ resolveDecls m tc mds ]
    tcDecls          = Misc.group [ (tc, (m, d)) | (m, tc, d) <- mtds ]

-- | See [NOTE:Orphan-TyCons], the below function tells us which of (possibly many)
--   DataDecls to use.
resolveDecls :: ModName -> TyCon -> Misc.ListNE (ModName, DataPropDecl)
             -> Maybe (ModName, DataPropDecl)
resolveDecls mName tc mds  = Misc.firstMaybes $ (`L.find` mds) <$> [ isHomeDef , isMyDef]
    isMyDef                = (mName ==)             . fst
    isHomeDef              = (tcHome ==) . F.symbol . fst
    tcHome                 = GM.takeModuleNames (F.symbol tc)

groupDataCons :: [(TyCon, (ModName, DataPropDecl))]
              -> [(DataCon, Located DataConP)]
              -> [(TyCon, (DataPropDecl, [(DataCon, DataConP)]))]
groupDataCons tds ds = [ (tc, (d, dds')) | (tc, ((m, d), dds)) <- tcDataCons
                                         , let dds' = filter (isResolvedDataConP m . snd) dds
    tcDataCons       = M.toList $ M.intersectionWith (,) declM ctorM
    declM            = M.fromList tds
    ctorM            = Misc.group [(dataConTyCon d, (d, val dp)) | (d, dp) <- ds]

isResolvedDataConP :: ModName -> DataConP -> Bool
isResolvedDataConP m dp = F.symbol m == dcpModule dp

-- _groupDataCons :: [(TyCon, DataPropDecl)]
              -- -> [(DataCon, Located DataConP)]
              -- -> [(TyCon, (DataPropDecl, [(DataCon, DataConP)]))]
-- _groupDataCons tds ds = M.toList $ M.intersectionWith (,) declM ctorM
  -- where
    -- declM             = M.fromList tds
    -- ctorM             = Misc.group [(dataConTyCon d, (d, val dp)) | (d, dp) <- ds]

makeFDataDecls :: F.TCEmb TyCon -> TyCon -> DataPropDecl -> [(DataCon, DataConP)]
               -> F.DataDecl
makeFDataDecls tce tc dd ctors = makeDataDecl tce tc (fst dd) ctors
                               -- ++ maybeToList (makePropDecl tce tc dd) -- TODO: AUTO-INDPRED

makeDataDecl :: F.TCEmb TyCon -> TyCon -> DataDecl -> [(DataCon, DataConP)]
             -> F.DataDecl
makeDataDecl tce tc dd ctors
  = F.DDecl
      { F.ddTyCon = ftc
      , F.ddVars  = length                $  tycTyVars dd
      , F.ddCtors = makeDataCtor tce ftc <$> ctors
    ftc = F.symbolFTycon (tyConLocSymbol tc dd)

tyConLocSymbol :: TyCon -> DataDecl -> LocSymbol
tyConLocSymbol tc dd = F.atLoc (tycName dd) (F.symbol tc)

-- [NOTE:ADT] We need to POST-PROCESS the 'Sort' so that:
-- 1. The poly tyvars are replaced with debruijn
--    versions e.g. 'List a_a1m' becomes 'List @(1)'
-- 2. The "self" type is replaced with just itself
--    (i.e. without any type applications.)

makeDataCtor :: F.TCEmb TyCon -> F.FTycon -> (DataCon, DataConP) -> F.DataCtor
makeDataCtor tce c (d, dp) = F.DCtor
  { F.dcName    = GM.namedLocSymbol d
  , F.dcFields  = makeDataFields tce c as xts
    as          = freeTyVars dp
    xts         = [ (fld x, t) | (x, t) <- reverse (tyArgs dp) ]
    fld         = Loc (dc_loc dp) (dc_locE dp) . fieldName d dp

fieldName :: DataCon -> DataConP -> F.Symbol -> F.Symbol
fieldName d dp x
  | dcpIsGadt dp = F.suffixSymbol (F.symbol d) x
  | otherwise    = x

makeDataFields :: F.TCEmb TyCon -> F.FTycon -> [RTyVar] -> [(F.LocSymbol, SpecType)]
               -> [F.DataField]
makeDataFields tce c as xts = [ F.DField x (fSort t) | (x, t) <- xts]
    su                      = zip ({- rtyVarUniqueSymbol -} F.symbol <$> as) [0..]
    fSort                   = muSort c (length as) . F.substVars su . RT.rTypeSort tce

muSort :: F.FTycon -> Int -> F.Sort -> F.Sort
muSort c n  = V.mapSort tx
    ct      = F.fTyconSort c
    me      = F.fTyconSelfSort c n
    tx t    = if t == me then ct else t

{- | NOTE:AUTO-INDPRED (tests/todo/IndPred1.hs)
-- RJ: too hard, too brittle, I _thought_ we could just
-- generate the F.DataDecl, but really, you need the GHC
-- names for the Prop-Ctor if you want to be able to `import`
-- a predicate across modules. Seems a LOT easier to just have
-- the program explicitly create the the proposition type
-- e.g. as shownn in (tests/pos/IndPred0.hs)

type SpecTypeRep  = RTypeRep RTyCon RTyVar RReft

-- | 'makePropDecl' creates the 'F.DataDecl' for the *proposition* described
--   by the corresponding 'TyCon' / 'DataDecl', e.g. tests/pos/IndPred0.hs
makePropDecl :: F.TCEmb TyCon -> TyCon -> DataPropDecl -> Maybe F.DataDecl
makePropDecl tce tc (dd, pd) = makePropTyDecl tce tc dd <$> pd

makePropTyDecl :: F.TCEmb TyCon -> TyCon -> DataDecl -> SpecType -> F.DataDecl
makePropTyDecl tce tc dd t
  = F.DDecl
    { F.ddTyCon = ftc
    , F.ddVars  = length (ty_vars tRep)
    , F.ddCtors = [ makePropTyCtor tce ftc tRep ]
    ftc         = propFTycon tc dd
    tRep        = toRTypeRep t

propFTycon :: TyCon -> DataDecl -> F.FTycon
propFTycon tc = F.symbolFTycon . fmap (`F.suffixSymbol` F.propConName) . tyConLocSymbol tc

makePropTyCtor :: F.TCEmb TyCon -> F.FTycon -> SpecTypeRep -> F.DataCtor
makePropTyCtor tce ftc t
  = F.DCtor
    { F.dcName   = F.fTyconSymbol ftc
    , F.dcFields = makePropTyFields tce ftc t

makePropTyFields :: F.TCEmb TyCon -> F.FTycon -> SpecTypeRep -> [F.DataField]
makePropTyFields tce ftc t = makeDataFields tce ftc as xts
    as                     = [ a | RTVar a _ <- ty_vars t ]
    xts                    = zipWith (\i t -> (fld i, t)) [0..] (ty_args t)
    tcSym                  = F.fTyconSymbol ftc
    fld                    = F.atLoc tcSym
                           . GM.symbolMeasure "propField" (val tcSym)
                           . Just

isPropDecl :: F.DataDecl -> Bool
isPropDecl d =  (F.isSuffixOfSym F.propConName . F.symbol . F.ddTyCon $ d)
              && (length (F.ddCtors d) == 1)

qualifyDataDecl :: ModName -> DataDecl -> DataDecl
qualifyDataDecl name d = d { tycName = qualifyName name (tycName d)}

qualifyName :: ModName -> LocSymbol -> LocSymbol
qualifyName n x = F.atLoc x $ GM.qualifySymbol nSym (val x)
    nSym        = GM.takeModuleNames (F.symbol n)


-- | Bare Predicate: DataCon Definitions ---------------------------------------
  :: (ModName, Ms.Spec ty bndr)
  -> BareM ( [(ModName, TyCon, TyConP, Maybe DataPropDecl)]
           , [[(DataCon, Located DataConP)]]   )
makeConTypes (name, spec) = inModule name $
  makeConTypes' name (Ms.dataDecls spec) (Ms.dvariance spec)

makeConTypes' :: ModName -> [DataDecl] -> [(LocSymbol, [Variance])]
              -> BareM ( [(ModName, TyCon, TyConP, Maybe DataPropDecl)]
                       , [[(DataCon, Located DataConP)]])
makeConTypes' name dcs vdcs = do
  dcs' <- F.notracepp "CANONIZED-DECLS" <$> canonizeDecls dcs
  unzip <$> mapM (uncurry (ofBDataDecl name)) (groupVariances dcs' vdcs)

-- | 'canonizeDecls ds' returns a subset of 'ds' with duplicates, e.g. arising
--   due to automatic lifting (via 'makeHaskellDataDecls'). We require that the
--   lifted versions appear LATER in the input list, and always use those
--   instead of the unlifted versions.

canonizeDecls :: [DataDecl] -> BareM [DataDecl]
canonizeDecls ds = do
  ks <- mapM key ds
  case Misc.uniqueByKey' selectDD (zip ks ds) of
    Left  ds     -> err    ds
    Right ds     -> return ds
    key          = fmap F.symbol . lookupGhcDnTyCon "canonizeDecls" . tycName
    err ds@(d:_) = uError (errDupSpecs (pprint $ tycName d)(GM.fSrcSpan <$> ds))
    err _        = impossible Nothing "canonizeDecls"

selectDD :: (a, [DataDecl]) -> Either [DataDecl] DataDecl
selectDD (_,[d]) = Right d
selectDD (_, ds) = case [ d | d <- ds, tycKind d == DataReflected ] of
                     [d] -> Right d
                     _   -> Left  ds

groupVariances :: [DataDecl]
               -> [(LocSymbol, [Variance])]
               -> [(Maybe DataDecl, Maybe (LocSymbol, [Variance]))]
groupVariances dcs vdcs     =  merge (L.sort dcs) (L.sortBy (\x y -> compare (fst x) (fst y)) vdcs)
    merge (d:ds) (v:vs)
      | F.symbol d == sym v = (Just d, Just v)  : merge ds vs
      | F.symbol d <  sym v = (Just d, Nothing) : merge ds (v:vs)
      | otherwise           = (Nothing, Just v) : merge (d:ds) vs
    merge []     vs         = ((Nothing,) . Just) <$> vs
    merge ds     []         = ((,Nothing) . Just) <$> ds
    sym                     = val . fst

dataConSpec' :: [(DataCon, DataConP)] -> [(Var, (SrcSpan, SpecType))]
dataConSpec' dcs = concatMap tx dcs
    sspan z      = GM.sourcePos2SrcSpan (dc_loc z) (dc_locE z)
    tx (dc, dcp) = [ (x, (sspan dcp, t)) | (x, t0) <- dataConPSpecType dc dcp
                                         , let t  = F.notracepp ("expandProductType" ++ showpp (x, t0)) $ RT.expandProductType x t0  ]

    -- tx (dc, dcp) = [ (x, (sspan dcp, t)) | (x, t) <- RT.mkDataConIdsTy dc (dataConPSpecType dc dcp) ] -- HEREHEREHEREHERE-1089

meetDataConSpec :: [(Var, SpecType)] -> [(DataCon, DataConP)] -> [(Var, SpecType)]
meetDataConSpec xts dcs  = M.toList $ snd <$> L.foldl' upd dcm0 (F.notracepp "meetDataConSpec" xts)
    dcm0                 = M.fromList $ dataConSpec' dcs
    upd dcm (x, t)       = M.insert x (getSrcSpan x, tx') dcm
                               tx' = maybe t (meetX x t) (M.lookup x dcm)
    meetX x t (sp', t')  = meetVarTypes (pprint x) (getSrcSpan x, t) (sp', t')

checkDataCtors :: TyCon -> [DataCtor] -> BareM ()
checkDataCtors c ds = do
  mapM_ checkDataCtor ds
  let dcs = S.fromList . fmap F.symbol $ tyConDataCons c
  forM_ ds $ \d -> do
    let dn = dcName d
    x     <- F.symbol <$> lookupGhcDataCon dn
    when (not (S.member x dcs)) (uError (errInvalidDataCon c dn))

errInvalidDataCon :: TyCon -> LocSymbol -> UserError
errInvalidDataCon c d = ErrBadData sp (pprint (val d)) msg
    sp                = GM.sourcePosSrcSpan (loc d)
    msg               = ppVar c <+> "is not the type constructor"

checkDataCtor :: DataCtor -> BareM ()
checkDataCtor (DataCtor lc _ xts _)
  | x : _ <- dups = Ex.throw (err lc x :: UserError)
  | otherwise     = return ()
      dups        = [ x | (x, ts) <- Misc.groupList xts, 2 <= length ts ]
      err lc x    = ErrDupField (GM.sourcePosSrcSpan $ loc lc) (pprint $ val lc) (pprint x)

-- | 'checkDataDecl' checks that the supplied DataDecl is indeed a refinement
--   of the GHC TyCon. We just check that the right tyvars are supplied
--   as errors in the names and types of the constructors will be caught
--   elsewhere. [e.g. tests/errors/BadDataDecl.hs]

checkDataDecl :: TyCon -> DataDecl -> Bool
checkDataDecl c d = F.notracepp _msg (cN == dN || null (tycDCons d))
    _msg          = printf "checkDataDecl: c = %s, cN = %d, dN = %d" (show c) cN dN
    cN            = length (GM.tyConTyVarsDef c)
    dN            = length (tycTyVars         d)

-- FIXME: ES: why the maybes?
ofBDataDecl :: ModName
            -> Maybe DataDecl
            -> (Maybe (LocSymbol, [Variance]))
            -> BareM ((ModName, TyCon, TyConP, Maybe DataPropDecl), [(DataCon, Located DataConP)])
ofBDataDecl name (Just dd@(D tc as ps ls cts _ sfun pt _)) maybe_invariance_info
  = do πs            <- mapM ofBPVar ps
       tc'           <- lookupGhcDnTyCon "ofBDataDecl" tc
       when (not $ checkDataDecl tc' dd) (Ex.throw err)
       checkDataCtors tc' cts
       cts'          <- mapM (ofBDataCtor name lc lc' tc' αs ps ls πs) cts
       pd            <- mapM (mkSpecType' lc []) pt
       let tys        = [t | (_, dcp) <- cts', (_, t) <- tyArgs dcp]
       let initmap    = zip (RT.uPVar <$> πs) [0..]
       let varInfo    = L.nub $  concatMap (getPsSig initmap True) tys
       let defPs      = varSignToVariance varInfo <$> [0 .. (length πs - 1)]
       let (tvi, pvi) = f defPs
       let tcp        = TyConP lc αs πs ls tvi pvi sfun
       return ((name, tc', tcp, Just (dd { tycDCons = cts }, pd)), (Misc.mapSnd (Loc lc lc') <$> cts'))
       err          = ErrBadData (GM.fSrcSpan tc) (pprint tc) "Mismatch in number of type variables" :: UserError
       αs           = RTV . GM.symbolTyVar <$> as
       n            = length αs
       Loc lc lc' _ = dataNameSymbol tc
       f defPs      = case maybe_invariance_info of
                       { Nothing -> ([], defPs);
                         Just (_,is) -> (take n is, if null (drop n is) then defPs else (drop n is))}

ofBDataDecl name Nothing (Just (tc, is))
  = do tc'        <- lookupGhcTyCon "ofBDataDecl" tc
       return ((name, tc', TyConP srcpos [] [] [] tcov tcontr Nothing, Nothing), [])
    (tcov, tcontr) = (is, [])
    srcpos = F.dummyPos "LH.DataType.Variance"

ofBDataDecl _ Nothing Nothing
  = panic Nothing "Bare.DataType.ofBDataDecl called on invalid inputs"

varSignToVariance :: Eq a => [(a, Bool)] -> a -> Variance
varSignToVariance varsigns i = case filter (\p -> fst p == i) varsigns of
                                []       -> Invariant
                                [(_, b)] -> if b then Covariant else Contravariant
                                _        -> Bivariant

getPsSig :: [(UsedPVar, a)] -> Bool -> SpecType -> [(a, Bool)]
getPsSig m pos (RAllT _ t)
  = getPsSig m pos t
getPsSig m pos (RApp _ ts rs r)
  = addps m pos r ++ concatMap (getPsSig m pos) ts
    ++ concatMap (getPsSigPs m pos) rs
getPsSig m pos (RVar _ r)
  = addps m pos r
getPsSig m pos (RAppTy t1 t2 r)
  = addps m pos r ++ getPsSig m pos t1 ++ getPsSig m pos t2
getPsSig m pos (RFun _ t1 t2 r)
  = addps m pos r ++ getPsSig m pos t2 ++ getPsSig m (not pos) t1
getPsSig m pos (RHole r)
  = addps m pos r
getPsSig _ _ z
  = panic Nothing $ "getPsSig" ++ show z

getPsSigPs :: [(UsedPVar, a)] -> Bool -> SpecProp -> [(a, Bool)]
getPsSigPs m pos (RProp _ (RHole r)) = addps m pos r
getPsSigPs m pos (RProp _ t) = getPsSig m pos t

addps :: [(UsedPVar, a)] -> b -> UReft t -> [(a, b)]
addps m pos (MkUReft _ ps _) = (flip (,)) pos . f  <$> pvars ps
  where f = fromMaybe (panic Nothing "Bare.addPs: notfound") . (`L.lookup` m) . RT.uPVar

ofBDataCtor :: ModName
            -> SourcePos
            -> SourcePos
            -> TyCon
            -> [RTyVar]
            -> [PVar BSort]
            -> [F.Symbol]
            -> [PVar RSort]
            -> DataCtor
            -> BareM (DataCon, DataConP)
ofBDataCtor name l l' tc αs ps ls πs (DataCtor c _ xts res) = do
  c'           <- lookupGhcDataCon c
  ts'          <- mapM (mkSpecType' l ps) ts
  res'         <- mapM (mkSpecType' l ps) res
  let t0'       = F.notracepp ("dataConResultTy c' = " ++ show c' ++ " res' = " ++ show res') $ dataConResultTy c' αs t0 res'
  cfg          <- gets beConfig
  let (yts, ot) = F.notracepp ("OFBDataCTOR: " ++ show c' ++ " " ++ show (isVanillaDataCon c', res') ++ " " ++ show isGadt)
                $ qualifyDataCtor (exactDC cfg && not isGadt) name dLoc (zip xs ts', t0')
  let zts       = zipWith (normalizeField c') [1..] (reverse yts)

  let usedTvs   = S.fromList (ty_var_value <$> concatMap RT.freeTyVars (t0':ts'))
  -- let cs        = RT.ofType <$> dataConStupidTheta c'
  let cs        = [ p | p <- RT.ofType <$> dataConTheta c', keepPredType usedTvs p ]
  return          (c', DataConP l αs πs ls cs zts ot isGadt (F.symbol name) l')
    (xs, ts)    = unzip xts
    t0          = case famInstTyConType tc of
                    Nothing -> RT.gApp tc αs πs
                    Just ty -> RT.ofType ty
    -- nFlds    = length xts
    -- rs       = [RT.rVar α | RTV α <- αs]
    -- t0       = F.tracepp "t0 = " $ RT.rApp tc rs (rPropP [] . pdVarReft <$> πs) mempty -- 1089 HEREHERE use the SPECIALIZED type?
    isGadt      = isJust res
    dLoc        = F.Loc l l' ()

keepPredType :: S.HashSet RTyVar -> SpecType -> Bool
keepPredType tvs p
  | Just (tv, _) <- eqSubst p = S.member tv tvs
  | otherwise                 = True

-- | This computes the result of a `DataCon` application.
--   For 'isVanillaDataCon' we can just use the `TyCon`
--   applied to the relevant tyvars.
dataConResultTy :: DataCon
                -> [RTyVar]         -- ^ DataConP ty-vars
                -> SpecType         -- ^ vanilla result type
                -> Maybe SpecType   -- ^ user-provided result type
                -> SpecType
dataConResultTy _ _ _ (Just t) = t
dataConResultTy c αs t _
  | isVanillaDataCon c         = t
  | False                      = F.notracepp "RESULT-TYPE:" $ RT.subsTyVars_meet (gadtSubst αs c) t
dataConResultTy c _ _ _        = RT.ofType t
    (_,_,_,_,_,t)              = {- GM.tracePpr ("FULL-SIG:" ++ show c ++ " -- repr : " ++ GM.showPpr (_tr0, _tr1, _tr2)) $ -} dataConFullSig c
    _tr0                        = dataConRepType c
    _tr1                        = varType $ dataConWorkId c
    _tr2                        = varType $ dataConWrapId c

-- RTVar RTyVar RSort

gadtSubst :: [RTyVar] -> DataCon -> [(RTyVar, RSort, SpecType)]
gadtSubst as c  = mkSubst (Misc.join aBs bTs)
    bTs         = [ (b, t) |  Just (b, t) <- eqSubst <$> ty_args workR ]
    aBs         = zip as bs
    bs          = ty_var_value <$> ty_vars workR
    workR       = dataConWorkRep c
    mkSubst bTs = [ (b, toRSort t, t) | (b, t) <- bTs ]

eqSubst :: SpecType -> Maybe (RTyVar, SpecType)
eqSubst (RApp c [_, _, (RVar a _), t] _ _)
  | rtc_tc c == eqPrimTyCon = Just (a, t)
eqSubst _                   = Nothing

normalizeField :: DataCon -> Int -> (F.Symbol, a) -> (F.Symbol, a)
normalizeField c i (x, t)
  | isTmp x   = (xi, t)
  | otherwise = (x , t)
    isTmp     = F.isPrefixOfSym F.tempPrefix
    xi        = GM.makeDataConSelector Nothing c i

-- | `qualifyDataCtor` qualfies the field names for each `DataCtor` to
--   ensure things work properly when exported.
type CtorType = ([(F.Symbol, SpecType)], SpecType)

qualifyDataCtor :: Bool -> ModName -> F.Located a -> CtorType -> CtorType
qualifyDataCtor qualFlag name l ct@(xts, t)
 | qualFlag  = (xts', t')
 | otherwise = ct
   t'        = F.subst su <$> t
   xts'      = [ (qx, F.subst su t)       | (qx, t, _) <- fields ]
   su        = F.notracepp "F-ING subst" $ F.mkSubst [ (x, F.eVar qx) | (qx, _, Just x) <- fields ]
   fields    = [ (qx, t, mbX) | (x, t) <- xts, let (mbX, qx) = qualifyField name (F.atLoc l x) ]

qualifyField :: ModName -> LocSymbol -> (Maybe F.Symbol, F.Symbol)
qualifyField name lx
 | needsQual = (Just x, F.notracepp msg $ qualifyModName name x)
 | otherwise = (Nothing, x)
   msg       = "QUALIFY-NAME: " ++ show x ++ " in module " ++ show (F.symbol name)
   x         = val lx
   needsQual = not (isWiredIn lx)

makeTyConEmbeds :: (ModName,Ms.Spec ty bndr) -> BareM (F.TCEmb TyCon)
makeTyConEmbeds (mod, spec)
  = inModule mod $ makeTyConEmbeds' $ Ms.embeds spec

makeTyConEmbeds' :: F.TCEmb LocSymbol -> BareM (F.TCEmb TyCon)
makeTyConEmbeds' z = M.fromList <$> mapM tx (M.toList z)
    tx (c, y) = (, y) <$> lookupGhcTyCon "makeTyConEmbeds'" c

makeRecordSelectorSigs :: [(DataCon, Located DataConP)] -> BareM [(Var, LocSpecType)]
makeRecordSelectorSigs dcs = F.notracepp "makeRecordSelectorSigs" <$> (concat <$> mapM makeOne dcs)
  makeOne (dc, Loc l l' dcp)
    | null (dataConFieldLabels dc)  -- no field labels OR
      || any (isFunTy . snd) args   -- OR function-valued fields
      || dcpIsGadt dcp              -- OR GADT style datcon
    = return []
    | otherwise = do
        fs <- mapM lookupGhcVar (dataConFieldLabels dc)
        return $ zip fs ts
    ts :: [ LocSpecType ]
    ts = [ Loc l l' (mkArrow (makeRTVar <$> freeTyVars dcp) [] (freeLabels dcp)
                               [(z, res, mempty)]
                               (dropPreds (F.subst su t `RT.strengthen` mt)))
           | (x, t) <- reverse args -- NOTE: the reverse here is correct
           , let vv = rTypeValueVar t
             -- the measure singleton refinement, eg `v = getBar foo`
           , let mt = RT.uReft (vv, F.PAtom F.Eq (F.EVar vv) (F.EApp (F.EVar x) (F.EVar z)))

    su   = F.mkSubst [ (x, F.EApp (F.EVar x) (F.EVar z)) | x <- fst <$> args ]
    args = tyArgs dcp
    z    = F.notracepp ("makeRecordSelectorSigs:" ++ show args) "lq$recSel"
    res  = dropPreds (tyRes dcp)

    -- FIXME: this is clearly imprecise, but the preds in the DataConP seem
    -- to be malformed. If we leave them in, tests/pos/kmp.hs fails with
    -- a malformed predicate application. Niki, help!!
    dropPreds = fmap (\(MkUReft r _ps ss) -> MkUReft r mempty ss)