-- File created: 2008-11-13 21:13:55 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies , FlexibleContexts, Rank2Types #-} module Data.ListTrie.Base ( Trie(..) , null, size, size', member, notMember, lookup, lookupWithDefault , isSubmapOfBy, isProperSubmapOfBy , empty, singleton , insert, insert', insertWith, insertWith' , delete, adjust, adjust', updateLookup, alter, alter' , unionWith, unionWithKey, unionWith', unionWithKey' , unionsWith, unionsWithKey, unionsWith', unionsWithKey' , differenceWith, differenceWithKey , intersectionWith, intersectionWithKey , intersectionWith', intersectionWithKey' , filterWithKey, partitionWithKey , split, splitLookup , mapKeysWith, mapInKeysWith, mapInKeysWith' , foldrWithKey, foldrAscWithKey, foldrDescWithKey , foldlWithKey, foldlAscWithKey, foldlDescWithKey , foldlWithKey', foldlAscWithKey', foldlDescWithKey' , toList, toAscList, toDescList , fromList, fromListWith, fromListWith', fromListWithKey, fromListWithKey' , findMin, findMax, deleteMin, deleteMax, minView, maxView , findPredecessor, findSuccessor , lookupPrefix, addPrefix, deletePrefix, deleteSuffixes , splitPrefix, children, children1 , showTrieWith ) where import Control.Arrow ((***), first) import qualified Data.DList as DL import Data.DList (DList) import Data.Foldable (foldr, foldl') import Data.List (partition) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Prelude hiding (lookup, filter, foldr, null) import qualified Prelude import qualified Data.ListTrie.Base.Map.Internal as Map import Data.ListTrie.Base.Classes ( Boolable(..) , Unwrappable(..) , Unionable(..), Differentiable(..), Intersectable(..) , Alt(..) , fmap', (<$!>) ) import Data.ListTrie.Base.Map (Map, OrdMap) import Data.ListTrie.Util ((.:), both) class (Map map k, Functor st, Unwrappable st) => Trie trie st map k | trie -> st where mkTrie :: st a -> CMap trie map k a -> trie map k a tParts :: trie map k a -> (st a, CMap trie map k a) type CMap trie map k v = map k (trie map k v) hasValue, noValue :: Boolable b => b -> Bool hasValue = toBool noValue = not . hasValue tVal :: Trie trie st map k => trie map k a -> st a tVal = fst . tParts tMap :: Trie trie st map k => trie map k a -> CMap trie map k a tMap = snd . tParts mapVal :: Trie trie st map k => (forall x y. (x -> y) -> x -> y) -> trie map k a -> (st a -> st a) -> trie map k a mapVal ($$) tr f = (mkTrie $$ (f . tVal $ tr)) (tMap tr) mapMap :: (Trie trie st map k1, Trie trie st map k2) => (forall x y. (x -> y) -> x -> y) -> trie map k1 a -> (CMap trie map k1 a -> CMap trie map k2 a) -> trie map k2 a mapMap ($$) tr f = (mkTrie $$ tVal tr) (f . tMap $ tr) onVals :: Trie trie st map k => (forall x y. (x -> y) -> x -> y) -> (st a -> st b -> st c) -> trie map k a -> trie map k b -> st c onVals ($$) f a b = f $$ tVal a $$ tVal b onMaps :: Trie trie st map k => (forall x y. (x -> y) -> x -> y) -> ( CMap trie map k a -> CMap trie map k b -> CMap trie map k c ) -> trie map k a -> trie map k b -> CMap trie map k c onMaps ($$) f a b = f $$ tMap a $$ tMap b ----------------------- -- * Construction -- O(1) empty :: (Alt st a, Trie trie st map k) => trie map k a empty = mkTrie altEmpty Map.empty -- O(s) singleton :: (Alt st a, Trie trie st map k) => [k] -> a -> trie map k a singleton xs v = addPrefix xs $ mkTrie (pure v) Map.empty -- O(min(m,s)) insert :: (Alt st a, Trie trie st map k) => [k] -> a -> trie map k a -> trie map k a insert = insertWith const -- O(min(m,s)) insert' :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => [k] -> a -> trie map k a -> trie map k a insert' = insertWith' const -- O(min(m,s)) insertWith :: (Alt st a, Trie trie st map k) => (a -> a -> a) -> [k] -> a -> trie map k a -> trie map k a insertWith = genericInsertWith ($) (<$>) -- O(min(m,s)) insertWith' :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => (a -> a -> a) -> [k] -> a -> trie map k a -> trie map k a insertWith' = (seq <*>) .: genericInsertWith ($!) (<$!>) genericInsertWith :: (Alt st a, Trie trie st map k) => (forall x y. (x -> y) -> x -> y) -> ((a -> a) -> st a -> st a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> [k] -> a -> trie map k a -> trie map k a genericInsertWith ($$) (<$$>) f = go where go [] new tr = mapVal ($$) tr $ \old -> (f new <$$> old) <|> pure new go (x:xs) val tr = mapMap ($$) tr $ \m -> Map.insertWith (\_ old -> go xs val old) x (singleton xs val) m -- O(min(m,s)) delete :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => [k] -> trie map k a -> trie map k a delete = alter (const altEmpty) -- O(min(m,s)) adjust :: Trie trie st map k => (a -> a) -> [k] -> trie map k a -> trie map k a adjust = genericAdjust ($) fmap -- O(min(m,s)) adjust' :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => (a -> a) -> [k] -> trie map k a -> trie map k a adjust' = genericAdjust ($!) fmap' genericAdjust :: Trie trie st map k => (forall x y. (x -> y) -> x -> y) -> ((a -> a) -> st a -> st a) -> (a -> a) -> [k] -> trie map k a -> trie map k a genericAdjust ($$) (<$$>) f = go where go [] tr = mapVal ($$) tr (f <$$>) go (x:xs) tr = mapMap ($$) tr (Map.adjust (go xs) x) -- O(min(m,s)) updateLookup :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => (a -> st a) -> [k] -> trie map k a -> (st a, trie map k a) updateLookup f = go where go [] tr = let (v,m) = tParts tr v' = if hasValue v then f (unwrap v) else v in (v, mkTrie v' m) go (x:xs) orig = let m = tMap orig in case Map.lookup x m of Nothing -> (altEmpty, orig) Just tr -> let (ret, upd) = go xs tr in ( ret , mkTrie (tVal orig) $ if null upd then Map.delete x m else Map.adjust (const upd) x m ) -- O(min(m,s)) -- -- Lazy in exactly one case: the key is the prefix of another key in the trie. -- Otherwise we have to test whether the function removed a key or not, lest -- the trie fall into an invalid state. alter :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => (st a -> st a) -> [k] -> trie map k a -> trie map k a alter = genericAlter ($) (flip const) -- O(min(m,s)) alter' :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => (st a -> st a) -> [k] -> trie map k a -> trie map k a alter' = genericAlter ($!) seq genericAlter :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => (forall x y. (x -> y) -> x -> y) -> (st a -> trie map k a -> trie map k a) -> (st a -> st a) -> [k] -> trie map k a -> trie map k a genericAlter ($$) seeq f = go where go [] tr = let (v,m) = tParts tr v' = f v in v' `seeq` mkTrie v' m go (x:xs) tr = mapMap ($$) tr $ \m -> Map.alter (\mold -> case mold of Nothing -> let v = f altEmpty in if hasValue v then Just (singleton xs (unwrap v)) else Nothing Just old -> let new = go xs old in if null new then Nothing else Just new) x m -- * Querying -- O(1) -- -- Test the strict field last for maximal laziness null :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => trie map k a -> Bool null tr = Map.null (tMap tr) && (noValue.tVal $ tr) -- O(n m) size :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, Num n) => trie map k a -> n size tr = foldr ((+) . size) (if hasValue (tVal tr) then 1 else 0) (tMap tr) -- O(n m) size' :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, Num n) => trie map k a -> n size' tr = foldl' (flip $ (+) . size') (if hasValue (tVal tr) then 1 else 0) (tMap tr) -- O(min(m,s)) member :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => [k] -> trie map k a -> Bool member = hasValue .: lookup -- O(min(m,s)) notMember :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => [k] -> trie map k a -> Bool notMember = not .: member -- O(min(m,s)) lookup :: (Alt st a, Trie trie st map k) => [k] -> trie map k a -> st a lookup [] tr = tVal tr lookup (x:xs) tr = maybe altEmpty (lookup xs) (Map.lookup x (tMap tr)) -- O(min(m,s)) lookupWithDefault :: (Alt st a, Trie trie st map k) => a -> [k] -> trie map k a -> a lookupWithDefault def k tr = unwrap $ lookup k tr <|> pure def -- O(min(n1 m1,n2 m2)) isSubmapOfBy :: (Boolable (st a), Boolable (st b), Trie trie st map k) => (a -> b -> Bool) -> trie map k a -> trie map k b -> Bool isSubmapOfBy f = go where go tr1 tr2 = let (v1,m1) = tParts tr1 (v2,m2) = tParts tr2 hv1 = hasValue v1 hv2 = hasValue v2 in and [ not (hv1 && not hv2) , (not hv1 && not hv2) || f (unwrap v1) (unwrap v2) , Map.isSubmapOfBy go m1 m2 ] -- O(min(n1 m1,n2 m2)) isProperSubmapOfBy :: (Boolable (st a), Boolable (st b), Trie trie st map k) => (a -> b -> Bool) -> trie map k a -> trie map k b -> Bool isProperSubmapOfBy f = go False where go proper tr1 tr2 = let (v1,m1) = tParts tr1 (v2,m2) = tParts tr2 hv1 = hasValue v1 hv2 = hasValue v2 -- This seems suboptimal but I can't think of anything better proper' = or [ proper , noValue v1 && hasValue v2 , not (Map.null $ Map.difference m2 m1) ] in and [ not (hv1 && not hv2) , (not hv1 && not hv2) || f (unwrap v1) (unwrap v2) , if Map.null m1 then proper' else Map.isSubmapOfBy (go proper') m1 m2 ] -- * Combination -- O(min(n1 m1,n2 m2)) unionWith :: (Unionable st a, Trie trie st map k) => (a -> a -> a) -> trie map k a -> trie map k a -> trie map k a unionWith f = genericUnionWith ($) (unionVals f) (flip const) -- O(min(n1 m1,n2 m2)) unionWith' :: (Unionable st a, Trie trie st map k) => (a -> a -> a) -> trie map k a -> trie map k a -> trie map k a unionWith' f = genericUnionWith ($!) (unionVals' f) seq genericUnionWith :: Trie trie st map k => (forall x y. (x -> y) -> x -> y) -> (st a -> st a -> st a) -> (st a -> trie map k a -> trie map k a) -> trie map k a -> trie map k a -> trie map k a genericUnionWith ($$) valUnion seeq = go where go tr1 tr2 = let v = onVals ($$) valUnion tr1 tr2 in v `seeq` (mkTrie v $ onMaps ($$) (Map.unionWith go) tr1 tr2) -- O(min(n1 m1,n2 m2)) unionWithKey :: (Unionable st a, Trie trie st map k) => ([k] -> a -> a -> a) -> trie map k a -> trie map k a -> trie map k a unionWithKey = genericUnionWithKey ($) unionVals (flip const) -- O(min(n1 m1,n2 m2)) unionWithKey' :: (Unionable st a, Trie trie st map k) => ([k] -> a -> a -> a) -> trie map k a -> trie map k a -> trie map k a unionWithKey' = genericUnionWithKey ($!) unionVals' seq genericUnionWithKey :: Trie trie st map k => (forall x y. (x -> y) -> x -> y) -> ((a -> a -> a) -> st a -> st a -> st a) -> (st a -> trie map k a -> trie map k a) -> ([k] -> a -> a -> a) -> trie map k a -> trie map k a -> trie map k a genericUnionWithKey ($$) valUnion seeq f = go DL.empty where go k tr1 tr2 = let v = onVals ($$) (valUnion (f $ DL.toList k)) tr1 tr2 in v `seeq` (mkTrie v $ onMaps ($$) (Map.unionWithKey $ go . (k `DL.snoc`)) tr1 tr2) -- O(sum(n)) unionsWith :: (Alt st a, Unionable st a, Trie trie st map k) => (a -> a -> a) -> [trie map k a] -> trie map k a unionsWith f = foldl' (unionWith f) empty -- O(sum(n)) unionsWith' :: (Alt st a, Unionable st a, Trie trie st map k) => (a -> a -> a) -> [trie map k a] -> trie map k a unionsWith' f = foldl' (unionWith' f) empty -- O(sum(n)) unionsWithKey :: (Alt st a, Unionable st a, Trie trie st map k) => ([k] -> a -> a -> a) -> [trie map k a] -> trie map k a unionsWithKey j = foldl' (unionWithKey j) empty -- O(sum(n)) unionsWithKey' :: (Alt st a, Unionable st a, Trie trie st map k) => ([k] -> a -> a -> a) -> [trie map k a] -> trie map k a unionsWithKey' j = foldl' (unionWithKey' j) empty -- O(min(n1 m1,n2 m2)) differenceWith :: (Boolable (st a), Differentiable st a b, Trie trie st map k) => (a -> b -> Maybe a) -> trie map k a -> trie map k b -> trie map k a differenceWith f = go where go tr1 tr2 = let v = onVals ($!) (differenceVals f) tr1 tr2 -- This would be lazy only in the case where the differing keys were at -- []. (And even then most operations on the trie would force the -- value.) For consistency with other keys and Patricia, just seq it for -- that case as well. in v `seq` mkTrie v $ onMaps ($!) (Map.differenceWith g) tr1 tr2 g t1 t2 = let t' = go t1 t2 in if null t' then Nothing else Just t' -- O(min(n1 m1,n2 m2)) differenceWithKey :: ( Boolable (st a), Differentiable st a b , Trie trie st map k ) => ([k] -> a -> b -> Maybe a) -> trie map k a -> trie map k b -> trie map k a differenceWithKey f = go DL.empty where go k tr1 tr2 = let v = onVals ($!) (differenceVals (f $ DL.toList k)) tr1 tr2 -- see comment in differenceWith for seq explanation in v `seq` mkTrie v $ onMaps ($!) (Map.differenceWithKey (g k)) tr1 tr2 g k x t1 t2 = let t' = go (k `DL.snoc` x) t1 t2 in if null t' then Nothing else Just t' -- O(min(n1 m1,n2 m2)) intersectionWith :: ( Boolable (st c), Intersectable st a b c , Trie trie st map k ) => (a -> b -> c) -> trie map k a -> trie map k b -> trie map k c intersectionWith f = genericIntersectionWith ($) (intersectionVals f) (flip const) -- O(min(n1 m1,n2 m2)) intersectionWith' :: ( Boolable (st c), Intersectable st a b c , Trie trie st map k ) => (a -> b -> c) -> trie map k a -> trie map k b -> trie map k c intersectionWith' f = genericIntersectionWith ($!) (intersectionVals' f) seq genericIntersectionWith :: (Boolable (st c), Trie trie st map k) => (forall x y. (x -> y) -> x -> y) -> (st a -> st b -> st c) -> (st c -> trie map k c -> trie map k c) -> trie map k a -> trie map k b -> trie map k c genericIntersectionWith ($$) valIntersection seeq = go where go tr1 tr2 = tr seeq (onVals ($$) valIntersection tr1 tr2) (onMaps ($$) (Map.filter (not.null) .: Map.intersectionWith go) tr1 tr2) tr seeq' v m = v `seeq'` (mkTrie v $ case Map.singletonView m of Just (_, child) | null child -> tMap child _ -> m) -- O(min(n1 m1,n2 m2)) intersectionWithKey :: ( Boolable (st c), Intersectable st a b c , Trie trie st map k ) => ([k] -> a -> b -> c) -> trie map k a -> trie map k b -> trie map k c intersectionWithKey = genericIntersectionWithKey ($) intersectionVals (flip const) -- O(min(n1 m1,n2 m2)) intersectionWithKey' :: ( Boolable (st c), Intersectable st a b c , Trie trie st map k ) => ([k] -> a -> b -> c) -> trie map k a -> trie map k b -> trie map k c intersectionWithKey' = genericIntersectionWithKey ($!) intersectionVals' seq genericIntersectionWithKey :: (Boolable (st c), Trie trie st map k) => (forall x y. (x -> y) -> x -> y) -> ((a -> b -> c) -> st a -> st b -> st c) -> (st c -> trie map k c -> trie map k c) -> ([k] -> a -> b -> c) -> trie map k a -> trie map k b -> trie map k c genericIntersectionWithKey ($$) valIntersection seeq f = go DL.empty where go k tr1 tr2 = tr (onVals ($$) (valIntersection (f $ DL.toList k)) tr1 tr2) (onMaps ($$) (Map.filter (not.null) .: Map.intersectionWithKey (go . (k `DL.snoc`))) tr1 tr2) tr v m = v `seeq` (mkTrie v $ case Map.singletonView m of Just (_, child) | null child -> tMap child _ -> m) -- * Filtering -- O(n m) filterWithKey :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => ([k] -> a -> Bool) -> trie map k a -> trie map k a filterWithKey p = fromList . Prelude.filter (uncurry p) . toList -- O(n m) partitionWithKey :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => ([k] -> a -> Bool) -> trie map k a -> (trie map k a, trie map k a) partitionWithKey p = both fromList . partition (uncurry p) . toList -- * Mapping -- O(n m) mapKeysWith :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k1, Trie trie st map k2) => ([([k2],a)] -> trie map k2 a) -> ([k1] -> [k2]) -> trie map k1 a -> trie map k2 a mapKeysWith fromlist f = fromlist . map (first f) . toList -- O(n m) mapInKeysWith :: (Unionable st a, Trie trie st map k1, Trie trie st map k2) => (a -> a -> a) -> (k1 -> k2) -> trie map k1 a -> trie map k2 a mapInKeysWith = genericMapInKeysWith ($) unionWith -- O(n m) mapInKeysWith' :: (Unionable st a, Trie trie st map k1, Trie trie st map k2) => (a -> a -> a) -> (k1 -> k2) -> trie map k1 a -> trie map k2 a mapInKeysWith' = genericMapInKeysWith ($!) unionWith' genericMapInKeysWith :: ( Unionable st a , Trie trie st map k1, Trie trie st map k2 ) => (forall x y. (x -> y) -> x -> y) -> (f -> trie map k2 a -> trie map k2 a -> trie map k2 a) -> f -> (k1 -> k2) -> trie map k1 a -> trie map k2 a genericMapInKeysWith ($$) unionW j f = go where go tr = mapMap ($$) tr $ Map.fromListKVWith (unionW j) . map (f *** go) . Map.toListKV -- * Folding -- O(n m) foldrWithKey :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => ([k] -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> trie map k a -> b foldrWithKey f x = foldr (uncurry f) x . toList -- O(n m) foldrAscWithKey :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => ([k] -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> trie map k a -> b foldrAscWithKey f x = foldr (uncurry f) x . toAscList -- O(n m) foldrDescWithKey :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => ([k] -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> trie map k a -> b foldrDescWithKey f x = foldr (uncurry f) x . toDescList -- O(n m) foldlWithKey :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => ([k] -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> trie map k a -> b foldlWithKey f x = foldl (flip $ uncurry f) x . toList -- O(n m) foldlAscWithKey :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => ([k] -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> trie map k a -> b foldlAscWithKey f x = foldl (flip $ uncurry f) x . toAscList -- O(n m) foldlDescWithKey :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => ([k] -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> trie map k a -> b foldlDescWithKey f x = foldl (flip $ uncurry f) x . toDescList -- O(n m) foldlWithKey' :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => ([k] -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> trie map k a -> b foldlWithKey' f x = foldl' (flip $ uncurry f) x . toList -- O(n m) foldlAscWithKey' :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => ([k] -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> trie map k a -> b foldlAscWithKey' f x = foldl' (flip $ uncurry f) x . toAscList -- O(n m) foldlDescWithKey' :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => ([k] -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> trie map k a -> b foldlDescWithKey' f x = foldl' (flip $ uncurry f) x . toDescList -- * Conversion between lists -- O(n m) toList :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => trie map k a -> [([k],a)] toList = genericToList Map.toListKV DL.cons -- O(n m) toAscList :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => trie map k a -> [([k],a)] toAscList = genericToList Map.toAscList DL.cons -- O(n m) toDescList :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => trie map k a -> [([k],a)] toDescList = genericToList (reverse . Map.toAscList) (flip DL.snoc) genericToList :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => (CMap trie map k a -> [(k, trie map k a)]) -> (([k],a) -> DList ([k],a) -> DList ([k],a)) -> trie map k a -> [([k],a)] genericToList tolist add = DL.toList . go DL.empty where go xs tr = let (v,m) = tParts tr xs' = DL.concat . map (\(x,t) -> go (xs `DL.snoc` x) t) . tolist $ m in if hasValue v then add (DL.toList xs, unwrap v) xs' else xs' -- O(n m) fromList :: (Alt st a, Trie trie st map k) => [([k],a)] -> trie map k a fromList = fromListWith const -- O(n m) fromListWith :: (Alt st a, Trie trie st map k) => (a -> a -> a) -> [([k],a)] -> trie map k a fromListWith f = foldl' (flip . uncurry $ insertWith f) empty -- O(n m) fromListWith' :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => (a -> a -> a) -> [([k],a)] -> trie map k a fromListWith' f = foldl' (flip . uncurry $ insertWith' f) empty -- O(n m) fromListWithKey :: (Alt st a, Trie trie st map k) => ([k] -> a -> a -> a) -> [([k],a)] -> trie map k a fromListWithKey f = foldl' (\tr (k,v) -> insertWith (f k) k v tr) empty -- O(n m) fromListWithKey' :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => ([k] -> a -> a -> a) -> [([k],a)] -> trie map k a fromListWithKey' f = foldl' (\tr (k,v) -> insertWith' (f k) k v tr) empty -- * Min/max -- O(m) minView :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => trie map k a -> (Maybe ([k], a), trie map k a) minView = minMaxView (hasValue . tVal) (fst . Map.minViewWithKey) -- O(m) maxView :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => trie map k a -> (Maybe ([k], a), trie map k a) maxView = minMaxView (Map.null . tMap) (fst . Map.maxViewWithKey) minMaxView :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => (trie map k a -> Bool) -> (CMap trie map k a -> Maybe (k, trie map k a)) -> trie map k a -> (Maybe ([k], a), trie map k a) minMaxView _ _ tr_ | null tr_ = (Nothing, tr_) minMaxView isWanted mapView tr_ = first Just (go tr_) where go tr = let (v,m) = tParts tr in if isWanted tr then (([], unwrap v), mkTrie altEmpty m) else let (k, tr') = fromJust (mapView m) (minMax, tr'') = go tr' in ( first (k:) minMax , mkTrie v $ if null tr'' then Map.delete k m else Map.adjust (const tr'') k m ) -- O(m) findMin :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => trie map k a -> Maybe ([k], a) findMin = findMinMax (hasValue . tVal) (fst . Map.minViewWithKey) -- O(m) findMax :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => trie map k a -> Maybe ([k], a) findMax = findMinMax (Map.null . tMap) (fst . Map.maxViewWithKey) findMinMax :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => (trie map k a -> Bool) -> (CMap trie map k a -> Maybe (k, trie map k a)) -> trie map k a -> Maybe ([k], a) findMinMax _ _ tr_ | null tr_ = Nothing findMinMax isWanted mapView tr_ = Just (go DL.empty tr_) where go xs tr = if isWanted tr then (DL.toList xs, unwrap (tVal tr)) else let (k, tr') = fromJust . mapView . tMap $ tr in go (xs `DL.snoc` k) tr' -- O(m) deleteMin :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => trie map k a -> trie map k a deleteMin = snd . minView -- O(m) deleteMax :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => trie map k a -> trie map k a deleteMax = snd . maxView -- O(min(m,s)) split :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => [k] -> trie map k a -> (trie map k a, trie map k a) split xs tr = let (l,_,g) = splitLookup xs tr in (l,g) -- O(min(m,s)) splitLookup :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => [k] -> trie map k a -> (trie map k a, st a, trie map k a) splitLookup [] tr = (empty, tVal tr, mkTrie altEmpty (tMap tr)) splitLookup (x:xs) tr = let (v,m) = tParts tr (ml, subTr, mg) = Map.splitLookup x m in case subTr of Nothing -> (mkTrie v ml, altEmpty, mkTrie altEmpty mg) Just tr' -> let (tl, v', tg) = splitLookup xs tr' ml' = if null tl then ml else Map.insert x tl ml mg' = if null tg then mg else Map.insert x tg mg in (mkTrie v ml', v', mkTrie altEmpty mg') -- O(m) findPredecessor :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => [k] -> trie map k a -> Maybe ([k], a) findPredecessor _ tr | null tr = Nothing findPredecessor xs_ tr_ = go xs_ tr_ where go [] _ = Nothing -- We need to try the trie at x and then the trie at the predecessor of x: -- e.g. if looking for "foo", we need to try any 'f' branch to see if it has -- "fob" first, before grabbing the next-best option of the maximum of the -- 'b' branch, say "bar". -- -- If there's no branch less than 'f' we try the current position as a last -- resort. go (x:xs) tr = let (v,m) = tParts tr predecessor = Map.findPredecessor x m in fmap (first (x:)) (Map.lookup x m >>= go xs) <|> case predecessor of Nothing -> if hasValue v then Just ([], unwrap v) else Nothing Just (best,btr) -> fmap (first (best:)) (findMax btr) -- O(m) findSuccessor :: forall trie map st k a . (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => [k] -> trie map k a -> Maybe ([k], a) findSuccessor _ tr | null tr = Nothing findSuccessor xs_ tr_ = go xs_ tr_ where go :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => [k] -> trie map k a -> Maybe ([k], a) go [] tr = do (k,t) <- fst . Map.minViewWithKey . tMap $ tr fmap (first (k:)) (findMin t) go (x:xs) tr = let m = tMap tr successor = Map.findSuccessor x m in fmap (first (x:)) (Map.lookup x m >>= go xs) <|> (successor >>= \(best,btr) -> fmap (first (best:)) (findMin btr)) -- * Trie-only operations -- O(s) lookupPrefix :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => [k] -> trie map k a -> trie map k a lookupPrefix [] tr = tr lookupPrefix (x:xs) tr = case Map.lookup x (tMap tr) of Nothing -> empty Just tr' -> let tr'' = lookupPrefix xs tr' in if null tr'' then tr'' else mkTrie altEmpty (Map.singleton x tr'') -- O(s) addPrefix :: (Alt st a, Trie trie st map k) => [k] -> trie map k a -> trie map k a addPrefix [] = id addPrefix (x:xs) = mkTrie altEmpty . Map.singleton x . addPrefix xs -- O(s) deletePrefix :: (Alt st a, Trie trie st map k) => [k] -> trie map k a -> trie map k a deletePrefix [] tr = tr deletePrefix (x:xs) tr = case Map.lookup x (tMap tr) of Nothing -> empty Just tr' -> deletePrefix xs tr' -- O(s) deleteSuffixes :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => [k] -> trie map k a -> trie map k a deleteSuffixes [] _ = empty deleteSuffixes (x:xs) tr = let (v,m) = tParts tr in case Map.lookup x m of Nothing -> tr Just tr' -> let tr'' = deleteSuffixes xs tr' in if null tr'' then mkTrie v (Map.delete x m) else mkTrie v (Map.insert x tr'' m) -- O(m) splitPrefix :: forall trie map st k a . (Alt st a, Trie trie st map k) => trie map k a -> ([k], st a, trie map k a) splitPrefix = go DL.empty where go :: (Alt st a, Trie trie st map k) => DL.DList k -> trie map k a -> ([k], st a, trie map k a) go xs tr = case Map.singletonView (tMap tr) of Just (x,tr') -> go (xs `DL.snoc` x) tr' Nothing -> let (v,m) = tParts tr in (DL.toList xs, v, mkTrie altEmpty m) -- O(m) children :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => trie map k a -> CMap trie map k a children tr = let (v,m) = tParts tr in if hasValue v then m else case Map.singletonView m of Just (_, tr') -> children tr' Nothing -> m -- O(1) children1 :: (Alt st a, Trie trie st map k) => trie map k a -> CMap trie map k a children1 = tMap -- * Visualization -- O(n m) showTrieWith :: (Show k, Trie trie st map k) => (st a -> ShowS) -> trie map k a -> ShowS showTrieWith = go 0 where go indent f tr = let (v,m) = tParts tr sv = f v lv = length (sv []) in sv . showChar ' ' . (foldr (.) id . zipWith (flip ($)) (False : repeat True) $ map (\(k,t) -> \b -> let sk = shows k lk = length (sk []) i = indent + lv + 1 in (if b then showChar '\n' . showString (replicate i ' ') else id) . showString "-> " . sk . showChar ' ' . go (i + lk + 4) f t) (Map.toListKV m))