-- File created: 2008-12-28 17:20:14 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies , FlexibleContexts, ScopedTypeVariables, Rank2Types #-} module Data.ListTrie.Patricia.Base ( Trie(..) , null, size, size', member, notMember, lookup, lookupWithDefault , isSubmapOfBy, isProperSubmapOfBy , empty, singleton , insert, insert', insertWith, insertWith' , delete, adjust, adjust', updateLookup, alter, alter' , unionWith, unionWithKey, unionWith', unionWithKey' , unionsWith, unionsWithKey, unionsWith', unionsWithKey' , differenceWith, differenceWithKey , intersectionWith, intersectionWithKey , intersectionWith', intersectionWithKey' , filterWithKey, partitionWithKey , split, splitLookup , mapKeysWith, mapInKeysWith, mapInKeysWith' , foldrWithKey, foldrAscWithKey, foldrDescWithKey , foldlWithKey, foldlAscWithKey, foldlDescWithKey , foldlWithKey', foldlAscWithKey', foldlDescWithKey' , toList, toAscList, toDescList , fromList, fromListWith, fromListWith', fromListWithKey, fromListWithKey' , findMin, findMax, deleteMin, deleteMax, minView, maxView , findPredecessor, findSuccessor , lookupPrefix, addPrefix, deletePrefix, deleteSuffixes , splitPrefix, children, children1 , showTrieWith , eqComparePrefixes, ordComparePrefixes ) where import Control.Arrow ((***), first) import Control.Exception (assert) import qualified Data.DList as DL import Data.DList (DList) import Data.Foldable (foldr, foldl') import Data.List (foldl1', partition) import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust) import Prelude hiding (lookup, filter, foldr, null) import qualified Prelude import qualified Data.ListTrie.Base.Map.Internal as Map import Data.ListTrie.Base.Classes ( Boolable(..) , Unwrappable(..) , Unionable(..), Differentiable(..), Intersectable(..) , Alt(..) , fmap', (<$!>) ) import Data.ListTrie.Base.Map (Map, OrdMap) import Data.ListTrie.Util ((.:), both) class (Map map k, Functor st, Unwrappable st) => Trie trie st map k | trie -> st where mkTrie :: st a -> [k] -> CMap trie map k a -> trie map k a tParts :: trie map k a -> (st a, [k], CMap trie map k a) type CMap trie map k v = map k (trie map k v) hasValue, noValue :: Boolable b => b -> Bool hasValue = toBool noValue = not . hasValue tVal :: Trie trie st map k => trie map k a -> st a tVal = (\(a,_,_) -> a) . tParts tMap :: Trie trie st map k => trie map k a -> CMap trie map k a tMap = (\(_,_,c) -> c) . tParts ----------------------- -- * Construction -- O(1) empty :: (Alt st a, Trie trie st map k) => trie map k a empty = mkTrie altEmpty [] Map.empty -- O(1) singleton :: (Alt st a, Trie trie st map k) => [k] -> a -> trie map k a singleton k v = mkTrie (pure v) k Map.empty -- O(min(m,s)) insert :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => [k] -> a -> trie map k a -> trie map k a insert = insertWith const -- O(min(m,s)) insert' :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => [k] -> a -> trie map k a -> trie map k a insert' = insertWith' const -- O(min(m,s)) insertWith :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => (a -> a -> a) -> [k] -> a -> trie map k a -> trie map k a insertWith = genericInsertWith ($) (<$>) -- O(min(m,s)) insertWith' :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => (a -> a -> a) -> [k] -> a -> trie map k a -> trie map k a insertWith' = (seq <*>) .: genericInsertWith ($!) (<$!>) genericInsertWith :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => (forall x y. (x -> y) -> x -> y) -> ((a -> a) -> st a -> st a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> [k] -> a -> trie map k a -> trie map k a genericInsertWith ($$) (<$$>) f = go where mkTrie' = ($$) mkTrie go k new tr = let (old,prefix,m) = tParts tr in case comparePrefixes (Map.eqCmp m) prefix k of Same -> mkTrie' ((f new <$$> old) <|> pure new) prefix m PostFix (Left (p:pr)) -> mkTrie' (pure new) k (Map.singleton p (mkTrie old pr m)) PostFix (Right (x:xs)) -> -- Minor optimization: instead of tryCompress we just check -- for the case of an empty trie if null tr then singleton k new else mkTrie old prefix $ Map.insertWith (\_ oldt -> go xs new oldt) x (singleton xs new) m DifferedAt pr' (p:pr) (x:xs) -> mkTrie altEmpty pr' $ Map.doubleton x (singleton xs new) p (mkTrie old pr m) _ -> error "Data.ListTrie.Patricia.Base.insertWith :: internal error" -- O(min(m,s)) delete :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => [k] -> trie map k a -> trie map k a delete = alter (const altEmpty) -- O(min(m,s)) adjust :: Trie trie st map k => (a -> a) -> [k] -> trie map k a -> trie map k a adjust = genericAdjust ($) fmap -- O(min(m,s)) adjust' :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => (a -> a) -> [k] -> trie map k a -> trie map k a adjust' = genericAdjust ($!) fmap' genericAdjust :: Trie trie st map k => (forall x y. (x -> y) -> x -> y) -> ((a -> a) -> st a -> st a) -> (a -> a) -> [k] -> trie map k a -> trie map k a genericAdjust ($$) myFmap f = go where go k tr = let (v,prefix,m) = tParts tr in case comparePrefixes (Map.eqCmp m) prefix k of Same -> (mkTrie $$ myFmap f v) prefix m PostFix (Right (x:xs)) -> mkTrie v prefix $ Map.adjust (go xs) x m _ -> tr -- O(min(m,s)) updateLookup :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => (a -> st a) -> [k] -> trie map k a -> (st a, trie map k a) updateLookup f = go where go k tr = let (v,prefix,m) = tParts tr in case comparePrefixes (Map.eqCmp m) prefix k of Same -> let v' = if hasValue v then f (unwrap v) else v in (v, safeMkTrie v' prefix m) PostFix (Right (x:xs)) -> case Map.lookup x m of Nothing -> (altEmpty, tr) Just tr' -> let (ret, upd) = go xs tr' in ( ret , safeMkTrie v prefix $ if null upd then Map.delete x m else Map.adjust (const upd) x m ) _ -> (altEmpty, tr) -- O(min(m,s)) -- -- This can be lazy in exactly one case: the key is a prefix of more than one -- key in the trie. In that case, we know that the resulting trie continues to -- contain those children. -- -- In all other cases we have to check whether the function removed a key or -- not, in order to be able to keep the trie in an internally valid state. -- (I.e. we need to try to compress it.) alter :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => (st a -> st a) -> [k] -> trie map k a -> trie map k a alter = genericAlter (flip const) -- O(min(m,s)) alter' :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => (st a -> st a) -> [k] -> trie map k a -> trie map k a alter' = genericAlter seq genericAlter :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => (st a -> trie map k a -> trie map k a) -> (st a -> st a) -> [k] -> trie map k a -> trie map k a genericAlter seeq f = go where go k tr = let (v,prefix,m) = tParts tr in case comparePrefixes (Map.eqCmp m) prefix k of Same -> let v' = f v in -- We need to compress if the map was empty or a -- singleton and the value was removed if (Map.null m || isJust (Map.singletonView m)) && not (hasValue v') then tryCompress (mkTrie v' prefix m) else v' `seeq` mkTrie v' prefix m PostFix (Right (x:xs)) -> mkTrie v prefix $ Map.alter (\mt -> case mt of Nothing -> let v' = f altEmpty in if hasValue v' then Just (singleton xs (unwrap v')) else Nothing Just t -> let new = go xs t in if null new then Nothing else Just new) x m PostFix (Left (p:ps)) -> let v' = f altEmpty in if hasValue v' then mkTrie v' k $ Map.singleton p (mkTrie v ps m) else tr DifferedAt pr (p:ps) (x:xs) -> let v' = f altEmpty in if hasValue v' then mkTrie altEmpty pr $ Map.doubleton p (mkTrie v ps m) x (mkTrie v' xs Map.empty) else tr _ -> error "Data.ListTrie.Patricia.Base.genericAlter :: internal error" -- * Querying -- O(1) -- -- Test the strict field last for maximal laziness null :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => trie map k a -> Bool null tr = let (v,p,m) = tParts tr in Map.null m && noValue v && assert (Prelude.null p) True -- O(n m) size :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, Num n) => trie map k a -> n size tr = foldr ((+) . size) (if hasValue (tVal tr) then 1 else 0) (tMap tr) -- O(n m) size' :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, Num n) => trie map k a -> n size' tr = foldl' (flip $ (+) . size') (if hasValue (tVal tr) then 1 else 0) (tMap tr) -- O(min(m,s)) member :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => [k] -> trie map k a -> Bool member = hasValue .: lookup -- O(min(m,s)) notMember :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => [k] -> trie map k a -> Bool notMember = not .: member -- O(min(m,s)) lookup :: (Alt st a, Trie trie st map k) => [k] -> trie map k a -> st a lookup k tr = let (v,prefix,m) = tParts tr in case comparePrefixes (Map.eqCmp m) prefix k of Same -> v PostFix (Right (x:xs)) -> maybe altEmpty (lookup xs) (Map.lookup x m) _ -> altEmpty -- O(min(m,s)) lookupWithDefault :: (Alt st a, Trie trie st map k) => a -> [k] -> trie map k a -> a lookupWithDefault def k tr = unwrap $ lookup k tr <|> pure def -- O(min(n1 m1,n2 m2)) isSubmapOfBy :: (Boolable (st a), Boolable (st b), Trie trie st map k) => (a -> b -> Bool) -> trie map k a -> trie map k b -> Bool isSubmapOfBy f = go0 where go0 trl trr = let (vl,prel,ml) = tParts trl (vr,prer,mr) = tParts trr in case comparePrefixes (Map.eqCmp ml) prel prer of DifferedAt _ _ _ -> False -- Special case here: if the left trie is empty we return True. PostFix (Right _) -> null trl PostFix (Left xs) -> go mr vl ml xs Same -> same vl vr ml mr go mr vl ml (x:xs) = case Map.lookup x mr of Nothing -> False Just tr -> let (vr,pre,mr') = tParts tr in case comparePrefixes (Map.eqCmp mr) xs pre of DifferedAt _ _ _ -> False PostFix (Right _) -> False PostFix (Left ys) -> go mr' vl ml ys Same -> same vl vr ml mr' go _ _ _ [] = error "Data.ListTrie.Patricia.Base.isSubmapOfBy :: internal error" same vl vr ml mr = let hvl = hasValue vl hvr = hasValue vr in and [ not (hvl && not hvr) , (not hvl && not hvr) || f (unwrap vl) (unwrap vr) , Map.isSubmapOfBy go0 ml mr ] -- O(min(n1 m1,n2 m2)) isProperSubmapOfBy :: (Boolable (st a), Boolable (st b), Trie trie st map k) => (a -> b -> Bool) -> trie map k a -> trie map k b -> Bool isProperSubmapOfBy g = f False where f proper trl trr = let (vl,prel,ml) = tParts trl (vr,prer,mr) = tParts trr in case comparePrefixes (Map.eqCmp ml) prel prer of DifferedAt _ _ _ -> False -- Special case, as in isSubsetOf. -- -- Note that properness does not affect this: if we hit this -- case, we already know that the right trie is nonempty. PostFix (Right _) -> null trl PostFix (Left xs) -> go proper mr vl ml xs Same -> same proper vl vr ml mr go proper mr vl ml (x:xs) = case Map.lookup x mr of Nothing -> False Just tr -> let (vr,pre,mr') = tParts tr in case comparePrefixes (Map.eqCmp mr) xs pre of DifferedAt _ _ _ -> False PostFix (Right _) -> False PostFix (Left ys) -> go proper mr' vl ml ys Same -> same proper vl vr ml mr' go _ _ _ _ [] = error "Data.ListTrie.Patricia.Base.isProperSubmapOfBy :: internal error" same proper vl vr ml mr = let hvl = hasValue vl hvr = hasValue vr -- As the non-Patricia version, so does this seem suboptimal. proper' = or [ proper , not hvl && hvr , not (Map.null $ Map.difference mr ml) ] in and [ not (hvl && not hvr) , (not hvl && not hvr) || g (unwrap vl) (unwrap vr) , if Map.null ml then proper' else Map.isSubmapOfBy (f proper') ml mr ] -- * Combination -- The *Key versions are mostly rewritten from the basic ones: they have an -- additional O(m) cost from keeping track of the key, which is why the basic -- ones can't just call them. -- O(min(n1 m1,n2 m2)) unionWith :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Unionable st a, Trie trie st map k) => (a -> a -> a) -> trie map k a -> trie map k a -> trie map k a unionWith f = genericUnionWith (flip const) (unionVals f) -- O(min(n1 m1,n2 m2)) unionWith' :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Unionable st a, Trie trie st map k) => (a -> a -> a) -> trie map k a -> trie map k a -> trie map k a unionWith' f = genericUnionWith seq (unionVals' f) genericUnionWith :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => (st a -> trie map k a -> trie map k a) -> (st a -> st a -> st a) -> trie map k a -> trie map k a -> trie map k a genericUnionWith seeq = go where go valUnion tr1 tr2 = let (v1,pre1,m1) = tParts tr1 (v2,pre2,m2) = tParts tr2 in case comparePrefixes (Map.eqCmp m1) pre1 pre2 of Same -> let v = valUnion v1 v2 -- safeMkTrie not needed: if pre1 is not null then m1 or -- v won't be and hence the union won't be. in v `seeq` (tryCompress.mkTrie v pre1 $ mapUnion valUnion m1 m2) PostFix remainder -> -- As above, mkTrie is fine -- -- The flip is important to retain left-biasedness tryCompress $ either (mkTrie v2 pre2 . mapUnion (flip valUnion) m2 . decompress m1 v1) (mkTrie v1 pre1 . mapUnion valUnion m1 . decompress m2 v2) remainder DifferedAt pr (x:xs) (y:ys) -> -- As above, mkTrie is fine mkTrie altEmpty pr $ Map.doubleton x (mkTrie v1 xs m1) y (mkTrie v2 ys m2) _ -> can'tHappen mapUnion = Map.unionWith . go decompress m v (x:xs) = Map.singleton x (mkTrie v xs m) decompress _ _ [] = can'tHappen can'tHappen = error "Data.ListTrie.Patricia.Base.unionWith :: internal error" -- O(min(n1 m1,n2 m2)) unionWithKey :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Unionable st a, Trie trie st map k) => ([k] -> a -> a -> a) -> trie map k a -> trie map k a -> trie map k a unionWithKey = genericUnionWithKey (flip const) unionVals -- O(min(n1 m1,n2 m2)) unionWithKey' :: ( Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Unionable st a , Trie trie st map k ) => ([k] -> a -> a -> a) -> trie map k a -> trie map k a -> trie map k a unionWithKey' = genericUnionWithKey seq unionVals' genericUnionWithKey :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => (st a -> trie map k a -> trie map k a) -> ((a -> a -> a) -> st a -> st a -> st a) -> ([k] -> a -> a -> a) -> trie map k a -> trie map k a -> trie map k a genericUnionWithKey seeq = go DL.empty where go k valUnion j tr1 tr2 = let (v1,pre1,m1) = tParts tr1 (v2,pre2,m2) = tParts tr2 in case comparePrefixes (Map.eqCmp m1) pre1 pre2 of Same -> let k' = DL.toList $ k `DL.append` DL.fromList pre1 v = valUnion (j k') v1 v2 in v `seeq` (tryCompress.mkTrie v pre1 $ mapUnion valUnion j k pre1 m1 m2) PostFix remainder -> tryCompress $ either (mk v2 pre2 . mapUnion (flip.valUnion) j k pre2 m2 . decompress m1 v1) (mk v1 pre1 . mapUnion valUnion j k pre1 m1 . decompress m2 v2) remainder DifferedAt pr (x:xs) (y:ys) -> mkTrie altEmpty pr $ Map.doubleton x (mkTrie v1 xs m1) y (mkTrie v2 ys m2) _ -> can'tHappen mk = mkTrie mapUnion v j k p = Map.unionWithKey $ \x -> go (k `DL.append` DL.fromList p `DL.snoc` x) v j decompress m v (x:xs) = Map.singleton x (mkTrie v xs m) decompress _ _ [] = can'tHappen can'tHappen = error "Data.ListTrie.Patricia.Base.unionWithKey :: internal error" -- O(sum(n)) unionsWith :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Unionable st a, Trie trie st map k) => (a -> a -> a) -> [trie map k a] -> trie map k a unionsWith j = foldl' (unionWith j) empty -- O(sum(n)) unionsWith' :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Unionable st a, Trie trie st map k) => (a -> a -> a) -> [trie map k a] -> trie map k a unionsWith' j = foldl' (unionWith' j) empty -- O(sum(n)) unionsWithKey :: ( Alt st a, Boolable (st a) , Unionable st a, Trie trie st map k ) => ([k] -> a -> a -> a) -> [trie map k a] -> trie map k a unionsWithKey j = foldl' (unionWithKey j) empty -- O(sum(n)) unionsWithKey' :: ( Alt st a, Boolable (st a) , Unionable st a, Trie trie st map k ) => ([k] -> a -> a -> a) -> [trie map k a] -> trie map k a unionsWithKey' j = foldl' (unionWithKey' j) empty -- O(min(n1 m1,n2 m2)) differenceWith :: (Boolable (st a), Differentiable st a b, Trie trie st map k) => (a -> b -> Maybe a) -> trie map k a -> trie map k b -> trie map k a differenceWith j = go where go tr1 tr2 = let (v1,pre1,m1) = tParts tr1 (v2,pre2,m2) = tParts tr2 in case comparePrefixes (Map.eqCmp m1) pre1 pre2 of DifferedAt _ _ _ -> tr1 Same -> mk v1 v2 pre1 m1 m2 PostFix (Left xs) -> goRight tr1 m2 xs PostFix (Right xs) -> goLeft tr1 tr2 xs dw a b = let c = go a b in if null c then Nothing else Just c mk v v' p m m' = let vd = differenceVals j v v' in tryCompress.mkTrie vd p $ Map.differenceWith dw m m' -- See the comment in 'intersection' for a longish example of the idea -- behind this, which is basically that if we see two prefixes like "foo" -- and "foobar", we traverse the "foo" trie looking for "bar". Then if we -- find "barbaz", we traverse the "foobar" trie looking for "baz", and so -- on. -- -- We have two functions for the two tries because set difference is a -- noncommutative operation. goRight left rightMap (x:xs) = let (v,pre,m) = tParts left in case Map.lookup x rightMap of Nothing -> left Just right' -> let (v',pre',m') = tParts right' in case comparePrefixes (Map.eqCmp m) xs pre' of DifferedAt _ _ _ -> left Same -> mk v v' pre m m' PostFix (Left ys) -> goRight left m' ys PostFix (Right ys) -> goLeft left right' ys goRight _ _ [] = can'tHappen goLeft left right (x:xs) = tryCompress . mkTrie vl prel $ Map.update f x ml where (vl,prel,ml) = tParts left (vr, _,mr) = tParts right f left' = let (v,pre,m) = tParts left' in case comparePrefixes (Map.eqCmp m) pre xs of DifferedAt _ _ _ -> Just left' Same -> tryNull $ mk v vr pre m mr PostFix (Left ys) -> tryNull $ goRight left' mr ys PostFix (Right ys) -> tryNull $ goLeft left' right ys tryNull t = if null t then Nothing else Just t goLeft _ _ [] = can'tHappen can'tHappen = error "Data.ListTrie.Patricia.Base.differenceWith :: internal error" -- O(min(n1 m1,n2 m2)) differenceWithKey :: ( Boolable (st a), Differentiable st a b , Trie trie st map k ) => ([k] -> a -> b -> Maybe a) -> trie map k a -> trie map k b -> trie map k a differenceWithKey j = go DL.empty where go k tr1 tr2 = let (v1,pre1,m1) = tParts tr1 (v2,pre2,m2) = tParts tr2 in case comparePrefixes (Map.eqCmp m1) pre1 pre2 of DifferedAt _ _ _ -> tr1 Same -> mk k v1 v2 pre1 m1 m2 PostFix (Left xs) -> goRight (key k pre2) tr1 m2 xs PostFix (Right xs) -> goLeft (key k pre1) tr1 tr2 xs key k p = k `DL.append` DL.fromList p dw k a b = let c = go k a b in if null c then Nothing else Just c mk k v v' p m m' = let k' = k `DL.append` DL.fromList p vd = differenceVals (j $ DL.toList k') v v' in tryCompress.mkTrie vd p $ Map.differenceWithKey (dw . (k' `DL.snoc`)) m m' goRight k left rightMap (x:xs) = let (vl,_,ml) = tParts left in case Map.lookup x rightMap of Nothing -> left Just right -> let (vr,pre,mr) = tParts right k' = k `DL.snoc` x in case comparePrefixes (Map.eqCmp ml) xs pre of DifferedAt _ _ _ -> left Same -> mk k' vl vr pre ml mr PostFix (Left ys) -> goRight (key k' pre) left mr ys PostFix (Right ys) -> goLeft (key k' xs) left right ys goRight _ _ _ [] = can'tHappen goLeft k left right (x:xs) = tryCompress . mkTrie vl prel $ Map.update f x ml where (vl,prel,ml) = tParts left (vr, _,mr) = tParts right k' = k `DL.snoc` x f left' = let (v,pre,m) = tParts left' in case comparePrefixes (Map.eqCmp m) pre xs of DifferedAt _ _ _ -> Just left' Same -> tryNull $ mk k' v vr pre m mr PostFix (Left ys) -> tryNull $ goRight (key k' xs) left' mr ys PostFix (Right ys) -> tryNull $ goLeft (key k' pre) left' right ys tryNull t = if null t then Nothing else Just t goLeft _ _ _ [] = can'tHappen can'tHappen = error "Data.ListTrie.Patricia.Base.differenceWithKey :: internal error" -- O(min(n1 m1,n2 m2)) intersectionWith :: ( Alt st c, Boolable (st c) , Intersectable st a b c, Intersectable st b a c , Trie trie st map k ) => (a -> b -> c) -> trie map k a -> trie map k b -> trie map k c intersectionWith f = genericIntersectionWith (flip const) (intersectionVals f) -- O(min(n1 m1,n2 m2)) intersectionWith' :: ( Alt st c, Boolable (st c) , Intersectable st a b c, Intersectable st b a c , Trie trie st map k ) => (a -> b -> c) -> trie map k a -> trie map k b -> trie map k c intersectionWith' f = genericIntersectionWith seq (intersectionVals' f) genericIntersectionWith :: forall a b c k map st trie. ( Alt st c, Boolable (st c) , Trie trie st map k ) => (forall x. st x -> trie map k x -> trie map k x) -> (st a -> st b -> st c) -> trie map k a -> trie map k b -> trie map k c genericIntersectionWith seeq = go0 where go0 valIsect trl trr = let (vl,prel,ml) = tParts trl (vr,prer,mr) = tParts trr in case comparePrefixes (Map.eqCmp ml) prel prer of DifferedAt _ _ _ -> empty Same -> mk valIsect vl vr prel ml mr PostFix remainder -> -- use the one with a longer prefix as the base for the -- intersection, and descend into the map of the one with a -- shorter prefix either (go valIsect mr vl ml (DL.fromList prel)) (go (flip valIsect) ml vr mr (DL.fromList prer)) remainder mapIntersect valIsect = Map.filter (not.null) .: Map.intersectionWith (go0 valIsect) mk valIsect v v' p m m' = let vi = valIsect v v' in vi `seeq` (tryCompress.mkTrie vi p $ mapIntersect valIsect m m') -- Polymorphic recursion in 'go' (valIsect :: st a -> st b -> st c ---> st b -- -> st a -> st c) means that it has to be explicitly typed in order to -- compile. -- -- The repeated "Trie trie st map k" constraint is for Hugs. -- Like goLeft and goRight in 'difference', but handles both cases (since -- this is a commutative operation). -- -- Traverse the map given as the 1st argument, looking for anything that -- begins with the given key (x:xs). -- -- If it's found, great: make an intersected trie out of the trie found in -- the map and the boolean, map, and prefix given. -- -- If it's not found but might still be, there are two cases. -- -- 1. Say we've got the following two TrieSets: -- -- fromList ["car","cat"] -- fromList ["car","cot"] -- -- i.e. (where <> is stuff we don't care about here) -- -- Tr False "ca" (fromList [('r', Tr True "" <>),<>]) -- Tr False "c" (fromList [('a', Tr True "r" <>),<>]) -- -- We came in here with (x:xs) = "a", the remainder of comparing "ca" and -- "c". We're looking for anything that begins with "ca" from the children -- of the "c". -- -- We find the prefix pre' = "r", and comparePrefixes gives PostFix (Right -- "r"). So now we want anything beginning with "car" in the other trie. We -- switch to traversing the other trie, i.e. the other given map: the -- children of "ca". -- -- 2. Say we have the following: -- -- fromList ["cat"] -- fromList ["cat","cot","cap"] -- -- i.e. -- -- Tr True "cat" <> -- Tr False "c" (fromList [('a',Tr False "" (fromList [('t',<>)])),<>]) -- -- (x:xs) = "at" now, and we find pre' = "". We get PostFix (Left "t"). This -- means that we're staying in the same trie, just looking for "t" now -- instead of "at". So we jump into the m' map. -- -- Note that the prefix and boolean don't change: we've already got "ca", -- and we'd still like "cat" so we keep the True from there. go :: (Alt st z, Boolable (st z), Trie trie st map k) => (st x -> st y -> st z) -> CMap trie map k y -> st x -> CMap trie map k x -> DList k -> [k] -> trie map k z go valIsect ma v mb pre (x:xs) = case Map.lookup x ma of Nothing -> empty Just tr -> let (v',pre',m') = tParts tr in case comparePrefixes (Map.eqCmp ma) xs pre' of DifferedAt _ _ _ -> empty Same -> mk valIsect v v' (DL.toList pre) mb m' PostFix (Right ys) -> let nextPre = pre `DL.append` DL.fromList ys in go (flip valIsect) mb v' m' nextPre ys PostFix (Left ys) -> go valIsect m' v mb pre ys go _ _ _ _ _ [] = error "Data.ListTrie.Patricia.Map.intersectionWith :: internal error" -- O(min(n1 m1,n2 m2)) intersectionWithKey :: ( Alt st c, Boolable (st c) , Intersectable st a b c, Intersectable st b a c , Trie trie st map k ) => ([k] -> a -> b -> c) -> trie map k a -> trie map k b -> trie map k c intersectionWithKey = genericIntersectionWithKey (flip const) intersectionVals -- O(min(n1 m1,n2 m2)) intersectionWithKey' :: ( Alt st c, Boolable (st c) , Intersectable st a b c, Intersectable st b a c , Trie trie st map k ) => ([k] -> a -> b -> c) -> trie map k a -> trie map k b -> trie map k c intersectionWithKey' = genericIntersectionWithKey seq intersectionVals' genericIntersectionWithKey :: forall a b c k map st trie. (Alt st c, Boolable (st c), Trie trie st map k) => (forall x. st x -> trie map k x -> trie map k x) -> ((a -> b -> c) -> st a -> st b -> st c) -> ([k] -> a -> b -> c) -> trie map k a -> trie map k b -> trie map k c genericIntersectionWithKey seeq = main DL.empty where main k valIsect j trl trr = let (vl,prel,ml) = tParts trl (vr,prer,mr) = tParts trr in case comparePrefixes (Map.eqCmp ml) prel prer of DifferedAt _ _ _ -> empty Same -> mk k valIsect j vl vr prel ml mr PostFix remainder -> let prel' = DL.fromList prel prer' = DL.fromList prer in either (go k valIsect j mr vl ml prel') (go k (flop valIsect) (flip.j) ml vr mr prer') remainder mk k valIsect j v v' p m m' = let k' = k `DL.append` DL.fromList p vi = valIsect (j $ DL.toList k') v v' in vi `seeq` (tryCompress.mkTrie vi p $ mapIntersect k' valIsect j m m') mapIntersect k valIsect j = Map.filter (not.null) .: Map.intersectionWithKey (\x -> main (k `DL.snoc` x) valIsect j) flop :: ((x -> y -> z) -> st x -> st y -> st z) -> ((y -> x -> z) -> st y -> st x -> st z) flop f = flip . f . flip -- See intersectionWith: this explicit type is necessary go :: (Alt st z, Boolable (st z), Trie trie st map k) => DList k -> ((x -> y -> z) -> st x -> st y -> st z) -> ([k] -> x -> y -> z) -> CMap trie map k y -> st x -> CMap trie map k x -> DList k -> [k] -> trie map k z go k valIsect j ma v mb pre (x:xs) = case Map.lookup x ma of Nothing -> empty Just tr -> let (v',pre',m') = tParts tr in case comparePrefixes (Map.eqCmp ma) xs pre' of DifferedAt _ _ _ -> empty Same -> mk k valIsect j v v' (DL.toList pre) mb m' PostFix (Right ys) -> let nextPre = pre `DL.append` DL.fromList ys in go k (flop valIsect) (flip.j) mb v' m' nextPre ys PostFix (Left ys) -> go k valIsect j m' v mb pre ys go _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [] = error "Data.ListTrie.Patricia.Map.intersectionWithKey :: internal error" -- * Filtering -- O(n m) filterWithKey :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => ([k] -> a -> Bool) -> trie map k a -> trie map k a filterWithKey p = fromList . Prelude.filter (uncurry p) . toList -- O(n m) partitionWithKey :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => ([k] -> a -> Bool) -> trie map k a -> (trie map k a, trie map k a) partitionWithKey p = both fromList . partition (uncurry p) . toList -- * Mapping -- O(n m) mapKeysWith :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k1, Trie trie st map k2) => ([([k2],a)] -> trie map k2 a) -> ([k1] -> [k2]) -> trie map k1 a -> trie map k2 a mapKeysWith fromlist f = fromlist . map (first f) . toList -- O(n m) mapInKeysWith :: ( Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Unionable st a , Trie trie st map k1, Trie trie st map k2 ) => (a -> a -> a) -> (k1 -> k2) -> trie map k1 a -> trie map k2 a mapInKeysWith = genericMapInKeysWith (flip const) (const ()) unionWith -- O(n m) mapInKeysWith' :: ( Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Unionable st a , Trie trie st map k1, Trie trie st map k2 ) => (a -> a -> a) -> (k1 -> k2) -> trie map k1 a -> trie map k2 a mapInKeysWith' = genericMapInKeysWith seq (\xs -> if Prelude.null xs then () else foldl1' seq xs `seq` ()) unionWith' genericMapInKeysWith :: ( Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Unionable st a , Trie trie st map k1, Trie trie st map k2 ) => (() -> trie map k2 a -> trie map k2 a) -> ([k2] -> ()) -> (f -> trie map k2 a -> trie map k2 a -> trie map k2 a) -> f -> (k1 -> k2) -> trie map k1 a -> trie map k2 a genericMapInKeysWith seeq listSeq unionW j f = go where go tr = let (v,p,m) = tParts tr p' = map f p in listSeq p' `seeq` (mkTrie v p' $ Map.fromListKVWith (unionW j) . map (f *** go) . Map.toListKV $ m) -- * Folding -- O(n m) foldrWithKey :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => ([k] -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> trie map k a -> b foldrWithKey f x = foldr (uncurry f) x . toList -- O(n m) foldrAscWithKey :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => ([k] -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> trie map k a -> b foldrAscWithKey f x = foldr (uncurry f) x . toAscList -- O(n m) foldrDescWithKey :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => ([k] -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> trie map k a -> b foldrDescWithKey f x = foldr (uncurry f) x . toDescList -- O(n m) foldlWithKey :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => ([k] -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> trie map k a -> b foldlWithKey f x = foldl (flip $ uncurry f) x . toList -- O(n m) foldlAscWithKey :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => ([k] -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> trie map k a -> b foldlAscWithKey f x = foldl (flip $ uncurry f) x . toAscList -- O(n m) foldlDescWithKey :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => ([k] -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> trie map k a -> b foldlDescWithKey f x = foldl (flip $ uncurry f) x . toDescList -- O(n m) foldlWithKey' :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => ([k] -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> trie map k a -> b foldlWithKey' f x = foldl' (flip $ uncurry f) x . toList -- O(n m) foldlAscWithKey' :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => ([k] -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> trie map k a -> b foldlAscWithKey' f x = foldl' (flip $ uncurry f) x . toAscList -- O(n m) foldlDescWithKey' :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => ([k] -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> trie map k a -> b foldlDescWithKey' f x = foldl' (flip $ uncurry f) x . toDescList -- * Conversion between lists -- O(n m) toList :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => trie map k a -> [([k],a)] toList = genericToList Map.toListKV DL.cons -- O(n m) toAscList :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => trie map k a -> [([k],a)] toAscList = genericToList Map.toAscList DL.cons -- O(n m) toDescList :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => trie map k a -> [([k],a)] toDescList = genericToList (reverse . Map.toAscList) (flip DL.snoc) genericToList :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => (CMap trie map k a -> [(k, trie map k a)]) -> (([k],a) -> DList ([k],a) -> DList ([k],a)) -> trie map k a -> [([k],a)] genericToList tolist add = DL.toList . go DL.empty where go l tr = let (v,p,m) = tParts tr l' = l `DL.append` DL.fromList p xs = DL.concat . map (\(x,t) -> go (l' `DL.snoc` x) t) . tolist $ m in if hasValue v then add (DL.toList l', unwrap v) xs else xs -- O(n m) fromList :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => [([k],a)] -> trie map k a fromList = fromListWith const -- O(n m) fromListWith :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => (a -> a -> a) -> [([k],a)] -> trie map k a fromListWith f = foldl' (flip . uncurry $ insertWith f) empty -- O(n m) fromListWith' :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => (a -> a -> a) -> [([k],a)] -> trie map k a fromListWith' f = foldl' (flip . uncurry $ insertWith' f) empty -- O(n m) fromListWithKey :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => ([k] -> a -> a -> a) -> [([k],a)] -> trie map k a fromListWithKey f = foldl' (\tr (k,v) -> insertWith (f k) k v tr) empty -- O(n m) fromListWithKey' :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => ([k] -> a -> a -> a) -> [([k],a)] -> trie map k a fromListWithKey' f = foldl' (\tr (k,v) -> insertWith' (f k) k v tr) empty -- * Min/max -- O(m) minView :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => trie map k a -> (Maybe ([k], a), trie map k a) minView = minMaxView (hasValue.tVal) (fst . Map.minViewWithKey) -- O(m) maxView :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => trie map k a -> (Maybe ([k], a), trie map k a) maxView = minMaxView (Map.null.tMap) (fst . Map.maxViewWithKey) minMaxView :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => (trie map k a -> Bool) -> (CMap trie map k a -> Maybe (k, trie map k a)) -> trie map k a -> (Maybe ([k], a), trie map k a) minMaxView _ _ tr_ | null tr_ = (Nothing, tr_) minMaxView isWanted mapView tr_ = first Just (go tr_) where go tr = let (v,pre,m) = tParts tr in if isWanted tr then ((pre, unwrap v), safeMkTrie altEmpty pre m) else let (k, tr') = fromJust (mapView m) (minMax, tr'') = go tr' in ( first (prepend pre k) minMax , mkTrie v pre $ if null tr'' then Map.delete k m else Map.adjust (const tr'') k m ) -- O(m) findMin :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => trie map k a -> Maybe ([k], a) findMin = findMinMax (hasValue . tVal) (fst . Map.minViewWithKey) -- O(m) findMax :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => trie map k a -> Maybe ([k], a) findMax = findMinMax (Map.null . tMap) (fst . Map.maxViewWithKey) findMinMax :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => (trie map k a -> Bool) -> (CMap trie map k a -> Maybe (k, trie map k a)) -> trie map k a -> Maybe ([k], a) findMinMax _ _ tr_ | null tr_ = Nothing findMinMax isWanted mapView tr_ = Just (go DL.empty tr_) where go xs tr = let (v,pre,m) = tParts tr xs' = xs `DL.append` DL.fromList pre in if isWanted tr then (DL.toList xs', unwrap v) else let (k, tr') = fromJust . mapView $ m in go (xs' `DL.snoc` k) tr' -- O(m) deleteMin :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => trie map k a -> trie map k a deleteMin = snd . minView -- O(m) deleteMax :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => trie map k a -> trie map k a deleteMax = snd . maxView -- O(min(m,s)) split :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => [k] -> trie map k a -> (trie map k a, trie map k a) split xs tr = let (l,_,g) = splitLookup xs tr in (l,g) -- O(min(m,s)) splitLookup :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => [k] -> trie map k a -> (trie map k a, st a, trie map k a) splitLookup xs tr = let (v,pre,m) = tParts tr in case comparePrefixes (Map.eqCmp m) pre xs of Same -> (empty, v, mk altEmpty pre m) DifferedAt _ (p:_) (x:_) -> case Map.ordCmp m p x of LT -> (tr, altEmpty, empty) GT -> (empty, altEmpty, tr) EQ -> can'tHappen PostFix (Left _) -> (empty, altEmpty, tr) PostFix (Right (y:ys)) -> let (ml, maybeTr, mg) = Map.splitLookup y m in case maybeTr of -- Prefix goes in left side of split since it's shorter -- than the given key and thus lesser Nothing -> (mk v pre ml, altEmpty, mk altEmpty pre mg) Just tr' -> let (tl, v', tg) = splitLookup ys tr' ml' = if null tl then ml else Map.insert y tl ml mg' = if null tg then mg else Map.insert y tg mg in (mk v pre ml', v', mk altEmpty pre mg') _ -> can'tHappen where mk v pre = tryCompress . mkTrie v pre can'tHappen = error "Data.ListTrie.Patricia.Base.splitLookup :: internal error" -- O(m) findPredecessor :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => [k] -> trie map k a -> Maybe ([k], a) findPredecessor _ tr | null tr = Nothing findPredecessor xs_ tr_ = go xs_ tr_ where go xs tr = let (v,pre,m) = tParts tr in case comparePrefixes (Map.eqCmp m) pre xs of Same -> Nothing PostFix (Left _) -> Nothing DifferedAt _ (p:_) (x:_) -> case Map.ordCmp m p x of LT -> findMax tr GT -> Nothing EQ -> can'tHappen -- See comment in non-Patricia version for explanation of -- algorithm PostFix (Right (y:ys)) -> let predecessor = Map.findPredecessor y m in (first (prepend pre y)<$>(Map.lookup y m >>= go ys)) <|> case predecessor of Nothing -> if hasValue v then Just (pre, unwrap v) else Nothing Just (best,btr) -> first (prepend pre best) <$> findMax btr _ -> can'tHappen can'tHappen = error "Data.ListTrie.Patricia.Base.findPredecessor :: internal error" -- O(m) findSuccessor :: forall trie map st k a . (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => [k] -> trie map k a -> Maybe ([k], a) findSuccessor _ tr | null tr = Nothing findSuccessor xs_ tr_ = go xs_ tr_ where go :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k, OrdMap map k) => [k] -> trie map k a -> Maybe ([k], a) go xs tr = let (_,pre,m) = tParts tr in case comparePrefixes (Map.eqCmp m) pre xs of Same -> do (k,t) <- fst $ Map.minViewWithKey m first (prepend pre k) <$> findMin t DifferedAt _ (p:_) (x:_) -> case Map.ordCmp m p x of LT -> Nothing GT -> findMin tr EQ -> can'tHappen PostFix (Left _) -> findMin tr PostFix (Right (y:ys)) -> let successor = Map.findSuccessor y m in (first (prepend pre y)<$>(Map.lookup y m >>= go ys)) <|> (successor >>= \(best,btr) -> first (prepend pre best) <$> findMin btr) _ -> can'tHappen can'tHappen = error "Data.ListTrie.Patricia.Base.findSuccessor :: internal error" -- * Trie-only operations -- O(s) lookupPrefix :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => [k] -> trie map k a -> trie map k a lookupPrefix xs tr = let (_,pre,m) = tParts tr in case comparePrefixes (Map.eqCmp m) pre xs of DifferedAt _ _ _ -> empty Same -> tr PostFix (Left _) -> tr PostFix (Right (y:ys)) -> case Map.lookup y m of Nothing -> empty Just tr' -> let tr'' = lookupPrefix ys tr' (v',pre',m') = tParts tr'' in if null tr'' then tr'' else mkTrie v' (pre ++ y : pre') m' _ -> error "Data.ListTrie.Patricia.Base.lookupPrefix :: internal error" -- O(s) addPrefix :: (Alt st a, Trie trie st map k) => [k] -> trie map k a -> trie map k a addPrefix xs tr = let (v,pre,m) = tParts tr in mkTrie v (xs ++ pre) m -- O(s) deletePrefix :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => [k] -> trie map k a -> trie map k a deletePrefix xs tr = let (v,pre,m) = tParts tr in case comparePrefixes (Map.eqCmp m) pre xs of Same -> tryCompress (mkTrie v [] m) PostFix (Left ys) -> mkTrie v ys m DifferedAt _ _ _ -> empty PostFix (Right (y:ys)) -> case Map.lookup y m of Nothing -> empty Just tr' -> deletePrefix ys tr' _ -> error "Data.ListTrie.Patricia.Base.deletePrefix :: internal error" -- O(s) deleteSuffixes :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => [k] -> trie map k a -> trie map k a deleteSuffixes xs tr = let (v,pre,m) = tParts tr in case comparePrefixes (Map.eqCmp m) pre xs of DifferedAt _ _ _ -> tr Same -> empty PostFix (Left _) -> empty PostFix (Right (y:ys)) -> case Map.lookup y m of Nothing -> tr Just tr' -> let tr'' = deleteSuffixes ys tr' in if null tr'' then tryCompress$ mkTrie v pre (Map.delete y m) else mkTrie v pre (Map.insert y tr'' m) _ -> error "Data.ListTrie.Patricia.Base.deleteSuffixes :: internal error" -- O(1) splitPrefix :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => trie map k a -> ([k], st a, trie map k a) splitPrefix tr = let (v,pre,m) = tParts tr in (pre, v, tryCompress $ mkTrie altEmpty [] m) -- O(1) children :: Trie trie st map k => trie map k a -> CMap trie map k a children = tMap -- O(1) children1 :: Trie trie st map k => trie map k a -> CMap trie map k a children1 tr = let (v,pre,m) = tParts tr in case pre of [] -> m p:ps -> Map.singleton p (mkTrie v ps m) -- * Visualization -- O(n m) showTrieWith :: (Show k, Trie trie st map k) => (st a -> ShowS) -> trie map k a -> ShowS showTrieWith = go 0 where go indent f tr = let (v,pre,m) = tParts tr spre = shows pre lpre = length (spre []) sv = f v lv = length (sv []) in spre . showChar ' ' . sv . showChar ' ' . (foldr (.) id . zipWith (flip ($)) (False : repeat True) $ map (\(k,t) -> \b -> let sk = shows k lk = length (sk []) i = indent + lpre + lv + 2 in (if b then showChar '\n' . showString (replicate i ' ') else id) . showString "-> " . sk . showChar ' ' . go (i + lk + 4) f t) (Map.toListKV m)) -- helpers -- mkTrie, but makes sure that empty tries don't have nonempty prefixes -- intentionally strict in the value: gives update its semantics safeMkTrie :: (Alt st a, Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => st a -> [k] -> CMap trie map k a -> trie map k a safeMkTrie v p m = if noValue v && Map.null m then empty else mkTrie v p m prepend :: [a] -> a -> [a] -> [a] prepend prefix key = (prefix++) . (key:) data PrefixOrdering a = Same | PostFix (Either [a] [a]) | DifferedAt [a] [a] [a] -- Same If they're equal. -- PostFix (Left xs) If the first argument was longer: xs is the remainder. -- PostFix (Right xs) Likewise, but for the second argument. -- DifferedAt pre xs ys Otherwise. pre is the part that was the same and -- xs and ys are the remainders for the first and second -- arguments respectively. -- -- all (pre `isPrefixOf`) [xs,ys] --> True. comparePrefixes :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> PrefixOrdering a comparePrefixes = go [] where go _ _ [] [] = Same go _ _ [] xs = PostFix (Right xs) go _ _ xs [] = PostFix (Left xs) go samePart (===) xs@(a:as) ys@(b:bs) = if a === b then go (a:samePart) (===) as bs else DifferedAt (reverse samePart) xs ys -- Exported for Eq/Ord instances eqComparePrefixes :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> Bool eqComparePrefixes eq xs ys = case comparePrefixes eq xs ys of Same -> True _ -> False ordComparePrefixes :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a] -> Ordering ordComparePrefixes ord xs ys = case comparePrefixes (\x y -> ord x y == EQ) xs ys of Same -> EQ PostFix r -> either (const GT) (const LT) r DifferedAt _ (x:_) (y:_) -> ord x y _ -> error "Data.ListTrie.Patricia.Base.ordComparePrefixes :: internal error" -- After modifying the trie, compress a trie node into the prefix if possible. -- -- Doesn't recurse into children, only checks if this node and its child can be -- joined into one. Does it repeatedly, though, until it can't compress any -- more. -- -- Note that this is a sledgehammer: for optimization, instead of using this in -- every function, we could write a separate tryCompress for each function, -- checking only for those cases that we know can arise. This has been done in -- 'insert', at least, but not in many places. tryCompress :: (Boolable (st a), Trie trie st map k) => trie map k a -> trie map k a tryCompress tr = let (v,pre,m) = tParts tr in case Map.singletonView m of -- We can compress the trie if there is only one child Just (x, tr') -- If the parent is empty, we can collapse it into the child | noValue v -> tryCompress $ mkTrie v' (prepend pre x pre') subM -- If the parent is full and the child is empty and childless, the -- child is irrelevant | noValue v' && Map.null subM -> mkTrie v pre subM where (v',pre',subM) = tParts tr' -- If the trie is empty, make sure the prefix is as well. -- -- This case can arise in 'intersectionWith', at least. Nothing | noValue v && Map.null m -> mkTrie v [] m -- Otherwise, leave it unchanged. _ -> tr