-- File created: 2008-11-08 15:52:33 {-# LANGUAGE CPP, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances , FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances #-} #include "exports.h" -- | The base implementation of a trie representing a set of lists, generalized -- over any type of map from key values to tries. -- -- Worst-case complexities are given in terms of @n@, @m@, and @s@. @n@ refers -- to the number of keys in the set and @m@ to their maximum length. @s@ refers -- to the length of a key given to the function, not any property of the set. -- -- In addition, the trie's branching factor plays a part in almost every -- operation, but the complexity depends on the underlying 'Map'. Thus, for -- instance, 'member' is actually @O(m f(b))@ where @f(b)@ is the complexity of -- a lookup operation on the 'Map' used. This complexity depends on the -- underlying operation, which is not part of the specification of the visible -- function. Thus it could change whilst affecting the complexity only for -- certain Map types: hence this \"b factor\" is not shown explicitly. -- -- Disclaimer: the complexities have not been proven. module Data.ListTrie.Set (SET_EXPORTS) where import Control.Arrow ((***)) import Control.Monad (liftM2) import Data.Binary (Binary,get,put) import Data.Function (on) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..), stimesIdempotent) import Prelude hiding (filter, foldl, foldl', foldr, map, null) import qualified Prelude #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ import Text.Read (readPrec, lexP, parens, prec, Lexeme(Ident)) #endif import qualified Data.ListTrie.Base as Base import qualified Data.ListTrie.Base.Map as Map import Data.ListTrie.Base.Classes (Identity(..), Unwrappable(..)) import Data.ListTrie.Base.Map (Map, OrdMap) import Data.ListTrie.Util ((.:), (.:.), both) #include "docs.h" -- Invariant: any (Tr False _) has a True descendant. -- -- We need this 'bool' and Base stuff in order to satisfy the Base.Trie type -- class. data TrieSetBase map a bool = Tr !bool !(CMap map a bool) type CMap map a bool = map a (TrieSetBase map a bool) -- That makes TrieSet a newtype, which means some unfortunate wrapping and -- unwrapping in the function definitions below. -- -- | The data structure itself: a set of keys of type @[a]@ implemented as a -- trie, using @map@ to map keys of type @a@ to sub-tries. -- -- Regarding the instances: -- -- - The @CMap@ type is internal, ignore it. For 'Eq' and 'Ord' an 'Eq' -- instance is required: what this means is that @map a v@ is expected to be -- an instance of 'Eq', given 'Eq'@ v@. -- -- - The 'Eq' constraint for the 'Ord' instance is misleading: it is needed -- only because 'Eq' is a superclass of 'Ord'. -- -- - The 'Monoid' instance defines 'mappend' as 'union' and 'mempty' as -- 'empty'. newtype TrieSet map a = TS { unTS :: TrieSetBase map a Bool } inTS :: (TrieSetBase map a Bool -> TrieSetBase nap b Bool) -> (TrieSet map a -> TrieSet nap b) inTS f = TS . f . unTS instance Map map k => Base.Trie TrieSetBase Identity map k where mkTrie = Tr . unwrap tParts (Tr b m) = (Id b,m) -- CMap contains TrieSetBase, not TrieSet, hence we must supply these instances -- for TrieSetBase first instance Eq (CMap map a Bool) => Eq (TrieSetBase map a Bool) where Tr b1 m1 == Tr b2 m2 = b1 == b2 && m1 == m2 instance (Eq (CMap map a Bool), OrdMap map a, Ord a) => Ord (TrieSetBase map a Bool) where compare = compare `on` Base.toAscList instance Eq (CMap map a Bool) => Eq (TrieSet map a) where (==) = (==) `on` unTS -- The CMap constraint is needed only because Eq is a superclass of Ord.... -- sigh instance (Eq (CMap map a Bool), OrdMap map a, Ord a) => Ord (TrieSet map a) where compare = compare `on` unTS instance Map map a => Semigroup (TrieSet map a) where (<>) = union sconcat = unions . NE.toList stimes = stimesIdempotent instance Map map a => Monoid (TrieSet map a) where mempty = empty mappend = (<>) mconcat = unions instance (Map map a, Show a) => Show (TrieSet map a) where showsPrec p s = showParen (p > 10) $ showString "fromList " . shows (toList s) instance (Map map a, Read a) => Read (TrieSet map a) where #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ readPrec = parens $ prec 10 $ do Ident "fromList" <- lexP fmap fromList readPrec #else readsPrec p = readParen (p > 10) $ \r -> do ("fromList", list) <- lex r (xs, rest) <- readsPrec (p+1) list [(fromList xs, rest)] #endif instance (Map map k, Binary k, Binary a) => Binary (TrieSetBase map k a) where put (Tr v m) = put v >> (put . Map.serializeToList $ m) get = liftM2 Tr get (get >>= return . Map.deserializeFromList) instance (Map map a, Binary a) => Binary (TrieSet map a) where put = put . unTS get = get >>= return . TS -- * Construction -- | @O(1)@. The empty set. empty :: Map map a => TrieSet map a empty = TS Base.empty -- | @O(s)@. The singleton set containing only the given key. singleton :: Map map a => [a] -> TrieSet map a singleton k = TS$ Base.singleton k True -- * Modification -- | @O(min(m,s))@. Inserts the key into the set. If the key is already a -- member of the set, the set is unchanged. insert :: Map map a => [a] -> TrieSet map a -> TrieSet map a insert k = inTS$ Base.insert k True -- | @O(min(m,s))@. Removes the key from the set. If the key is not a member of -- the set, the set is unchanged. delete :: Map map a => [a] -> TrieSet map a -> TrieSet map a delete = inTS . Base.delete -- * Querying -- | @O(1)@. 'True' iff the set is empty. null :: Map map a => TrieSet map a -> Bool null = Base.null . unTS -- | @O(n m)@. The number of keys in the set. The value is built up lazily, -- allowing for delivery of partial results without traversing the whole set. size :: (Map map a, Num n) => TrieSet map a -> n size = Base.size . unTS -- | @O(n m)@. The number of keys in the set. The value is built strictly: no -- value is returned until the set has been fully traversed. size' :: (Map map a, Num n) => TrieSet map a -> n size' = Base.size' . unTS -- | @O(min(m,s))@. 'True' iff the given key is contained within the set. member :: Map map a => [a] -> TrieSet map a -> Bool member = Base.member .:. unTS -- | @O(min(m,s))@. 'False' iff the given key is contained within the set. notMember :: Map map a => [a] -> TrieSet map a -> Bool notMember = Base.notMember .:. unTS -- | @O(min(n1 m1,n2 m2))@. 'True' iff the first set is a subset of the second, -- i.e. all keys that are members of the first set are also members of the -- second set. isSubsetOf :: Map map a => TrieSet map a -> TrieSet map a -> Bool isSubsetOf = Base.isSubmapOfBy (&&) `on` unTS -- | @O(min(n1 m1,n2 m2))@. 'True' iff the first set is a proper subset of the -- second, i.e. the first is a subset of the second, but the sets are not -- equal. isProperSubsetOf :: Map map a => TrieSet map a -> TrieSet map a -> Bool isProperSubsetOf = Base.isProperSubmapOfBy (&&) `on` unTS -- * Combination defaultUnion :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool defaultUnion = error "TrieSet.union :: internal error" -- | @O(min(n1 m1,n2 m2))@. The union of the two sets: the set which contains -- all keys that are members of either set. -- -- The worst-case performance occurs when the two sets are identical. union :: Map map a => TrieSet map a -> TrieSet map a -> TrieSet map a union = TS .: Base.unionWith defaultUnion `on` unTS -- | @O(sum(n))@. The union of all the sets: the set which contains all keys -- that are members of any of the sets. -- -- The worst-case performance occurs when all the sets are identical. unions :: Map map a => [TrieSet map a] -> TrieSet map a unions = TS . Base.unionsWith defaultUnion . Prelude.map unTS -- | @O(min(n1 m1,n2 m2))@. The difference of the two sets: the set which -- contains all keys that are members of the first set and not members of the -- second set. -- -- The worst-case performance occurs when the two sets are identical. difference :: Map map a => TrieSet map a -> TrieSet map a -> TrieSet map a difference = TS .: Base.differenceWith (error "TrieSet.difference :: internal error") `on` unTS -- | @O(min(n1 m1,n2 m2))@. The intersection of the two sets: the set which -- contains all keys that are members of both sets. -- -- The worst-case performance occurs when the two sets are identical. intersection :: Map map a => TrieSet map a -> TrieSet map a -> TrieSet map a intersection = TS .: Base.intersectionWith (error "TrieSet.intersection :: internal error") `on` unTS -- * Filtering -- | @O(n m)@. The set of those keys in the set for which the given predicate -- returns 'True'. filter :: Map map a => ([a] -> Bool) -> TrieSet map a -> TrieSet map a filter p = inTS $ Base.filterWithKey (\k _ -> p k) -- | @O(n m)@. A pair of sets: the first element contains those keys for which -- the given predicate returns 'True', and the second element contains those -- for which it was 'False'. partition :: Map map a => ([a] -> Bool) -> TrieSet map a -> (TrieSet map a, TrieSet map a) partition p = both TS . Base.partitionWithKey (\k _ -> p k) . unTS -- * Mapping -- | @O(n m)@. Apply the given function to all the keys in the set. map :: (Map map a, Map map b) => ([a] -> [b]) -> TrieSet map a -> TrieSet map b map = inTS . Base.mapKeysWith Base.fromList -- | @O(n m)@. Apply the given function to the contents of all the keys in the -- set. mapIn :: (Map map a, Map map b) => (a -> b) -> TrieSet map a -> TrieSet map b mapIn = inTS . Base.mapInKeysWith defaultUnion -- * Folding -- | @O(n m)@. Equivalent to a list @foldr@ on the 'toList' representation. foldr :: Map map a => ([a] -> b -> b) -> b -> TrieSet map a -> b foldr f = Base.foldrWithKey (\k _ -> f k) .:. unTS -- | @O(n m)@. Equivalent to a list @foldr@ on the 'toAscList' representation. foldrAsc :: OrdMap map a => ([a] -> b -> b) -> b -> TrieSet map a -> b foldrAsc f = Base.foldrAscWithKey (\k _ -> f k) .:. unTS -- | @O(n m)@. Equivalent to a list @foldr@ on the 'toDescList' representation. foldrDesc :: OrdMap map a => ([a] -> b -> b) -> b -> TrieSet map a -> b foldrDesc f = Base.foldrDescWithKey (\k _ -> f k) .:. unTS -- | @O(n m)@. Equivalent to a list @foldl@ on the 'toList' representation. foldl :: Map map a => ([a] -> b -> b) -> b -> TrieSet map a -> b foldl f = Base.foldlWithKey (\k _ -> f k) .:. unTS -- | @O(n m)@. Equivalent to a list @foldl@ on the 'toAscList' representation. foldlAsc :: OrdMap map a => ([a] -> b -> b) -> b -> TrieSet map a -> b foldlAsc f = Base.foldlAscWithKey (\k _ -> f k) .:. unTS -- | @O(n m)@. Equivalent to a list @foldl@ on the 'toDescList' representation. foldlDesc :: OrdMap map a => ([a] -> b -> b) -> b -> TrieSet map a -> b foldlDesc f = Base.foldlDescWithKey (\k _ -> f k) .:. unTS -- | @O(n m)@. Equivalent to a list @foldl'@ on the 'toList' representation. foldl' :: Map map a => ([a] -> b -> b) -> b -> TrieSet map a -> b foldl' f = Base.foldlWithKey' (\k _ -> f k) .:. unTS -- | @O(n m)@. Equivalent to a list @foldl'@ on the 'toAscList' representation. foldlAsc' :: OrdMap map a => ([a] -> b -> b) -> b -> TrieSet map a -> b foldlAsc' f = Base.foldlAscWithKey' (\k _ -> f k) .:. unTS -- | @O(n m)@. Equivalent to a list @foldl'@ on the 'toDescList' -- representation. foldlDesc' :: OrdMap map a => ([a] -> b -> b) -> b -> TrieSet map a -> b foldlDesc' f = Base.foldlDescWithKey' (\k _ -> f k) .:. unTS -- * Conversion between lists -- | @O(n m)@. Converts the set to a list of the keys contained within, in -- undefined order. toList :: Map map a => TrieSet map a -> [[a]] toList = Prelude.map fst . Base.toList . unTS -- | @O(n m)@. Converts the set to a list of the keys contained within, in -- ascending order. toAscList :: OrdMap map a => TrieSet map a -> [[a]] toAscList = Prelude.map fst . Base.toAscList . unTS -- | @O(n m)@. Converts the set to a list of the keys contained within, in -- descending order. toDescList :: OrdMap map a => TrieSet map a -> [[a]] toDescList = Prelude.map fst . Base.toDescList . unTS -- | @O(n m)@. Creates a set from a list of keys. fromList :: Map map a => [[a]] -> TrieSet map a fromList = TS . Base.fromList . Prelude.map (flip (,) True) -- * Ordering ops -- | @O(m)@. Removes and returns the minimal key in the set. If the set is -- empty, 'Nothing' and the original set are returned. minView :: OrdMap map a => TrieSet map a -> (Maybe [a], TrieSet map a) minView = (fmap fst *** TS) . Base.minView . unTS -- | @O(m)@. Removes and returns the maximal key in the set. If the set is -- empty, 'Nothing' and the original set are returned. maxView :: OrdMap map a => TrieSet map a -> (Maybe [a], TrieSet map a) maxView = (fmap fst *** TS) . Base.maxView . unTS -- | @O(m)@. Like 'fst' composed with 'minView'. 'Just' the minimal key in the -- set, or 'Nothing' if the set is empty. findMin :: OrdMap map a => TrieSet map a -> Maybe [a] findMin = fmap fst . Base.findMin . unTS -- | @O(m)@. Like 'fst' composed with 'maxView'. 'Just' the maximal key in the -- set, or 'Nothing' if the set is empty. findMax :: OrdMap map a => TrieSet map a -> Maybe [a] findMax = fmap fst . Base.findMax . unTS -- | @O(m)@. Like 'snd' composed with 'minView'. The set without its minimal -- key, or the unchanged original set if it was empty. deleteMin :: OrdMap map a => TrieSet map a -> TrieSet map a deleteMin = inTS Base.deleteMin -- | @O(m)@. Like 'snd' composed with 'maxView'. The set without its maximal -- key, or the unchanged original set if it was empty. deleteMax :: OrdMap map a => TrieSet map a -> TrieSet map a deleteMax = inTS Base.deleteMax -- | @O(min(m,s))@. Splits the set in two about the given key. The first -- element of the resulting pair is a set containing the keys lesser than the -- given key; the second contains those keys that are greater. split :: OrdMap map a => [a] -> TrieSet map a -> (TrieSet map a, TrieSet map a) split = both TS .: Base.split .:. unTS -- | @O(min(m,s))@. Like 'split', but also returns whether the given key was a -- member of the set or not. splitMember :: OrdMap map a => [a] -> TrieSet map a -> (TrieSet map a, Bool, TrieSet map a) splitMember = (\(l,b,g) -> (TS l,unwrap b,TS g)) .: Base.splitLookup .:. unTS -- | @O(m)@. 'Just' the key of the set which precedes the given key in order, -- or 'Nothing' if the set is empty. findPredecessor :: OrdMap map a => [a] -> TrieSet map a -> Maybe [a] findPredecessor = fmap fst .: Base.findPredecessor .:. unTS -- | @O(m)@. 'Just' the key of the set which succeeds the given key in order, -- or 'Nothing' if the set is empty. findSuccessor :: OrdMap map a => [a] -> TrieSet map a -> Maybe [a] findSuccessor = fmap fst .: Base.findSuccessor .:. unTS -- * Trie-only operations -- | @O(s)@. The set which contains all keys of which the given key is a -- prefix. For example: -- -- > lookupPrefix "ab" (fromList ["a","ab","ac","abc"]) -- > == fromList ["ab","abc"] lookupPrefix :: Map map a => [a] -> TrieSet map a -> TrieSet map a lookupPrefix = TS .: Base.lookupPrefix .:. unTS -- | @O(s)@. Prepends the given key to all the keys of the set. For example: -- -- > addPrefix "pre" (fromList ["a","b"]) == fromList ["prea","preb"] addPrefix :: Map map a => [a] -> TrieSet map a -> TrieSet map a addPrefix = TS .: Base.addPrefix .:. unTS -- | @O(s)@. The set which contains all keys of which the given key is a -- prefix, with the prefix removed from each key. If the given key is not a -- prefix of any key in the set, an empty set is returned. For example: -- -- > deletePrefix "a" (fromList ["a","ab","ac"]) == fromList ["","b","c"] -- -- This function can be used, for instance, to reduce potentially expensive I/O -- operations: if you need to check whether a string is a member of a set, but -- you only have a prefix of it and retrieving the rest is an expensive -- operation, calling 'deletePrefix' with what you have might allow you to -- avoid the operation: if the resulting set is empty, the entire string cannot -- be a member of the set. deletePrefix :: Map map a => [a] -> TrieSet map a -> TrieSet map a deletePrefix = TS .: Base.deletePrefix .:. unTS -- | @O(s)@. Deletes all keys which are suffixes of the given key. For example: -- -- > deleteSuffixes "ab" (fromList $ zip ["a","ab","ac","b","abc"] [1..]) -- > == fromList [("a",1),("ac",3),("b",4)] deleteSuffixes :: Map map a => [a] -> TrieSet map a -> TrieSet map a deleteSuffixes = TS .: Base.deleteSuffixes .:. unTS -- | @O(m)@. A triple containing the longest common prefix of all keys in the -- set, whether that prefix was a member of the set, and the set with that -- prefix removed from all the keys as well as the set itself. Examples: -- -- > splitPrefix (fromList ["a","b"]) == ("", False, fromList ["a","b"]) -- > splitPrefix (fromList ["a","ab","ac"]) == ("a", True, fromList ["b","c"]) splitPrefix :: Map map a => TrieSet map a -> ([a], Bool, TrieSet map a) splitPrefix = (\(k,b,t) -> (k,unwrap b,TS t)) . Base.splitPrefix . unTS -- | @O(m)@. The children of the longest common prefix in the trie as sets, -- associated with their distinguishing key value. If the set contains less -- than two keys, this function will return an empty map. Examples; -- -- > children (fromList ["a","abc","abcd"]) -- > == Map.fromList [('b',fromList ["c","cd"])] -- > children (fromList ["b","c"]) -- > == Map.fromList [('b',fromList [""]),('c',fromList [""])] children :: Map map a => TrieSet map a -> map a (TrieSet map a) children = Map.map TS . Base.children . unTS -- | @O(1)@. The children of the first element of the longest common prefix in -- the trie as sets, associated with their distinguishing key value. If the set -- contains less than two keys, this function will return an empty map. -- -- If the longest common prefix of all keys in the trie is the empty list, this -- function is equivalent to 'children'. -- -- Examples: -- -- > children1 (fromList ["abc","abcd"]) -- > == Map.fromList [('a',fromList ["bc","bcd"])] -- > children1 (fromList ["b","c"]) -- > == Map.fromList [('b',fromList [""]),('c',fromList [""])] children1 :: Map map a => TrieSet map a -> map a (TrieSet map a) children1 = Map.map TS . Base.children1 . unTS -- * Visualization -- | @O(n m)@. Displays the set's internal structure in an undefined way. That -- is to say, no program should depend on the function's results. showTrie :: (Show a, Map map a) => TrieSet map a -> ShowS showTrie = Base.showTrieWith (\(Id b) -> showChar $ if b then 'X' else ' ') . unTS