module Main where import System.Console.GetOpt import System.Environment import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist) import System.IO import System.Exit import Control.Applicative import Process import Poll data Options = Options { optCodeDir :: String , optDocsDir :: String , optCss :: Maybe String , optCode :: Bool , optHtml :: Bool , optMarkdown :: Bool , optWatch :: Bool , optNumber :: Bool } startOptions :: Options startOptions = Options { optCodeDir = "./" , optDocsDir = "./" , optCss = Nothing , optCode = False , optHtml = False , optMarkdown = False , optWatch = False , optNumber = False } options :: [ OptDescr (Options -> IO Options) ] options = [ Option "h" ["html"] (NoArg (\opt -> return opt { optHtml = True })) "Generate html" , Option "m" ["markdown"] (NoArg (\opt -> return opt { optMarkdown = True })) "Generate markdown" , Option "c" ["code"] (NoArg (\opt -> return opt { optCode = True })) "Generate code by file extension" , Option "n" ["number"] (NoArg (\opt -> return opt { optNumber = True })) "Add annotations to generated code noting the source lit file and line number" , Option "" ["css"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt { optCss = Just arg }) "FILE") "Specify a css file for html generation" , Option "" ["docs-dir"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt { optDocsDir = arg }) "DIR") "Directory for generated docs" , Option "" ["code-dir"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt { optCodeDir = arg }) "DIR") "Directory for generated code" , Option "w" ["watch"] (NoArg (\opt -> return opt { optWatch = True})) "Watch for file changes, automatically run lit" , Option "v" ["version"] (NoArg (\_ -> do hPutStrLn stderr "Version" exitWith ExitSuccess)) "Print version" , Option "" ["help"] (NoArg (\_ -> do prg <- getProgName hPutStrLn stderr (usageInfo usage options) exitWith ExitSuccess)) "Display help" ] usage = "Usage: lit OPTIONS... FILES..." help = "Try: lit --help" main = do args <- getArgs -- Parse options, getting a list of option actions let (actions, files, errors) = getOpt Permute options args opts <- foldl (>>=) (return startOptions) actions let Options { optCodeDir = codeDir , optDocsDir = docsDir , optMarkdown = markdown , optCode = code , optHtml = html , optCss = mCss , optWatch = watching , optNumber = showLines } = opts codeDirCheck <- doesDirectoryExist codeDir docsDirCheck <- doesDirectoryExist docsDir let htmlPipe = if html then [Process.htmlPipeline docsDir mCss] else [] mdPipe = if markdown then [Process.mdPipeline docsDir mCss] else [] codePipe = if code then [Process.codePipeline codeDir mCss showLines] else [] pipes = htmlPipe ++ mdPipe ++ codePipe maybeWatch = if watching then else mapM_ errors' = if codeDirCheck then [] else ["Directory: " ++ codeDir ++ " does not exist\n"] errors'' = if docsDirCheck then [] else ["Directory: " ++ docsDir ++ " does not exist\n"] allErr = errors ++ errors' ++ errors'' if allErr /= [] || (not html && not code && not markdown) || files == [] then hPutStrLn stderr ((concat allErr) ++ help) else (maybeWatch (Process.process pipes)) files