module Option where import qualified Module import qualified Time import qualified IO import Option.Utility ( exitFailureMsg, fmapOptDescr, parseNumber ) import qualified HTTPServer.Option as HTTP import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as Parsec import qualified Paths_live_sequencer as Paths import qualified System.Console.GetOpt as Opt import System.Console.GetOpt (getOpt, usageInfo, ArgDescr(NoArg, ReqArg), ) import System.Environment (getArgs, getProgName, ) import System.FilePath ( (), searchPathSeparator ) import System.Directory ( getCurrentDirectory ) import qualified System.Exit as Exit import Control.Monad ( when ) import qualified Utility.NonEmptyList as NEList import Data.Traversable ( forM ) import Data.List.HT ( chop ) import Data.List ( intercalate ) data Option = Option { moduleNames :: [Module.Name], importPaths :: [FilePath], connect :: NEList.T Port, sequencerName :: String, limits :: Limits, httpOption :: HTTP.Option } getDeflt :: IO Option getDeflt = do dataDir <- Paths.getDataDir return $ Option { moduleNames = [], importPaths = map ((dataDir ) . ("data" )) [ "prelude", "base", "example" ], connect = NEList.singleton (Port "inout" (Just []) (Just [])), sequencerName = "Rewrite-Sequencer", limits = limitsDeflt, httpOption = HTTP.deflt } data Port = Port { portName :: String, connectFrom, connectTo :: Maybe [String] } data Limits = Limits { maxTermSize, maxTermDepth, maxReductions, maxEvents :: Int, eventPeriod :: Time.Milliseconds Integer } limitsDeflt :: Limits limitsDeflt = Limits { maxTermSize = 2000, maxTermDepth = 100, maxReductions = 1000, maxEvents = 150, eventPeriod = Time.milliseconds 1000 } {- Guide for common Linux/Unix command-line options: -} description :: Option -> [ Opt.OptDescr (Option -> IO Option) ] description deflt = Opt.Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg $ \ _flags -> do programName <- getProgName putStrLn $ usageInfo ("Usage: " ++ programName ++ " [OPTIONS] MODULE") $ description deflt Exit.exitSuccess) "show options" : Opt.Option ['i'] ["import-paths"] (flip ReqArg "PATHS" $ \str flags -> return $ flags{importPaths = chop (searchPathSeparator==) str}) ("colon separated import paths,\ndefault " ++ intercalate ":" (importPaths deflt)) : Opt.Option ['p'] ["connect-to"] (flip ReqArg "ADDRESS" $ \str flags -> case connect flags of NEList.Cons port ports -> case connectTo port of Just conns -> return $ flags{connect = NEList.Cons (port{connectTo = Just $ str : conns}) ports} _ -> exitFailureMsg $ "cannot connect to " ++ str ++ ", since port " ++ portName port ++ " does not allow output") ("connect to an ALSA port at startup,\n" ++ "multiple connections per port are possible") : Opt.Option [] ["connect-from"] (flip ReqArg "ADDRESS" $ \str flags -> case connect flags of NEList.Cons port ports -> case connectFrom port of Just conns -> return $ flags{connect = NEList.Cons (port{connectFrom = Just $ str : conns}) ports} _ -> exitFailureMsg $ "cannot connect from " ++ str ++ ", since port " ++ portName port ++ " does not allow input") ("connect from an ALSA port at startup") : Opt.Option [] ["new-out-port"] (flip ReqArg "PORTNAME" $ \str flags -> return $ flags{connect = NEList.cons (Port str Nothing (Just [])) $ connect flags}) ("create new ALSA output port and add 16 MIDI channels") : Opt.Option [] ["sequencer-name"] (flip ReqArg "NAME" $ \str flags -> return $ flags{sequencerName = str}) ("name of the ALSA sequencer client, default " ++ sequencerName deflt) : map (fmapOptDescr $ \update old -> do newLimits <- update $ limits old return $ old {limits = newLimits}) (limitsDescription (limits deflt)) ++ map (fmapOptDescr $ \update old -> do newHTTP <- update $ httpOption old return $ old {httpOption = newHTTP}) HTTP.description limitsDescription :: Limits -> [ Opt.OptDescr (Limits -> IO Limits) ] limitsDescription deflt = Opt.Option [] ["max-term-size"] (flip ReqArg "SIZE" $ \str flags -> fmap (\p -> flags{maxTermSize = fromInteger p}) $ parseNumber "term size" (\n -> 0 fmap (\p -> flags{maxTermDepth = fromInteger p}) $ parseNumber "term depth" (\n -> 0 fmap (\p -> flags{maxReductions = fromInteger p}) $ parseNumber "number of reductions" (\n -> 0 fmap (\p -> flags{maxEvents = fromInteger p}) $ parseNumber "number of events" (\n -> 0 fmap (\p -> flags{eventPeriod = Time.milliseconds p}) $ parseNumber "event period" (\n -> 0 o { importPaths = map (dir ) $ importPaths o } ) $ foldl (>>=) (return deflt) opts names <- forM files $ \modu -> case Parsec.parse IO.input modu modu of Right name -> return name Left _ -> exitFailureMsg $ show modu ++ " is not a module name" return $ parsedOpts { connect = NEList.reverse $ connect parsedOpts, moduleNames = names }