{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, FlexibleInstances, ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances, TypeSynonymInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, OverlappingInstances #-}
module LLVM.Util.Arithmetic(
    (%==), (%/=), (%<), (%<=), (%>), (%>=),
    (%&&), (%||),
    (?), (??),
    retrn, set,
    ArithFunction, arithFunction,
    UnwrapArgs, toArithFunction,
    ) where
import Data.Word
import Data.Int
import Data.TypeLevel (D4)
import LLVM.Core
import LLVM.Util.Loop(mapVector, mapVector2)

-- |Synonym for @CodeGenFunction r (Value a)@.
type TValue r a = CodeGenFunction r (Value a)

class (CmpRet a b) => Cmp a b | a -> b where
    cmp :: IntPredicate -> Value a -> Value a -> TValue r b

instance Cmp Bool Bool where cmp = icmp
instance Cmp Word8 Bool where cmp = icmp
instance Cmp Word16 Bool where cmp = icmp
instance Cmp Word32 Bool where cmp = icmp
instance Cmp Word64 Bool where cmp = icmp
instance Cmp Int8 Bool where cmp = icmp . adjSigned
instance Cmp Int16 Bool where cmp = icmp . adjSigned
instance Cmp Int32 Bool where cmp = icmp . adjSigned
instance Cmp Int64 Bool where cmp = icmp . adjSigned
instance Cmp Float Bool where cmp = fcmp . adjFloat
instance Cmp Double Bool where cmp = fcmp . adjFloat
instance Cmp FP128 Bool where cmp = fcmp . adjFloat
instance (Pos n) => Cmp (Vector n Bool) (Vector n Bool) where cmp = icmp
instance (Pos n) => Cmp (Vector n Word8) (Vector n Bool) where cmp = icmp
instance (Pos n) => Cmp (Vector n Word16) (Vector n Bool) where cmp = icmp
instance (Pos n) => Cmp (Vector n Word32) (Vector n Bool) where cmp = icmp
instance (Pos n) => Cmp (Vector n Word64) (Vector n Bool) where cmp = icmp
instance (Pos n) => Cmp (Vector n Int8) (Vector n Bool) where cmp = icmp . adjSigned
instance (Pos n) => Cmp (Vector n Int16) (Vector n Bool) where cmp = icmp . adjSigned
instance (Pos n) => Cmp (Vector n Int32) (Vector n Bool) where cmp = icmp . adjSigned
instance (Pos n) => Cmp (Vector n Int64) (Vector n Bool) where cmp = icmp . adjSigned
instance (Pos n) => Cmp (Vector n Float) (Vector n Bool) where cmp = fcmp . adjFloat
instance (Pos n) => Cmp (Vector n Double) (Vector n Bool) where cmp = fcmp . adjFloat
instance (Pos n) => Cmp (Vector n FP128) (Vector n Bool) where cmp = fcmp . adjFloat
instance (Pos n) => Cmp (Vector n Float) (Vector n Bool) where
    cmp op = mapVector2 (fcmp (adjFloat op))
instance (Pos n) => Cmp (Vector n Word32) (Vector n Bool) where
    cmp op = mapVector2 (cmp op)

adjSigned :: IntPredicate -> IntPredicate
adjSigned IntUGT = IntSGT
adjSigned IntUGE = IntSGE
adjSigned IntULT = IntSLT
adjSigned IntULE = IntSLE
adjSigned p = p

adjFloat :: IntPredicate -> FPPredicate
adjFloat IntEQ  = FPOEQ
adjFloat IntNE  = FPONE
adjFloat IntUGT = FPOGT
adjFloat IntUGE = FPOGE
adjFloat IntULT = FPOLT
adjFloat IntULE = FPOLE
adjFloat _ = error "adjFloat"

infix  4  %==, %/=, %<, %<=, %>=, %>
-- |Comparison functions.
(%==), (%/=), (%<), (%<=), (%>), (%>=) :: (Cmp a b) => TValue r a -> TValue r a -> TValue r b
(%==) = binop $ cmp IntEQ
(%/=) = binop $ cmp IntNE
(%>)  = binop $ cmp IntUGT
(%>=) = binop $ cmp IntUGE
(%<)  = binop $ cmp IntULT
(%<=) = binop $ cmp IntULE

infixr 3  %&&
infixr 2  %||
-- |Lazy and.
(%&&) :: TValue r Bool -> TValue r Bool -> TValue r Bool
a %&& b = a ? (b, return (valueOf False))
-- |Lazy or.
(%||) :: TValue r Bool -> TValue r Bool -> TValue r Bool
a %|| b = a ? (return (valueOf True), b)

infix  0 ?
-- |Conditional, returns first element of the pair when condition is true, otherwise second.
(?) :: (IsFirstClass a) => TValue r Bool -> (TValue r a, TValue r a) -> TValue r a
c ? (t, f) = do
    lt <- newBasicBlock
    lf <- newBasicBlock
    lj <- newBasicBlock
    c' <- c
    condBr c' lt lf
    defineBasicBlock lt
    rt <- t
    lt' <- getCurrentBasicBlock
    br lj
    defineBasicBlock lf
    rf <- f
    lf' <- getCurrentBasicBlock
    br lj
    defineBasicBlock lj
    phi [(rt, lt'), (rf, lf')]

infix 0 ??
(??) :: (IsFirstClass a, CmpRet a b) => TValue r b -> (TValue r a, TValue r a) -> TValue r a
c ?? (t, f) = do
    c' <- c
    t' <- t
    f' <- f
    select c' t' f'

-- | Return a value from an 'arithFunction'.
retrn :: (Ret (Value a) r) => TValue r a -> CodeGenFunction r ()
retrn x = x >>= ret

-- | Use @x <- set $ ...@ to make a binding.
set :: TValue r a -> (CodeGenFunction r (TValue r a))
set x = do x' <- x; return (return x')

instance (Show (TValue r a))
instance (Eq (TValue r a))
instance (Ord (TValue r a))

instance (IsArithmetic a, Cmp a b, Num a, IsConst a) => Num (TValue r a) where
    (+) = binop add
    (-) = binop sub
    (*) = binop mul
    negate = (>>= neg)
    abs x = x %< 0 ?? (-x, x)
    signum x = x %< 0 ?? (-1, x %> 0 ?? (1, 0))
    fromInteger = return . valueOf . fromInteger

instance (IsArithmetic a, Cmp a b, Num a, IsConst a) => Enum (TValue r a) where
    succ x = x + 1
    pred x = x - 1
    fromEnum _ = error "CodeGenFunction Value: fromEnum"
    toEnum = fromIntegral

instance (IsArithmetic a, Cmp a b, Num a, IsConst a) => Real (TValue r a) where
    toRational _ = error "CodeGenFunction Value: toRational"

instance (Cmp a b, Num a, IsConst a, IsInteger a) => Integral (TValue r a) where
    quot = binop (if (isSigned (undefined :: a)) then sdiv else udiv)
    rem  = binop (if (isSigned (undefined :: a)) then srem else urem)
    quotRem x y = (quot x y, rem x y)
    toInteger _ = error "CodeGenFunction Value: toInteger"

instance (Cmp a b, Fractional a, IsConst a, IsFloating a) => Fractional (TValue r a) where
    (/) = binop fdiv
    fromRational = return . valueOf . fromRational

instance (Cmp a b, Fractional a, IsConst a, IsFloating a) => RealFrac (TValue r a) where
    properFraction _ = error "CodeGenFunction Value: properFraction"

instance (Cmp a b, CallIntrinsic a, Floating a, IsConst a, IsFloating a) => Floating (TValue r a) where
    pi = return $ valueOf pi
    sqrt = callIntrinsic1 "sqrt"
    sin = callIntrinsic1 "sin"
    cos = callIntrinsic1 "cos"
    (**) = callIntrinsic2 "pow"
    exp = callIntrinsic1 "exp"
    log = callIntrinsic1 "log"

    asin _ = error "LLVM missing intrinsic: asin"
    acos _ = error "LLVM missing intrinsic: acos"
    atan _ = error "LLVM missing intrinsic: atan"

    sinh x           = (exp x - exp (-x)) / 2
    cosh x           = (exp x + exp (-x)) / 2
    asinh x          = log (x + sqrt (x*x + 1))
    acosh x          = log (x + sqrt (x*x - 1))
    atanh x          = (log (1 + x) - log (1 - x)) / 2

instance (Cmp a b, CallIntrinsic a, RealFloat a, IsConst a, IsFloating a) => RealFloat (TValue r a) where
    floatRadix _ = floatRadix (undefined :: a)
    floatDigits _ = floatDigits (undefined :: a)
    floatRange _ = floatRange (undefined :: a)
    decodeFloat _ = error "CodeGenFunction Value: decodeFloat"
    encodeFloat _ _ = error "CodeGenFunction Value: encodeFloat"
    exponent _ = 0
    scaleFloat 0 x = x
    scaleFloat _ _ = error "CodeGenFunction Value: scaleFloat"
    isNaN _ = error "CodeGenFunction Value: isNaN"
    isInfinite _ = error "CodeGenFunction Value: isInfinite"
    isDenormalized _ = error "CodeGenFunction Value: isDenormalized"
    isNegativeZero _ = error "CodeGenFunction Value: isNegativeZero"
    isIEEE _ = isIEEE (undefined :: a)

binop :: (Value a -> Value b -> TValue r c) ->
         TValue r a -> TValue r b -> TValue r c
binop op x y = do
    x' <- x
    y' <- y
    op x' y'

callIntrinsicP1 :: forall a b r . (IsFirstClass a, IsFirstClass b, IsPrimitive a) =>
	           String -> Value a -> TValue r b
callIntrinsicP1 fn x = do
    op :: Function (a -> IO b) <- externFunction ("llvm." ++ fn ++ "." ++ typeName (undefined :: a))
    r <- call op x
    addAttributes r 0 [ReadNoneAttribute]
    return r

callIntrinsicP2 :: forall a b c r . (IsFirstClass a, IsFirstClass b, IsFirstClass c, IsPrimitive a) =>
	           String -> Value a -> Value b -> TValue r c
callIntrinsicP2 fn x y = do
    op :: Function (a -> b -> IO c) <- externFunction ("llvm." ++ fn ++ "." ++ typeName (undefined :: a))
    r <- call op x y
    addAttributes r 0 [ReadNoneAttribute]
    return r


class ArithFunction a b | a -> b, b -> a where
    arithFunction' :: a -> b

instance (Ret a r) => ArithFunction (CodeGenFunction r a) (CodeGenFunction r ()) where
    arithFunction' x = x >>= ret

instance (ArithFunction b b') => ArithFunction (CodeGenFunction r a -> b) (a -> b') where
    arithFunction' f = arithFunction' . f . return

-- |Unlift a function with @TValue@ to have @Value@ arguments.
arithFunction :: ArithFunction a b => a -> b
arithFunction = arithFunction'


class UncurryN a b | a -> b, b -> a where
    uncurryN :: a -> b
    curryN :: b -> a

instance UncurryN (CodeGenFunction r a) (() -> CodeGenFunction r a) where
    uncurryN i = \ () -> i
    curryN f = f ()

instance (UncurryN t (b -> c)) => UncurryN (a -> t) ((a, b) -> c) where
    uncurryN f = \ (a, b) -> uncurryN (f a) b
    curryN f = \ a -> curryN (\ b -> f (a, b))

class LiftTuple r a b | a -> b, b -> a where
    liftTuple :: a -> CodeGenFunction r b

instance LiftTuple r () () where
    liftTuple = return

instance (LiftTuple r b b') => LiftTuple r (CodeGenFunction r a, b) (a, b') where
    liftTuple (a, b) = do a' <- a; b' <- liftTuple b; return (a', b')

class (UncurryN a (a1 -> CodeGenFunction r b1), LiftTuple r a1 b, UncurryN a2 (b -> CodeGenFunction r b1)) =>
      UnwrapArgs a a1 b1 b a2 r | a -> a1 b1, a1 b1 -> a, a1 -> b, b -> a1, a2 -> b b1, b b1 -> a2 where
    unwrapArgs :: a2 -> a
instance (UncurryN a (a1 -> CodeGenFunction r b1), LiftTuple r a1 b, UncurryN a2 (b -> CodeGenFunction r b1)) =>
         UnwrapArgs a a1 b1 b a2 r where
    unwrapArgs f = curryN $ \ x -> do x' <- liftTuple x; uncurryN f x'

-- |Lift a function from having @Value@ arguments to having @TValue@ arguments.
toArithFunction :: (CallArgs f g, UnwrapArgs a a1 b1 b g r) =>
                    Function f -> a
toArithFunction f = unwrapArgs (call f)


-- |Define a recursive 'arithFunction', gets pased itself as the first argument.
recursiveFunction ::
        (CallArgs a g,
         UnwrapArgs a11 a1 b1 b g r,
         FunctionArgs a a2 (CodeGenFunction r1 ()),
         ArithFunction a3 a2,
         IsFunction a) =>
        (a11 -> a3) -> CodeGenModule (Function a)
recursiveFunction af = do
    f <- newFunction ExternalLinkage
    let f' = toArithFunction f
    defineFunction f $ arithFunction (af f')
    return f


class CallIntrinsic a where
    callIntrinsic1' :: String -> Value a -> TValue r a
    callIntrinsic2' :: String -> Value a -> Value a -> TValue r a

instance CallIntrinsic Float where
    callIntrinsic1' = callIntrinsicP1
    callIntrinsic2' = callIntrinsicP2

instance CallIntrinsic Double where
    callIntrinsic1' = callIntrinsicP1
    callIntrinsic2' = callIntrinsicP2

instance (Pos n, IsPrimitive a, CallIntrinsic a) => CallIntrinsic (Vector n a) where
    callIntrinsic1' s = mapVector (callIntrinsic1' s)
    callIntrinsic2' s = mapVector2 (callIntrinsic2' s)

callIntrinsic1 :: (CallIntrinsic a) => String -> TValue r a -> TValue r a
callIntrinsic1 s x = do x' <- x; callIntrinsic1' s x'

callIntrinsic2 :: (CallIntrinsic a) => String -> TValue r a -> TValue r a -> TValue r a
callIntrinsic2 s x y = do x' <- x; y' <- y; callIntrinsic2' s x' y'

#if defined(__MACOS__)
instance CallIntrinsic (Vector D4 Float) where
    callIntrinsic1' s x | hasVFun   = do op <- externFunction ("v" ++ s ++ "f")
    		      	  	         r <- call op x
					 addAttributes r 0 [ReadNoneAttribute]
					 return r
    		        | otherwise = mapVector (callIntrinsic1' s) x
      where hasVFun = s `elem` ["sqrt", "log", "exp", "sin", "cos", "tan"]
    callIntrinsic2' s = mapVector2 (callIntrinsic2' s)