module LLVM.General.Test.Constants where import Test.Framework import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit import Test.HUnit import LLVM.General.Test.Support import Control.Monad import Data.Functor import Data.Maybe import Foreign.Ptr import Data.Word import LLVM.General.Context import LLVM.General.Module import LLVM.General.Diagnostic import LLVM.General.AST import LLVM.General.AST.Type import LLVM.General.AST.Name import LLVM.General.AST.AddrSpace import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Linkage as L import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Visibility as V import qualified LLVM.General.AST.CallingConvention as CC import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Attribute as A import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Global as G import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Constant as C import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Float as F import qualified LLVM.General.AST.IntegerPredicate as IPred tests = testGroup "Constants" [ testCase name $ strCheck mAST mStr | (name, type', value, str) <- [ ( "integer", IntegerType 32, C.Int 32 1, "global i32 1" ), ( "wide integer", IntegerType 65, C.Int 65 1, "global i65 1" ), ( "big wide integer", IntegerType 66, C.Int 66 20000000000000000000, "global i66 20000000000000000000" ), ( "negative wide integer", IntegerType 65, C.Int 65 36893488147419103231, "global i65 -1" ), ( "half", FloatingPointType 16 IEEE, C.Float (F.Half 0x1234), "global half 0xH1234" ), ( "float", FloatingPointType 32 IEEE, C.Float (F.Single 1), "global float 1.000000e+00" ), ( "double", FloatingPointType 64 IEEE, C.Float (F.Double 1), "global double 1.000000e+00" ), ( "quad", FloatingPointType 128 IEEE, C.Float (F.Quadruple 0x0007000600050004 0x0003000200010000), "global fp128 0xL00030002000100000007000600050004" -- yes, this order is weird ), ( "quad 1.0", FloatingPointType 128 IEEE, C.Float (F.Quadruple 0x3fff000000000000 0x0000000000000000), "global fp128 0xL00000000000000003FFF000000000000" -- yes, this order is weird ), ( "x86_fp80", FloatingPointType 80 DoubleExtended, C.Float (F.X86_FP80 0x0004 0x0003000200010000), "global x86_fp80 0xK00040003000200010000" {- don't know how to test this - LLVM's handling of this weird type is even weirder ), ( "ppc_fp128", FloatingPointType 128 PairOfFloats, C.Float (F.PPC_FP128 0x0007000600050004 0x0003000200010000), "global ppc_fp128 0xM????????????????" -} ), ( "struct", StructureType False (replicate 2 (IntegerType 32)), C.Struct Nothing False (replicate 2 (C.Int 32 1)), "global { i32, i32 } { i32 1, i32 1 }" ), ( "dataarray", ArrayType 3 (IntegerType 32), C.Array (IntegerType 32) [C.Int 32 i | i <- [1,2,1]], "global [3 x i32] [i32 1, i32 2, i32 1]" ), ( "array", ArrayType 3 (StructureType False [IntegerType 32]), C.Array (StructureType False [IntegerType 32]) [C.Struct Nothing False [C.Int 32 i] | i <- [1,2,1]], "global [3 x { i32 }] [{ i32 } { i32 1 }, { i32 } { i32 2 }, { i32 } { i32 1 }]" ), ( "datavector", VectorType 3 (IntegerType 32), C.Vector [C.Int 32 i | i <- [1,2,1]], "global <3 x i32> " ), ( "undef", IntegerType 32, C.Undef (IntegerType 32), "global i32 undef" ), ( "binop/cast", IntegerType 64, C.Add False False (C.PtrToInt (C.GlobalReference (UnName 1)) (IntegerType 64)) (C.Int 64 2), "global i64 add (i64 ptrtoint (i32* @1 to i64), i64 2)" ), ( "binop/cast nsw", IntegerType 64, C.Add True False (C.PtrToInt (C.GlobalReference (UnName 1)) (IntegerType 64)) (C.Int 64 2), "global i64 add nsw (i64 ptrtoint (i32* @1 to i64), i64 2)" ), ( "icmp", IntegerType 1, C.ICmp IPred.SGE (C.GlobalReference (UnName 1)) (C.GlobalReference (UnName 2)), "global i1 icmp sge (i32* @1, i32* @2)" ), ( "getelementptr", PointerType (IntegerType 32) (AddrSpace 0), C.GetElementPtr True (C.GlobalReference (UnName 1)) [C.Int 64 27], "global i32* getelementptr inbounds (i32* @1, i64 27)" ), ( "selectvalue", IntegerType 32, C.Select (C.PtrToInt (C.GlobalReference (UnName 1)) (IntegerType 1)) (C.Int 32 1) (C.Int 32 2), "global i32 select (i1 ptrtoint (i32* @1 to i1), i32 1, i32 2)" ), ( "extractelement", IntegerType 32, C.ExtractElement (C.BitCast (C.PtrToInt (C.GlobalReference (UnName 1)) (IntegerType 64)) (VectorType 2 (IntegerType 32))) (C.Int 32 1), "global i32 extractelement (<2 x i32> bitcast (i64 ptrtoint (i32* @1 to i64) to <2 x i32>), i32 1)" {- ), ( -- This test made llvm abort as of llvm-3.2. Now, as a new feature in llvm-3.4, it makes it report a fatal error! "extractvalue", IntegerType 8, C.ExtractValue (C.Select (C.PtrToInt (C.GlobalReference (UnName 1)) (IntegerType 1)) (C.Array (IntegerType 8) [C.Int 8 0]) (C.Array (IntegerType 8) [C.Int 8 1])) [0], "global i8 extractvalue ([1 x i8] select (i1 ptrtoint (i32* @1 to i1), [1 x i8] [ i8 1 ], [1 x i8] [ i8 2 ]), 0)" -} ) ], let mAST = Module "" Nothing Nothing [ GlobalDefinition $ globalVariableDefaults { = UnName 0, G.type' = type', G.initializer = Just value }, GlobalDefinition $ globalVariableDefaults { = UnName 1, G.type' = IntegerType 32, G.initializer = Nothing }, GlobalDefinition $ globalVariableDefaults { = UnName 2, G.type' = IntegerType 32, G.initializer = Nothing } ] mStr = "; ModuleID = ''\n\n@0 = " ++ str ++ "\n\ \@1 = external global i32\n\ \@2 = external global i32\n" ]