{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Text.LLVM.PP
-- Copyright   :  Trevor Elliott 2011-2016
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  awesomelyawesome@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  unknown
-- This is the pretty-printer for llvm assembly versions 3.6 and lower.
module Text.LLVM.PP where

import Text.LLVM.AST

import Data.Char (isAscii,isPrint,ord,toUpper)
import Data.List (intersperse)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes,fromMaybe)
import Numeric (showHex)
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ
import Data.Int

-- Pretty-printer Config -------------------------------------------------------

type LLVM = ?config :: Config

-- | The differences between various versions of the llvm textual AST.
data Config = Config { cfgLoadImplicitType :: Bool
                       -- ^ True when the type of the result of a load is
                       -- derived from its pointer argument, or supplied
                       -- implicitly.

                     , cfgGEPImplicitType :: Bool
                       -- ^ True when the type of the result of the GEP
                       -- instruction is implied.

withConfig :: Config -> (LLVM => a) -> a
withConfig cfg body = let ?config = cfg in body

ppLLVM, ppLLVM35, ppLLVM36, ppLLVM37, ppLLVM38 :: (LLVM => a) -> a

ppLLVM = ppLLVM38

ppLLVM35 = ppLLVM36

ppLLVM36 = withConfig Config { cfgLoadImplicitType = True
                             , cfgGEPImplicitType  = True
ppLLVM37 = withConfig Config { cfgLoadImplicitType = False
                             , cfgGEPImplicitType  = False
ppLLVM38 = withConfig Config { cfgLoadImplicitType = False
                             , cfgGEPImplicitType  = False

checkConfig :: LLVM => (Config -> Bool) -> Bool
checkConfig p = p ?config

-- Modules ---------------------------------------------------------------------

ppModule :: LLVM => Module -> Doc
ppModule m = foldr ($+$) empty
  $ ppDataLayout (modDataLayout m)
  : ppInlineAsm  (modInlineAsm m)
  : concat [ map ppTypeDecl    (modTypes m)
           , map ppGlobal      (modGlobals m)
           , map ppGlobalAlias (modAliases m)
           , map ppDeclare     (modDeclares m)
           , map ppDefine      (modDefines m)
           , map ppNamedMd     (modNamedMd m)
           , map ppUnnamedMd   (modUnnamedMd m)

-- Metadata --------------------------------------------------------------------

ppNamedMd :: NamedMd -> Doc
ppNamedMd nm =
  sep [ ppMetadata (text (nmName nm)) <+> char '='
      , ppMetadata (braces (commas (map (ppMetadata . int) (nmValues nm)))) ]

ppUnnamedMd :: UnnamedMd -> Doc
ppUnnamedMd um =
  sep [ ppMetadata (int (umIndex um)) <+> char '='
      , distinct <+> ppValMd (umValues um) ]
  distinct | umDistinct um = "distinct"
           | otherwise     = empty

-- Aliases ---------------------------------------------------------------------

ppGlobalAlias :: GlobalAlias -> Doc
ppGlobalAlias g = ppSymbol (aliasName g) <+> char '=' <+> body
  val  = aliasTarget g
  body = case val of
    ValSymbol _sym -> ppType (aliasType g) <+> ppValue val
    _              -> ppValue val

-- Data Layout -----------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Pretty print a data layout specification.
ppDataLayout :: DataLayout -> Doc
ppDataLayout [] = empty
ppDataLayout ls = "target" <+> "datalayout" <+> char '='
    <+> doubleQuotes (hcat (intersperse (char '-') (map ppLayoutSpec ls)))

-- | Pretty print a single layout specification.
ppLayoutSpec :: LayoutSpec -> Doc
ppLayoutSpec  BigEndian                  = char 'E'
ppLayoutSpec  LittleEndian               = char 'e'
ppLayoutSpec (PointerSize   sz abi pref) =      "p:" <> ppLayoutBody sz abi pref
ppLayoutSpec (IntegerSize   sz abi pref) = char 'i'  <> ppLayoutBody sz abi pref
ppLayoutSpec (VectorSize    sz abi pref) = char 'v'  <> ppLayoutBody sz abi pref
ppLayoutSpec (FloatSize     sz abi pref) = char 'f'  <> ppLayoutBody sz abi pref
ppLayoutSpec (AggregateSize sz abi pref) = char 'a'  <> ppLayoutBody sz abi pref
ppLayoutSpec (StackObjSize  sz abi pref) = char 's'  <> ppLayoutBody sz abi pref
ppLayoutSpec (NativeIntSize szs)         =
  char 'n' <> hcat (punctuate (char ':') (map int szs))
ppLayoutSpec (StackAlign a)              = char 'S'  <> int a
ppLayoutSpec (Mangling m)                = char 'm'  <> char ':' <> ppMangling m

-- | Pretty-print the common case for data layout specifications.
ppLayoutBody :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int -> Doc
ppLayoutBody size abi mb = int size <> char ':' <> int abi <> pref
  pref = case mb of
    Nothing -> empty
    Just p  -> char ':' <> int p

ppMangling :: Mangling -> Doc
ppMangling ElfMangling         = char 'e'
ppMangling MipsMangling        = char 'm'
ppMangling MachOMangling       = char 'o'
ppMangling WindowsCoffMangling = char 'w'

-- Inline Assembly -------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Pretty-print the inline assembly block.
ppInlineAsm :: InlineAsm -> Doc
ppInlineAsm  = foldr ($+$) empty . map ppLine
  ppLine l = "module asm" <+> doubleQuotes (text l)

-- Identifiers -----------------------------------------------------------------

ppIdent :: Ident -> Doc
ppIdent (Ident n) = char '%' <> text n

-- Symbols ---------------------------------------------------------------------

ppSymbol :: Symbol -> Doc
ppSymbol (Symbol n) = char '@' <> text n

-- Types -----------------------------------------------------------------------

ppPrimType :: PrimType -> Doc
ppPrimType Label          = "label"
ppPrimType Void           = "void"
ppPrimType (Integer i)    = char 'i' <> integer (toInteger i)
ppPrimType (FloatType ft) = ppFloatType ft
ppPrimType X86mmx         = "x86mmx"
ppPrimType Metadata       = "metadata"

ppFloatType :: FloatType -> Doc
ppFloatType Half      = "half"
ppFloatType Float     = "float"
ppFloatType Double    = "double"
ppFloatType Fp128     = "fp128"
ppFloatType X86_fp80  = "x86_fp80"
ppFloatType PPC_fp128 = "ppc_fp128"

ppType :: Type -> Doc
ppType (PrimType pt)     = ppPrimType pt
ppType (Alias i)         = ppIdent i
ppType (Array len ty)    = brackets (integral len <+> char 'x' <+> ppType ty)
ppType (PtrTo ty)        = ppType ty <> char '*'
ppType (Struct ts)       = structBraces (commas (map ppType ts))
ppType (PackedStruct ts) = angles (structBraces (commas (map ppType ts)))
ppType (FunTy r as va)   = ppType r <> ppArgList va (map ppType as)
ppType (Vector len pt)   = angles (integral len <+> char 'x' <+> ppType pt)
ppType Opaque            = "opaque"

ppTypeDecl :: TypeDecl -> Doc
ppTypeDecl td = ppIdent (typeName td) <+> char '='
            <+> "type" <+> ppType (typeValue td)

-- Declarations ----------------------------------------------------------------

ppGlobal :: Global -> Doc
ppGlobal g = ppSymbol (globalSym g) <+> char '='
         <+> ppGlobalAttrs (globalAttrs g)
         <+> ppType (globalType g) <+> ppMaybe ppValue (globalValue g)
          <> ppAlign (globalAlign g)

ppGlobalAttrs :: GlobalAttrs -> Doc
ppGlobalAttrs ga = ppMaybe ppLinkage (gaLinkage ga) <+> constant
  constant | gaConstant ga = "constant"
           | otherwise     = "global"

ppDeclare :: Declare -> Doc
ppDeclare d = "declare"
          <+> ppType (decRetType d)
          <+> ppSymbol (decName d)
           <> ppArgList (decVarArgs d) (map ppType (decArgs d))
          <+> hsep (ppFunAttr <$> decAttrs d)

ppDefine :: LLVM => Define -> Doc
ppDefine d = "define"
         <+> ppMaybe ppLinkage (defLinkage d)
         <+> ppType (defRetType d)
         <+> ppSymbol (defName d)
          <> ppArgList (defVarArgs d) (map (ppTyped ppIdent) (defArgs d))
         <+> hsep (ppFunAttr <$> defAttrs d)
         <+> ppMaybe (\s  -> "section" <+> doubleQuotes (text s)) (defSection d)
         <+> ppMaybe (\gc -> "gc" <+> ppGC gc) (defGC d)
         <+> ppMds (defMetadata d)
         <+> char '{'
         $+$ vcat (map ppBasicBlock (defBody d))
         $+$ char '}'
  ppMds mdm =
    case Map.toList mdm of
      [] -> empty
      mds -> hsep [ "!" <> text k <+> ppValMd md | (k, md) <- mds ]

-- FunAttr ---------------------------------------------------------------------

ppFunAttr :: FunAttr -> Doc
ppFunAttr a =
  case a of
    AlignStack w    -> text "alignstack" <> parens (int w)
    Alwaysinline    -> text "alwaysinline"
    Builtin         -> text "builtin"
    Cold            -> text "cold"
    Inlinehint      -> text "inlinehint"
    Jumptable       -> text "jumptable"
    Minsize         -> text "minsize"
    Naked           -> text "naked"
    Nobuiltin       -> text "nobuiltin"
    Noduplicate     -> text "noduplicate"
    Noimplicitfloat -> text "noimplicitfloat"
    Noinline        -> text "noinline"
    Nonlazybind     -> text "nonlazybind"
    Noredzone       -> text "noredzone"
    Noreturn        -> text "noreturn"
    Nounwind        -> text "nounwind"
    Optnone         -> text "optnone"
    Optsize         -> text "optsize"
    Readnone        -> text "readnone"
    Readonly        -> text "readonly"
    ReturnsTwice    -> text "returns_twice"
    SanitizeAddress -> text "sanitize_address"
    SanitizeMemory  -> text "sanitize_memory"
    SanitizeThread  -> text "sanitize_thread"
    SSP             -> text "ssp"
    SSPreq          -> text "sspreq"
    SSPstrong       -> text "sspstrong"
    UWTable         -> text "uwtable"

-- Basic Blocks ----------------------------------------------------------------

ppLabelDef :: BlockLabel -> Doc
ppLabelDef (Named (Ident l)) = text l <> char ':'
ppLabelDef (Anon i)          = char ';' <+> "<label>:" <+> int i

ppLabel :: BlockLabel -> Doc
ppLabel (Named l) = ppIdent l
ppLabel (Anon i)  = char '%' <> int i

ppBasicBlock :: LLVM => BasicBlock -> Doc
ppBasicBlock bb = ppMaybe ppLabelDef (bbLabel bb)
              $+$ nest 2 (vcat (map ppStmt (bbStmts bb)))

-- Statements ------------------------------------------------------------------

ppStmt :: LLVM => Stmt -> Doc
ppStmt stmt = case stmt of
  Result var i mds -> ppIdent var <+> char '=' <+> ppInstr i
                   <> ppAttachedMetadata mds
  Effect i mds     -> ppInstr i <> ppAttachedMetadata mds

ppAttachedMetadata :: [(String,ValMd)] -> Doc
ppAttachedMetadata mds
  | null mds  = empty
  | otherwise = comma <+> commas (map step mds)
  step (l,md) = ppMetadata (text l) <+> ppValMd md

-- Linkage ---------------------------------------------------------------------

ppLinkage :: Linkage -> Doc
ppLinkage linkage = case linkage of
  Private                  -> "private"
  LinkerPrivate            -> "linker_private"
  LinkerPrivateWeak        -> "linker_private_weak"
  LinkerPrivateWeakDefAuto -> "linker_private_weak_def_auto"
  Internal                 -> "internal"
  AvailableExternally      -> "available_externally"
  Linkonce                 -> "linkonce"
  Weak                     -> "weak"
  Common                   -> "common"
  Appending                -> "appending"
  ExternWeak               -> "extern_weak"
  LinkonceODR              -> "linkonce_ddr"
  WeakODR                  -> "weak_odr"
  External                 -> "external"
  DLLImport                -> "dllimport"
  DLLExport                -> "dllexport"

ppGC :: GC -> Doc
ppGC  = doubleQuotes . text . getGC

-- Expressions -----------------------------------------------------------------

ppTyped :: (a -> Doc) -> Typed a -> Doc
ppTyped fmt ty = ppType (typedType ty) <+> fmt (typedValue ty)

ppSignBits :: Bool -> Bool -> Doc
ppSignBits nuw nsw = opt nuw "nuw" <+> opt nsw "nsw"

ppExact :: Bool -> Doc
ppExact e = opt e "exact"

ppArithOp :: ArithOp -> Doc
ppArithOp (Add nuw nsw) = "add" <+> ppSignBits nuw nsw
ppArithOp FAdd          = "fadd"
ppArithOp (Sub nuw nsw) = "sub" <+> ppSignBits nuw nsw
ppArithOp FSub          = "fsub"
ppArithOp (Mul nuw nsw) = "mul" <+> ppSignBits nuw nsw
ppArithOp FMul          = "fmul"
ppArithOp (UDiv e)      = "udiv" <+> ppExact e
ppArithOp (SDiv e)      = "sdiv" <+> ppExact e
ppArithOp FDiv          = "fdiv"
ppArithOp URem          = "urem"
ppArithOp SRem          = "srem"
ppArithOp FRem          = "frem"

ppBitOp :: BitOp -> Doc
ppBitOp (Shl nuw nsw) = "shl"  <+> ppSignBits nuw nsw
ppBitOp (Lshr e)      = "lshr" <+> ppExact e
ppBitOp (Ashr e)      = "ashr" <+> ppExact e
ppBitOp And           = "and"
ppBitOp Or            = "or"
ppBitOp Xor           = "xor"

ppConvOp :: ConvOp -> Doc
ppConvOp Trunc    = "trunc"
ppConvOp ZExt     = "zext"
ppConvOp SExt     = "sext"
ppConvOp FpTrunc  = "fptrunc"
ppConvOp FpExt    = "fpext"
ppConvOp FpToUi   = "fptoui"
ppConvOp FpToSi   = "fptosi"
ppConvOp UiToFp   = "uitofp"
ppConvOp SiToFp   = "sitofp"
ppConvOp PtrToInt = "ptrtoint"
ppConvOp IntToPtr = "inttoptr"
ppConvOp BitCast  = "bitcast"

ppInstr :: LLVM => Instr -> Doc
ppInstr instr = case instr of
  Ret tv                 -> "ret" <+> ppTyped ppValue tv
  RetVoid                -> "ret void"
  Arith op l r           -> ppArithOp op <+> ppTyped ppValue l
                         <> comma <+> ppValue r
  Bit op l r             -> ppBitOp op <+> ppTyped ppValue l
                         <> comma <+> ppValue r
  Conv op a ty           -> ppConvOp op <+> ppTyped ppValue a
                        <+> "to" <+> ppType ty
  Call tc ty f args      -> ppCall tc ty f args
  Alloca ty len align    -> ppAlloca ty len align
  Load ptr ma            -> ppLoad ptr ma
  Store a ptr ma         -> "store" <+> ppTyped ppValue a
                         <> comma <+> ppTyped ppValue ptr
                         <> ppAlign ma
  ICmp op l r            -> "icmp" <+> ppICmpOp op
                        <+> ppTyped ppValue l <> comma <+> ppValue r
  FCmp op l r            -> "fcmp" <+> ppFCmpOp op
                        <+> ppTyped ppValue l <> comma <+> ppValue r
  Phi ty vls             -> "phi" <+> ppType ty
                        <+> commas (map ppPhiArg vls)
  Select c t f           -> "select" <+> ppTyped ppValue c
                         <> comma <+> ppTyped ppValue t
                         <> comma <+> ppTyped ppValue (f <$ t)
  ExtractValue v is      -> "extractvalue" <+> ppTyped ppValue v
                         <> comma <+> (commas (map integral is))
  InsertValue a v is     -> "insertvalue" <+> ppTyped ppValue a
                         <> comma <+> ppTyped ppValue v
                         <> comma <+> commas (map integral is)
  ShuffleVector a b m    -> "shufflevector" <+> ppTyped ppValue a
                         <> comma <+> ppTyped ppValue (b <$ a)
                         <> comma <+> ppTyped ppValue m
  GEP ib ptr ixs         -> ppGEP ib ptr ixs
  Comment str            -> char ';' <+> text str
  Jump i                 -> "br"
                        <+> ppTypedLabel i
  Br c t f               -> "br" <+> ppTyped ppValue c
                         <> comma <+> ppType (PrimType Label)
                        <+> ppLabel t
                         <> comma <+> ppType (PrimType Label)
                        <+> ppLabel f
  Invoke ty f args to uw -> ppInvoke ty f args to uw
  Unreachable            -> "unreachable"
  Unwind                 -> "unwind"
  VaArg al t             -> "va_arg" <+> ppTyped ppValue al
                         <> comma <+> ppType t
  ExtractElt v i         -> "extractelement"
                        <+> ppTyped ppValue v
                         <> comma <+> ppVectorIndex i
  InsertElt v e i        -> "insertelement"
                        <+> ppTyped ppValue v
                         <> comma <+> ppTyped ppValue e
                         <> comma <+> ppVectorIndex i
  IndirectBr d ls        -> "indirectbr"
                        <+> ppTyped ppValue d
                         <> comma <+> commas (map ppTypedLabel ls)
  Switch c d ls          -> "switch"
                        <+> ppTyped ppValue c
                         <> comma <+> ppTypedLabel d
                        <+> char '['
                         $$ nest 2 (vcat (map (ppSwitchEntry (typedType c)) ls))
                         $$ char ']'
  LandingPad ty fn c cs  -> "landingpad"
                        <+> ppType ty
                        <+> "personality"
                        <+> ppTyped ppValue fn
                         $$ nest 2 (ppClauses c cs)
  Resume tv              -> "resume" <+> ppTyped ppValue tv

ppLoad :: LLVM => Typed (Value' BlockLabel) -> Maybe Align -> Doc
ppLoad ptr ma =
  "load" <+> (if isImplicit then empty else explicit)
         <+> ppTyped ppValue ptr
          <> ppAlign ma

  isImplicit = checkConfig cfgLoadImplicitType

  explicit =
    case typedType ptr of
      PtrTo ty -> ppType ty <> comma
      ty       -> ppType ty <> comma

ppClauses :: Bool -> [Clause] -> Doc
ppClauses isCleanup cs = vcat (cleanup : map ppClause cs)
  cleanup | isCleanup = "cleanup"
          | otherwise = empty

ppClause :: Clause -> Doc
ppClause c = case c of
  Catch  tv -> "catch"  <+> ppTyped ppValue tv
  Filter tv -> "filter" <+> ppTyped ppValue tv

ppTypedLabel :: BlockLabel -> Doc
ppTypedLabel i = ppType (PrimType Label) <+> ppLabel i

ppSwitchEntry :: Type -> (Integer,BlockLabel) -> Doc
ppSwitchEntry ty (i,l) = ppType ty <+> integer i <> comma <+> ppTypedLabel l

ppVectorIndex :: Value -> Doc
ppVectorIndex i = ppType (PrimType (Integer 32)) <+> ppValue i

ppAlign :: Maybe Align -> Doc
ppAlign Nothing      = empty
ppAlign (Just align) = comma <+> "align" <+> int align

ppAlloca :: Type -> Maybe (Typed Value) -> Maybe Int -> Doc
ppAlloca ty mbLen mbAlign = "alloca" <+> ppType ty <> len <> align
  len = fromMaybe empty $ do
    l <- mbLen
    return (comma <+> ppTyped ppValue l)
  align = fromMaybe empty $ do
    a <- mbAlign
    return (comma <+> "align" <+> int a)

ppCall :: Bool -> Type -> Value -> [Typed Value] -> Doc
ppCall tc ty f args
  | tc        = "tail" <+> body
  | otherwise = body
  body = "call" <+> ppCallSym ty f
      <> parens (commas (map (ppTyped ppValue) args))

ppCallSym :: Type -> Value -> Doc
ppCallSym (PtrTo (FunTy res _ _)) (ValSymbol sym) = ppType res <+> ppSymbol sym
ppCallSym ty              val                     = ppType ty  <+> ppValue val

ppGEP :: LLVM => Bool -> Typed Value -> [Typed Value] -> Doc
ppGEP ib ptr ixs = "getelementptr" <+> inbounds
               <+> (if isImplicit then empty else explicit)
               <+> commas (map (ppTyped ppValue) (ptr:ixs))
  isImplicit = checkConfig cfgGEPImplicitType

  explicit =
    case typedType ptr of
      PtrTo ty -> ppType ty <> comma
      ty       -> ppType ty <> comma

  inbounds | ib        = "inbounds"
           | otherwise = empty

ppInvoke :: Type -> Value -> [Typed Value] -> BlockLabel -> BlockLabel -> Doc
ppInvoke ty f args to uw = body
  body = "invoke" <+> ppType ty <+> ppValue f
      <> parens (commas (map (ppTyped ppValue) args))
     <+> "to" <+> ppType (PrimType Label) <+> ppLabel to
     <+> "unwind" <+> ppType (PrimType Label) <+> ppLabel uw

ppPhiArg :: (Value,BlockLabel) -> Doc
ppPhiArg (v,l) = char '[' <+> ppValue v <> comma <+> ppLabel l <+> char ']'

ppICmpOp :: ICmpOp -> Doc
ppICmpOp Ieq  = "eq"
ppICmpOp Ine  = "ne"
ppICmpOp Iugt = "ugt"
ppICmpOp Iuge = "uge"
ppICmpOp Iult = "ult"
ppICmpOp Iule = "ule"
ppICmpOp Isgt = "sgt"
ppICmpOp Isge = "sge"
ppICmpOp Islt = "slt"
ppICmpOp Isle = "sle"

ppFCmpOp :: FCmpOp -> Doc
ppFCmpOp Ffalse = "false"
ppFCmpOp Foeq   = "oeq"
ppFCmpOp Fogt   = "ogt"
ppFCmpOp Foge   = "oge"
ppFCmpOp Folt   = "olt"
ppFCmpOp Fole   = "ole"
ppFCmpOp Fone   = "one"
ppFCmpOp Ford   = "ord"
ppFCmpOp Fueq   = "ueq"
ppFCmpOp Fugt   = "ugt"
ppFCmpOp Fuge   = "uge"
ppFCmpOp Fult   = "ult"
ppFCmpOp Fule   = "ule"
ppFCmpOp Fune   = "une"
ppFCmpOp Funo   = "uno"
ppFCmpOp Ftrue  = "true"

ppValue :: Value -> Doc
ppValue val = case val of
  ValInteger i       -> integer i
  ValBool b          -> ppBool b
  ValFloat i         -> float i
  ValDouble i        -> double i
  ValIdent i         -> ppIdent i
  ValSymbol s        -> ppSymbol s
  ValNull            -> "null"
  ValArray ty es     -> brackets
                      $ commas (map (ppTyped ppValue . Typed ty) es)
  ValVector ty es   -> angles $ commas
                     $ map (ppTyped ppValue . Typed ty) es
  ValStruct fs       -> structBraces (commas (map (ppTyped ppValue) fs))
  ValPackedStruct fs -> angles
                      $ structBraces (commas (map (ppTyped ppValue) fs))
  ValString s        -> char 'c' <> ppStringLiteral s
  ValConstExpr ce    -> ppConstExpr ce
  ValUndef           -> "undef"
  ValLabel l         -> ppLabel l
  ValZeroInit        -> "zeroinitializer"
  ValAsm s a i c     -> ppAsm s a i c
  ValMd m            -> ppValMd m

ppValMd :: ValMd -> Doc
ppValMd m = case m of
  ValMdString str   -> ppMetadata (ppStringLiteral str)
  ValMdValue tv     -> ppTyped ppValue tv
  ValMdRef i        -> ppMetadata (int i)
  ValMdNode vs      -> ppMetadataNode vs
  ValMdLoc l        -> ppDebugLoc l
  ValMdDebugInfo di -> ppDebugInfo di

ppDebugLoc :: DebugLoc -> Doc
ppDebugLoc dl = "!MDLocation"
             <> parens (commas [ "line:"   <+> integral (dlLine dl)
                               , "column:" <+> integral (dlCol dl)
                               , "scope:"  <+> ppValMd (dlScope dl)
                               ] <+> mbIA)

  mbIA = case dlIA dl of
           Just md -> comma <+> "inlinedAt:" <+> ppValMd md
           Nothing -> empty

ppTypedValMd :: ValMd -> Doc
ppTypedValMd  = ppTyped ppValMd . Typed (PrimType Metadata)

ppMetadata :: Doc -> Doc
ppMetadata body = char '!' <> body

ppMetadataNode :: [Maybe ValMd] -> Doc
ppMetadataNode vs = ppMetadata (braces (commas (map arg vs)))
  arg = maybe ("null") ppValMd

ppStringLiteral :: String -> Doc
ppStringLiteral  = doubleQuotes . text . concatMap escape
  escape c | isAscii c && isPrint c = [c]
           | otherwise              = '\\' : pad (ord c)

  pad n | n < 0x10  = '0' : map toUpper (showHex n "")
        | otherwise =       map toUpper (showHex n "")

ppAsm :: Bool -> Bool -> String -> String -> Doc
ppAsm s a i c =
  "asm" <+> sideeffect <+> alignstack
        <+> ppStringLiteral i <> comma <+> ppStringLiteral c
  sideeffect | s         = "sideeffect"
             | otherwise = empty

  alignstack | a         = "alignstack"
             | otherwise = empty

ppConstExpr :: ConstExpr -> Doc
ppConstExpr (ConstGEP inb mp ixs)  = "getelementptr"
  <+> opt inb "inbounds"
  <+> parens (mcommas ((ppType <$> mp) : (map (pure . ppTyped ppValue) ixs)))
ppConstExpr (ConstConv op tv t) = ppConvOp op <+> parens
                                 (ppTyped ppValue tv <+> "to" <+> ppType t)
ppConstExpr (ConstSelect c l r) = "select" <+> parens
                                 (commas [ ppTyped ppValue c, ppTyped ppValue l
                                         , ppTyped ppValue r])
ppConstExpr (ConstBlockAddr t l)= "blockaddress" <+> parens
                                 (ppSymbol t <> comma <+> ppLabel l)

ppConstExpr (ConstFCmp op a b)  = "fcmp" <+> ppFCmpOp op <+> parens
                                 (ppTyped ppValue a <> comma <+> ppTyped ppValue b)

ppConstExpr (ConstICmp op a b)  = "icmp" <+> ppICmpOp op <+> parens
                                 (ppTyped ppValue a <> comma <+> ppTyped ppValue b)
ppConstExpr (ConstArith op a b) = ppArithOp op <+> parens
                                  (ppTyped ppValue a <> comma <+> ppValue b)
ppConstExpr (ConstBit op a b)   = ppBitOp op <+> parens
                                  (ppTyped ppValue a <> comma <+> ppValue b)

-- DWARF Debug Info ------------------------------------------------------------

ppDebugInfo :: DebugInfo -> Doc
ppDebugInfo di = case di of
  DebugInfoBasicType bt         -> ppDIBasicType bt
  DebugInfoCompileUnit cu       -> ppDICompileUnit cu
  DebugInfoCompositeType ct     -> ppDICompositeType ct
  DebugInfoDerivedType dt       -> ppDIDerivedType dt
  DebugInfoEnumerator nm v      -> ppDIEnumerator nm v
  DebugInfoExpression e         -> ppDIExpression e
  DebugInfoFile f               -> ppDIFile f
  DebugInfoGlobalVariable gv    -> ppDIGlobalVariable gv
  DebugInfoGlobalVariableExpression gv -> ppDIGlobalVariableExpression gv
  DebugInfoLexicalBlock lb      -> ppDILexicalBlock lb
  DebugInfoLexicalBlockFile lbf -> ppDILexicalBlockFile lbf
  DebugInfoLocalVariable lv     -> ppDILocalVariable lv
  DebugInfoSubprogram sp        -> ppDISubprogram sp
  DebugInfoSubrange sr          -> ppDISubrange sr
  DebugInfoSubroutineType st    -> ppDISubroutineType st

ppDIBasicType :: DIBasicType -> Doc
ppDIBasicType bt = "!DIBasicType"
  <> parens (commas [ "tag:"      <+> integral (dibtTag bt)
                    , "name:"     <+> doubleQuotes (text (dibtName bt))
                    , "size:"     <+> integral (dibtSize bt)
                    , "align:"    <+> integral (dibtAlign bt)
                    , "encoding:" <+> integral (dibtEncoding bt)

ppDICompileUnit :: DICompileUnit -> Doc
ppDICompileUnit cu = "!DICompileUnit"
  <> parens (mcommas
       [ pure ("language:"           <+> integral (dicuLanguage cu))
       ,     (("file:"               <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (dicuFile cu)
       ,     (("producer:"           <+>) . doubleQuotes . text)
             <$> (dicuProducer cu)
       , pure ("isOptimized:"        <+> ppBool (dicuIsOptimized cu))
       , pure ("flags:"              <+> integral (dicuFlags cu))
       , pure ("runtimeVersion:"     <+> integral (dicuRuntimeVersion cu))
       ,     (("splitDebugFilename:" <+>) . doubleQuotes . text)
             <$> (dicuSplitDebugFilename cu)
       , pure ("emissionKind:"       <+> integral (dicuEmissionKind cu))
       ,     (("enums:"              <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (dicuEnums cu)
       ,     (("retainedTypes:"      <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (dicuRetainedTypes cu)
       ,     (("subprograms:"        <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (dicuSubprograms cu)
       ,     (("globals:"            <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (dicuGlobals cu)
       ,     (("imports:"            <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (dicuImports cu)
       ,     (("macros:"             <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (dicuMacros cu)
       , pure ("dwoId:"              <+> integral (dicuDWOId cu))

ppDICompositeType :: DICompositeType -> Doc
ppDICompositeType ct = "!DICompositeType"
  <> parens (mcommas
       [ pure ("tag:"            <+> integral (dictTag ct))
       ,     (("name:"           <+>) . doubleQuotes . text) <$> (dictName ct)
       ,     (("file:"           <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (dictFile ct)
       , pure ("line:"           <+> integral (dictLine ct))
       ,     (("baseType:"       <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (dictBaseType ct)
       , pure ("size:"           <+> integral (dictSize ct))
       , pure ("align:"          <+> integral (dictAlign ct))
       , pure ("offset:"         <+> integral (dictOffset ct))
       , pure ("flags:"          <+> integral (dictFlags ct))
       ,     (("elements:"       <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (dictElements ct)
       , pure ("runtimeLang:"    <+> integral (dictRuntimeLang ct))
       ,     (("vtableHolder:"   <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (dictVTableHolder ct)
       ,     (("templateParams:" <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (dictTemplateParams ct)
       ,     (("identifier:"     <+>) . doubleQuotes . text)
             <$> (dictIdentifier ct)

ppDIDerivedType :: DIDerivedType -> Doc
ppDIDerivedType dt = "!DIDerivedType"
  <> parens (mcommas
       [ pure ("tag:"       <+> integral (didtTag dt))
       ,     (("name:"      <+>) . doubleQuotes . text) <$> (didtName dt)
       ,     (("file:"      <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (didtFile dt)
       , pure ("line:"      <+> integral (didtLine dt))
       ,     (("baseType:"  <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (didtBaseType dt)
       , pure ("size:"      <+> integral (didtSize dt))
       , pure ("align:"     <+> integral (didtAlign dt))
       , pure ("offset:"    <+> integral (didtOffset dt))
       , pure ("flags:"     <+> integral (didtFlags dt))
       ,     (("extraData:" <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (didtExtraData dt)

ppDIEnumerator :: String -> Int64 -> Doc
ppDIEnumerator n v = "!DIEnumerator"
  <> parens (commas [ "name:"  <+> doubleQuotes (text n)
                    , "value:" <+> integral v

ppDIExpression :: DIExpression -> Doc
ppDIExpression e = "!DIExpression"
  <> parens (commas (map integral (dieElements e)))

ppDIFile :: DIFile -> Doc
ppDIFile f = "!DIFile"
  <> parens (commas [ "filename:"  <+> doubleQuotes (text (difFilename f))
                    , "directory:" <+> doubleQuotes (text (difDirectory f))

ppDIGlobalVariable :: DIGlobalVariable -> Doc
ppDIGlobalVariable gv = "!DIGlobalVariable"
  <> parens (mcommas
       [      (("scope:"       <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (digvScope gv)
       ,      (("name:"        <+>) . doubleQuotes . text) <$> (digvName gv)
       ,      (("linkageName:" <+>) . doubleQuotes . text)
              <$> (digvLinkageName gv)
       ,      (("file:"        <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (digvFile gv)
       , pure ("line:"         <+> integral (digvLine gv))
       ,      (("type:"        <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (digvType gv)
       , pure ("isLocal:"      <+> ppBool (digvIsLocal gv))
       , pure ("isDefinition:" <+> ppBool (digvIsDefinition gv))
       ,      (("variable:"    <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (digvType gv)
       ,      (("declaration:" <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (digvDeclaration gv)
       ,      (("align:"       <+>) . integral) <$> digvAlignment gv

ppDIGlobalVariableExpression :: DIGlobalVariableExpression -> Doc
ppDIGlobalVariableExpression gve = "!DIGlobalVariableExpression"
  <> parens (mcommas
       [      (("var:"  <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (digveVariable gve)
       ,      (("expr:" <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (digveExpression gve)

ppDILexicalBlock :: DILexicalBlock -> Doc
ppDILexicalBlock ct = "!DILexicalBlock"
  <> parens (mcommas
       [     (("scope:"  <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (dilbScope ct)
       ,     (("file:"   <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (dilbFile ct)
       , pure ("line:"   <+> integral (dilbLine ct))
       , pure ("column:" <+> integral (dilbColumn ct))

ppDILexicalBlockFile :: DILexicalBlockFile -> Doc
ppDILexicalBlockFile lbf = "!DILexicalBlockFile"
  <> parens (mcommas
       [ pure ("scope:"         <+> ppValMd (dilbfScope lbf))
       ,     (("file:"          <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (dilbfFile lbf)
       , pure ("discriminator:" <+> integral (dilbfDiscriminator lbf))

ppDILocalVariable :: DILocalVariable -> Doc
ppDILocalVariable lv = "!DILocalVariable"
  <> parens (mcommas
       [      (("scope:" <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (dilvScope lv)
       ,      (("name:"  <+>) . doubleQuotes . text) <$> (dilvName lv)
       ,      (("file:"  <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (dilvFile lv)
       , pure ("line:"   <+> integral (dilvLine lv))
       ,      (("type:"  <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (dilvType lv)
       , pure ("arg:"    <+> integral (dilvArg lv))
       , pure ("flags:"  <+> integral (dilvFlags lv))

ppDISubprogram :: DISubprogram -> Doc
ppDISubprogram sp = "!DISubprogram"
  <> parens (mcommas
       [      (("scope:"          <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (dispScope sp)
       ,      (("name:"           <+>) . doubleQuotes . text) <$> (dispName sp)
       ,      (("linkageName:"    <+>) . doubleQuotes . text)
              <$> (dispLinkageName sp)
       ,      (("file:"           <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (dispFile sp)
       , pure ("line:"            <+> integral (dispLine sp))
       ,      (("type:"           <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (dispType sp)
       , pure ("isLocal:"         <+> ppBool (dispIsLocal sp))
       , pure ("isDefinition:"    <+> ppBool (dispIsDefinition sp))
       , pure ("scopeLine:"       <+> integral (dispScopeLine sp))
       ,      (("containingType:" <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (dispContainingType sp)
       , pure ("virtuality:"      <+> integral (dispVirtuality sp))
       , pure ("virtualIndex:"    <+> integral (dispVirtualIndex sp))
       , pure ("flags:"           <+> integral (dispFlags sp))
       , pure ("isOptimized:"     <+> ppBool (dispIsOptimized sp))
       ,      (("templateParams:" <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (dispTemplateParams sp)
       ,      (("declaration:"    <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (dispDeclaration sp)
       ,      (("variables:"      <+>) . ppValMd) <$> (dispVariables sp)

ppDISubrange :: DISubrange -> Doc
ppDISubrange sr = "!DISubrange"
  <> parens (commas [ "count:" <+> integral (disrCount sr)
                    , "lowerBound:" <+> integral (disrLowerBound sr)

ppDISubroutineType :: DISubroutineType -> Doc
ppDISubroutineType st = "!DISubroutineType"
  <> parens (commas
       [ "flags:" <+> integral (distFlags st)
       , "types:" <+> fromMaybe "null" (ppValMd <$> (distTypeArray st))

-- Utilities -------------------------------------------------------------------

ppBool :: Bool -> Doc
ppBool b | b         = "true"
         | otherwise = "false"

-- | Build a variable-argument argument list.
ppArgList :: Bool -> [Doc] -> Doc
ppArgList True  ds = parens (commas (ds ++ ["..."]))
ppArgList False ds = parens (commas ds)

integral :: Integral i => i -> Doc
integral  = integer . fromIntegral

hex :: (Integral i, Show i) => i -> Doc
hex i = text (showHex i "0x")

opt :: Bool -> Doc -> Doc
opt True  = id
opt False = const empty

commas :: [Doc] -> Doc
commas  = fsep . punctuate comma

-- | Helpful for all of the optional fields that appear in the
-- metadata values
mcommas :: [Maybe Doc] -> Doc
mcommas = commas . catMaybes

angles :: Doc -> Doc
angles d = char '<' <> d <> char '>'

structBraces :: Doc -> Doc
structBraces body = char '{' <+> body <+> char '}'

ppMaybe :: (a -> Doc) -> Maybe a -> Doc
ppMaybe  = maybe empty