{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

module Database.LMDB.Simple.Internal
  ( ReadWrite
  , ReadOnly
  , Mode
  , SubMode
  , Environment (..)
  , Transaction (..)
  , Database (..)
  , isReadOnlyEnvironment
  , isReadOnlyTransaction
  , isReadWriteTransaction
  , marshalOut
  , marshalIn
  , peekVal
  , forEachForward
  , forEachReverse
  , withCursor
  , defaultWriteFlags
  , overwriteFlags
  , get
  , get'
  , put
  , delete
  ) where

import Control.Exception
  ( assert
  , bracket

import Control.Monad
  ( (>=>)
  , foldM

import Control.Monad.IO.Class
  ( MonadIO (liftIO)

import Data.Binary
  ( Binary
  , encode
  , decode

import Data.ByteString
  ( packCStringLen
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS

import Data.ByteString.Unsafe
  ( unsafeUseAsCStringLen

import Data.ByteString.Lazy
  ( toChunks
  , toStrict
  , fromStrict
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL

import Data.Word
  ( Word8

import Database.LMDB.Raw
  ( MDB_env
  , MDB_txn
  , MDB_dbi'
  , MDB_val (MDB_val)
  , MDB_cursor'
  , MDB_WriteFlag (MDB_CURRENT)
  , MDB_WriteFlags
  , mdb_cursor_open'
  , mdb_cursor_close'
  , mdb_cursor_get'
  , mdb_get'
  , mdb_reserve'
  , mdb_del'
  , compileWriteFlags

import Foreign
  ( Ptr
  , castPtr
  , peek
  , plusPtr
  , copyBytes

import GHC.Exts (Constraint)

data ReadWrite
data ReadOnly

class Mode a where
  isReadOnlyMode :: a -> Bool

instance Mode ReadWrite where isReadOnlyMode _ = False
instance Mode ReadOnly  where isReadOnlyMode _ = True

type family SubMode a b :: Constraint where
  SubMode a ReadWrite = a ~ ReadWrite
  SubMode a ReadOnly  = ()

-- | An LMDB environment is a directory or file on disk that contains one or
-- more databases, and has an associated (reader) lock table.
newtype Environment mode = Env MDB_env

isReadOnlyEnvironment :: Mode mode => Environment mode -> Bool
isReadOnlyEnvironment = isReadOnlyMode . mode
  where mode :: Environment mode -> mode
        mode = undefined

-- | An LMDB transaction is an atomic unit for reading and/or changing one or
-- more LMDB databases within an environment, during which the transaction has
-- a consistent view of the database(s) and is unaffected by any other
-- transaction. The effects of a transaction can either be committed to the
-- LMDB environment atomically, or they can be rolled back with no observable
-- effect on the environment if the transaction is aborted.
-- Transactions may be 'ReadWrite' or 'ReadOnly', however LMDB enforces a
-- strict single-writer policy so only one top-level 'ReadWrite' transaction
-- may be active at any time.
-- This API models transactions using a 'Transaction' monad. This monad has a
-- 'MonadIO' instance so it is possible to perform arbitrary I/O within a
-- transaction using 'liftIO'. However, such 'IO' actions are not atomic and
-- cannot be rolled back if the transaction is aborted, so use with care.
newtype Transaction mode a = Txn (MDB_txn -> IO a)

isReadOnlyTransaction :: Mode mode => Transaction mode a -> Bool
isReadOnlyTransaction = isReadOnlyMode . mode
  where mode :: Transaction mode a -> mode
        mode = undefined

isReadWriteTransaction :: Mode mode => Transaction mode a -> Bool
isReadWriteTransaction = not . isReadOnlyTransaction

instance Functor (Transaction mode) where
  fmap f (Txn tf) = Txn $ fmap f . tf

instance Applicative (Transaction mode) where
  pure x = Txn $ \_ -> pure x
  Txn tff <*> Txn tf = Txn $ \txn -> tff txn <*> tf txn

instance Monad (Transaction mode) where
  Txn tf >>= f = Txn $ \txn -> tf txn >>= \r -> let Txn tf' = f r in tf' txn

instance MonadIO (Transaction mode) where
  liftIO = Txn . const

-- | A database maps arbitrary keys to values. This API uses the 'Binary'
-- class to serialize keys and values for LMDB to store on disk.
data Database k v = Db MDB_env MDB_dbi'

peekVal :: Binary v => Ptr MDB_val -> IO v
peekVal = peek >=> marshalIn

marshalIn :: Binary v => MDB_val -> IO v
marshalIn (MDB_val len ptr) =
  decode . fromStrict <$> packCStringLen (castPtr ptr, fromIntegral len)

marshalOut :: Binary v => v -> (MDB_val -> IO a) -> IO a
marshalOut value f =
  unsafeUseAsCStringLen (toStrict $ encode value) $ \(ptr, len) ->
  f $ MDB_val (fromIntegral len) (castPtr ptr)

copyLazyBS :: BSL.ByteString -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO ()
copyLazyBS lbs ptr rem =
  foldM copyBS (ptr, rem) (toChunks lbs) >>= \(_, 0) -> return ()

  where copyBS :: (Ptr Word8, Int) -> BS.ByteString -> IO (Ptr Word8, Int)
        copyBS (ptr, rem) bs = unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs $ \(bsp, len) ->
          assert (len <= rem) $ copyBytes ptr (castPtr bsp) len >>
          return (ptr `plusPtr` len, rem - len)

forEach :: MDB_cursor_op -> MDB_cursor_op
        -> MDB_txn -> MDB_dbi' -> Ptr MDB_val -> Ptr MDB_val
        -> a -> (IO a -> IO a) -> IO a
forEach first next txn dbi kptr vptr acc f =
  withCursor txn dbi $ cursorGet first acc

  where cursorGet op acc cursor = do
          found <- mdb_cursor_get' op cursor kptr vptr
          if found
            then f (cursorGet next acc cursor)
            else pure acc

forEachForward, forEachReverse :: MDB_txn -> MDB_dbi'
                               -> Ptr MDB_val -> Ptr MDB_val
                               -> a -> (IO a -> IO a) -> IO a
forEachForward = forEach MDB_FIRST MDB_NEXT
forEachReverse = forEach MDB_LAST  MDB_PREV

withCursor :: MDB_txn -> MDB_dbi' -> (MDB_cursor' -> IO a) -> IO a
withCursor txn dbi = bracket (mdb_cursor_open' txn dbi) mdb_cursor_close'

defaultWriteFlags, overwriteFlags :: MDB_WriteFlags
defaultWriteFlags = compileWriteFlags []
overwriteFlags    = compileWriteFlags [MDB_CURRENT]

get :: (Binary k, Binary v) => Database k v -> k -> Transaction mode (Maybe v)
get db key = get' db key >>=
  maybe (return Nothing) (liftIO . fmap Just . marshalIn)

get' :: Binary k => Database k v -> k -> Transaction mode (Maybe MDB_val)
get' (Db _ dbi) key = Txn $ \txn -> marshalOut key $ mdb_get' txn dbi

put :: (Binary k, Binary v)
    => Database k v -> k -> v -> Transaction ReadWrite ()
put (Db _ dbi) key value = Txn $ \txn ->
  marshalOut key $ \kval -> do
  let bs = encode value
      sz = fromIntegral (BSL.length bs)
  MDB_val len ptr <- mdb_reserve' defaultWriteFlags txn dbi kval sz
  let len' = fromIntegral len
  assert (len' == sz) $ copyLazyBS bs ptr len'

delete :: Binary k => Database k v -> k -> Transaction ReadWrite Bool
delete (Db _ dbi) key = Txn $ \txn ->
  marshalOut key $ \kval -> mdb_del' txn dbi kval Nothing