# lnd-client Lightning Network Daemon (LND) client library for Haskell. Nix is the only thing required to get started. Development environment is packed into [nix-shell](https://nixos.org/nixos/nix-pills/developing-with-nix-shell.html). ## Quickstart Spawn shell: ```sh ./nix/shell.sh ``` Develop in shell: ```sh vi . ``` Run all tests with hot code reloading: ```sh ghcid ``` Run specific tests with hot code reloading: ```sh ghcid --setup ":set args -m fromJSON" ``` Optional environment variables: ```sh vi ~/.profile export VIM_BACKGROUND="light" # or "dark" export VIM_COLOR_SCHEME="PaperColor" # or "jellybeans" export NIX_EXTRA_BUILD_INPUTS='[(import (fetchTarball "https://github.com/21it/ultimate-haskell-ide/tarball/ebfcd25eeac74ba813efa0b5929174cd59c4f4d2") {bundle = "haskell"; withGit = false;})]' export NIX_WITH_SHELL_HOOK="true" ``` ## gRPC schema upgrade - We are using lnd version 0.14.1-beta - Run `./script/update-protobuf.sh` (This will download latest proto files from github, so make sure that lnd version is consistent with latest protobufs) - Manually split `lightning.proto` into 3 smaller files, because at the single file is way too big and GHC-8.10.7 requires too much RAM to compile it. The issue might disappear with GHC-9.X.X. - Run `./script/generate-protoc.sh` (This will generate haskell types and instances for downloaded protos)