cabal-version: 3.0 name: loc version: x-revision: 1 synopsis: Line and column positions and ranges in text files category: Data Structures, Text description: The package name /loc/ stands for “location” and is also an allusion to the acronym for “lines of code”. The @Loc@ type represents a caret position in a text file, the @Span@ type is a nonempty range between two @Loc@s, and the @Area@ type is a set of non-touching @Span@s. homepage: bug-reports: author: Chris Martin maintainer: Chris Martin, Julie Moronuki copyright: 2017 Mission Valley Software LLC license: Apache-2.0 license-file: license.txt extra-source-files: *.md extra-doc-files: *.png, *.svg source-repository head type: git location: git:// common base default-language: Haskell2010 default-extensions: BlockArguments DeriveDataTypeable DeriveFoldable DeriveFunctor GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving LambdaCase NoImplicitPrelude ScopedTypeVariables ghc-options: -Wall build-depends: , base ^>= 4.14 || ^>= 4.15 || ^>= 4.16 || ^>= 4.17 || ^>= 4.18 , containers ^>= 0.6.4 library import: base hs-source-dirs: src exposed-modules: Data.Loc Data.Loc.Area Data.Loc.Exception Data.Loc.Internal.Map Data.Loc.Internal.Prelude Data.Loc.List.OneToTwo Data.Loc.List.ZeroToTwo Data.Loc.Loc Data.Loc.Pos Data.Loc.Span Data.Loc.SpanOrLoc Data.Loc.Types test-suite test-loc-properties import: base type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: test ghc-options: -threaded default-extensions: TemplateHaskell main-is: Main.hs other-modules: Gen build-depends: , hspec ^>= 2.8.5 || ^>= 2.9 || ^>= 2.10 || ^>= 2.11 , hspec-hedgehog ^>= 0.0.1 , hedgehog ^>= 1.0.5 || ^>= 1.1 || ^>= 1.2 , loc