module Data.Loc.Area ( Area, -- * Constructing fromTo, spanArea, -- * Combining (+), (-), addSpan, -- * Querying firstSpan, lastSpan, start, end, areaSpan, spansAsc, spanCount, -- * Show and Read areaShowsPrec, areaReadPrec, ) where import Data.Foldable qualified as Foldable import Data.Loc.Internal.Map qualified as Map import Data.Loc.Internal.Prelude import Data.Loc.Loc (Loc) import Data.Loc.Span (Span) import Data.Loc.Span qualified as Span import Data.Set qualified as Set data Terminus = Start | End deriving (Eq, Ord) -- | A set of non-overlapping, non-abutting 'Span's -- -- You may also think of an 'Area' like a span that can be empty or have “gaps.” -- -- Construct and combine areas using 'mempty', 'spanArea', 'fromTo', '+', and '-'. newtype Area = Area (Map Loc Terminus) deriving (Eq, Ord) -- | 'showsPrec' = 'areaShowsPrec' instance Show Area where showsPrec = areaShowsPrec -- | 'readPrec' = 'areaReadPrec' instance Read Area where readPrec = areaReadPrec instance Monoid Area where mempty = Area Map.empty -- | '<>' = '+' instance Semigroup Area where (<>) = (+) areaShowsPrec :: Int -> Area -> ShowS areaShowsPrec _ a = showList (spansAsc a) -- | -- -- >>> readPrec_to_S areaReadPrec minPrec "[]" -- [([],"")] -- -- >>> readPrec_to_S areaReadPrec minPrec "[3:2-5:5,8:3-11:4]" -- [([3:2-5:5,8:3-11:4],"")] -- -- >>> readPrec_to_S areaReadPrec minPrec "[3:2-5:5,11:4-8:3]" -- [([3:2-5:5,8:3-11:4],"")] -- -- >>> readPrec_to_S areaReadPrec minPrec "[3:2-5:5,8:3-8:3]" -- [] areaReadPrec :: ReadPrec Area areaReadPrec = foldMap spanArea <$> readListPrec -- | Construct a contiguous 'Area' consisting of a single 'Span' specified -- by two 'Loc's -- -- The lesser loc will be the start, and the greater loc will be the end. -- If the two locs are equal, the area will be empty. fromTo :: -- | Start Loc -> -- | End Loc -> Area fromTo a b | a == b = mempty | otherwise = spanArea (Span.fromTo a b) -- | Construct an 'Area' consisting of a single 'Span' -- -- >>> spanArea (read "4:5-6:3") -- [4:5-6:3] spanArea :: Span -> Area spanArea s = Area (Map.fromList locs) where locs = [ (Span.start s, Start), (Span.end s, End) ] -- | A 'Span' from 'start' to 'end', or 'Nothing' if the 'Area' is empty -- -- >>> areaSpan mempty -- Nothing -- -- >>> areaSpan (read "[3:4-7:2]") -- Just 3:4-7:2 -- -- >>> areaSpan (read "[3:4-7:2,15:6-17:9]") -- Just 3:4-17:9 areaSpan :: Area -> Maybe Span areaSpan x = start x >>= \a -> end x <&> \b -> Span.fromTo a b -- | A list of the 'Span's that constitute an 'Area', sorted in ascending order -- -- >>> spansAsc mempty -- [] -- -- >>> spansAsc (read "[3:4-7:2,15:6-17:9]") -- [3:4-7:2,15:6-17:9] spansAsc :: Area -> [Span] spansAsc (Area m) = mapAccumL f Nothing (Map.keys m) & snd & catMaybes where f Nothing l = (Just l, Nothing) f (Just l) l' = (Nothing, Just $ Span.fromTo l l') -- | -- -- >>> spanCount mempty -- 0 -- -- >>> spanCount (read "[3:4-7:2]") -- 1 -- -- >>> spanCount (read "[3:4-7:2,15:6-17:9]") -- 2 spanCount :: Area -> Natural spanCount (Area locs) = fromIntegral (Foldable.length locs `div` 2) -- | The first contiguous 'Span' in the 'Area', or 'Nothing' if the area is empty -- -- >>> firstSpan mempty -- Nothing -- -- >>> firstSpan (read "[3:4-7:2]") -- Just 3:4-7:2 -- -- >>> firstSpan (read "[3:4-7:2,15:6-17:9]") -- Just 3:4-7:2 firstSpan :: Area -> Maybe Span firstSpan (Area m) = case Set.toAscList (Map.keysSet m) of a : b : _ -> Just (Span.fromTo a b) _ -> Nothing -- | The last contiguous 'Span' in the 'Area', or 'Nothing' if the area is empty -- -- >>> lastSpan mempty -- Nothing -- -- >>> lastSpan (read "[3:4-7:2]") -- Just 3:4-7:2 -- -- >>> lastSpan (read "[3:4-7:2,15:6-17:9]") -- Just 15:6-17:9 lastSpan :: Area -> Maybe Span lastSpan (Area m) = case Set.toDescList (Map.keysSet m) of b : a : _ -> Just (Span.fromTo a b) _ -> Nothing -- | The 'Loc' at which the 'Area' starts, or 'Nothing' if the 'Area' is empty -- -- >>> start mempty -- Nothing -- -- >>> start (read "[3:4-7:2]") -- Just 3:4 -- -- >>> start (read "[3:4-7:2,15:6-17:9]") -- Just 3:4 start :: Area -> Maybe Loc start (Area m) = case Map.minViewWithKey m of Just ((l, _), _) -> Just l Nothing -> Nothing -- | The 'Loc' at which the 'Area' ends, or 'Nothing' if the 'Area' is empty -- -- >>> end mempty -- Nothing -- -- >>> end (read "[3:4-7:2]") -- Just 7:2 -- -- >>> end (read "[3:4-7:2,15:6-17:9]") -- Just 17:9 end :: Area -> Maybe Loc end (Area locs) = case Map.maxViewWithKey locs of Just ((l, _), _) -> Just l Nothing -> Nothing -- | The union of two 'Area's -- -- Spans that overlap or abut will be merged in the result. -- -- >>> read "[1:1-1:2]" + mempty -- [1:1-1:2] -- -- >>> read "[1:1-1:2]" + read "[1:2-1:3]" -- [1:1-1:3] -- -- >>> read "[1:1-1:2]" + read "[1:1-3:1]" -- [1:1-3:1] -- -- >>> read "[1:1-1:2]" + read "[1:1-11:1]" -- [1:1-11:1] -- -- >>> read "[1:1-3:1,6:1-6:2]" + read "[1:1-6:1]" -- [1:1-6:2] -- -- >>> read "[1:1-3:1]" + read "[5:1-6:2]" -- [1:1-3:1,5:1-6:2] (+) :: Area -> Area -> Area a + b | spanCount a >= spanCount b = foldr addSpan a (spansAsc b) | otherwise = b + a -- | @'addSpan' s a@ is the union of @'Area' a@ and @'Span' s@ -- -- >>> addSpan (read "1:1-6:1") (read "[1:1-3:1,6:1-6:2]") -- [1:1-6:2] addSpan :: Span -> Area -> Area addSpan b (Area as) = let -- Spans lower than b that do not abut or overlap b. -- These spans will remain completely intact in the result. unmodifiedSpansBelow :: Map Loc Terminus -- Spans greater than b that do not abut or overlap b. -- These spans will remain completely intact in the result. unmodifiedSpansAbove :: Map Loc Terminus -- The start location of a span that starts below b but doesn't end below b, -- if such a span exists. This span will be merged into the 'middle'. startBelow :: Maybe Loc -- The end location of a span that ends above b but doesn't start above b, -- if such a span exists. This span will be merged into the 'middle'. endAbove :: Maybe Loc -- b, plus any spans it abuts or overlaps. middle :: Map Loc Terminus (unmodifiedSpansBelow, startBelow) = let below = Map.below (Span.start b) as in case Map.maxViewWithKey below of Just ((l, Start), xs) -> (xs, Just l) _ -> (below, Nothing) (unmodifiedSpansAbove, endAbove) = let above = Map.above (Span.end b) as in case Map.minViewWithKey above of Just ((l, End), xs) -> (xs, Just l) _ -> (above, Nothing) middle = Map.fromList [ (minimum $ Foldable.toList startBelow <> [Span.start b], Start), (maximum $ Foldable.toList endAbove <> [Span.end b], End) ] in Area $ unmodifiedSpansBelow <> middle <> unmodifiedSpansAbove -- | The difference between two 'Area's -- -- @a '-' b@ contains what is covered by @a@ and not covered by @b@. (-) :: Area -> Area -> Area a - b = foldr subtractSpan a (spansAsc b) -- | @'subtractSpan' s a@ is the subset of 'Area' @a@ that is not -- covered by 'Span' @s@ subtractSpan :: Span -> Area -> Area subtractSpan b (Area as) = let resultBelow :: Map Loc Terminus = let below = Map.belowInclusive (Span.start b) as in case Map.maxViewWithKey below of Just ((l, Start), xs) -> if l == Span.start b then xs else below & Map.insert (Span.start b) End _ -> below resultAbove :: Map Loc Terminus = let above = Map.aboveInclusive (Span.end b) as in case Map.minViewWithKey above of Just ((l, End), xs) -> if l == Span.end b then xs else above & Map.insert (Span.end b) Start _ -> above in Area $ resultBelow <> resultAbove