1.8.4 ===== * [#86](https://github.com/serokell/log-warper/issues/86): Add lens for changing properties of the particular logger. * Ungrade `universum` to the `1.0.2`. 1.8.3 ===== * [#79](https://github.com/serokell/log-warper/issues/79): Add `launchWithConfig` to `Launcher` module. 1.8.2 ===== * Migrate to `universum-1.0.0`. * [#71](https://github.com/serokell/log-warper/issues/71): Use `microlens-platform` instead of `lens`. `LoggerMap` is now has field `LoggerName` instead of `Text`. `zoomLogger` is now work with `LoggerName` instead of `Text`. Remove `LogHandler.Syslog` module and `network` library. Remove `extra`, `errors`, `exceptions`, `hashable`, `text-format`, `formatting` dependencies. Remove `loggerNameF` function. Change `lens` to `microlens-mtl` in tests. 1.8.1 ===== * [#75](https://github.com/serokell/log-warper/issues/75): Bump up `universum` lower bound. 1.8.0 ===== * [#55](https://github.com/serokell/log-warper/issues/55): Return back `lcFilePrefix` field in `LoggerConfig`, rename to `lcLogsDirectory`. 1.7.6 ===== * Upgrade `universum` to version `0.9.1`. Add `Semigroup` instances. 1.7.5 ===== * Relax `containers` package dependency from `>=` to `>=`. Also use stable LTS for building package. 1.7.4 ===== * [#55](https://github.com/serokell/log-warper/issues/55): Remove `lcFilePrefix` field from `LoggerConfig`. 1.7.3 ===== * [#61](https://github.com/serokell/log-warper/issues/61): Add `launchFromFile`, `defaultConfig` and `launchSimpleLogging` functions. 1.7.2 ===== * [#57](https://github.com/serokell/log-warper/issues/57): Add `Exception` module with `logException` and `catchLog` functions. * [#60](https://github.com/serokell/log-warper/issues/60): Fix documentation for `termSeveritiesOut` and `termSeveritiesErr`. * [#63](https://github.com/serokell/log-warper/issues/63): Timestamp rounding by powers of 10. 1.7.1 ===== * Bump `containers` to version `0.5.10`. 1.7.0 ===== * [#48](https://github.com/serokell/log-warper/issues/48): Output for severities is now configured in config file with `termSeveritiesOut` and `termSeveritiesErr` for writing into `stdout` and `stderr` accordingly. Default behavior: `Errors` into `stderr`, all other into `stdout`. * In yaml config file added new keywords for dealing with `Severities`: 'All' -- all severities, 'X+' -- severities greater or equal to X. * Changed .yaml format: logger severity receives set of severities (`Severities`). * [#32](https://github.com/serokell/log-warper/issues/32): Changed .yaml format: `LoggerTree` should be written under 'loggerTree:'. * [#49](https://github.com/serokell/log-warper/issues/49): Add `WithLoggerIO` constraint. * [#50](https://github.com/serokell/log-warper/issues/50): Add `liftLogIO` function into `CanLog` module. 1.6.0 ===== * `Error` is now printed only to `stderr`, all other messages to `stdout`. * `Logger` severity is now `Set Severity`. * Interface changes: functions which worked with `Severity` now work with `Set Severity`. * Remove `releaseAllHandlers`, `streamHandlerWithLock`, `trapLogging`, `debugM`, `errorM`, `infoM`, `noticeM`, `warningM`. * Rename `Wrapper` module to `Terminal`. * Rename `Handler` module to `LogHandler`. * Rename `Logger` module to `IOLogger`. * Move `setSeverity` and `setSeverityMaybe` to `IOLogger`. * Lift all functions inside `IOLogger` module to `MonadIO`. * `handle` from `LogHandler` module is renamed to `logHandlerMessage` and moved out of type class `LogHandler`. 1.5.3 ===== * Add `launchNamedPureLogWith` to `PureLogging` * Improve documentation for `launchNamedPureLog` 1.5.2 ===== * Add `logPureAction` to `PureLogging`. * Add `withSublogger` to `HasLoggerName`. 1.5.1 ===== * Add `usingNamedPureLogger` to `PureLogging`. 1.5.0 ===== * Replace `String` to `Text` in `LoggerName`. * Rename `LoggerName` field name to `getLoggerName`. * Rename `getLoggerName` of `HasLoggerName` class to `askLoggerName`. * Use `LoggerName` instead of `Text` where possible. * Make separate `HasLoggerName` module. * Make separate `PureLogging` module. * Remove `safecopy` dependency and refactor code. 1.4.1 ===== * Add `logEvents` function to log `[LogEvent]` with proper logName. 1.4.0 ===== * Add ability to specify custom logging action. 1.3.4 ==== * Correct logger config parsing 1.3.3 ===== * Fixed a bug related to ugly output to stdout even when it was turned off. 1.3.2 ===== * Minor dependencies update. 1.3.1 ===== * Fix minor bug with stdout severity. 1.3.0 ===== * Allow to use arbitrary text formatter function. 1.2.4 ===== * Add ability to specify time format for logs. * Some space leaks elimination: + The `MemoryQueue` has been partially reworked to get rid of the "inline" State manipulation; + Strings have been dropped almost everywhere in favour of `Text`; + A `LogFormatter` has been reworked to yield a `IO Builder`; + `replaceVarM` has been reworked to be pure _and_ to work with builders rather than plain Text/Strings; + The pure logger has been reworked to use strict's `StateT` instead of WriterT; + The pure logger have been polished to drop instances which required the `UndecidableInstances` pragma; + The `Sized` instance for `Text` has been reworked and multiplied by a constant factor of 16 (see below). 1.2.3 ===== * Now we create a directory for log files if it's missing. 1.2.2 ===== * Fixed memory leak (PR #17). 1.2.1 ===== * Supports Unix paths in log configs even on Windows. 1.2.0 ===== * Uses universum-0.6.1. 1.1.4 ===== * Add `CanLog` and `HasLoggerName` instances for both strict and lazy `State`. 1.1.3 ===== * Add config parameter to print `ThreadId` optionally. * Boolean monoidal builders for `LoggerConfig` now set boolean parameter to default ≠ `mempty` parameter.