0.13.4 (2017-06-18): - Added Read LogFloat instance. (h/t Rob Zinkov) - Corrected a bug where `product` returns NaN on `logFloat 0`. (2015-08-06): - Fixed the buggy Show LogFloat instance (2015-05-30): - Moved VERSION to CHANGELOG 0.13.3 (2015-03-29): - Got clean compile on GHC 7.10.1 0.13.2 (2015-03-23): - Preliminary fixes for dealing with type-roles in GHC 7.10 0.13.1 (2015-03-10): - Fixed a major bug in sum 0.13 (2015-02-17): - monomorphized logFloat, logToLogFloat, fromLogFloat, logFromLogFloat - added sum, product, pow - cleaned up some extraneous rewrite rules - removed support for older versions of GHC, in order to clean things up 0.12.1 (2010-03-19): - Fixed some NaN injection bugs in the Num instance. These would only have been triggered by non-probabilistic uses of LogFloat (i.e., if you used @logFloat infinity@) (2009-04-03): - Added notes to INSTALL about Windows compatibility (2009-04-03): - Updated TODO and VERSION (2009-03-25): - Disabled -fvia-C so the FFI can be used in GHC 6.10 0.12 (2009-03-10): - Added log1p. - Added Storable instance (for GHC only) - removed orphaned toRational/fromRational rules. The RealToFrac module obviates those optimizations. - Adjusted Real LogFloat instance to throw errors on transfinite values 0.11.2 (2009-03-09): - Moved log/exp rules from LogFloat into Transfinite (2009-03-09): - Documentation updates 0.11.1 (2009-03-08): - Added IArray UArray LogFloat instance (thanks to Felipe Lessa). 0.11 (2009-01-29): - Moved the RealToFrac class from Data.Number.Transfinite to Data.Number.RealToFrac. This breaks backwards compatibility if you depended directly on that module for the class. If you imported the class from Data.Number.LogFloat then you're still fine. - Cabal build fail due to missing new module (Fixed in 0.10 (2009-01-29): - Hugs' Prelude definitions of isInfinite and isNaN for Float and Double are buggy. The new Hugs.RealFloat module provides correct implementations (defaulting to the Prelude definition for non-Hugs compilers). - The PartialOrd and Transfinite instances for Double and Float have been updated to use these corrected functions. - Added maxPO and minPO to PartialOrd and added comparingPO to Data.Number.PartialOrd. - Minor changes to circumvent bugs in Hackage's new version of Haddock. You should be able to see all the documentation now. 0.9.1 (2008-08-30): - Fixed some PartialOrd stuff and sanitized documentation - Build fail on GHC 6.10 due to GHC.Prim (Fixed in 0.9.0 (2008-08-30): - s/toFractional/realToFrac/g. - Also moved realToFrac and log to Transfinite - Build fail on GHC 6.10 due to GHC.Prim 0.8.6 (2008-08-17): - Removed buggy RULES - Build fail on GHC 6.10 due to -Werror and removal of -fno-warn-orphans 0.8.5 (2008-08-17): - Gave up and converted from lhs to hs so Hackage docs work 0.8.4 (2008-08-17): - Broke out Transfinite 0.8.3 (2008-08-16): - Documentation updates 0.8.2 (2008-08-14): - Announced release 0.8: - Did a bunch of tweaking. Things should be decent now 0.7: - Haddockified 0.6: - Fixed monomorphism of LogFloat constructors/destructors. 0.5: - Added optimization rules. 0.4: - Translated from Perl to Haskell at revision 2007.12.20. 0.3: - Converted extensive comments to POD format. 0.2: - Did a bunch of profiling, optimizing, and debugging. 0.1: - Initial version (in Perl) created for hw5 for NLP with Jason Eisner.