name: logic-TPTP version: x-revision: 1 cabal-version: >= 1.6 build-type: Simple license: GPL license-file: LICENSE maintainer: Ahn, Ki Yung bug-reports:, synopsis: Import, export etc. for TPTP, a syntax for first-order logic description: For information about the TPTP format, see . . Components: . - Parser ('parse') . - Exporter ('toTPTP') . - Pretty-printer ('pretty') . - QuickCheck instances (generation of random formulae) . - 'diff' : Get a \"formula\" which represents the differences between two given formulae (equal subexpressions are truncated; so are the subexpressions of subexpressions whose heads already differ) . Tests passed: . - For randomly generated formulae, @parse . toTPTP == id@ . - For the @.p@ files in the TPTP (v distribution's @PROBLEMS@ subtree which don't contain the string \"thf(\", @parse . toTPTP . parse == parse@ . Not yet implemented: The new /thf/ formula type. . category: Codec,Math,Theorem Provers author: Daniel Schüssler extra-source-files: testing/ testing/TestImportExportRandom.hs testing/TestImportExportImportFile.hs testing/PrettyPrintFile.hs testing/ParseRandom.hs tested-with: GHC==6.12.1 source-repository head type: darcs location: Library ghc-options: -Wall -O2 build-depends: base >=4 && < 5 , array , syb , containers , haskell98 , ansi-wl-pprint < 1.0 , QuickCheck >= 2 , utf8-prelude , mtl exposed-modules: Codec.TPTP.Import , Codec.TPTP.Base , Codec.TPTP , Codec.TPTP.Pretty , Codec.TPTP.Export , Codec.TPTP.Diff other-modules: Lexer , Parser , Codec.TPTP.QuickCheck