{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Data.Logic.Harrison.DP
    ( tests
    , dpll
    ) where

import Control.Applicative.Error (Failing(..))
import Data.Logic.Classes.Literal (Literal)
import Data.Logic.Classes.Negate (Negatable, (.~.), negated)
import Data.Logic.Classes.Propositional (PropositionalFormula(..))
import Data.Logic.Harrison.DefCNF (NumAtom(..), defcnfs)
import Data.Logic.Harrison.Lib (allpairs, maximize', minimize', defined, setmapfilter, (|->))
import Data.Logic.Harrison.Prop (negative, positive, trivial, tautology, cnf)
import Data.Logic.Harrison.PropExamples (Atom(..), N, prime)
import Data.Logic.Tests.HUnit
import Data.Logic.Types.Propositional (Formula(..))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set.Extra as Set

import Debug.Trace

instance NumAtom (Atom N) where
    ma n = P "p" n Nothing
    ai (P _ n _) = n

tests = convert (TestList [test01, test02, test03])

-- ========================================================================= 
-- The Davis-Putnam and Davis-Putnam-Loveland-Logemann procedures.           
-- Copyright (c) 2003-2007, John Harrison. (See "LICENSE.txt" for details.)  
-- ========================================================================= 

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-- The DP procedure.                                                         
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

one_literal_rule :: (Literal lit atom, Ord lit) => Set.Set (Set.Set lit) -> Failing (Set.Set (Set.Set lit))
one_literal_rule clauses =
    case Set.minView (Set.filter (\ cl -> Set.size cl == 1) clauses) of
      Nothing -> Failure ["one_literal_rule"]
      Just (s, _) ->
          let u = Set.findMin s in
          let u' = (.~.) u in
          let clauses1 = Set.filter (\ cl -> not (Set.member u cl)) clauses in
          Success (Set.map (\ cl -> Set.delete u' cl) clauses1)

affirmative_negative_rule :: (Literal lit atom, Ord lit) => Set.Set (Set.Set lit) -> Failing (Set.Set (Set.Set lit))
affirmative_negative_rule clauses =
  let (neg',pos) = Set.partition negative (Set.flatten clauses) in
  let neg = Set.map (.~.) neg' in
  let pos_only = Set.difference pos neg
      neg_only = Set.difference neg pos in
  let pure = Set.union pos_only (Set.map (.~.) neg_only) in
  if Set.null pure
  then Failure ["affirmative_negative_rule"]
  else Success (Set.filter (\ cl -> Set.null (Set.intersection cl pure)) clauses)

resolve_on :: forall lit atom. (Literal lit atom, Ord lit) =>
              lit -> Set.Set (Set.Set lit) -> Set.Set (Set.Set lit)
resolve_on p clauses =
  let p' = (.~.) p
      (pos,notpos) = Set.partition (Set.member p) clauses in
  let (neg,other) = Set.partition (Set.member p') notpos in
  let pos' = Set.map (Set.filter (\ l -> l /= p)) pos
      neg' = Set.map (Set.filter (\ l -> l /= p')) neg in
  let res0 = allpairs Set.union pos' neg' in
  Set.union other (Set.filter (not . trivial) res0)

resolution_blowup :: forall formula. (Negatable formula, Ord formula) =>
                     Set.Set (Set.Set formula) -> formula -> Int
resolution_blowup cls l =
  let m = Set.size (Set.filter (Set.member l) cls)
      n = Set.size (Set.filter (Set.member ((.~.) l)) cls) in
  m * n - m - n

resolution_rule :: forall lit atom. (Literal lit atom, Ord lit) =>
                   Set.Set (Set.Set lit) -> Failing (Set.Set (Set.Set lit))
resolution_rule clauses =
    let pvs = Set.filter positive (Set.flatten clauses) in
    case minimize' (resolution_blowup clauses) pvs of
      Just p -> Success (resolve_on p clauses)
      Nothing -> Failure ["resolution_rule"]

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-- Overall procedure.                                                        
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

dp :: forall lit atom. (Literal lit atom, Ord lit) => Set.Set (Set.Set lit) -> Failing Bool        
dp clauses =
  if Set.null clauses
  then Success True
  else if Set.member Set.empty clauses
       then Success False
       else case one_literal_rule clauses >>= dp of
              Success x -> Success x
              Failure _ ->
                  case affirmative_negative_rule clauses >>= dp of
                    Success x -> Success x
                    Failure _ -> resolution_rule clauses >>= dp

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-- Davis-Putnam satisfiability tester and tautology checker.                 
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

dpsat :: forall pf atom. (PropositionalFormula pf atom, Literal pf atom, NumAtom atom, Ord pf) => pf -> Failing Bool
dpsat fm = dp (defcnfs fm :: Set.Set (Set.Set pf))

dptaut :: forall pf atom. (PropositionalFormula pf atom, Literal pf atom, NumAtom atom, Ord pf) => pf -> Failing Bool
dptaut fm = dpsat((.~.) fm) >>= return . not

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-- Examples.                                                                 
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

test01 = TestCase (assertEqual "dptaut(prime 11)" (Success True) (dptaut(prime 11 :: Formula (Atom N)))) 

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-- The same thing but with the DPLL procedure.                               
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

posneg_count :: forall formula. (Negatable formula, Ord formula) =>
                Set.Set (Set.Set formula) -> formula -> Int
posneg_count cls l =                         
  let m = Set.size(Set.filter (Set.member l) cls)                 
      n = Set.size(Set.filter (Set.member ((.~.) l)) cls) in
  m + n                                  

dpll :: forall lit atom. (Literal lit atom, Ord lit) =>
        Set.Set (Set.Set lit) -> Failing Bool
dpll clauses =       
  if clauses == Set.empty
  then Success True
  else if Set.member Set.empty clauses
       then Success False
       else case one_literal_rule clauses >>= dpll of
              Success x -> Success x
              Failure _ ->
                  case affirmative_negative_rule clauses >>= dpll of
                    Success x -> Success x
                    Failure _ ->
                        let pvs = Set.filter positive (Set.flatten clauses) in
                        case maximize' (posneg_count clauses) pvs of
                          Nothing -> Failure ["dpll"]
                          Just p -> 
                              case (dpll (Set.insert (Set.singleton p) clauses), dpll (Set.insert (Set.singleton ((.~.) p)) clauses)) of
                                (Success a, Success b) -> Success (a || b)
                                (Failure a, Failure b) -> Failure (a ++ b)
                                (Failure a, _) -> Failure a
                                (_, Failure b) -> Failure b

dpllsat :: forall pf. (PropositionalFormula pf (Atom N), Literal pf (Atom N), Ord pf) =>
           pf -> Failing Bool
dpllsat fm = dpll(defcnfs fm :: Set.Set (Set.Set pf))

dplltaut :: forall pf. (PropositionalFormula pf (Atom N), Literal pf (Atom N), Ord pf) =>
            pf -> Failing Bool
dplltaut fm = dpllsat ((.~.) fm) >>= return . not

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-- Example.                                                                  
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

test02 = TestCase (assertEqual "dplltaut(prime 11)" (Success True) (dplltaut(prime 11 :: Formula (Atom N)))) 

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-- Iterative implementation with explicit trail instead of recursion.        
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

data TrailMix = Guessed | Deduced deriving (Eq, Ord)

unassigned :: forall formula. (Negatable formula, Ord formula) =>
              Set.Set (Set.Set formula) -> Set.Set (formula, TrailMix) -> Set.Set formula
unassigned cls trail =
    Set.difference (Set.flatten (Set.map (Set.map litabs) cls)) (Set.map (litabs . fst) trail)
    where litabs p = if negated p then (.~.) p else p

unit_subpropagate :: forall formula. (Negatable formula, Ord formula) =>
                     (Set.Set (Set.Set formula), Map.Map formula (), Set.Set (formula, TrailMix))
                  -> (Set.Set (Set.Set formula), Map.Map formula (), Set.Set (formula, TrailMix))
unit_subpropagate (cls,fn,trail) =
  let cls' = Set.map (Set.filter (not . defined fn . (.~.))) cls in
  let uu cs =
          case Set.minView cs of
            Nothing -> Failure ["unit_subpropagate"]
            Just (c, _) -> if Set.size cs == 1 && not (defined fn c)
                           then Success cs
                           else Failure ["unit_subpropagate"] in
  let newunits = Set.flatten (setmapfilter uu cls') in
  if Set.null newunits then (cls',fn,trail) else
  let trail' = Set.fold (\ p t -> Set.insert (p,Deduced) t) trail newunits
      fn' = Set.fold (\ u -> (u |-> ())) fn newunits in
  unit_subpropagate (cls',fn',trail')

unit_propagate :: forall t. (Negatable t, Ord t) =>
                  (Set.Set (Set.Set t), Set.Set (t, TrailMix))
               -> (Set.Set (Set.Set t), Set.Set (t, TrailMix))
unit_propagate (cls,trail) =
  let fn = Set.fold (\ (x,_) -> (x |-> ())) Map.empty trail in
  let (cls',fn',trail') = unit_subpropagate (cls,fn,trail) in (cls',trail')

backtrack :: forall t. Set.Set (t, TrailMix) -> Set.Set (t, TrailMix)
backtrack trail =
  case Set.minView trail of
    Just ((p,Deduced), tt) -> backtrack tt
    _ -> trail

dpli :: forall atomic pf. (PropositionalFormula pf atomic, Ord pf) =>
        Set.Set (Set.Set pf) -> Set.Set (pf, TrailMix) -> Failing Bool
dpli cls trail =
  let (cls', trail') = unit_propagate (cls, trail) in
  if Set.member Set.empty cls' then
    case Set.minView trail of
      Just ((p,Guessed), tt) -> dpli cls (Set.insert ((.~.) p, Deduced) tt)
      _ -> Success False
      case unassigned cls (trail' :: Set.Set (pf, TrailMix)) of
        s | Set.null s -> Success True
        ps -> case maximize' (posneg_count cls') ps of
                Just p -> dpli cls (Set.insert (p :: pf, Guessed) trail')
                Nothing -> Failure ["dpli"]

dplisat :: forall pf atom. (PropositionalFormula pf atom, Literal pf atom, NumAtom atom, Ord pf) =>
           pf -> Failing Bool
dplisat fm = dpli (defcnfs fm :: Set.Set (Set.Set pf)) Set.empty

dplitaut :: forall pf atom. (PropositionalFormula pf atom, Literal pf atom, NumAtom atom, Ord pf) =>
            pf -> Failing Bool
dplitaut fm = dplisat((.~.) fm) >>= return . not

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-- With simple non-chronological backjumping and learning.                   
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

backjump :: forall a. (Negatable a, Ord a) =>
            Set.Set (Set.Set a) -> a -> Set.Set (a, TrailMix) -> Set.Set (a, TrailMix)
backjump cls p trail =
  case Set.minView (backtrack trail) of
    Just ((q,Guessed), tt) ->
        let (cls',trail') = unit_propagate (cls, Set.insert (p,Guessed) tt) in
        if Set.member Set.empty cls' then backjump cls p tt else trail
    _ -> trail

dplb :: forall a. (Negatable a, Ord a) =>
        Set.Set (Set.Set a) -> Set.Set (a, TrailMix) -> Failing Bool
dplb cls trail =
  let (cls',trail') = unit_propagate (cls,trail) in
  if Set.member Set.empty cls' then
    case Set.minView (backtrack trail) of
      Just ((p,Guessed), tt) ->
        let trail'' = backjump cls p tt in
        let declits = Set.filter (\ (_,d) -> d == Guessed) trail'' in
        let conflict = Set.insert ((.~.) p) (Set.map ((.~.) . fst) declits) in
        dplb (Set.insert conflict cls) (Set.insert ((.~.) p,Deduced) trail'')
      _ -> Success False
    case unassigned cls trail' of
      s | Set.null s -> Success True
      ps -> case maximize' (posneg_count cls') ps of
              Just p -> dplb cls (Set.insert (p,Guessed) trail')
              Nothing -> Failure ["dpib"]
dplbsat :: forall pf atom. (PropositionalFormula pf atom, Literal pf atom, NumAtom atom, Ord pf) =>
           pf -> Failing Bool
dplbsat fm = dplb (defcnfs fm :: Set.Set (Set.Set pf)) Set.empty

dplbtaut :: forall pf atom. (PropositionalFormula pf atom, Literal pf atom, NumAtom atom, Ord pf) =>
            pf -> Failing Bool
dplbtaut fm = dplbsat((.~.) fm) >>= return . not

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-- Examples.                                                                 
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

test03 = TestList [TestCase (assertEqual "dplitaut(prime 101)" (Success True) (dplitaut(prime 101 :: Formula (Atom N)))),
                   TestCase (assertEqual "dplbtaut(prime 101)" (Success True) (dplbtaut(prime 101 :: Formula (Atom N))))]