-- | A module which provides an way to query XML exports of Jbovlaste.

{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}

module Lojban.Jbovlaste 
    (-- * Types
    -- * Opening
    -- * Querying
    -- * Inspection

import Prelude hiding (readFile,elem)
import System.IO.Strict (readFile)
import Text.XML.Light.Input
import Text.XML.Light.Types
import Text.XML.Light.Proc
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List hiding (elem)
import Data.Char
import Data.Function
import Lojban.Lujvo

-- | Open an XML export of Jbovlaste for querying (strictly).
openJbovlaste :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe JbovlasteDB)
openJbovlaste path = (JDB path <$>) <$> parseXMLDoc <$> readFile path

-- | Find the selrafsis of a lujvo.
selrafsis :: JbovlasteDB -> String -> [String]
selrafsis db = map fromJust . catMaybes . map ((entryWord <$>) . selrafsi db . show) . rafsis

-- | Filter entries according to a predicate.
filterEntries :: JbovlasteDB -> (JbovlasteEntry -> Bool) -> [JbovlasteEntry]
filterEntries db f = (entry db <$>) . filterElements (f . entry db) $ elem db

-- | Find (maybe) a valsi by rafsi.
selrafsi :: JbovlasteDB -> String -> Maybe JbovlasteEntry
selrafsi db t = entry db <$> filterElement match (elem db) where
    match e | any ((==t) . strContent) $ findChildren (name "rafsi") e = True
            | length t' >= 4 && isPrefixOf t (fromMaybe "" $ attr "word" e) 
              && (attr "type" e == Just "gismu" || attr "type" e == Just "cmavo") = True
            | otherwise = False
    t' = filter (/='\'') t

-- | Find valsi(s) by selma'o.
selma'o :: JbovlasteDB -> String -> [JbovlasteEntry]
selma'o db t = entry db <$> filterElements match (elem db) where
    match = any ((==lower t) . lower . strContent) . findChildren (name "selmaho")

-- | Find a valsi by searching for word or gloss, and
--   resolving gloss entries to valsi entries.
valsi :: JbovlasteDB -> String -> [JbovlasteEntry]
valsi db t = entry db <$> (resolve db $ filterElements match (elem db)) where
    match e | Just w <- attr "word" e = w == t
            | otherwise               = False

-- | Find valsis according to a predicate applied to the definition.
findByDef :: JbovlasteDB -> (String -> Bool) -> [JbovlasteEntry]
findByDef db t = entry db <$> filterElements match (elem db) where
    match = any (t . strContent) . findChildren (name "definition")

-- | Inspect an entry for the word.
entryWord :: JbovlasteEntry -> Maybe String
entryWord = attr "word" . entryElem

-- | Inspect an entry for the gloss.
entryGloss :: JbovlasteEntry -> Maybe String
entryGloss = _entryGloss

-- | What type of word is the entry?
entryType :: JbovlasteEntry -> JbovlasteEntryType
entryType e = case attr "type" $ entryElem e of
                Just "cmavo" -> Cmavo
                Just "lujvo" -> Lujvo
                Just "gismu" -> Gismu
                _ -> Other

-- Construct an entry.
entry db e = Entry e (gloss db e)

-- Find the gloss for a valsi.
gloss :: JbovlasteDB -> Element -> Maybe String
gloss db e = attr "word" =<< filterElement filter (elem db) where
    filter e' | elName e' == name "nlword"
              , attr "place" e' == Just "1" || attr "place" e' == Nothing
              , attr "valsi" e' == attr "word" e = True
              | otherwise                        = False

-- Resolve gloss words to their lojban valsi entries.
resolve :: JbovlasteDB -> [Element] -> [Element]
resolve db = map resolve where
    resolve e | elName e == name "nlword"
              , Just v <- attr "valsi" e = fromMaybe e $ findValsi db v
              | otherwise                = e

-- Find a valsi.
findValsi :: JbovlasteDB -> String -> Maybe Element
findValsi db w = filterElement match $ elem $ db where
    match e | elName e == name "valsi"
            , Just w' <- attr "word" e = w' == w
            | otherwise                = False

instance Show JbovlasteDB where
    show (JDB path _) = "JbovlasteDB: " ++ path

-- | Opaque data type to be operated on.
data JbovlasteDB = JDB { path :: FilePath, elem :: Element }

instance Show JbovlasteEntry where
    show (Entry e g) = thetype ++ word ++ selmaho ++ rafsi ++ gloss ++ def ++ notes where
      thetype = fromMaybe "" $ attr "type" e
      word = maybe "" (\w -> " {" ++ w ++ "}") $ attr "word" e
      selmaho = maybe "" selmaho' (strContent <$> findChild (name "selmaho") e)
      selmaho' e = ", of selma'o {" ++ e ++ "}"
      rafsi = rafsi' $ commas $ map strContent $ findChildren (name "rafsi") e
      rafsi' "" = ""
      rafsi' rs = " with rafsi {" ++ rs ++ "}"
      def = maybe "" (": "++) $ strContent <$> findChild (name "definition") e
      notes = maybe "" notes' $ strContent <$> findChild (name "notes") e
      notes' n = " (" ++ n ++ ")"
      gloss = maybe "" ((", glossing to {"++) . (++"}")) g

instance Eq JbovlasteEntry where
    x == y = ((==) `on` entryType) x y && ((==) `on` entryWord) x y

-- | Opaque data type for entries.
data JbovlasteEntry = Entry { entryElem :: Element, _entryGloss :: Maybe String }
data JbovlasteEntryType = Gismu | Cmavo | Lujvo | Other deriving (Eq,Show,Ord)

-- Utilities
-- Make a simple name.
name n = QName n Nothing Nothing
-- Find an attribute of a specific name.
attr = findAttr . name
-- Just separate a list by commas.
commas = concat . intersperse ", "
lower = map toLower