{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, FlexibleContexts, DataKinds, NoImplicitPrelude, RebindableSyntax, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-} module TensorTests (tensorTests) where import Harness.Cyc import Tests import Utils import TestTypes import Crypto.Lol import Crypto.Lol.CRTrans import Crypto.Lol.Cyclotomic.Tensor import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad.Random import Data.Maybe import Data.Singletons import Data.Promotion.Prelude.List import Data.Promotion.Prelude.Eq import Data.Singletons.TypeRepStar tensorTests = [testGroupM "fmapT comparison" $ applyBasic (Proxy::Proxy TMRParams) $ hideArgs prop_fmapT, testGroupM "fmap comparison" $ applyBasic (Proxy::Proxy TMRParams) $ hideArgs prop_fmap, testGroup "GInv.G == id" gInvGTests, testGroupM "CRTInv.CRT == id" $ applyBasic (Proxy::Proxy TMRParams) $ hideArgs prop_crt_inv, testGroupM "LInv.L == id" $ applyBasic (Proxy::Proxy TMRParams) $ hideArgs prop_l_inv, testGroupM "Scalar" $ applyBasic (Proxy::Proxy TMRParams) $ hideArgs prop_scalar_crt, testGroup "G commutes with L" gCommuteTests, testGroupM "Extension Mult" $ applyBasic (Proxy::Proxy ExtParams) $ hideArgs prop_mul_ext, testGroupM "GSqNormDec" $ applyLift (Proxy::Proxy NormParams) $ hideArgs prop_gsqnorm, testGroup "Tw.Em == id" tremTests, testGroup "Em commutes with L" embedCommuteTests, testGroup "Tw commutes with L" twaceCommuteTests, testGroup "Twace invariants" twaceInvarTests ] prop_fmapT :: (Tensor t, TElt t r, Fact m, Eq r) => t m r -> Test '(t,m,r) prop_fmapT x = test $ fmapT id x == x \\ witness entailEqT x \\ witness entailIndexT x prop_fmap :: (Tensor t, TElt t r, Fact m, Eq r) => t m r -> Test '(t,m,r) prop_fmap x = test $ (fmap id x) == x \\ witness entailEqT x \\ witness entailIndexT x -- divG . mulG == id in Pow basis prop_ginv_pow :: (Tensor t, TElt t r, Fact m, Eq r, Ring r, ZeroTestable r, IntegralDomain r) => t m r -> Test '(t,m,r) prop_ginv_pow x = test $ (fromMaybe (error "could not divide by G in prop_ginv_pow") $ divGPow $ mulGPow x) == x \\ witness entailEqT x -- divG . mulG == id in Dec basis prop_ginv_dec :: (Tensor t, TElt t r, Fact m, Eq r, Ring r, ZeroTestable r, IntegralDomain r) => t m r -> Test '(t,m,r) prop_ginv_dec x = test $ (fromMaybe (error "could not divide by G in prop_ginv_dec") $ divGDec $ mulGDec x) == x \\ witness entailEqT x -- divG . mulG == id in CRT basis prop_ginv_crt :: (Tensor t, TElt t r, Fact m, Eq r, ZeroTestable r, IntegralDomain r, CRTrans r) => t m r -> Test '(t,m,r) prop_ginv_crt x = test $ fromMaybe (error "no CRT in prop_ginv_crt") $ do divGCRT' <- divGCRT mulGCRT' <- mulGCRT return $ (divGCRT' $ mulGCRT' x) == x \\ witness entailEqT x gInvGTests = [ testGroupM "Pow basis" $ applyBasic (Proxy::Proxy TMRParams) $ hideArgs prop_ginv_pow, testGroupM "Dec basis" $ applyBasic (Proxy::Proxy TMRParams) $ hideArgs prop_ginv_dec, testGroupM "CRT basis" $ applyBasic (Proxy::Proxy TMRParams) $ hideArgs prop_ginv_crt] -- mulGDec == lInv. mulGPow . l prop_g_dec :: (Tensor t, Ring r, Fact m, TElt t r, Eq r) => t m r -> Test '(t,m,r) prop_g_dec x = test $ (mulGDec x) == (lInv $ mulGPow $ l x) \\ witness entailEqT x prop_g_crt :: (Tensor t, TElt t r, Fact m, Eq r, ZeroTestable r, IntegralDomain r, CRTrans r) => t m r -> Test '(t,m,r) prop_g_crt x = test $ fromMaybe (error "no CRT in prop_g_crt") $ do mulGCRT' <- mulGCRT crt' <- crt crtInv' <- crtInv return $ (mulGCRT' x) == (crt' $ mulGPow $ crtInv' x) \\ witness entailEqT x gCommuteTests = [ testGroupM "Dec basis" $ applyBasic (Proxy::Proxy TMRParams) $ hideArgs prop_g_dec, testGroupM "CRT basis" $ applyBasic (Proxy::Proxy TMRParams) $ hideArgs prop_g_crt] -- crtInv . crt == id prop_crt_inv :: (Tensor t, TElt t r, Fact m, Eq r, ZeroTestable r, IntegralDomain r, CRTrans r) => t m r -> Test '(t,m,r) prop_crt_inv x = test $ fromMaybe (error "no CRT in prop_crt_inv") $ do crt' <- crt crtInv' <- crtInv return $ (crtInv' $ crt' x) == x \\ witness entailEqT x -- lInv . l == id prop_l_inv :: (Tensor t, Ring r, Eq r, Fact m, TElt t r) => t m r -> Test '(t,m,r) prop_l_inv x = test $ (lInv $ l x) == x \\ witness entailEqT x -- scalarCRT = crt . scalarPow prop_scalar_crt :: forall t m r . (Tensor t, TElt t r, Fact m, Eq r, ZeroTestable r, IntegralDomain r, CRTrans r) => r -> Test '(t,m,r) prop_scalar_crt r = test $ fromMaybe (error "no CRT in prop_scalar_crt") $ do scalarCRT' <- scalarCRT crt' <- crt return $ (scalarCRT' r :: t m r) == (crt' $ scalarPow r) \\ proxy entailEqT (Proxy::Proxy (t m r)) -- tests that multiplication in the extension ring matches CRT multiplication prop_mul_ext :: forall t m r . (Tensor t, Fact m, TElt t r, TElt t (CRTExt r), CRTrans r, CRTEmbed r, Ring r, Eq r) => t m r -> t m r -> Test '(t,m,r) prop_mul_ext x y = test $ let m = proxy valueFact (Proxy::Proxy m) in case (crtInfo m :: Maybe (CRTInfo r)) of Nothing -> error "mul have a CRT to call prop_mul_ext" Just _ -> (let z = zipWithT (*) x y z' = fmapT fromExt $ zipWithT (*) (fmapT toExt x) (fmapT toExt y) in z == z') \\ witness entailEqT x \\ witness entailIndexT x type NormCtx t m r = (TElt t r, TElt t (LiftOf r), Fact m, Lift' r, CRTrans r, Eq (LiftOf r), ZeroTestable r, Ring (LiftOf r), Ring r, IntegralDomain r) type NormWrapCtx m r = (NormCtx CT m r, NormCtx RT m r) -- tests that gSqNormDec of two "random-looking" vectors agrees for RT and CT -- t is a dummy param prop_gsqnorm :: forall t m r . (NormWrapCtx m r, NormCtx t m r) => r -> Test '(t,m,r) prop_gsqnorm x = test $ let crtCT = fromJust crt crtRT = fromJust crt -- not mathematically meaningful, we just need some "random" coefficients ct = fmapT lift (mulGDec $ lInv $ crtCT $ scalarPow x :: CT m r) rt = fmapT lift (mulGDec $ lInv $ crtRT $ scalarPow x :: RT m r) in gSqNormDec ct == gSqNormDec rt type TMM'RCtx t m m' r = (Tensor t, m `Divides` m', TElt t r, Ring r, CRTrans r, Eq r, ZeroTestable r, IntegralDomain r) -- groups related tests tremTests = [ testGroupM "Pow basis" $ applyTwoIdx (Proxy::Proxy TrEmParams) $ hideArgs prop_trem_pow, testGroupM "Dec basis" $ applyTwoIdx (Proxy::Proxy TrEmParams) $ hideArgs prop_trem_dec, testGroupM "CRT basis" $ applyTwoIdx (Proxy::Proxy TrEmParams) $ hideArgs prop_trem_crt] -- tests that twace . embed == id in the Pow basis prop_trem_pow :: forall t m m' r . (TMM'RCtx t m m' r) => t m r -> Test '(t,m,m',r) prop_trem_pow x = test $ (twacePowDec $ (embedPow x :: t m' r)) == x \\ witness entailEqT x -- tests that twace . embed == id in the Dec basis prop_trem_dec :: forall t m m' r . (TMM'RCtx t m m' r) => t m r -> Test '(t,m,m',r) prop_trem_dec x = test $ (twacePowDec $ (embedDec x :: t m' r)) == x \\ witness entailEqT x -- tests that twace . embed == id in the CRT basis prop_trem_crt :: forall t m m' r . (TMM'RCtx t m m' r) => t m r -> Test '(t,m,m',r) prop_trem_crt x = test $ fromMaybe (error "no CRT in prop_trem_crt") $ (x==) <$> (twaceCRT <*> (embedCRT <*> pure x :: Maybe (t m' r))) \\ witness entailEqT x embedCommuteTests = [ testGroupM "Dec basis" $ applyTwoIdx (Proxy::Proxy TrEmParams) $ hideArgs prop_embed_dec, testGroupM "CRT basis" $ applyTwoIdx (Proxy::Proxy TrEmParams) $ hideArgs prop_embed_crt] -- embedDec == lInv . embedPow . l prop_embed_dec :: forall t m m' r . (TMM'RCtx t m m' r) => t m r -> Test '(t,m,m',r) prop_embed_dec x = test $ (embedDec x :: t m' r) == (lInv $ embedPow $ l x) \\ proxy entailEqT (Proxy::Proxy (t m' r)) -- embedCRT = crt . embedPow . crtInv prop_embed_crt :: forall t m m' r . (TMM'RCtx t m m' r) => t m r -> Test '(t,m,m',r) prop_embed_crt x = test $ fromMaybe (error "no CRT in prop_embed_crt") $ do crt' <- crt crtInv' <- crtInv embedCRT' <- embedCRT return $ (embedCRT' x :: t m' r) == (crt' $ embedPow $ crtInv' x) \\ proxy entailEqT (Proxy::Proxy (t m' r)) twaceCommuteTests = [ testGroupM "Dec basis" $ applyTwoIdx (Proxy::Proxy TrEmParams) $ hideArgs prop_twace_dec, testGroupM "CRT basis" $ applyTwoIdx (Proxy::Proxy TrEmParams) $ hideArgs prop_twace_crt] -- twacePowDec = lInv . twacePowDec . l prop_twace_dec :: forall t m m' r . (TMM'RCtx t m m' r) => t m' r -> Test '(t,m,m',r) prop_twace_dec x = test $ (twacePowDec x :: t m r) == (lInv $ twacePowDec $ l x) \\ proxy entailEqT (Proxy::Proxy (t m r)) -- twaceCRT = crt . twacePowDec . crtInv prop_twace_crt :: forall t m m' r . (TMM'RCtx t m m' r) => t m' r -> Test '(t,m,m',r) prop_twace_crt x = test $ fromMaybe (error "no CRT in prop_trace_crt") $ do twaceCRT' <- twaceCRT crt' <- crt crtInv' <- crtInv return $ (twaceCRT' x :: t m r) == (crt' $ twacePowDec $ crtInv' x) \\ proxy entailEqT (Proxy::Proxy (t m r)) twaceInvarTests = [ testGroupM "Tw and Em ID for equal indices" $ applyBasic (Proxy::Proxy TMRParams) $ hideArgs prop_twEmID, testGroupM "Invar1 Pow basis" $ applyTwoIdx (Proxy::Proxy TrEmParams) $ hideArgs prop_twace_invar1_pow, testGroupM "Invar1 Dec basis" $ applyTwoIdx (Proxy::Proxy TrEmParams) $ hideArgs prop_twace_invar1_dec, testGroupM "Invar1 CRT basis" $ applyTwoIdx (Proxy::Proxy TrEmParams) $ hideArgs prop_twace_invar1_crt, testGroupM "Invar2 Pow/Dec basis" $ applyTwoIdx (Proxy::Proxy TrEmParams) $ hideArgs prop_twace_invar2_powdec, testGroupM "Invar2 CRT basis" $ applyTwoIdx (Proxy::Proxy TrEmParams) $ hideArgs prop_twace_invar2_crt ] prop_twEmID :: forall t m r . (Tensor t, TElt t r, CRTrans r, Fact m, m `Divides` m, Eq r, ZeroTestable r, IntegralDomain r) => t m r -> Test '(t,m,r) prop_twEmID x = test $ ((twacePowDec x) == x) && (((fromMaybe (error "twemid_crt") twaceCRT) x) == x) && ((embedPow x) == x) && ((embedDec x) == x) && (((fromMaybe (error "twemid_crt") embedCRT) x) == x) \\ witness entailEqT x -- twace mhat'/g' = mhat*totm'/totm/g (Pow basis) prop_twace_invar1_pow :: forall t m m' r . (TMM'RCtx t m m' r) => Test '(t,m,m',r) prop_twace_invar1_pow = test $ fromMaybe (error "could not divide by G in prop_twace_invar1_pow") $ do let mhat = proxy valueHatFact (Proxy::Proxy m) mhat' = proxy valueHatFact (Proxy::Proxy m') totm = proxy totientFact (Proxy::Proxy m) totm' = proxy totientFact (Proxy::Proxy m') output :: t m r <- divGPow $ scalarPow $ fromIntegral $ mhat * totm' `div` totm input :: t m' r <- divGPow $ scalarPow $ fromIntegral mhat' return $ (twacePowDec input) == output \\ proxy entailEqT (Proxy::Proxy (t m r)) -- twace mhat'/g' = mhat*totm'/totm/g (Dec basis) prop_twace_invar1_dec :: forall t m m' r . (TMM'RCtx t m m' r) => Test '(t,m,m',r) prop_twace_invar1_dec = test $ fromMaybe (error "could not divide by G in prop_twace_invar1_dec") $ do let mhat = proxy valueHatFact (Proxy::Proxy m) mhat' = proxy valueHatFact (Proxy::Proxy m') totm = proxy totientFact (Proxy::Proxy m) totm' = proxy totientFact (Proxy::Proxy m') output :: t m r <- divGDec $ lInv $ scalarPow $ fromIntegral $ mhat * totm' `div` totm input :: t m' r <- divGDec $ lInv $ scalarPow $ fromIntegral mhat' return $ (twacePowDec input) == output \\ proxy entailEqT (Proxy::Proxy (t m r)) -- twace mhat'/g' = mhat*totm'/totm/g (CRT basis) prop_twace_invar1_crt :: forall t m m' r . (TMM'RCtx t m m' r) => Test '(t,m,m',r) prop_twace_invar1_crt = test $ fromMaybe (error "no CRT in prop_twace_invar1_crt") $ do let mhat = proxy valueHatFact (Proxy::Proxy m) mhat' = proxy valueHatFact (Proxy::Proxy m') totm = proxy totientFact (Proxy::Proxy m) totm' = proxy totientFact (Proxy::Proxy m') scalarCRT1 <- scalarCRT scalarCRT2 <- scalarCRT divGCRT1 <- divGCRT divGCRT2 <- divGCRT twaceCRT' <- twaceCRT let output :: t m r = divGCRT1 $ scalarCRT1 $ fromIntegral $ mhat * totm' `div` totm input :: t m' r = divGCRT2 $ scalarCRT2 $ fromIntegral mhat' return $ (twaceCRT' input) == output \\ proxy entailEqT (Proxy::Proxy (t m r)) -- twace preserves scalars in Pow/Dec basis prop_twace_invar2_powdec :: forall t m m' r . (TMM'RCtx t m m' r) => Test '(t,m,m',r) prop_twace_invar2_powdec = test $ let output = scalarPow $ one :: t m r input = scalarPow $ one :: t m' r in (twacePowDec input) == output \\ proxy entailEqT (Proxy::Proxy (t m r)) -- twace preserves scalars in Pow/Dec basis prop_twace_invar2_crt :: forall t m m' r . (TMM'RCtx t m m' r) => Test '(t,m,m',r) prop_twace_invar2_crt = test $ fromMaybe (error "no CRT in prop_twace_invar2_crt") $ do scalarCRT1 <- scalarCRT scalarCRT2 <- scalarCRT let input = scalarCRT1 one :: t m' r output = scalarCRT2 one :: t m r return $ (twacePowDec input) == output \\ proxy entailEqT (Proxy::Proxy (t m r)) type Tensors = '[CT,RT] type MRCombos = '[ '(F7, Zq 29), '(F12, SmoothZQ1), '(F1, Zq 17), '(F2, Zq 17), '(F4, Zq 17), '(F8, Zq 17), '(F21, Zq 8191), '(F42, Zq 8191), '(F42, ZQ1), '(F2, ZQ2), '(F3, ZQ2), '(F7, ZQ2), '(F6, ZQ2), '(F42, SmoothZQ3), '(F42, ZQ2), '(F89, Zq 179) ] -- we can't include a large modulus here because there is not enough -- precision in Doubles to handle the error type MRExtCombos = '[ '(F7, Zq 29), '(F1, Zq 17), '(F2, Zq 17), '(F4, Zq 17), '(F8, Zq 17), '(F21, Zq 8191), '(F42, Zq 8191), '(F42, ZQ1), '(F42, ZQ2), '(F89, Zq 179) ] type MM'RCombos = '[ '(F1, F7, Zq 29), '(F4, F12, Zq 536871001), '(F4, F12, SmoothZQ1), '(F2, F8, Zq 17), '(F8, F8, Zq 17), '(F2, F8, SmoothZQ1), '(F4, F8, Zq 17), '(F3, F21, Zq 8191), '(F7, F21, Zq 8191), '(F3, F42, Zq 8191), '(F3, F21, ZQ1), '(F7, F21, ZQ2), '(F3, F42, ZQ3) ] type TMRParams = ( '(,) <$> Tensors) <*> MRCombos type ExtParams = ( '(,) <$> Tensors) <*> MRExtCombos type TrEmParams = ( '(,) <$> Tensors) <*> MM'RCombos type NormParams = ( '(,) <$> '[RT]) <*> (Filter Liftable MRCombos) data Liftable :: TyFun (Factored, *) Bool -> * type instance Apply Liftable '(m,zq) = Int64 :== (LiftOf zq)