Changelog for lol project ================================ ---- * Support for serializing ring products, linear functions, and TypeReps. * Split previous lol package into separate tensor packages lol-cpp and lol-repa and utility packages lol-benches and lol-tests. * Moved test and benchmark code to packages lol-tests and lol-benches, respectively. * Simpler tests and benchmarks (though microbenchmarks might be slightly slower than * Fixed minor bug in IrreducibleChar2.hs * Moved tensor-specific instances (Elt, Unbox, etc) to tensor packages (lol-cpp and lol-repa). ---- * Updates to README. ---- * Benchmarks now compile. ---- * Dramatically improved CT performance using Haskell INLINE/INLINABLE pragmas. * Removed fmapTM from Tensor. * Removed valuePPs, totientPPs, radicalPPs, oddRadicalPPs from Factored. * K_q (i.e. base ring RRq) is now serialized with a discrete modulus. * Fixed a bug in UCyc.divG. The result is `divG` is now split into `divGPow` `divGDec`, and `divGCRTC`. * Added `UCycPC` type synonym to UCyc. * Added data-level interface for Factored. * Added Random instance for FiniteField. ---- * Added support for GHC 8.0, also compatible with 7.10.3 * Converted documentation to MathJax * Renamed Tensor.Matrix -> Tensor.Kron * Added Crypto.Lol.Types interface file ----- * Support for protocol-buffers * Support for reifying Factored types * Support for reals (RR) mod q * Replaced C backend with C++ backend * Renamed LatticePrelude -> Prelude * Added monad argument to CRTrans ----- * Added benchmarks * Better performance for C backend with RNS base ring * UCyc exposes bases as type for safety * Other safety improvements throughout * Easier index representation with TemplateHaskell * Split SymmSHE into new package lol-apps. ----- * Fixed bug in Box-Muller sampling routine. * Changed how we lift linear functions for better noise control. * Split entailment functions in Tensor. * Increased performance in FastCyc by better handling Sub constructors.