Overview of applications: * SymmBGV.hs gives an implementation of a BGV-style, symmetric-key, somewhat-homomorphic encryption scheme that is essentially equivalent to the one from the Ring-LWE toolkit paper [LPR'13]. * KeyHomomorphicPRF.hs gives an implementation of the key-homomorphic pseudorandom function from Banerjee and Peikert in Crypto 2014 [BP'14]. * HomomPRF provides an interface for the homomorphic evaluation of the [BP'14] PRF. An example using each application can be found in the 'examples' directory. Tests and benchmarks for SymmBGV and KeyHomomorphicPRF are provided in the 'tests' and 'benchmarks' directories. Tests and benchmarks for HomomPRF are included in the example for HomomPRF.