import Control.Monad (void, when) import Data.Default (def) import Network.MPD (withMPD, clear, status, stState) import Network.MPD.Commands.Extensions (toggle) import Options.Applicative import Options.Applicative.Help.Types (renderHelp) import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing) import System.Environment (getArgs, getProgName) import System.Exit (exitWith, exitSuccess, ExitCode(..)) import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr, SeekMode(..)) import System.Log.FastLogger ( newFileLoggerSet, newStdoutLoggerSet ) import System.Posix.Daemon import System.Posix.Files (stdFileMode) import System.Posix.IO ( fdWrite, createFile, setLock , LockRequest(..) ) import System.Posix.Process (getProcessID) import Web.Radio import qualified Web.Radio.Cmd as Cmd import Web.Radio.Douban import qualified Web.Radio.EightTracks as ET import Web.Radio.Jing import qualified Web.Radio.Reddit as Reddit data Options = Options { optCommand :: Command , optDaemon :: Bool } deriving (Eq, Show) data Command = CmdFM CmdSubCommand | DoubanFM DoubanSubCommand | EightTracks ETSubCommand | JingFM JingSubCommand | RedditFM RedditSubCommand | Status | Toggle | Kill deriving (Eq, Show) data CmdSubCommand = CmdListen String | CmdGenreList deriving (Eq, Show) data DoubanSubCommand = DoubanListen String | DoubanHot | DoubanTrending | DoubanSearch String deriving (Eq, Show) data ETSubCommand = ETListen String | ETFeatured | ETTrending | ETNewest | ETSearch String deriving (Eq, Show) data JingSubCommand = JingListen String deriving (Eq, Show) data RedditSubCommand = RedditListen String | RedditGenreList deriving (Eq, Show) type Keywords = String optParser :: Parser Options optParser = Options <$> subparser ( command "cmd" (info (helper <*> cmdOptions) (progDesc " commander")) <> command "douban" (info (helper <*> doubanOptions) (progDesc " commander")) <> command "8tracks" (info (helper <*> etOptions) (progDesc " commander")) <> command "jing" (info (helper <*> jingOptions) (progDesc " commander")) <> command "reddit" (info (helper <*> redditOptions) (progDesc " commander")) <> command "status" (info (pure Status) (progDesc "Show current status")) <> command "toggle" (info (pure Toggle) (progDesc "Toggles play/pause. Plays if stopped")) <> command "kill" (info (pure Kill) (progDesc "Kill the current running lord session")) ) <*> switch (long "no-daemon" <> help "Don't detach from console") main :: IO () main = do -- Make sure ~/.lord exists getLordDir >>= createDirectoryIfMissing False o <- execParser' $ info (helper <*> optParser) (fullDesc <> header "Lord: radio commander") let nodaemon = optDaemon o case optCommand o of CmdFM subCommand -> case subCommand of CmdListen genre -> listen nodaemon (Cmd.Genre genre) CmdGenreList -> Cmd.genres >>= Cmd.pprGenres DoubanFM subCommand -> case subCommand of DoubanListen key -> listen nodaemon (douban key) DoubanHot -> doubanHot DoubanTrending -> doubanTrending DoubanSearch key -> doubanSearch key EightTracks subCommand -> case subCommand of ETListen mId -> etListen nodaemon mId ETFeatured -> ET.featured >>= ET.pprMixes ETTrending -> ET.trending >>= ET.pprMixes ETNewest -> ET.newest >>= ET.pprMixes ETSearch key -> etSearch key JingFM (JingListen key) -> jingListen nodaemon key RedditFM subCommand -> case subCommand of RedditListen genre -> listen nodaemon (Reddit.Genre genre) RedditGenreList -> Reddit.genres >>= Reddit.pprGenres Status -> lordStatus Toggle -> void $ withMPD toggle Kill -> killLord -- Taken from Options.Applicative.Extra execParser' :: ParserInfo a -> IO a execParser' = customExecParser' (prefs idm) -- Taken from Options.Applicative.Extra customExecParser' :: ParserPrefs -> ParserInfo a -> IO a customExecParser' pprefs pinfo = do args <- getArgs -- My modification! -- Run lord with no args is equivalent to run lord status. when (null args) $ lordStatus >> exitSuccess case execParserPure pprefs pinfo args of Success a -> return a Failure failure -> do progn <- getProgName let (h, exit, cols) = execFailure failure progn case exit of ExitSuccess -> putStrLn $ renderHelp cols h _ -> hPutStrLn stderr $ renderHelp cols h exitWith exit CompletionInvoked compl -> do progn <- getProgName msg <- execCompletion compl progn putStr msg exitSuccess cmdOptions :: Parser Command cmdOptions = CmdFM <$> subparser ( command "listen" (info (helper <*> (CmdListen <$> argument str (metavar "GENRE"))) (progDesc "Provide genre to listen to")) <> command "genres" (info (pure CmdGenreList) (progDesc "List available genres")) ) doubanOptions :: Parser Command doubanOptions = DoubanFM <$> subparser ( command "listen" (info (helper <*> (DoubanListen <$> argument str ( metavar "[ | | | | ]"))) (progDesc "Provide channel_id/album_url/musician_url/musician_name/programme_url to listen to")) <> command "search" (info (helper <*> (DoubanSearch <$> argument str (metavar "KEYWORDS"))) (progDesc "Search channels")) <> command "hot" (info (pure DoubanHot) (progDesc "Hot channels")) <> command "trending" (info (pure DoubanTrending) (progDesc "Trending up channels")) ) etOptions :: Parser Command etOptions = EightTracks <$> subparser ( command "listen" (info (helper <*> (ETListen <$> argument str (metavar "[ | ]"))) (progDesc "Provide mix_id/mix_url to listen to")) <> command "featured" (info (pure ETFeatured) (progDesc "Featured mixes")) <> command "trending" (info (pure ETFeatured) (progDesc "Trending mixes")) <> command "newest" (info (pure ETFeatured) (progDesc "Newest mixes")) <> command "search" (info (helper <*> (ETSearch <$> argument str (metavar "KEYWORDS"))) (progDesc "Search mixes")) ) jingOptions :: Parser Command jingOptions = JingFM <$> subparser ( command "listen" (info (helper <*> (JingListen <$> argument str (metavar "KEYWORDS"))) (progDesc "Provide keywords to listen to")) ) redditOptions :: Parser Command redditOptions = RedditFM <$> subparser ( command "listen" (info (helper <*> (RedditListen <$> argument str (metavar "GENRE"))) (progDesc "Provide genre to listen to")) <> command "genres" (info (pure RedditGenreList) (progDesc "List available genres")) ) doubanHot :: IO () doubanHot = hot >>= pprChannels doubanTrending :: IO () doubanTrending = trending >>= pprChannels doubanSearch :: String -> IO () doubanSearch key = search key >>= pprChannels etListen :: Bool -> Keywords -> IO () etListen nodaemon k = do mId <- ET.getMixId k tok <- readToken ET.eight $ show mId case tok of Just tok' -> do putStrLn $ "Welcome back, " ++ ET.userName tok' listen nodaemon tok' _ -> do param <- login k :: IO (Param ET.EightTracks) listen nodaemon param etSearch :: String -> IO () etSearch key = key >>= ET.pprMixes jingListen :: Bool -> Keywords -> IO () jingListen nodaemon k = do tok <- readToken jing k case tok of Just tok' -> do putStrLn $ "Welcome back, " ++ nick tok' listen nodaemon tok' _ -> do param <- login k :: IO (Param Jing) listen nodaemon param listen :: Radio a => Bool -> Param a -> IO () listen nodaemon param = do -- mplayer backend won't work in daemon mode! st <- withMPD status nodaemon' <- case st of Right _ -> return nodaemon Left e -> print e >> putStrLn "Lord will run in foreground" >> return True pid <- getPidFile logger <- if nodaemon' then newStdoutLoggerSet 0 else getLogFile >>= newFileLoggerSet 0 let listen' = play logger param [] running <- isRunning pid when running $ killAndWait pid if nodaemon' then runInForeground pid listen' else runDetached (Just pid) def listen' -- Partially taken from System.Posix.Daemon module runInForeground :: FilePath -> IO () -> IO () runInForeground pidFile program = do fd <- createFile pidFile stdFileMode setLock fd (WriteLock, AbsoluteSeek, 0, 0) pid <- getProcessID fdWrite fd (show pid) program killLord :: IO () killLord = withMPD clear >> getPidFile >>= kill lordStatus :: IO () lordStatus = do running <- getPidFile >>= isRunning myStatus <- if running then do st <- fmap stState <$> withMPD status let state = case st of Right s -> show s Left err -> error $ show err song <- getStateFile >>= readFile return $ "[" ++ state ++ "] " ++ song else return "Not running!" putStrLn myStatus