{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-} -- So we can keep using the old prettyprinter modules (which have a better -- compatibility range) for now. {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deprecations #-} {- | This is an example language server built with haskell-lsp using a 'Reactor' design. With a 'Reactor' all requests are handled on a /single thread/. A thread is spun up for it, which repeatedly reads from a 'TChan' of 'ReactorInput's. The `lsp` handlers then simply pass on all the requests and notifications onto the channel via 'ReactorInput's. This way there is the option of executing requests on multiple threads, without blocking server communication. To try out this server, install it with > cabal install lsp-demo-reactor-server -fdemo and plug it into your client of choice. -} module Main (main) where import Colog.Core (LogAction (..), Severity (..), WithSeverity (..), (<&)) import Colog.Core qualified as L import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan import Control.Exception qualified as E import Control.Lens hiding (Iso) import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.STM import Data.Aeson qualified as J import Data.Int (Int32) import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Language.LSP.Diagnostics import Language.LSP.Logging (defaultClientLogger) import Language.LSP.Protocol.Lens qualified as LSP import Language.LSP.Protocol.Message qualified as LSP import Language.LSP.Protocol.Types qualified as LSP import Language.LSP.Server import Language.LSP.VFS import System.Exit import System.IO -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Eta reduce" :: String) #-} {-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Redundant do" :: String) #-} {-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Reduce duplication" :: String) #-} -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- main :: IO () main = do run >>= \case 0 -> exitSuccess c -> exitWith . ExitFailure $ c -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- data Config = Config {fooTheBar :: Bool, wibbleFactor :: Int} deriving (Generic, J.ToJSON, J.FromJSON, Show) run :: IO Int run = flip E.catches handlers $ do rin <- atomically newTChan :: IO (TChan ReactorInput) let -- Three loggers: -- 1. To stderr -- 2. To the client (filtered by severity) -- 3. To both stderrLogger :: LogAction IO (WithSeverity T.Text) stderrLogger = L.cmap show L.logStringStderr clientLogger :: LogAction (LspM Config) (WithSeverity T.Text) clientLogger = defaultClientLogger dualLogger :: LogAction (LspM Config) (WithSeverity T.Text) dualLogger = clientLogger <> L.hoistLogAction liftIO stderrLogger serverDefinition = ServerDefinition { defaultConfig = Config{fooTheBar = False, wibbleFactor = 0} , parseConfig = \_old v -> do case J.fromJSON v of J.Error e -> Left (T.pack e) J.Success cfg -> Right cfg , onConfigChange = const $ pure () , configSection = "demo" , doInitialize = \env _ -> forkIO (reactor stderrLogger rin) >> pure (Right env) , -- Handlers log to both the client and stderr staticHandlers = \_caps -> lspHandlers dualLogger rin , interpretHandler = \env -> Iso (runLspT env) liftIO , options = lspOptions } let logToText = T.pack . show . pretty runServerWithHandles -- Log to both the client and stderr when we can, stderr beforehand (L.cmap (fmap logToText) stderrLogger) (L.cmap (fmap logToText) dualLogger) stdin stdout serverDefinition where handlers = [ E.Handler ioExcept , E.Handler someExcept ] ioExcept (e :: E.IOException) = print e >> return 1 someExcept (e :: E.SomeException) = print e >> return 1 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- syncOptions :: LSP.TextDocumentSyncOptions syncOptions = LSP.TextDocumentSyncOptions { LSP._openClose = Just True , LSP._change = Just LSP.TextDocumentSyncKind_Incremental , LSP._willSave = Just False , LSP._willSaveWaitUntil = Just False , LSP._save = Just $ LSP.InR $ LSP.SaveOptions $ Just False } lspOptions :: Options lspOptions = defaultOptions { optTextDocumentSync = Just syncOptions , optExecuteCommandCommands = Just ["lsp-hello-command"] } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The reactor is a process that serialises and buffers all requests from the -- LSP client, so they can be sent to the backend compiler one at a time, and a -- reply sent. newtype ReactorInput = ReactorAction (IO ()) {- | Analyze the file and send any diagnostics to the client in a "textDocument/publishDiagnostics" notification -} sendDiagnostics :: LSP.NormalizedUri -> Maybe Int32 -> LspM Config () sendDiagnostics fileUri version = do let diags = [ LSP.Diagnostic (LSP.Range (LSP.Position 0 1) (LSP.Position 0 5)) (Just LSP.DiagnosticSeverity_Warning) -- severity Nothing -- code Nothing (Just "lsp-hello") -- source "Example diagnostic message" Nothing -- tags (Just []) Nothing ] publishDiagnostics 100 fileUri version (partitionBySource diags) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | The single point that all events flow through, allowing management of state to stitch replies and requests together from the two asynchronous sides: lsp server and backend compiler -} reactor :: L.LogAction IO (WithSeverity T.Text) -> TChan ReactorInput -> IO () reactor logger inp = do logger <& "Started the reactor" `WithSeverity` Info forever $ do ReactorAction act <- atomically $ readTChan inp act {- | Check if we have a handler, and if we create a haskell-lsp handler to pass it as input into the reactor -} lspHandlers :: (m ~ LspM Config) => L.LogAction m (WithSeverity T.Text) -> TChan ReactorInput -> Handlers m lspHandlers logger rin = mapHandlers goReq goNot (handle logger) where goReq :: forall (a :: LSP.Method LSP.ClientToServer LSP.Request). Handler (LspM Config) a -> Handler (LspM Config) a goReq f = \msg k -> do env <- getLspEnv liftIO $ atomically $ writeTChan rin $ ReactorAction (runLspT env $ f msg k) goNot :: forall (a :: LSP.Method LSP.ClientToServer LSP.Notification). Handler (LspM Config) a -> Handler (LspM Config) a goNot f = \msg -> do env <- getLspEnv liftIO $ atomically $ writeTChan rin $ ReactorAction (runLspT env $ f msg) -- | Where the actual logic resides for handling requests and notifications. handle :: (m ~ LspM Config) => L.LogAction m (WithSeverity T.Text) -> Handlers m handle logger = mconcat [ notificationHandler LSP.SMethod_Initialized $ \_msg -> do logger <& "Processing the Initialized notification" `WithSeverity` Info -- We're initialized! Lets send a showMessageRequest now let params = LSP.ShowMessageRequestParams LSP.MessageType_Warning "What's your favourite language extension?" (Just [LSP.MessageActionItem "Rank2Types", LSP.MessageActionItem "NPlusKPatterns"]) void $ sendRequest LSP.SMethod_WindowShowMessageRequest params $ \res -> case res of Left e -> logger <& ("Got an error: " <> T.pack (show e)) `WithSeverity` Error Right _ -> do sendNotification LSP.SMethod_WindowShowMessage (LSP.ShowMessageParams LSP.MessageType_Info "Excellent choice") -- We can dynamically register a capability once the user accepts it sendNotification LSP.SMethod_WindowShowMessage (LSP.ShowMessageParams LSP.MessageType_Info "Turning on code lenses dynamically") let regOpts = LSP.CodeLensRegistrationOptions (LSP.InR LSP.Null) Nothing (Just False) void $ registerCapability mempty LSP.SMethod_TextDocumentCodeLens regOpts $ \_req responder -> do logger <& "Processing a textDocument/codeLens request" `WithSeverity` Info let cmd = LSP.Command "Say hello" "lsp-hello-command" Nothing rsp = [LSP.CodeLens (LSP.mkRange 0 0 0 100) (Just cmd) Nothing] responder (Right $ LSP.InL rsp) , notificationHandler LSP.SMethod_TextDocumentDidOpen $ \msg -> do let doc = msg ^. LSP.params . LSP.textDocument . LSP.uri fileName = LSP.uriToFilePath doc logger <& ("Processing DidOpenTextDocument for: " <> T.pack (show fileName)) `WithSeverity` Info sendDiagnostics (LSP.toNormalizedUri doc) (Just 0) , notificationHandler LSP.SMethod_WorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration $ \msg -> do cfg <- getConfig logger L.<& ("Configuration changed: " <> T.pack (show (msg, cfg))) `WithSeverity` Info sendNotification LSP.SMethod_WindowShowMessage $ LSP.ShowMessageParams LSP.MessageType_Info $ "Wibble factor set to " <> T.pack (show (wibbleFactor cfg)) , notificationHandler LSP.SMethod_TextDocumentDidChange $ \msg -> do let doc = msg ^. LSP.params . LSP.textDocument . LSP.uri . to LSP.toNormalizedUri logger <& ("Processing DidChangeTextDocument for: " <> T.pack (show doc)) `WithSeverity` Info mdoc <- getVirtualFile doc case mdoc of Just (VirtualFile _version str _) -> do logger <& ("Found the virtual file: " <> T.pack (show str)) `WithSeverity` Info Nothing -> do logger <& ("Didn't find anything in the VFS for: " <> T.pack (show doc)) `WithSeverity` Info , notificationHandler LSP.SMethod_TextDocumentDidSave $ \msg -> do let doc = msg ^. LSP.params . LSP.textDocument . LSP.uri fileName = LSP.uriToFilePath doc logger <& ("Processing DidSaveTextDocument for: " <> T.pack (show fileName)) `WithSeverity` Info sendDiagnostics (LSP.toNormalizedUri doc) Nothing , requestHandler LSP.SMethod_TextDocumentRename $ \req responder -> do logger <& "Processing a textDocument/rename request" `WithSeverity` Info let params = req ^. LSP.params LSP.Position l c = params ^. LSP.position newName = params ^. LSP.newName vdoc <- getVersionedTextDoc (params ^. LSP.textDocument) -- Replace some text at the position with what the user entered let edit = LSP.InL $ LSP.TextEdit (LSP.mkRange l c l (c + fromIntegral (T.length newName))) newName tde = LSP.TextDocumentEdit (LSP._versionedTextDocumentIdentifier # vdoc) [edit] -- "documentChanges" field is preferred over "changes" rsp = LSP.WorkspaceEdit Nothing (Just [LSP.InL tde]) Nothing responder (Right $ LSP.InL rsp) , requestHandler LSP.SMethod_TextDocumentHover $ \req responder -> do logger <& "Processing a textDocument/hover request" `WithSeverity` Info let LSP.HoverParams _doc pos _workDone = req ^. LSP.params LSP.Position _l _c' = pos rsp = LSP.Hover ms (Just range) ms = LSP.InL $ LSP.mkMarkdown "Your type info here!" range = LSP.Range pos pos responder (Right $ LSP.InL rsp) , requestHandler LSP.SMethod_TextDocumentDocumentSymbol $ \req responder -> do logger <& "Processing a textDocument/documentSymbol request" `WithSeverity` Info let LSP.DocumentSymbolParams _ _ doc = req ^. LSP.params loc = LSP.Location (doc ^. LSP.uri) (LSP.Range (LSP.Position 0 0) (LSP.Position 0 0)) rsp = [LSP.SymbolInformation "lsp-hello" LSP.SymbolKind_Function Nothing Nothing Nothing loc] responder (Right $ LSP.InL rsp) , requestHandler LSP.SMethod_TextDocumentCodeAction $ \req responder -> do logger <& "Processing a textDocument/codeAction request" `WithSeverity` Info let params = req ^. LSP.params doc = params ^. LSP.textDocument diags = params ^. LSP.context . LSP.diagnostics -- makeCommand only generates commands for diagnostics whose source is us makeCommand d | (LSP.Range s _) <- d ^. LSP.range , (Just "lsp-hello") <- d ^. LSP.source = let title = "Apply LSP hello command:" <> head (T.lines $ d ^. LSP.message) -- NOTE: the cmd needs to be registered via the InitializeResponse message. See lspOptions above cmd = "lsp-hello-command" -- need 'file' and 'start_pos' args = [ J.object [("file", J.object [("textDocument", J.toJSON doc)])] , J.object [("start_pos", J.object [("position", J.toJSON s)])] ] cmdparams = Just args in [LSP.Command title cmd cmdparams] makeCommand _ = [] rsp = map LSP.InL $ concatMap makeCommand diags responder (Right $ LSP.InL rsp) , requestHandler LSP.SMethod_WorkspaceExecuteCommand $ \req responder -> do logger <& "Processing a workspace/executeCommand request" `WithSeverity` Info let params = req ^. LSP.params margs = params ^. LSP.arguments logger <& ("The arguments are: " <> T.pack (show margs)) `WithSeverity` Debug responder (Right $ LSP.InL (J.Object mempty)) -- respond to the request void $ withProgress "Executing some long running command" (req ^. LSP.params . LSP.workDoneToken) Cancellable $ \update -> forM [(0 :: LSP.UInt) .. 10] $ \i -> do update (ProgressAmount (Just (i * 10)) (Just "Doing stuff")) liftIO $ threadDelay (1 * 1000000) ] -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------