{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} module DummyServer where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Reader import Data.Aeson hiding (defaultOptions, Null) import qualified Data.Aeson as J import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import Data.List (isSuffixOf) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.String import UnliftIO.Concurrent import Language.LSP.Server import System.IO import UnliftIO import System.Directory import System.FilePath import System.Process import Language.LSP.Protocol.Types import Language.LSP.Protocol.Message import Data.Proxy withDummyServer :: ((Handle, Handle) -> IO ()) -> IO () withDummyServer f = do (hinRead, hinWrite) <- createPipe (houtRead, houtWrite) <- createPipe handlerEnv <- HandlerEnv <$> newEmptyMVar <*> newEmptyMVar let definition = ServerDefinition { doInitialize = \env _req -> pure $ Right env , defaultConfig = 1 :: Int , configSection = "dummy" , parseConfig = \_old new -> case fromJSON new of J.Success v -> Right v J.Error err -> Left $ T.pack err , onConfigChange = const $ pure () , staticHandlers = \_caps -> handlers , interpretHandler = \env -> Iso (\m -> runLspT env (runReaderT m handlerEnv)) liftIO , options = defaultOptions {optExecuteCommandCommands = Just ["doAnEdit"]} } bracket (forkIO $ void $ runServerWithHandles mempty mempty hinRead houtWrite definition) killThread (const $ f (hinWrite, houtRead)) data HandlerEnv = HandlerEnv { relRegToken :: MVar (RegistrationToken Method_WorkspaceDidChangeWatchedFiles) , absRegToken :: MVar (RegistrationToken Method_WorkspaceDidChangeWatchedFiles) } handlers :: Handlers (ReaderT HandlerEnv (LspM Int)) handlers = mconcat [ notificationHandler SMethod_Initialized $ \_noti -> sendNotification SMethod_WindowLogMessage $ LogMessageParams MessageType_Log "initialized" , requestHandler (SMethod_CustomMethod (Proxy @"getConfig")) $ \_req resp -> do config <- getConfig resp $ Right $ toJSON config , requestHandler SMethod_TextDocumentHover $ \_req responder -> responder $ Right $ InL $ Hover (InL (MarkupContent MarkupKind_PlainText "hello")) Nothing , requestHandler SMethod_TextDocumentDocumentSymbol $ \_req responder -> responder $ Right $ InR $ InL [ DocumentSymbol "foo" Nothing SymbolKind_Object Nothing Nothing (mkRange 0 0 3 6) (mkRange 0 0 3 6) Nothing ] , notificationHandler SMethod_TextDocumentDidOpen $ \noti -> do let TNotificationMessage _ _ (DidOpenTextDocumentParams doc) = noti TextDocumentItem uri _ _ _ = doc Just fp = uriToFilePath uri diag = Diagnostic (mkRange 0 0 0 1) (Just DiagnosticSeverity_Warning) (Just (InL 42)) Nothing (Just "dummy-server") "Here's a warning" Nothing Nothing Nothing withRunInIO $ \runInIO -> do when (".hs" `isSuffixOf` fp) $ void $ forkIO $ do threadDelay (2 * 10 ^ 6) runInIO $ sendNotification SMethod_TextDocumentPublishDiagnostics $ PublishDiagnosticsParams uri Nothing [diag] -- also act as a registerer for workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles when (".register" `isSuffixOf` fp) $ do let regOpts = DidChangeWatchedFilesRegistrationOptions [ FileSystemWatcher (GlobPattern $ InL $ Pattern "*.watch") (Just WatchKind_Create) ] Just token <- runInIO $ registerCapability SMethod_WorkspaceDidChangeWatchedFiles regOpts $ \_noti -> sendNotification SMethod_WindowLogMessage $ LogMessageParams MessageType_Log "got workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles" runInIO $ asks relRegToken >>= \v -> putMVar v token when (".register.abs" `isSuffixOf` fp) $ do curDir <- getCurrentDirectory let regOpts = DidChangeWatchedFilesRegistrationOptions [ FileSystemWatcher (GlobPattern $ InL $ Pattern $ fromString $ curDir "*.watch") (Just WatchKind_Create) ] Just token <- runInIO $ registerCapability SMethod_WorkspaceDidChangeWatchedFiles regOpts $ \_noti -> sendNotification SMethod_WindowLogMessage $ LogMessageParams MessageType_Log "got workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles" runInIO $ asks absRegToken >>= \v -> putMVar v token -- also act as an unregisterer for workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles when (".unregister" `isSuffixOf` fp) $ do Just token <- runInIO $ asks relRegToken >>= tryReadMVar runInIO $ unregisterCapability token when (".unregister.abs" `isSuffixOf` fp) $ do Just token <- runInIO $ asks absRegToken >>= tryReadMVar runInIO $ unregisterCapability token -- this handler is used by the -- "text document VFS / sends back didChange notifications (documentChanges)" test , notificationHandler SMethod_TextDocumentDidChange $ \noti -> do let TNotificationMessage _ _ params = noti void $ sendNotification (SMethod_CustomMethod (Proxy @"custom/textDocument/didChange")) (toJSON params) , requestHandler SMethod_WorkspaceExecuteCommand $ \req resp -> do case req of TRequestMessage _ _ _ (ExecuteCommandParams Nothing "doAnEdit" (Just [val])) -> do let Success docUri = fromJSON val edit = [TextEdit (mkRange 0 0 0 5) "howdy"] params = ApplyWorkspaceEditParams (Just "Howdy edit") $ WorkspaceEdit (Just (M.singleton docUri edit)) Nothing Nothing resp $ Right $ InR $ Null void $ sendRequest SMethod_WorkspaceApplyEdit params (const (pure ())) TRequestMessage _ _ _ (ExecuteCommandParams Nothing "doAVersionedEdit" (Just [val])) -> do let Success versionedDocUri = fromJSON val edit = [InL (TextEdit (mkRange 0 0 0 5) "howdy")] documentEdit = TextDocumentEdit versionedDocUri edit params = ApplyWorkspaceEditParams (Just "Howdy edit") $ WorkspaceEdit Nothing (Just [InL documentEdit]) Nothing resp $ Right $ InR Null void $ sendRequest SMethod_WorkspaceApplyEdit params (const (pure ())) TRequestMessage _ _ _ (ExecuteCommandParams _ name _) -> error $ "unsupported command: " <> show name , requestHandler SMethod_TextDocumentCodeAction $ \req resp -> do let TRequestMessage _ _ _ params = req CodeActionParams _ _ _ _ cactx = params CodeActionContext diags _ _ = cactx codeActions = fmap diag2ca diags diag2ca d = CodeAction "Delete this" Nothing (Just [d]) Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just (Command "" "deleteThis" Nothing)) Nothing resp $ Right $ InL $ InR <$> codeActions , requestHandler SMethod_TextDocumentCompletion $ \_req resp -> do let res = CompletionList True Nothing [item] item = CompletionItem "foo" Nothing (Just CompletionItemKind_Constant) (Just []) Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing resp $ Right $ InR $ InL res , requestHandler SMethod_TextDocumentPrepareCallHierarchy $ \req resp -> do let TRequestMessage _ _ _ params = req CallHierarchyPrepareParams _ pos _ = params Position x y = pos item = CallHierarchyItem "foo" SymbolKind_Method Nothing Nothing (Uri "") (Range (Position 2 3) (Position 4 5)) (Range (Position 2 3) (Position 4 5)) Nothing if x == 0 && y == 0 then resp $ Right $ InR Null else resp $ Right $ InL [item] , requestHandler SMethod_CallHierarchyIncomingCalls $ \req resp -> do let TRequestMessage _ _ _ params = req CallHierarchyIncomingCallsParams _ _ item = params resp $ Right $ InL [CallHierarchyIncomingCall item [Range (Position 2 3) (Position 4 5)]] , requestHandler SMethod_CallHierarchyOutgoingCalls $ \req resp -> do let TRequestMessage _ _ _ params = req CallHierarchyOutgoingCallsParams _ _ item = params resp $ Right $ InL [CallHierarchyOutgoingCall item [Range (Position 4 5) (Position 2 3)]] , requestHandler SMethod_TextDocumentSemanticTokensFull $ \_req resp -> do let tokens = makeSemanticTokens defaultSemanticTokensLegend [SemanticTokenAbsolute 0 1 2 SemanticTokenTypes_Type []] case tokens of Left t -> resp $ Left $ ResponseError (InR ErrorCodes_InternalError) t Nothing Right tokens -> resp $ Right $ InL tokens ]