{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Language.LSP.Types.CodeAction where import Data.Aeson.TH import Data.Aeson.Types import Data.Default import Data.Text ( Text ) import Language.LSP.Types.Command import Language.LSP.Types.Diagnostic import Language.LSP.Types.Common import Language.LSP.Types.Location import Language.LSP.Types.Progress import Language.LSP.Types.TextDocument import Language.LSP.Types.Utils import Language.LSP.Types.WorkspaceEdit data CodeActionKind = -- | Empty kind. CodeActionEmpty | -- | Base kind for quickfix actions: @quickfix@. CodeActionQuickFix | -- | Base kind for refactoring actions: @refactor@. CodeActionRefactor | -- | Base kind for refactoring extraction actions: @refactor.extract@. -- Example extract actions: -- -- - Extract method -- - Extract function -- - Extract variable -- - Extract interface from class -- - ... CodeActionRefactorExtract | -- | Base kind for refactoring inline actions: @refactor.inline@. -- -- Example inline actions: -- -- - Inline function -- - Inline variable -- - Inline constant -- - ... CodeActionRefactorInline | -- | Base kind for refactoring rewrite actions: @refactor.rewrite@. -- -- Example rewrite actions: -- -- - Convert JavaScript function to class -- - Add or remove parameter -- - Encapsulate field -- - Make method static -- - Move method to base class -- - ... CodeActionRefactorRewrite | -- | Base kind for source actions: @source@. -- -- Source code actions apply to the entire file. CodeActionSource | -- | Base kind for an organize imports source action: @source.organizeImports@. CodeActionSourceOrganizeImports | CodeActionUnknown Text deriving (Read, Show, Eq) instance ToJSON CodeActionKind where toJSON CodeActionEmpty = String "" toJSON CodeActionQuickFix = String "quickfix" toJSON CodeActionRefactor = String "refactor" toJSON CodeActionRefactorExtract = String "refactor.extract" toJSON CodeActionRefactorInline = String "refactor.inline" toJSON CodeActionRefactorRewrite = String "refactor.rewrite" toJSON CodeActionSource = String "source" toJSON CodeActionSourceOrganizeImports = String "source.organizeImports" toJSON (CodeActionUnknown s) = String s instance FromJSON CodeActionKind where parseJSON (String "") = pure CodeActionEmpty parseJSON (String "quickfix") = pure CodeActionQuickFix parseJSON (String "refactor") = pure CodeActionRefactor parseJSON (String "refactor.extract") = pure CodeActionRefactorExtract parseJSON (String "refactor.inline") = pure CodeActionRefactorInline parseJSON (String "refactor.rewrite") = pure CodeActionRefactorRewrite parseJSON (String "source") = pure CodeActionSource parseJSON (String "source.organizeImports") = pure CodeActionSourceOrganizeImports parseJSON (String s) = pure (CodeActionUnknown s) parseJSON _ = fail "CodeActionKind" -- ------------------------------------- data CodeActionKindClientCapabilities = CodeActionKindClientCapabilities { -- | The code action kind values the client supports. When this -- property exists the client also guarantees that it will -- handle values outside its set gracefully and falls back -- to a default value when unknown. _valueSet :: List CodeActionKind } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''CodeActionKindClientCapabilities instance Default CodeActionKindClientCapabilities where def = CodeActionKindClientCapabilities (List allKinds) where allKinds = [ CodeActionQuickFix , CodeActionRefactor , CodeActionRefactorExtract , CodeActionRefactorInline , CodeActionRefactorRewrite , CodeActionSource , CodeActionSourceOrganizeImports ] data CodeActionLiteralSupport = CodeActionLiteralSupport { _codeActionKind :: CodeActionKindClientCapabilities -- ^ The code action kind is support with the following value set. } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''CodeActionLiteralSupport data CodeActionResolveClientCapabilities = CodeActionResolveClientCapabilities { _properties :: List Text -- ^ The properties that a client can resolve lazily. } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''CodeActionResolveClientCapabilities data CodeActionClientCapabilities = CodeActionClientCapabilities { -- | Whether code action supports dynamic registration. _dynamicRegistration :: Maybe Bool, -- | The client support code action literals as a valid response -- of the `textDocument/codeAction` request. -- Since 3.8.0 _codeActionLiteralSupport :: Maybe CodeActionLiteralSupport, -- | Whether code action supports the `isPreferred` property. Since LSP 3.15.0 _isPreferredSupport :: Maybe Bool, -- | Whether code action supports the `disabled` property. -- -- @since 3.16.0 _disabledSupport :: Maybe Bool, -- | Whether code action supports the `data` property which is -- preserved between a `textDocument/codeAction` and a -- `codeAction/resolve` request. -- -- @since 3.16.0 _dataSupport :: Maybe Bool, -- | Whether the client supports resolving additional code action -- properties via a separate `codeAction/resolve` request. -- -- @since 3.16.0 _resolveSupport :: Maybe CodeActionResolveClientCapabilities, -- | Whether the client honors the change annotations in -- text edits and resource operations returned via the -- `CodeAction#edit` property by for example presenting -- the workspace edit in the user interface and asking -- for confirmation. -- -- @since 3.16.0 _honorsChangeAnnotations :: Maybe Bool } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''CodeActionClientCapabilities -- ------------------------------------- makeExtendingDatatype "CodeActionOptions" [''WorkDoneProgressOptions] [("_codeActionKinds", [t| Maybe (List CodeActionKind) |]), ("_resolveProvider", [t| Maybe Bool |]) ] deriveJSON lspOptions ''CodeActionOptions makeExtendingDatatype "CodeActionRegistrationOptions" [ ''TextDocumentRegistrationOptions , ''CodeActionOptions ] [] deriveJSON lspOptions ''CodeActionRegistrationOptions -- ------------------------------------- -- | Contains additional diagnostic information about the context in which a -- code action is run. data CodeActionContext = CodeActionContext { -- | An array of diagnostics known on the client side overlapping the range provided to the -- @textDocument/codeAction@ request. They are provided so that the server knows which -- errors are currently presented to the user for the given range. There is no guarantee -- that these accurately reflect the error state of the resource. The primary parameter -- to compute code actions is the provided range. _diagnostics :: List Diagnostic -- | Requested kind of actions to return. -- -- Actions not of this kind are filtered out by the client before being shown. So servers -- can omit computing them. , _only :: Maybe (List CodeActionKind) } deriving (Read, Show, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''CodeActionContext makeExtendingDatatype "CodeActionParams" [ ''WorkDoneProgressParams , ''PartialResultParams ] [ ("_textDocument", [t|TextDocumentIdentifier|]), ("_range", [t|Range|]), ("_context", [t|CodeActionContext|]) ] deriveJSON lspOptions ''CodeActionParams newtype Reason = Reason {_reason :: Text} deriving (Read, Show, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''Reason -- | A code action represents a change that can be performed in code, e.g. to fix a problem or -- to refactor code. -- -- A CodeAction must set either '_edit' and/or a '_command'. If both are supplied, -- the '_edit' is applied first, then the '_command' is executed. data CodeAction = CodeAction { -- | A short, human-readable, title for this code action. _title :: Text, -- | The kind of the code action. Used to filter code actions. _kind :: Maybe CodeActionKind, -- | The diagnostics that this code action resolves. _diagnostics :: Maybe (List Diagnostic), -- | Marks this as a preferred action. Preferred actions are used by the `auto fix` command and can be targeted -- by keybindings. -- -- A quick fix should be marked preferred if it properly addresses the underlying error. -- A refactoring should be marked preferred if it is the most reasonable choice of actions to take. -- -- Since LSP 3.15.0 _isPreferred :: Maybe Bool, _disabled :: Maybe Reason, -- ^ Marks that the code action cannot currently be applied. -- | The workspace edit this code action performs. _edit :: Maybe WorkspaceEdit, -- | A command this code action executes. If a code action -- provides an edit and a command, first the edit is -- executed and then the command. _command :: Maybe Command, -- | A data entry field that is preserved on a code action between -- a `textDocument/codeAction` and a `codeAction/resolve` request. -- -- @since 3.16.0 _xdata :: Maybe Value } deriving (Read, Show, Eq) deriveJSON lspOptions ''CodeAction