cabal-version: 2.2 name: lsp-types version: synopsis: Haskell library for the Microsoft Language Server Protocol, data types description: An implementation of the types to allow language implementors to support the Language Server Protocol for their specific language. homepage: license: MIT license-file: LICENSE author: Alan Zimmerman maintainer: copyright: Alan Zimmerman, 2016-2021 category: Development build-type: Simple extra-source-files:, flag force-ospath default: False manual: False description: Force a version bound on filepath library, to enable 'OsPath'. library exposed-modules: Language.LSP.Types , Language.LSP.Types.Capabilities , Language.LSP.Types.Lens , Language.LSP.Types.SMethodMap , Data.IxMap other-modules: Language.LSP.Types.CallHierarchy , Language.LSP.Types.Cancellation , Language.LSP.Types.ClientCapabilities , Language.LSP.Types.CodeAction , Language.LSP.Types.CodeLens , Language.LSP.Types.Command , Language.LSP.Types.Common , Language.LSP.Types.Completion , Language.LSP.Types.Configuration , Language.LSP.Types.Declaration , Language.LSP.Types.Definition , Language.LSP.Types.Diagnostic , Language.LSP.Types.DocumentColor , Language.LSP.Types.DocumentFilter , Language.LSP.Types.DocumentHighlight , Language.LSP.Types.DocumentLink , Language.LSP.Types.DocumentSymbol , Language.LSP.Types.FoldingRange , Language.LSP.Types.Formatting , Language.LSP.Types.Hover , Language.LSP.Types.Implementation , Language.LSP.Types.Initialize , Language.LSP.Types.Location , Language.LSP.Types.LspId , Language.LSP.Types.MarkupContent , Language.LSP.Types.Method , Language.LSP.Types.Message , Language.LSP.Types.Parsing , Language.LSP.Types.Progress , Language.LSP.Types.Registration , Language.LSP.Types.References , Language.LSP.Types.Rename , Language.LSP.Types.SelectionRange , Language.LSP.Types.ServerCapabilities , Language.LSP.Types.SemanticTokens , Language.LSP.Types.SignatureHelp , Language.LSP.Types.StaticRegistrationOptions , Language.LSP.Types.TextDocument , Language.LSP.Types.TypeDefinition , Language.LSP.Types.Uri , Language.LSP.Types.Utils , Language.LSP.Types.Window , Language.LSP.Types.WatchedFiles , Language.LSP.Types.WorkspaceEdit , Language.LSP.Types.WorkspaceFolders , Language.LSP.Types.WorkspaceSymbol , Language.LSP.Types.Uri.OsPath -- other-extensions: ghc-options: -Wall build-depends: base >= 4.11 && < 5 , aeson >= , binary , containers , data-default , deepseq , Diff >= 0.2 , dlist , hashable , lens >= 4.15.2 , mtl < 2.4 , network-uri >= 2.6 , mod , scientific , some , text , template-haskell , unordered-containers , exceptions , safe if flag(force-ospath) build-depends: filepath ^>= else build-depends: filepath hs-source-dirs: src default-language: Haskell2010 default-extensions: DuplicateRecordFields StrictData test-suite lsp-types-test type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: test main-is: Main.hs other-modules: Spec CapabilitiesSpec JsonSpec MethodSpec ServerCapabilitiesSpec SemanticTokensSpec TypesSpec URIFilePathSpec WorkspaceEditSpec LocationSpec build-depends: base , QuickCheck -- for instance Arbitrary Value , aeson >= , filepath , hspec , lsp-types , lens >= 4.15.2 , network-uri , quickcheck-instances , text , tuple build-tool-depends: hspec-discover:hspec-discover ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N -Wall default-language: Haskell2010 source-repository head type: git location: