{- ORMOLU_DISABLE -} {- HLINT ignore -} -- THIS IS A GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-imports #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-matches #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deprecations #-} module Language.LSP.Protocol.Internal.Types.CodeActionClientCapabilities where import Control.DeepSeq import Data.Hashable import GHC.Generics import Language.LSP.Protocol.Utils.Misc import Prettyprinter import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.Row.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.Row.Hashable as Hashable import qualified Language.LSP.Protocol.Internal.Types.ClientCodeActionLiteralOptions import qualified Language.LSP.Protocol.Internal.Types.ClientCodeActionResolveOptions import qualified Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Common {-| The Client Capabilities of a `CodeActionRequest`. -} data CodeActionClientCapabilities = CodeActionClientCapabilities { {-| Whether code action supports dynamic registration. -} _dynamicRegistration :: (Maybe Bool) , {-| The client support code action literals of type `CodeAction` as a valid response of the `textDocument/codeAction` request. If the property is not set the request can only return `Command` literals. @since 3.8.0 -} _codeActionLiteralSupport :: (Maybe Language.LSP.Protocol.Internal.Types.ClientCodeActionLiteralOptions.ClientCodeActionLiteralOptions) , {-| Whether code action supports the `isPreferred` property. @since 3.15.0 -} _isPreferredSupport :: (Maybe Bool) , {-| Whether code action supports the `disabled` property. @since 3.16.0 -} _disabledSupport :: (Maybe Bool) , {-| Whether code action supports the `data` property which is preserved between a `textDocument/codeAction` and a `codeAction/resolve` request. @since 3.16.0 -} _dataSupport :: (Maybe Bool) , {-| Whether the client supports resolving additional code action properties via a separate `codeAction/resolve` request. @since 3.16.0 -} _resolveSupport :: (Maybe Language.LSP.Protocol.Internal.Types.ClientCodeActionResolveOptions.ClientCodeActionResolveOptions) , {-| Whether the client honors the change annotations in text edits and resource operations returned via the `CodeAction#edit` property by for example presenting the workspace edit in the user interface and asking for confirmation. @since 3.16.0 -} _honorsChangeAnnotations :: (Maybe Bool) } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic) deriving anyclass (NFData, Hashable) deriving Pretty via (ViaJSON CodeActionClientCapabilities) instance Aeson.ToJSON CodeActionClientCapabilities where toJSON (CodeActionClientCapabilities arg0 arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6) = Aeson.object $ concat $ ["dynamicRegistration" Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Common..=? arg0 ,"codeActionLiteralSupport" Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Common..=? arg1 ,"isPreferredSupport" Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Common..=? arg2 ,"disabledSupport" Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Common..=? arg3 ,"dataSupport" Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Common..=? arg4 ,"resolveSupport" Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Common..=? arg5 ,"honorsChangeAnnotations" Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Common..=? arg6] instance Aeson.FromJSON CodeActionClientCapabilities where parseJSON = Aeson.withObject "CodeActionClientCapabilities" $ \arg -> CodeActionClientCapabilities <$> arg Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Common..:!? "dynamicRegistration" <*> arg Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Common..:!? "codeActionLiteralSupport" <*> arg Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Common..:!? "isPreferredSupport" <*> arg Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Common..:!? "disabledSupport" <*> arg Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Common..:!? "dataSupport" <*> arg Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Common..:!? "resolveSupport" <*> arg Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Common..:!? "honorsChangeAnnotations"