  , FlexibleInstances
  , MultiParamTypeClasses
  , GADTs
  , KindSignatures

module LText.Internal.Expr where

import LText.Internal.Classes
import LText.Internal.Types

import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as PP
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT

import Data.Maybe

type Span = (FilePath, LT.Text)

type ExprVar = String

data Expr = EVar ExprVar
          | EApp Expr Expr
          | EAbs ExprVar Expr
          | ELet ExprVar Expr Expr
          | EText [Span] -- post-concatenation spans of text
          | EConc Expr Expr
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Bindable Set.Set ExprVar Expr where
  fv (EVar n)      = Set.singleton n
  fv (EApp e1 e2)  = fv e1 `union` fv e2
  fv (EAbs n e)    = n `Set.delete` fv e
  fv (ELet n x y)  = (n `Set.delete` fv y) `union` fv x
  fv (EText _)     = empty
  fv (EConc e1 e2) = fv e1 `union` fv e2

instance Substitutable Map.Map ExprVar Expr Expr where
  apply s (EVar n)      = fromMaybe (EVar n) $ Map.lookup n s
  apply s (EApp e1 e2)  = EApp (apply s e1) (apply s e2)
  apply s (EAbs n e)    = EAbs n $ apply (n `Map.delete` s) e
  apply s (ELet n x y)  = ELet n (apply s x) $ apply (n `Map.delete` s) y
  apply _ (EText t)     = EText t
  apply s (EConc e1 e2) = EConc (apply s e1) (apply s e2)

data AnnExpr = AAbs (String, Type) (AnnExpr, Type)
             | AApp (AnnExpr, Type) (AnnExpr, Type)
             | AVar (String, Type)
             | AText [(FilePath, LT.Text)]
             | AConc (AnnExpr, Type) (AnnExpr, Type)
  deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Show Expr where
   showsPrec _ x = shows (prExp x)

prExp :: Expr -> PP.Doc
prExp (EVar name)     = PP.text name
prExp (ELet x b body) = PP.text "let" PP.<+>
                        PP.text x PP.<+> PP.text "=" PP.<+>
                        prExp b PP.<+> PP.text "in" PP.$$
                        PP.nest 2 (prExp body)
prExp (EApp e1 e2)    = PP.parens (prExp e1) PP.<+> prParenExp e2
prExp (EAbs n e)      = PP.char 'λ' PP.<> PP.text n PP.<>
                        PP.char '.' PP.<+> prExp e
prExp (EText fs)      = PP.text "#" PP.<>
                        PP.hcat (PP.punctuate PP.comma $ map (PP.text . fst) fs)
prExp (EConc e1 e2)   = PP.parens (prExp e1) PP.<+> PP.text "<>" PP.<+>
                        PP.parens (prExp e2)

prParenExp :: Expr -> PP.Doc
prParenExp t = case t of
  ELet {}  -> PP.parens (prExp t)
  EApp {}  -> PP.parens (prExp t)
  EAbs {}  -> PP.parens (prExp t)
  EConc {} -> PP.parens (prExp t)
  _        -> prExp t