Name: lub Version: 0.1.7 Cabal-Version: >= 1.2 Synopsis: information operators: least upper bound (lub) and greatest lower bound (glb) Category: Concurrency, Data, Other Description: Lub is an experiment in computing least upper information bounds on (partially defined) functional values. It provides a 'lub' function that is consistent with the 'unamb' operator but has a more liberal precondition. Where 'unamb' requires its arguments to equal when neither is bottom, 'lub' is able to synthesize a value from the partial information contained in both of its arguments. . This module also defines 'glb', which intersects information. . Project wiki page: . © 2008 by Conal Elliott; BSD3 license. Author: Conal Elliott Maintainer: Homepage: Package-Url: Copyright: (c) 2008,2009,2010 by Conal Elliott License: BSD3 Stability: experimental build-type: Simple Library hs-Source-Dirs: src Extensions: Build-Depends: base < 5, unamb >= 0.2.4 Exposed-Modules: Data.Repr Data.Lub Data.Glb Data.Laxer ghc-options: -Wall -- ghc-prof-options: -prof -auto-all