## Upcoming ## 2.11.1 * Use explicit imports for mtl, avoids the mtl-2.3 issue * Added `minlength` attribute. * Added `loading` attribute. ## 2.11.0 * Change internal attributes to `Seq Attribute`. This preserves ordering. Attributes are merged in a left-biased way, preserving the key order as first encountered. ## 2.10.0 * Change internal attributes representation from HashMap to Map. This introduces stable ordering, at a negligible performance cost for realistic element sizes. This may affect some test suites. * doctype no longer accepts attributes. You can use `with` with `doctypeHtml` now, if needed. ## * Allow different orderings of attributes in test-suite ## 2.9.12 * Add MonadFix instance ## 2.9.11 * Add GHC-8.6 support * row-fluid and container-fluid instead of camelCase ## 2.9.10 * Drop GHC-7.8 and older (pre-AMP) support * Generalise type-signatures to require only `Applicative` or `Functor`, when that's enough ## 2.9.9 * Add `commuteHtmlT` to commute `HtmlT m a` into `m (HtmlT n a)`. * Add `MonadError e m => MonadError e (HtmlT m)` and `MonadWriter w m => MonadWriter w (HtmlT m)` instances ## * Improve performance by adding `INLINE` pragmas to `Monad` etc. combinators. ## 2.9.8 * Add `integrity_`, `crossorigin_` attributes * Add `classes_` smart attribute constructor * Add `ToHtml (HtmlT m a)` instance ## 2.9.7 * Add `Semigroup (HtmlT m a)` instance * Add `MonadState` and `MonadReader` instances ## 2.9.6 * Fix compilation of benchmarks * Add @athanclark's version of `relaxHtmlT` * Add a utility to generalize the underlying monad from Identity: `relaxHtmlT` ## 2.9.5 * Add ToHtml instance for ByteString (both) * Add `MFunctor HtmlT` instance, i.e. `hoist` from @mmorph@. ## 2.9.1 * Small performance tweaks. * Make svg_ an element. ## 2.6 * Restrict monoid instance's a to ~ () (means you can use mempty without inference errors) ## 2.2 * Export renderToFile from top-level Lucid module. ## 2.1 * Add some extra HTML tags. ## 2.0 * Use variadic HTML terms. * Add lazy Text instance for ToHtml. ## 1.0 * Initial version.