{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-} -- | An example which should always compile and demonstrates \"real\" -- code. module Example1 where import Control.Monad import Lucid demo :: Html () demo = doctypehtml_ (do head_ (do meta_ [charset_ "utf-8"] meta_ [name_ "viewport" ,content_ "width=device-width, initial-scale=1"] link_ [href_ "//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans" ,rel_ "stylesheet" ,type_ "text/css"] link_ [href_ "//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/twitter-bootstrap/3.1.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" ,rel_ "stylesheet" ,type_ "text/css"] title_ "YSU Closing Status") body_ (div_ [class_ "container"] (do h1_ "YSU Closing Status" t_ [class_ "deal"] "So, here's the deal:" t_ (do "The weather is currently " strong_ "(unknown)" " and " strong_ "(unknown)" ".") t_ (do "There are currently " strong_ "Closings!" " delays/closings according to a local (Youngstown) news source.") t_ (do "Youngstown State University " strong_ (if False then span_ [style_ "color: green;"] "WAS mentioned" else span_ [style_ "color: red;"] "was NOT mentioned") " among them.") t_ (do "There are currently " strong_ (toHtml (maybe "unknown" show (Just 123 :: Maybe Int))) " weather alert(s) covering Youngstown as of " strong_ "2014-23-23" ".") when (0 /= 1) (ul_ (mapM_ (\w -> li_ (do strong_ "Foo" " expiring " toHtml (show w))) [1 .. 5])) hr_ [] p_ [style_ "text-align: center;"] (small_ (do "This website is not affiliated Youngstown " "State University in any way. It was " (a_ [href_ "https://github.com/relrod/isysuclosed.com/"] "written") " to make a point.")) p_ [style_ "text-align: center;"] (small_ (do "While hopefully accurate, this is NOT an official " "resource. Always confirm " a_ [href_ "https://swww.ysu.edu/downloads/closing_procedure.pdf"] "official" " resources.")) p_ [style_ "text-align: center; color: #888888"] (small_ "Valid HTML5. Weather information via Weather Underground.") img_ [style_ "display: block; margin: 0 auto; width: 180px;" ,src_ "http://icons.wxug.com/logos/images/wundergroundLogo_4c_horz.jpg" ,alt_ "Weather Underground Logo"]))) where t_ :: Term a r => a -> r t_ = termWith "p" [class_ " t "]